- Nov 18, 2016
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- 11,102
As I wrote before, for me personally if I can't avoid that in the game, then I simply avoid the game. I ain't a fan of whores for Lis monster or human.Yeah to answer your question .. I'll consider making the absinthe scene and other sharing scenes skippable or placing some kind of flag that prevents the scenes themselves from actually playing. But I'm NOT going to write the fact that they happen out of the characters. It's part of who they are. They're monsters .. not humans. They need sex to live. And going without it means they can only live in the monster red light district where there's so much ambient sexual energy they can just about scrape by. The difficulty of such creatures fitting in with human society is one of the conflicts of the game. And not something I'm willing to discard.
It was never really my intention to target 'Harem Lovers' As my main demographic .. Only make a good game. If harem lovers like it then that's fine and dandy with me. But I find most harem games boring and insipid. It's ground I have no intention of re treading. Give my game a chance. If you really can't stand how things are going after a while. I'll be pretty surprised.
If I need to go replay monmusu quest for some loyal monmusu then I will XD
Cause calling them monsters and using that as a justfication is kinda lazy tbh, monmusu quest had the same premise, but pretty much none if any char was in a gangbang.
And the main girl Alice was a virgin even, despite the lore.
Just own your choice of including that content and don't talk around it using the "story" as justification for it, when tbh, that is kinda bs, as any experienced writer could take that premise and be able to keep that content out if they so wished. (you even wrote one such possible way in your comment already :} )
That "part of who they are" is especially BS, becuase if that were true they would never stay loyal to one person because it simply wouldn't be "who they are".
And you have kinda written yourself into a corner there in some regard, because you can't believably suddenly have these monsters who only see sex as a tool to survive and give it no real meaning, suddenly care about who they fuck out of nowhere, cause that is simply "who they are.", given you are writing an action one can do, as a part of what makes them well them, to have them be in a harem would make them no longer "who they are" but instead a new character that just looks the same.
And tbh it just comes across as a poor excuse to force that content making it ironic when you critique about boring and insipid when you are doing the same cliche's for the opposing genres, and the overdone "they need sex/sexual energy/cum to live." that every other author has already done to death... and ironically with a lot less dicks in scenes XD
Now that isn't to discourage you from doing what you want... just that the point you are making there... doesn't really apply here, because there is no new ground being broken, just the same old stuff.
Which is fine, but lets call it for what it is, and not pretend like it is new, different and innovative. Which again, is fine, but not new or unique.
Anyway, you have made it quite clear that my assumption of what this was is wrong.
It is not a harem game with that stuff as side content, what this is, is a whore/prostitution sim, that has some harem content.
Which is fine, make your game what you want it to be, just be sure to make it clear that this isn't a harem game, cause if not you will find that you may get angry players who feel deceived because that is what they thought it was.
Since it is that then well... disregard the DM tbh, 90% of what I wrote in that dm was for the idea that this was a harem game, which it is not.
Honestly I would almost suggest not doing a harem at all, since it contradicts your lore and story, and doesn't make any sense. Like why would they wait in line for MC, when they can get 5 guys at once to feed them.
P.s. Saying to just try it out or give it a chance, is similar to telling an NTR-hater to just try out an NTR game... if someone hates certain content, just because you wrote a different story around it won't change the fact they hate that content.
The same applies here, people who love harem but hate sharing and gangbang etc. content, will not like this game, no amount of trying it out will change the fact that content they dislike/hate is cannon to LIs, and thus they won't like said LIs.
Best to focus on people that will like your game, and not people that will hate it because of that content, so no need to bother with making that stuff skippable (cause it wouldn't be avoidable) when it will still be cannon to those characters (which the whole point of making something avoidable is for it to not be cannon when avoided).
You really don't want people who hate such content to give this game a chance, cause well they will likely feel that their time has been wasted, and possibly demand you change content, and at worst direct anger towards you as they may feel deceived.
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