Others Completed CUSTOM ORDER MAID 3D2 It's a Night Magic [Final +DLC] [KISS]

4.00 star(s) 9 Votes
Nov 24, 2019
so iv seen some videos where they sex scenes seem like they're automatic is that just the magic of editing or am i missing something im rather new to this if you couldnt tell


Active Member
Jan 3, 2018
so iv seen some videos where they sex scenes seem like they're automatic is that just the magic of editing or am i missing something im rather new to this if you couldnt tell
I'm fairly sure that you can hide the ui and have shortcut keys for the scheduled yotogi (can't remember which plugin adds this feature but I think it's installed by default. Check the CMI documentation). Perhaps some editing is indeed involved.
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Nov 11, 2019
Hire, not scout. Not all personalities can be scouted.
Maid Admin -> Hire, that's what I'm doing.
Queen-S, Majime, Rindere, Muku, sweet little devil, blunt, preppy girl. Only these personalities are available, but DLC checker tells me I have installed koakuma, wary, ojousama and etc. I don't think I somehow broke the game, because I just downloaded it from here and installed CMI and everything worked perfectly. I don't have GP-01 Compatibility packs, but I play in standart mode anyway. The only possible answer I can think of is that new personalities will be unlocked at some point later in the game, but I doubt it.


Active Member
Jan 3, 2018
Maid Admin -> Hire, that's what I'm doing.
Queen-S, Majime, Rindere, Muku, sweet little devil, blunt, preppy girl. Only these personalities are available, but DLC checker tells me I have installed koakuma, wary, ojousama and etc. I don't think I somehow broke the game, because I just downloaded it from here and installed CMI and everything worked perfectly. I don't have GP-01 Compatibility packs, but I play in standart mode anyway. The only possible answer I can think of is that new personalities will be unlocked at some point later in the game, but I doubt it.
In R6 repack:
Muku, Majime, Rindere + Gp01 + Gp02 + Gp01fb
Naturally sadistic, Sweet little devil + Gp01 + Gp02
Extreme Sadist queen who arouses the hearts of masochists + Gp01 + Gp02
Guarded, Blunt Girl + Gp02
Overbearing and preppy girl maid (ojousama)

In vol 7:
Naturally sadistic, Sweet little devil GP-01fb
Quiet and love to be pampered, Bookworm + Gp01 + GP-01Fb
Sexy and ladylike woman
Extreme Sadist queen who arouses the hearts of masochists GP-01fb
Guarded, Blunt Girl GP-01 + GP-01Fb
Soft Cuddly Girl
Mature, Level-Headed, and Dependable Secretary Maid

Currently missing:

So for the repack in op you should have 7 personalities, 11 if you installed dlc vol 7 from original guide that is completely missing from op. See previous page.
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New Member
Aug 12, 2019
Dear all,

I tried to understand how to put mods on the Vainilla English version, and after around one hour im still clueless.

So I pray to the community knoweledge, knowing that is a question already answered probably somehwere in this massive thread.

How do I put mods and where I can find them? There is any step before that?

Will be nice to link some aswers to the main page so people like me stop messing around.

Nov 24, 2019
I'm fairly sure that you can hide the ui and have shortcut keys for the scheduled yotogi (can't remember which plugin adds this feature but I think it's installed by default. Check the CMI documentation). Perhaps some editing is indeed involved.
ill have to look this weekend when i get more time however ill have to link one of the videos i was taking about i know there is at least some editing because they put music behind it but if i can replicate what they do without the music in game well id be set lol ill reply back here prob this weekend


Active Member
Jan 3, 2018
Dear all,

I tried to understand how to put mods on the Vainilla English version, and after around one hour im still clueless.

So I pray to the community knoweledge, knowing that is a question already answered probably somehwere in this massive thread.

How do I put mods and where I can find them? There is any step before that?

Will be nice to link some aswers to the main page so people like me stop messing around.

Normally mods go in Mod folder. But you need a comprehensive understanding of how mods work so that you don't fuck up the game when you keep stacking them. If the mod you want to install is clean and professional you won't have any issues with it if you just extract the zip (with japanese locale, locale emulator or ntleas) and dump the contents in the Mod folder. Try to maintain an organized folder structure. If the mod is sloppy it will likely conflict with something else and you have to debug it yourself (good luck with that)
For any standard mod to work you must first install It is noob proof but not retard proof. Read the documentation.
For someone who never played CM/COM before it is rather hard to understand how to aquire mods because 90% of them are not from english uploaders. Japanese, Chinese and Korean modders have their own locked communities and mods are usually locked behind some kind of password, a riddle that only a native can solve, restricted access sites, etc.
The only english database of mods is the Custom Maid discord. That is where you start if you have absolutely no clue where to find mods. That is where you seek support and guidance. The rest you'll have to figure out yourself. Good luck trying to reconstruct a preset when half of the required mods were erased from existance because a modder retired and deleted everything. You can still request a deleted mod and maybe someone has a backup and is willing to share.


New Member
Aug 12, 2019
Normally mods go in Mod folder. But you need a comprehensive understanding of how mods work so that you don't fuck up the game when you keep stacking them. If the mod you want to install is clean and professional you won't have any issues with it if you just extract the zip (with japanese locale, locale emulator or ntleas) and dump the contents in the Mod folder. Try to maintain an organized folder structure. If the mod is sloppy it will likely conflict with something else and you have to debug it yourself (good luck with that)
For any standard mod to work you must first install It is noob proof but not retard proof. Read the documentation.
For someone who never played CM/COM before it is rather hard to understand how to aquire mods because 90% of them are not from english uploaders. Japanese, Chinese and Korean modders have their own locked communities and mods are usually locked behind some kind of password, a riddle that only a native can solve, restricted access sites, etc.
The only english database of mods is the Custom Maid discord. That is where you start if you have absolutely no clue where to find mods. That is where you seek support and guidance. The rest you'll have to figure out yourself. Good luck trying to reconstruct a preset when half of the required mods were erased from existance because a modder retired and deleted everything. You can still request a deleted mod and maybe someone has a backup and is willing to share.
I guess i will just have to put some time to urderstand how mods work before messing around.

I'll take your advice and read the CMI documentation and navigate trough the discord.

Thanks so much for your answer.


New Member
Nov 8, 2020
Just came back from sukebei, why is this game always a clusterfuck to set up? Why has no one made a torrent where everything just works like any other game instead of giving everyone a bunch of different verions with 20+ steps to follow that serve no purpose other than to confuse everyone. It's been over 3 years and nothing has changed.


Active Member
Jan 3, 2018
Just came back from sukebei, why is this game always a clusterfuck to set up? Why has no one made a torrent where everything just works like any other game instead of giving everyone a bunch of different verions with 20+ steps to follow that serve no purpose other than to confuse everyone. It's been over 3 years and nothing has changed.
What clusterfuck? You download, extract and run the game. As easy as that. Everything else is optional. Not everyone wants mods. Plugins and uncensor are mods. It's best to educate people how to do things themselves instead of them asking wen repack everyday.
Do I need to remind you that both jp and eng game are still a work in progress after so many years? There can't be final repack yet. Find the most recent repack and install latest dlc manually. If a repack is distributed with mods it could break when you try to update the game and then will come the shitstorm. The ones without an umbrella will be the uploader and the CM discord that will be overwhelmed with support requests.
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New Member
Nov 8, 2020
What clusterfuck? You download, extract and run the game. As easy as that. Everything else is optional. Not everyone wants mods. Plugins and uncensor are mods. It's best to educate people how to do things themselves instead of them asking wen repack everyday.
Do I need to remind you that both jp and eng game are still a work in progress after so many years? There can't be final repack yet. Find the most recent repack and install latest dlc manually. If a repack is distributed with mods it could break when you try to update the game and then will come the shitstorm. The ones without an umbrella will be the uploader and the CM discord that will be overwhelmed with support requests.
Quite the opposite actually, everywhere you go there are tons of people trying to troubleshoot this mess just to get it to work like most people would. To be specific, the most recent version in English, uncensored and with the DLC content, I guarantee you that's how most people want it.

Take example from BetterRepack and their Koikatsu modpack or any other game that they support. They update the game with the mods every now and then and there's nowhere near as many people pulling out their hair trying to figure out all of the variables becuase there's nothing to figure out, it just works.

Believe it or not, but most people don't care to learn how this mess works, they just want to play a game, jack off, and be done with it.
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Active Member
Jan 3, 2018
Believe it or not, but most people don't care to learn how this mess works, they just want to play a game, jack off, and be over with it.
We can't make a standardized modded COM repack because everyone installs whatever plugin and mods they want using a noob friendly installer (COM Modular Installer). This is how things were decided long ago by the high council of wizards and I'd be lapidated by the CM discord modding community if I did things differently than the approved way (see the "korean" repacks and how the uploader is trash talked on CM discord. He stopped using his usename on sukebei).
Whoever wants to make a modded repack is free to do so but I'm fairly sure that the torrent will die pretty fast because people prefer to download the one with the highest downloads and highest community approval rating. We kinda gave up on releasing more than one repack in a year because of the stupid amount of dlc. If I make one today, tommorow it's already outdated. Fuck it.

Koikatu modders are nowhere near as restrictive as COM modders.
As for mods, the closest thing to what koikatu repacks do to streamline shit is my optional modpack addon (R4.6). It's enough to cover the basics plus some more. This is the hardest part which your average joes would definitely mess up if they tried to do it themselves but you have to meet some requirements and do some preparations for it to work right. Nothing I can do about it unless I integrate it directly in a repack, which I obviously won't do.
The existence of the modpack by itself is enough to piss off the entire CM community because of the retarded mod sharing policies. Somehow after more than 2 years people accepted it as a convenient alternative to distribute common mods but at the same time also pretend that it doesn't exist. It's funny to see how some of the most reticent community devs actually recommend using it because it just works and it's easier to deal with a stadardized modpack instead of a clusterfuck of overlapping random mods
There will come a day when COM will reach its EOS. That's when you will see the first "final" repacks with mods and whatever.
That's when the community can finally optimize the original code with direct patches. COM is highly inefficient by design.
The next KISS game will take far less space because costumes will have free color like the edit system from illusion games instead of having a billion copies of the same textures but in a different color.

The full jap game is fucking huge as it is, enough to discourage most people to even try to download it. A modded version is even bigger. The modpack alone is half the size of koikatu.
Who tf downloads a 250GB porn game anyway? There are better alternatives if you just want a quick fap instead of waiting 10+ minutes for the game to load. This requires dedication and some degree of autism

I guess the eng vanilla repack R6 would work better for a quick fap, without even caring about updating it further with newer dlc.
Again, the instructions are as simple as:
1. download
2. extract
3. install CMI with a few clicks without even reading
That's all there is to it. And guess what? People still fuck up because the game is a pretentious whore.

Want to install latest CMI? It doesn't install because the game is probably outdated and needs a separate 5GB update
Game path too long? Error.
You want to run it from Downloads? Error.
Don't have admin privilege or ownership over that drive? That's right.
You download and extract an update or dlc directly in the game folder? You could just as well hit youself in the balls with a hammer.
I could even remove the need for step 2 but that's just asking for more trouble if you keep seeding the torrent because it will make the game directory read only and the game will crash.
Detailed instructions are there to prevent all these issues but people can't be bothered to read them because muh click2fap.exe
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Dec 29, 2021
I have two questions regarding COM3D2.

First up, I downloaded the R6 Repack that was provided by inlolzwetrust, does that mean that everything in the Vol. 7 section is missing from my version and that I can safely install all of them if I want the content? If not and there happens to be overlap, will the game break or will it be fine?

Secondly, my current version is 1.110 according to the launcher, and at bottom left it says that 1.18.1 is available. When clicking that, it takes me to a site where I can presumably download that update. Is it safe to download it and install it from there, or is there an alternative for that?
4.00 star(s) 9 Votes