
Active Member
Game Developer
Jun 1, 2019
Hello. I'm chiming in to let you know that I really enjoyed most of the game so far, and will be watching its development in the future.

I don't really get all the complaining about Absinthe, and frankly I fear changing her behaviour can ruin what I think is a great character. It's stated monsters need sex to survive, so any monster you come across will most likely have fucked everything under the sun by the time you get to talk to them. I'm not expecting them to suddenly turn monogamous just because they get it on with the player, and I'm certainly not expecting that to happen when their relationship with the player is just barely above "acquaintance and employer of weird company". Plus, Absinthe likes to be very publicly lewd (you can see how absolutely joyful she gets if you allow her to work naked - and it's 100% not for your private enjoyment), so if you bump into her often it's certain you'll occasionally find her pumping a cock, or two, or a whole basket of them. It's what she does for fun. But like I said, this is all meaningless because at this point to Absinthe you're still barely a blip in the radar. I personally find it refreshing when a character in an erotic game doesn't grovel at your feet because you went "hurr i feels you deeply" or "hurr cock o'clock now". Give me a character that has some meat to their personality and self-determination any day over "anime maid #42".


Getting to know and interacting with the characters has been very satisfying. In fact, I was a bit let down when I realised there's no way to talk more with the cast: you can chat about their background and some personal topics right after they join in, and once you've done that you've exhausted all non-quest dialogue for the remainder of the game (so far). Of course this depends on whether you're planning to make the game more "story-centric", but I would enjoy being able to progressively get to know the characters more, or maybe just daily, trivial, varied chit-chat that you or they can initiate really, rather than have the characters "fall flat" when there are no relevant quests or events.

I don't consider myself a fan of "comedic" characters (I think absurdity has taken over erotic games in general so much that it ruins the experience) but I have to say Pepper is deeply amusing. She's great. The scene with Vanda, Absinthe and Pepper is just pure joy. And as I said, I also particularly like Absinthe. And Raia. Cake and Harambe however... are weird.
More conversation and events are of course planned to be added. I do realize that once you've exhausted the common room topics a character can kind of feel like they disappear. And I'm thinking about how that can be addressed without adding overly to the development time. It's a tricky balance though. As I am just the one man. And I only have so many focused hours in the day :) I can only say that I am aware of the issue and if you have any good, concrete suggestions of how that may be addressed I am all ears.
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Well-Known Member
Apr 6, 2018
There are occasionally events when resting, aren't there?
And there were also days where there was no event, if memory serves.
Could you maybe replace the "no event" with pool of characters, still including "no event", where each character would get, say, 3-5 small conversations, some as short as 1 line without return?
Alternatively, the same with an option in the bar to just pass a little bit of time?
That would just include a char portrait popping up and a little bit of text, and some of those could be repeatable.
Admittedly a little bit more work, if you set a few flags for noteworthy events, like coming back from a mission with all but 1 character passed out, or having added a new girl or succeeded at a side quest, a character could mention that, clearing the flag, which would also happen after a regular rest.

In my experience, in a (partial) sandbox game where players can just with characters at specific times, in specific places, even just two different dialogues that completely repeat would give those npcs a feeling of, uhm, existence.
And I think that, once the story continues, there will occasionally be new dialogue options for the main characters, which are, by definition, new, then those small (to the player completely optional) engagements would be enough to carry until then. After all, while the point is to hide that fact best as possible, most players are aware that this is a game.
However, this is polishing, so please don't feel pressured to focus on this over the story you want to tell and probably find more motivating to work on. :)
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Active Member
Game Developer
Jun 1, 2019
All those are good suggestions! And not as difficult to implement as you might think. Once I've got through the list of things to be added for next month's update I'll see if I can't expand the game in that direction! I'm making good progress with the next main story quest. After that got a new brothel girl to fully implement. And some new main arc scenes. But I should be done with some time to spare. That sounds like an appropriate thing to use that time for :)

Keikyu and Hanabi are really not main cast members. I wanted to pack a bit more comedy into their characters. Not only to highlight that. But to also showcase that not every monster alive is going to be some big complicated character. Sometimes they're just .. A couple of goofballs. They will have very limited further involvement in the main story. Maybe showing up from time to time when relevant. But there are going to be lots of these brothel girls and fully fleshing each one out would severely detract from the main cast. That was my line of thinking with them.
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Active Member
Game Developer
Jun 1, 2019
Those are Pepper's and Jets. To get Peppers you need to get her magic training scene once her affection is high enough and see her conversations in the Yamiko mountains. The requirements will become more flexible later. But you kind of have to find all the affection+ scenes to get them now. It should trigger once her affection hits 80. If you sided with Absinthe when you first get her settled then you may be a tiny bit short even with all that.

Jet's scene is also similar you have to see her converstions in the vip lounge and the deep alleys. And you also have to have bought the human transformation power from Laverna. After that it should trigger naturally.
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Active Member
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Jun 1, 2019
Okay okay! I'll be changing Absinthe lol. I've had so much negative feedback about this character. And I've thought of a way to preserve her arc and still not have the gangbang happen. From now on she will be getting her exhibitionist rocks off by fucking you in front of the crowd. This does mean that you'll have to wait a bit for actual sex with her. As I will be introducing a clone power for the MC. This will allow the gangbang scene to happen much later. But with MC and his clones rather than other dudes. I can't promise this change will be 100% implemented in the next update. As it depends how much time I have left in the month after implementing all the planned content. But in the very least this change should be fully implemented by 0.3. There will still be some swinging in the game. But it will be optional. Non swingers might miss out on a few scenes that they probably wouldn't like anyway.

Honestly It was probably a mistake to put her front and center. As this kind of content accounts for less than 5% of the game's total. But more fool me.


Active Member
Game Developer
Jun 1, 2019
The fact that she gangbangs other dudes. She's basically THE principle complaint that I've received. I figured with her having no pre existing relationships with the protagonist. Then it wouldn't be a big deal. But apparently it is. because I've had five people give me giant lectures about NTR .. Which it isn't anyway .. Quite a few more saying they don't like it. And one person invade my discord to spam cucklord! In every conceivable chat channel until he was banned ..

I mean fuck .. I didn't expect this much negative backlash from one damn scene .. But if it's really causing this much negativity it should just be changed.


Well-Known Member
Apr 6, 2018
So you got hit by the usual suspects? Yah, well, don't think that's a majority.
So they were complaining about a character actually having a believable life? And here we were just talking about making characters feeling more alive while not doing their story. :rolleyes:
Could have just made her ask if that's ok; I mean, if she has to ask if she's allowed to work nude, one would assume fooling around with patrons would also be something ask-worthy. Tends to be done in a state of undress. But, whatever you feel is necessary, it's your product. Anyways, my sympathies.
I wonder how those same people can live with the fact the whole thing's taking place in a red-light district.
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Jun 1, 2019
You may be interested to know that I've added 18 short 10 line vn skits to the survey the bar button! With each character who lives in dark delight having their own little get to know you moments. They will be in the next build. I will continue to think of more ways to make the girls feel a little more alive. But that will be a long term project that I'll spread out over several updates. Obviously I can't just write infinite content. And I think the problem will be less noticable when you don't run into the end of the game on a playthrough partway through chapter one XD I've also updated Willow's history conversation to allow you to talk to her again for more lore.


Active Member
Game Developer
Jun 1, 2019
So you got hit by the usual suspects? Yah, well, don't think that's a majority.
So they were complaining about a character actually having a believable life? And here we were just talking about making characters feeling more alive while not doing their story. :rolleyes:
Could have just made her ask if that's ok; I mean, if she has to ask if she's allowed to work nude, one would assume fooling around with patrons would also be something ask-worthy. Tends to be done in a state of undress. But, whatever you feel is necessary, it's your product. Anyways, my sympathies.
I wonder how those same people can live with the fact the whole thing's taking place in a red-light district.
As much as I'd like to believe that's the case the fact of the matter is that the game isn't doing great. So if I don't respond to the feedback given then I'm a poor excuse for a dev. A lot of people have said positive things about the game. But of all the negative stuff said. 100% is about the exclusivity of the harem girls. I'll be honest. I didn't expect this. It was the same wirth fractured worlds and that saw much more success. I guess the harem market is different ..


Active Member
Dec 17, 2018
Doing a quick poll on who your favorite girl is so far. Hint : I might be experimenting with an animated scene.

mommy goddess isn't even an option? :HideThePain:

On a separate note, I have some questions/suggestions

First is there a button to hide the dialogue box? sometimes it's in the way of things I want to look at (like pepper's ass)

The message in the recollection room (which btw has gurthamaw's name misspelled) hints that it can be used to alter past choices, I assumed this to mean stuff like the goddess's mommy play, but the scenes seem start after said choices were made

some skills could have their effects better explained, for example, I think jet's sentinel stance lasts 2 turns (or at least the status effect that seems to be added by it does), and I have no idea on how long the delay to cast some spells is

it should probably be mentioned at some point that you need to use the mana crystal things from the inventory in order to actually get mana


Active Member
Game Developer
Jun 1, 2019
Nanaya scenes are coming but right now I don't want to add one. For narrative reasons she's a little preoccupied right now.

The dialogue box being intrusive is something I've received complaints about and something I will be working to correct in future versions! I will be implementing an option to hide some of the graphical elements of the box in the next version. It might be a quick and dirty edit for now. But it should address most of your issues! :)

The message is pertaining to those options that can be changed during scenes. At the moment this applies to declaring your love for Willow. And accepting to have risky sex with Raia. Both of these decisions give 50 affection which will help unlock new scenes but do have consequences down the road. Not that either will mind you fucking whoever you want. But a lot of it depends on flavor too. Your relationship with Willow will be much more 'Monster Like' And less lovey dovey if you don't return her feelings for example. There are some flags that can be changed in conversations outside of scenes and these are free to be flipped on and off as you like. There will be a scene later where you can do this for Nanaya's mommy roleplay too. But she's a little busy with .. something else to spend too much time playing around with her special boy right now.

As far as skill descriptions go I'll look into overhauling that for the next version. And I'll add a note to the tutorial so that people know to use those items to get mana. Thanks for your feedback! It's appreciated. And I hope you are enjoying the game.


Active Member
Game Developer
Jun 1, 2019

There we go .. Done. I'll add a little dev goblin for now next to dark delight so you can change the option midgame. I'll see about adding it to the actual options menu a bit later. Also lil preview of Nanaya with some improved shading.


Well-Known Member
Apr 6, 2018
Thinking about it, this game is flying remarkably far under the radar. Only few pages here so far, very few patrons...
I do wonder why. I mean, besides obviously them not noticing it.
It offers quite spectacular quality, I certainly can't fault it for that. So what makes this game so invisible?
Is there a banner yet people could put under their posts?
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Active Member
Dec 17, 2018
Thinking about it, this game is flying remarkably far under the radar. Only few pages here so far, very few patrons...
I do wonder why. I mean, besides obviously them not noticing it.
some people just avoid RPGM like the plague, but also most games need at least some time/a few updates before they take off, I do know several people ignore v0.1s


Active Member
Game Developer
Jun 1, 2019
In the end it's still only the first version. I understand that a lot of people are very gunshy about new projects. Though I have to admit I really don't understand the fuss about RPM projects. Renpy is just as abused and it doesn't seem to suffer the same stigma. I wanted to do something beyond JUST a visual novel so Renpy was out of the question for me. A signature does sound like a good idea. But to be honest. I've never really done one of those before? Could easily make something however.

Okay! This sig is a quick fix. But for now It should do just fine! Here is it's BBcode in case you want to use it yourself.


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Well-Known Member
Aug 1, 2021
In the end it's still only the first version. I understand that a lot of people are very gunshy about new projects. Though I have to admit I really don't understand the fuss about RPM projects. Renpy is just as abused and it doesn't seem to suffer the same stigma. I wanted to do something beyond JUST a visual novel so Renpy was out of the question for me. A signature does sound like a good idea. But to be honest. I've never really done one of those before? Could easily make something however.

dont be discouraged, hes right alot of people will often wait 5-6 months in to see if a game is being updated before even giving one a shot
tbh one of the first things I do is check the changelog to see how many updates there have been before I even consider playing a new game, the only reason I even tried this game at first was because I saw weird squid waifu and female domination tag <_<
i was disappointed by actual lack of femdom, but I was happy with the actual storyline and amount of content in a v0.1
so I was happy I tried it
and if you make anyones waifu get gangbanged people are going to be angry about it <_<
I know if I enjoyed a game then a character I was into was suddenly gang banged I would avoid that character
(I hate ntr/cuck and if I clicked on spoiler and see NTR thats an instant close for me) but thats just me personally
but in the end its your story, write it how you like it you cant make everyone happy
its a neat little game dont get stressed or burnt out beause of other people D=D=
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