I'm sorry, but an uncaught exception occurred.
While running game code:
File "game/home/double/empty.rpy", line 23, in script call
call screen doubleEmpty
File "game/home/spare/empty.rpy", line 18, in script call
call screen spareEmpty
File "game/home/bathroom/Woman bath.rpy", line 8, in script call
call screen bathroomWomanBath
File "game/home/kitchen/dishes.rpy", line 17, in script call
call screen kitchenDishes
File "game/home/laundry/Dani laundry.rpy", line 12, in script call
call screen laundryDani
File "game/home/laundry/Dani laundry.rpy", line 23, in script call
call daniChat from _call_daniChat_1
File "game/talk/Dani compliment.rpy", line 93, in script call
call daniComplimentsExit from _call_daniComplimentsExit
File "game/talk/Dani compliment.rpy", line 454, in script call
call daniChatSkip from _call_daniChatSkip
File "game/home/master/telly.rpy", line 21, in script call
call screen masterTelly
File "game/home/master/telly.rpy", line 39, in script call
call womanTalk from _call_womanTalk_1
File "game/home/double/empty.rpy", line 23, in script call
call screen doubleEmpty
File "game/home/lounge/Woman Cute.rpy", line 14, in script call
call screen loungeWomanCute
File "game/home/lounge/Woman Cute.rpy", line 44, in script call
call cuteChat from _call_cuteChat_5
File "game/talk/Cute compliment.rpy", line 48, in script call
call screen cuteCompliments
File "game/talk/Cute compliment.rpy", line 167, in script call
call cuteComplimentsExit from _call_cuteComplimentsExit_6
File "game/talk/Cute compliment.rpy", line 284, in script call
call advanceTime from _call_advanceTime_8
File "game/home/double/evening.rpy", line 29, in script call
call screen doubleEvening
File "game/home/double/evening.rpy", line 56, in script call
call cuteTalk from _call_cuteTalk_1
File "game/home/double/evening.rpy", line 29, in script call
call screen doubleEvening
File "game/home/double/evening.rpy", line 44, in script call
call cuteChat from _call_cuteChat_6
File "game/home/double/sleeping.rpy", line 23, in script call
call screen doubleSleeping
File "game/bts/time.rpy", line 227, in script call
call advanceTime(0) from _call_advanceTime_7 # Do day reset stuff without actually changing the time
File "game/home/double/empty.rpy", line 23, in script call
call screen doubleEmpty
File "game/bts/mySettings.rpy", line 8, in script call
File "game/home/double/empty.rpy", line 23, in script call
call screen doubleEmpty
File "game/home/double/empty.rpy", line 23, in script call
call screen doubleEmpty
File "game/home/kitchen/empty.rpy", line 18, in script call
call screen kitchenEmpty
File "game/home/kitchen/empty.rpy", line 18, in script call
call screen kitchenEmpty
File "game/home/lounge/cleaningCute.rpy", line 24, in script call
call screen loungeCleaningCute
File "game/home/lounge/cleaningCute.rpy", line 24, in script call
call screen loungeCleaningCute
File "game/home/double/together.rpy", line 10, in script call
call screen doubleTogether
File "game/home/double/phone.rpy", line 43, in script call
call screen doublePhone
File "game/home/double/phone.rpy", line 59, in script call
call cuteChat from _call_cuteChat_1
File "game/talk/Cute compliment.rpy", line 48, in script call
call screen cuteCompliments
File "game/talk/Cute compliment.rpy", line 167, in script call
call cuteComplimentsExit from _call_cuteComplimentsExit_6
File "game/talk/Cute compliment.rpy", line 284, in script call
call advanceTime from _call_advanceTime_8
File "game/home/kitchen/dishes.rpy", line 17, in script call
call screen kitchenDishes
File "game/home/kitchen/dishes.rpy", line 57, in script call
call cuteChat from _call_cuteChat_9
File "game/home/double/empty.rpy", line 23, in script call
call screen doubleEmpty
File "game/home/lounge/Woman Dani.rpy", line 12, in script call
call screen loungeWomanDani
File "game/home/lounge/Woman Dani.rpy", line 45, in script call
call daniChat from _call_daniChat_2
File "game/home/lounge/Woman Dani.rpy", line 12, in script call
call screen loungeWomanDani
File "game/bts/mySettings.rpy", line 8, in script call
File "game/home/bathroom/empty.rpy", line 22, in script call
call screen bathroomEmpty
File "game/home/spare/pictures.rpy", line 8, in script call
call screen sparePictures
File "game/home/spare/pictures.rpy", line 47, in script call
call eventCaughtpeeking from _call_eventCaughtpeeking
File "game/home/events/caught peeking.rpy", line 21, in script call
call advanceTime from _call_advanceTime_6
File "game/home/master/empty.rpy", line 16, in script call
call screen masterEmpty
File "game/home/double/evening.rpy", line 29, in script call
call screen doubleEvening
File "game/home/double/evening.rpy", line 44, in script call
call cuteChat from _call_cuteChat_6
File "game/home/double/evening.rpy", line 29, in script call
call screen doubleEvening
File "game/home/double/sleeping.rpy", line 23, in script call
call screen doubleSleeping
File "game/bts/time.rpy", line 227, in script call
call advanceTime(0) from _call_advanceTime_7 # Do day reset stuff without actually changing the time
File "game/home/double/empty.rpy", line 23, in script call
call screen doubleEmpty
File "game/home/double/dressing.rpy", line 15, in script call
call screen doubleDressing
File "game/home/double/dressing.rpy", line 52, in script call
call eventCaughtpeeking from _call_eventCaughtpeeking_1
File "game/home/events/caught peeking.rpy", line 21, in script call
call advanceTime from _call_advanceTime_6
File "game/home/double/waiting.rpy", line 24, in script call
call screen doubleWaiting
File "game/home/double/phone.rpy", line 43, in script call
call screen doublePhone
File "game/home/double/reading.rpy", line 104, in script call
call cuteGift from _call_cuteGift
File "game/talk/Cute gift.rpy", line 182, in script call
call advanceTime from _call_advanceTime
File "game/home/double/reading.rpy", line 31, in script call
call screen doubleReading
File "game/home/double/reading.rpy", line 31, in script call
call screen doubleReading
File "game/home/double/reading.rpy", line 60, in script call
call cuteTalk from _call_cuteTalk_2
File "game/home/lounge/girls.rpy", line 13, in script call
call screen loungeGirls
File "game/home/kitchen/dishes.rpy", line 17, in script call
call screen kitchenDishes
File "game/home/kitchen/empty.rpy", line 18, in script call
call screen kitchenEmpty
File "game/home/double/homework.rpy", line 18, in script call
call screen doubleHomework
File "game/home/double/empty.rpy", line 23, in script call
call screen doubleEmpty
File "game/home/lounge/Woman telly.rpy", line 13, in script call
call screen loungeWomanTelly
File "game/home/lounge/Woman telly.rpy", line 42, in script call
call womanTalk from _call_womanTalk
File "game/home/double/empty.rpy", line 23, in script call
call screen doubleEmpty
File "game/home/master/empty.rpy", line 16, in script call
call screen masterEmpty
File "game/home/lounge/Woman Cute.rpy", line 14, in script call
call screen loungeWomanCute
File "game/home/lounge/Woman Cute.rpy", line 44, in script call
call cuteChat from _call_cuteChat_5
File "game/home/lounge/Woman Cute.rpy", line 14, in script call
call screen loungeWomanCute
File "game/home/double/evening.rpy", line 29, in script call
call screen doubleEvening
File "game/home/double/evening.rpy", line 44, in script call
call cuteChat from _call_cuteChat_6
File "game/home/double/evening.rpy", line 29, in script call
call screen doubleEvening
File "game/home/double/evening.rpy", line 56, in script call
call cuteTalk from _call_cuteTalk_1
File "game/home/hallway.rpy", line 8, in script call
call screen uiHome
File "game/home/double/evening.rpy", line 29, in script call
call screen doubleEvening
File "game/home/double/sleeping.rpy", line 23, in script call
call screen doubleSleeping
File "game/bts/time.rpy", line 227, in script call
call advanceTime(0) from _call_advanceTime_7 # Do day reset stuff without actually changing the time
File "game/home/bathroom/Cute wash.rpy", line 77, in script call
call screen bathroomCuteWash
File "game/home/bathroom/Cute wash.rpy", line 110, in script call
call cuteChat from _call_cuteChat_4
File "game/home/double/empty.rpy", line 23, in script call
call screen doubleEmpty
File "game/home/kitchen/empty.rpy", line 18, in script call
call screen kitchenEmpty
File "game/home/double/waiting.rpy", line 24, in script call
call screen doubleWaiting
File "game/home/double/phone.rpy", line 43, in script call
call screen doublePhone
File "game/home/laundry/Cute laundry.rpy", line 10, in script call
call screen laundryCute
File "game/home/laundry/Cute laundry.rpy", line 21, in script call
call cuteChat from _call_cuteChat
File "game/talk/Cute compliment.rpy", line 48, in script call
call screen cuteCompliments
File "game/talk/Cute compliment.rpy", line 54, in script call
call screen cuteComplimentsHead
File "game/talk/Cute compliment.rpy", line 76, in script call
call cuteComplimentsExit from _call_cuteComplimentsExit
File "game/talk/Cute compliment.rpy", line 284, in script call
call advanceTime from _call_advanceTime_8
File "game/home/laundry/empty.rpy", line 13, in script call
call screen uiHome
File "game/home/double/reading.rpy", line 31, in script call
call screen doubleReading
File "game/home/double/reading.rpy", line 60, in script call
call cuteTalk from _call_cuteTalk_2
File "game/home/hallway.rpy", line 8, in script call
call screen uiHome
File "game/home/double/reading.rpy", line 31, in script call
call screen doubleReading
File "game/home/double/reading.rpy", line 104, in script call
call cuteGift from _call_cuteGift
File "game/home/double/reading.rpy", line 31, in script call
call screen doubleReading
File "game/home/kitchen/dishes.rpy", line 17, in script call
call screen kitchenDishes
File "game/home/double/homework.rpy", line 18, in script call
call screen doubleHomework
File "game/home/double/empty.rpy", line 23, in script call
call screen doubleEmpty
File "game/home/lounge/Woman Cute.rpy", line 14, in script call
call screen loungeWomanCute
File "game/home/spare/together.rpy", line 12, in script call
call screen spareTogether
File "game/home/double/sleeping.rpy", line 23, in script call
call screen doubleSleeping
File "game/bts/time.rpy", line 227, in script call
call advanceTime(0) from _call_advanceTime_7 # Do day reset stuff without actually changing the time
File "game/home/double/empty.rpy", line 23, in script call
call screen doubleEmpty
File "game/home/double/dressing.rpy", line 15, in script call
call screen doubleDressing
File "game/home/double/waiting.rpy", line 24, in script call
call screen doubleWaiting
File "game/home/double/empty.rpy", line 23, in script call
call screen doubleEmpty
File "game/home/lounge/empty.rpy", line 17, in script call
call screen loungeEmpty
File "game/home/lounge/cleaningDani.rpy", line 18, in script call
call screen loungeCleaningDani
File "game/home/double/phoneFun.rpy", line 12, in script call
call screen doublePhoneFun
File "game/home/lounge/Dani telly.rpy", line 15, in script call
call screen loungeDaniTelly
File "game/home/lounge/Dani telly.rpy", line 33, in script call
call daniChat from _call_daniChat_3
File "game/home/lounge/Dani telly.rpy", line 15, in script call
call screen loungeDaniTelly
File "game/home/spare/pictures.rpy", line 8, in script call
call screen sparePictures
File "game/home/double/empty.rpy", line 23, in script call
call screen doubleEmpty
File "game/home/lounge/empty.rpy", line 17, in script call
call screen loungeEmpty
File "game/home/lounge/empty.rpy", line 17, in script call
call screen loungeEmpty
File "game/home/double/homework.rpy", line 18, in script call
call screen doubleHomework
File "game/home/master/telly.rpy", line 21, in script call
call screen masterTelly
File "game/home/master/telly.rpy", line 39, in script call
call womanTalk from _call_womanTalk_1
File "game/home/master/telly.rpy", line 21, in script call
call screen masterTelly
File "game/home/lounge/film.rpy", line 16, in script call
call screen loungeFilm
File "game/home/lounge/film.rpy", line 102, in script call
call advanceTime(2) from _call_advanceTime_5
File "game/home/double/sleeping.rpy", line 23, in script call
call screen doubleSleeping
File "game/bts/time.rpy", line 227, in script call
call advanceTime(0) from _call_advanceTime_7 # Do day reset stuff without actually changing the time
File "game/home/lounge/Woman relaxing.rpy", line 7, in script call
call screen uiHome
File "game/home/master/empty.rpy", line 16, in script call
call screen masterEmpty
File "game/home/double/waiting.rpy", line 24, in script call
call screen doubleWaiting
File "game/home/double/waiting.rpy", line 57, in script call
call cuteTalk from _call_cuteTalk_3
File "game/home/hallway.rpy", line 8, in script call
call screen uiHome
File "game/home/spare/dressing.rpy", line 25, in script call
call screen spareDressing
File "game/home/double/waiting.rpy", line 24, in script call
call screen doubleWaiting
File "game/home/double/phone.rpy", line 43, in script call
call screen doublePhone
File "game/home/laundry/Cute laundry.rpy", line 10, in script call
call screen laundryCute
File "game/home/laundry/Cute laundry.rpy", line 21, in script call
call cuteChat from _call_cuteChat
File "game/talk/Cute compliment.rpy", line 48, in script call
call screen cuteCompliments
File "game/talk/Cute compliment.rpy", line 167, in script call
call cuteComplimentsExit from _call_cuteComplimentsExit_6
File "game/talk/Cute compliment.rpy", line 284, in script call
call advanceTime from _call_advanceTime_8
File "game/home/spare/telly.rpy", line 25, in script call
call screen spareTelly
File "game/home/spare/telly.rpy", line 52, in script call
call daniTalk from _call_daniTalk
File "game/home/kitchen/dishes.rpy", line 17, in script call
call screen kitchenDishes
File "game/home/lounge/Dani telly.rpy", line 15, in script call
call screen loungeDaniTelly
File "game/home/double/homework.rpy", line 18, in script call
call screen doubleHomework
File "game/home/spare/pictures.rpy", line 8, in script call
call screen sparePictures
File "game/home/lounge/Woman telly.rpy", line 13, in script call
call screen loungeWomanTelly
File "game/home/lounge/Woman Cute.rpy", line 14, in script call
call screen loungeWomanCute
File "game/home/spare/relaxing.rpy", line 26, in script call
call screen spareRelaxing
File "game/home/spare/relaxing.rpy", line 41, in script call
call daniChat from _call_daniChat_4
File "game/home/spare/relaxing.rpy", line 26, in script call
call screen spareRelaxing
File "game/home/double/evening.rpy", line 29, in script call
call screen doubleEvening
File "game/home/double/evening.rpy", line 56, in script call
call cuteTalk from _call_cuteTalk_1
File "game/home/double/sleeping.rpy", line 23, in script call
call screen doubleSleeping
File "game/home/double/sleeping.rpy", line 23, in script call
call screen doubleSleeping
File "game/bts/time.rpy", line 227, in script call
call advanceTime(0) from _call_advanceTime_7 # Do day reset stuff without actually changing the time
File "game/home/double/empty.rpy", line 23, in script call
call screen doubleEmpty
File "game/home/kitchen/empty.rpy", line 18, in script call
call screen kitchenEmpty
File "game/home/kitchen/empty.rpy", line 18, in script call
call screen kitchenEmpty
File "game/home/lounge/cleaningCute.rpy", line 24, in script call
call screen loungeCleaningCute
File "game/home/double/together.rpy", line 10, in script call
call screen doubleTogether
File "game/home/double/phone.rpy", line 43, in script call
call screen doublePhone
File "game/home/double/empty.rpy", line 23, in script call
call screen doubleEmpty
File "game/home/double/homework.rpy", line 18, in script call
call screen doubleHomework
File "game/home/bathroom/Cute bath.rpy", line 12, in script call
call screen bathroomCuteBath
File "game/home/lounge/Woman telly.rpy", line 13, in script call
call screen loungeWomanTelly
File "game/home/lounge/Woman Cute.rpy", line 14, in script call
call screen loungeWomanCute
File "game/home/double/evening.rpy", line 29, in script call
call screen doubleEvening
File "game/home/double/sleeping.rpy", line 23, in script call
call screen doubleSleeping
File "game/bts/time.rpy", line 227, in script call
call advanceTime(0) from _call_advanceTime_7 # Do day reset stuff without actually changing the time
File "game/home/double/empty.rpy", line 23, in script call
call screen doubleEmpty
File "game/home/double/dressing.rpy", line 15, in script call
call screen doubleDressing
File "game/home/kitchen/empty.rpy", line 18, in script call
call screen kitchenEmpty
File "game/home/double/waiting.rpy", line 24, in script call
call screen doubleWaiting
File "game/home/double/phone.rpy", line 43, in script call
call screen doublePhone
File "game/home/double/reading.rpy", line 104, in script call
call cuteGift from _call_cuteGift
File "game/talk/Cute gift.rpy", line 182, in script call
call advanceTime from _call_advanceTime
File "game/home/double/reading.rpy", line 31, in script call
call screen doubleReading
File "game/home/double/empty.rpy", line 23, in script call
call screen doubleEmpty
File "game/home/kitchen/dishes headphones.rpy", line 14, in script call
call screen kitchenHeadphones
File "game/home/double/homework.rpy", line 18, in script call
call screen doubleHomework
File "game/home/lounge/Woman telly.rpy", line 13, in script call
call screen loungeWomanTelly
File "game/home/lounge/Woman Cute.rpy", line 14, in script call
call screen loungeWomanCute
File "game/home/double/evening.rpy", line 29, in script call
call screen doubleEvening
File "game/home/double/evening.rpy", line 44, in script call
call cuteChat from _call_cuteChat_6
File "game/home/double/evening.rpy", line 29, in script call
call screen doubleEvening
File "game/home/double/sleeping.rpy", line 23, in script call
call screen doubleSleeping
File "game/bts/time.rpy", line 227, in script call
call advanceTime(0) from _call_advanceTime_7 # Do day reset stuff without actually changing the time
File "game/home/double/empty.rpy", line 23, in script call
call screen doubleEmpty
File "game/home/hallway.rpy", line 8, in script call
call screen uiHome
File "game/home/double/dressing.rpy", line 15, in script call
call screen doubleDressing
File "game/home/master/empty.rpy", line 16, in script call
call screen masterEmpty
File "game/home/double/waiting.rpy", line 24, in script call
call screen doubleWaiting
File "game/home/double/phone.rpy", line 43, in script call
call screen doublePhone
File "game/home/double/empty.rpy", line 23, in script call
call screen doubleEmpty
File "game/home/double/reading.rpy", line 31, in script call
call screen doubleReading
File "game/home/double/reading.rpy", line 104, in script call
call cuteGift from _call_cuteGift
File "game/talk/Cute gift.rpy", line 182, in script call
call advanceTime from _call_advanceTime
File "game/home/kitchen/dishes headphones.rpy", line 14, in script call
call screen kitchenHeadphones
File "game/home/master/telly.rpy", line 21, in script call
call screen masterTelly
File "game/home/master/telly.rpy", line 56, in script call
call womanGift from _call_womanGift
File "game/home/bathroom/Cute bath.rpy", line 12, in script call
call screen bathroomCuteBath
File "game/home/bathroom/Cute bath.rpy", line 36, in script call
call eventCaughtpeeking from _call_eventCaughtpeeking_2
File "game/home/events/caught peeking.rpy", line 21, in script call
call advanceTime from _call_advanceTime_6
File "game/home/hallway.rpy", line 8, in script call
call screen uiHome
File "game/home/lounge/Woman Cute.rpy", line 14, in script call
call screen loungeWomanCute
File "game/home/spare/together.rpy", line 12, in script call
call screen spareTogether
File "game/home/double/sleeping.rpy", line 23, in script call
call screen doubleSleeping
File "game/bts/time.rpy", line 227, in script call
call advanceTime(0) from _call_advanceTime_7 # Do day reset stuff without actually changing the time
File "game/home/double/empty.rpy", line 23, in script call
call screen doubleEmpty
File "game/home/kitchen/empty.rpy", line 18, in script call
call screen kitchenEmpty
File "game/home/kitchen/empty.rpy", line 18, in script call
call screen kitchenEmpty
File "game/home/master/empty.rpy", line 16, in script call
call screen masterEmpty
File "game/home/lounge/cleaningDani.rpy", line 18, in script call
call screen loungeCleaningDani
File "game/home/double/phone.rpy", line 43, in script call
call screen doublePhone
File "game/home/spare/pictures.rpy", line 8, in script call
call screen sparePictures
File "game/home/lounge/empty.rpy", line 17, in script call
call screen loungeEmpty
File "game/home/bathroom/empty.rpy", line 22, in script call
call screen bathroomEmpty
File "game/home/lounge/empty.rpy", line 17, in script call
call screen loungeEmpty
File "game/home/double/homework.rpy", line 18, in script call
call screen doubleHomework
File "game/home/master/telly.rpy", line 21, in script call
call screen masterTelly
File "game/home/master/telly.rpy", line 56, in script call
call womanGift from _call_womanGift
File "game/home/master/telly.rpy", line 21, in script call
call screen masterTelly
File "game/home/master/telly.rpy", line 21, in script call
call screen masterTelly
File "game/home/master/telly.rpy", line 56, in script call
call womanGift from _call_womanGift
File "game/home/lounge/film.rpy", line 16, in script call
call screen loungeFilm
File "game/home/lounge/film.rpy", line 102, in script call
call advanceTime(2) from _call_advanceTime_5
File "game/home/spare/sleeping.rpy", line 8, in script call
call screen spareSleeping
File "game/home/double/sleeping.rpy", line 23, in script call
call screen doubleSleeping
File "game/bts/time.rpy", line 227, in script call
call advanceTime(0) from _call_advanceTime_7 # Do day reset stuff without actually changing the time
File "game/home/hallway.rpy", line 8, in script call
call screen uiHome
File "game/home/bathroom/Dani wash fun.rpy", line 12, in script call
call screen bathroomDaniWashFun
File "game/home/kitchen/empty.rpy", line 18, in script call
call screen kitchenEmpty
File "game/home/kitchen/empty.rpy", line 18, in script call
call screen kitchenEmpty
File "game/home/double/phone.rpy", line 43, in script call
call screen doublePhone
File "game/home/double/empty.rpy", line 23, in script call
call screen doubleEmpty
File "game/home/double/reading.rpy", line 31, in script call
call screen doubleReading
File "game/home/kitchen/dishes headphones.rpy", line 14, in script call
call screen kitchenHeadphones
File "game/home/double/homework.rpy", line 18, in script call
call screen doubleHomework
File "game/home/double/empty.rpy", line 23, in script call
call screen doubleEmpty
File "game/home/double/empty.rpy", line 23, in script call
call screen doubleEmpty
File "game/home/lounge/Woman Cute.rpy", line 14, in script call
call screen loungeWomanCute
File "game/home/double/evening.rpy", line 29, in script call
call screen doubleEvening
File "game/home/double/sleeping.rpy", line 23, in script call
call screen doubleSleeping
File "game/home/double/sleeping.rpy", line 23, in script call
call screen doubleSleeping
File "game/bts/time.rpy", line 227, in script call
call advanceTime(0) from _call_advanceTime_7 # Do day reset stuff without actually changing the time
File "game/home/bathroom/Cute wash.rpy", line 77, in script call
call screen bathroomCuteWash
File "game/home/double/dressing.rpy", line 15, in script call
call screen doubleDressing
File "game/home/master/empty.rpy", line 16, in script call
call screen masterEmpty
File "game/home/double/waiting.rpy", line 24, in script call
call screen doubleWaiting
File "game/home/lounge/cleaningCute.rpy", line 24, in script call
call screen loungeCleaningCute
File "game/home/double/together.rpy", line 10, in script call
call screen doubleTogether
File "game/home/double/phone.rpy", line 43, in script call
call screen doublePhone
File "game/home/kitchen/dishes headphones.rpy", line 14, in script call
call screen kitchenHeadphones
File "game/home/lounge/Woman Dani.rpy", line 12, in script call
call screen loungeWomanDani
File "game/home/lounge/Woman Dani.rpy", line 45, in script call
call daniChat from _call_daniChat_2
File "game/home/double/homework.rpy", line 18, in script call
call screen doubleHomework
File "game/home/double/empty.rpy", line 23, in script call
call screen doubleEmpty
File "game/home/bathroom/Dani bath.rpy", line 14, in script call
call screen bathroomDaniBath
File "game/home/double/empty.rpy", line 23, in script call
call screen doubleEmpty
File "game/home/double/evening.rpy", line 29, in script call
call screen doubleEvening
File "game/home/double/evening.rpy", line 44, in script call
call cuteChat from _call_cuteChat_6
File "game/home/double/evening.rpy", line 29, in script call
call screen doubleEvening
File "game/home/double/evening.rpy", line 44, in script call
call cuteChat from _call_cuteChat_6
File "game/home/double/evening.rpy", line 29, in script call
call screen doubleEvening
File "game/home/double/sleeping.rpy", line 23, in script call
call screen doubleSleeping
File "game/bts/time.rpy", line 227, in script call
call advanceTime(0) from _call_advanceTime_7 # Do day reset stuff without actually changing the time
File "game/home/double/empty.rpy", line 23, in script call
call screen doubleEmpty
File "game/home/bathroom/Cute wash.rpy", line 77, in script call
call screen bathroomCuteWash
File "game/home/bathroom/Cute wash.rpy", line 110, in script call
call cuteChat from _call_cuteChat_4
File "game/home/bathroom/Cute wash.rpy", line 77, in script call
call screen bathroomCuteWash
File "game/home/bathroom/Cute wash.rpy", line 77, in script call
call screen bathroomCuteWash
File "game/home/double/dressing.rpy", line 15, in script call
call screen doubleDressing
File "game/home/kitchen/empty.rpy", line 18, in script call
call screen kitchenEmpty
File "game/home/double/waiting.rpy", line 24, in script call
call screen doubleWaiting
File "game/home/double/phone.rpy", line 43, in script call
call screen doublePhone
File "game/home/double/phone.rpy", line 59, in script call
call cuteChat from _call_cuteChat_1
File "game/home/double/phone.rpy", line 43, in script call
call screen doublePhone
File "game/home/double/reading.rpy", line 31, in script call
call screen doubleReading
File "game/home/double/empty.rpy", line 23, in script call
call screen doubleEmpty
File "game/home/kitchen/dishes headphones.rpy", line 14, in script call
call screen kitchenHeadphones
File "game/home/double/homework.rpy", line 18, in script call
call screen doubleHomework
File "game/home/double/empty.rpy", line 23, in script call
call screen doubleEmpty
File "game/home/master/empty.rpy", line 16, in script call
call screen masterEmpty
File "game/home/spare/relaxing.rpy", line 26, in script call
call screen spareRelaxing
File "game/home/spare/relaxing.rpy", line 55, in script call
call daniTalk from _call_daniTalk_1
File "game/home/hallway.rpy", line 8, in script call
call screen uiHome
File "game/home/double/sleeping.rpy", line 23, in script call
call screen doubleSleeping
File "game/bts/time.rpy", line 227, in script call
call advanceTime(0) from _call_advanceTime_7 # Do day reset stuff without actually changing the time
File "game/home/double/empty.rpy", line 23, in script call
call screen doubleEmpty
File "game/home/kitchen/empty.rpy", line 18, in script call
call screen kitchenEmpty
File "game/home/double/waiting.rpy", line 24, in script call
call screen doubleWaiting
File "game/home/double/waiting.rpy", line 42, in script call
call cuteChat from _call_cuteChat_8
File "game/home/double/waiting.rpy", line 24, in script call
call screen doubleWaiting
File "game/home/double/phone.rpy", line 43, in script call
call screen doublePhone
File "game/home/lounge/empty.rpy", line 17, in script call
call screen loungeEmpty
File "game/home/double/reading.rpy", line 31, in script call
call screen doubleReading
File "game/home/double/reading.rpy", line 104, in script call
call cuteGift from _call_cuteGift
File "game/talk/Cute gift.rpy", line 182, in script call
call advanceTime from _call_advanceTime
File "game/home/kitchen/dishes headphones.rpy", line 14, in script call
call screen kitchenHeadphones
File "game/home/double/homework.rpy", line 18, in script call
call screen doubleHomework
File "game/home/double/homework.rpy", line 18, in script call
call screen doubleHomework
File "game/home/bathroom/Cute bath.rpy", line 12, in script call
call screen bathroomCuteBath
File "game/home/double/empty.rpy", line 23, in script call
call screen doubleEmpty
File "game/home/double/empty.rpy", line 23, in script call
call screen doubleEmpty
File "game/home/spare/together.rpy", line 12, in script call
call screen spareTogether
File "game/home/double/sleeping.rpy", line 23, in script call
call screen doubleSleeping
File "game/bts/time.rpy", line 227, in script call
call advanceTime(0) from _call_advanceTime_7 # Do day reset stuff without actually changing the time
File "game/home/bathroom/Cute wash.rpy", line 77, in script call
call screen bathroomCuteWash
File "game/home/double/dressing.rpy", line 15, in script call
call screen doubleDressing
File "game/home/kitchen/empty.rpy", line 18, in script call
call screen kitchenEmpty
File "game/home/double/waiting.rpy", line 24, in script call
call screen doubleWaiting
File "game/home/double/empty.rpy", line 23, in script call
call screen doubleEmpty
File "game/home/bathroom/empty.rpy", line 22, in script call
call screen bathroomEmpty
File "game/home/bathroom/empty.rpy", line 22, in script call
call screen bathroomEmpty
File "game/home/bathroom/empty.rpy", line 22, in script call
call screen bathroomEmpty
File "game/home/double/empty.rpy", line 23, in script call
call screen doubleEmpty
File "game/home/lounge/empty.rpy", line 17, in script call
call screen loungeEmpty
File "game/home/double/homework.rpy", line 18, in script call
call screen doubleHomework
File "game/home/master/telly.rpy", line 21, in script call
call screen masterTelly
File "game/home/master/telly.rpy", line 56, in script call
call womanGift from _call_womanGift
File "game/home/lounge/film.rpy", line 16, in script call
call screen loungeFilm
File "game/home/lounge/film.rpy", line 102, in script call
call advanceTime(2) from _call_advanceTime_5
File "game/home/double/sleeping.rpy", line 23, in script call
call screen doubleSleeping
File "game/bts/time.rpy", line 227, in script call
call advanceTime(0) from _call_advanceTime_7 # Do day reset stuff without actually changing the time
File "game/home/hallway.rpy", line 8, in script call
call screen uiHome
File "game/home/double/dressing.rpy", line 15, in script call
call screen doubleDressing
File "game/home/spare/empty.rpy", line 18, in script call
call screen spareEmpty
File "game/home/double/waiting.rpy", line 24, in script call
call screen doubleWaiting
File "game/home/double/waiting.rpy", line 42, in script call
call cuteChat from _call_cuteChat_8
File "game/home/double/waiting.rpy", line 24, in script call
call screen doubleWaiting
File "game/home/double/phone.rpy", line 43, in script call
call screen doublePhone
File "game/home/double/empty.rpy", line 23, in script call
call screen doubleEmpty
File "game/home/double/reading.rpy", line 31, in script call
call screen doubleReading
File "game/home/double/reading.rpy", line 46, in script call
call cuteChat from _call_cuteChat_7
File "game/home/spare/telly.rpy", line 25, in script call
call screen spareTelly
File "game/home/spare/telly.rpy", line 52, in script call
call daniTalk from _call_daniTalk
File "game/home/kitchen/dishes headphones.rpy", line 14, in script call
call screen kitchenHeadphones
File "game/home/kitchen/empty.rpy", line 18, in script call
call screen kitchenEmpty
File "game/home/double/homework.rpy", line 18, in script call
call screen doubleHomework
File "game/home/double/empty.rpy", line 23, in script call
call screen doubleEmpty
File "game/home/bathroom/Cute bath.rpy", line 12, in script call
call screen bathroomCuteBath
File "game/home/double/empty.rpy", line 23, in script call
call screen doubleEmpty
File "game/home/bathroom/Dani bath.rpy", line 14, in script call
call screen bathroomDaniBath
File "game/home/double/empty.rpy", line 23, in script call
call screen doubleEmpty
File "game/home/double/evening.rpy", line 29, in script call
call screen doubleEvening
File "game/home/double/evening.rpy", line 44, in script call
call cuteChat from _call_cuteChat_6
File "game/home/double/evening.rpy", line 29, in script call
call screen doubleEvening
File "game/home/double/sleeping.rpy", line 23, in script call
call screen doubleSleeping
File "game/bts/time.rpy", line 227, in script call
call advanceTime(0) from _call_advanceTime_7 # Do day reset stuff without actually changing the time
File "game/home/bathroom/Cute wash.rpy", line 77, in script call
call screen bathroomCuteWash
File "game/home/master/empty.rpy", line 16, in script call
call screen masterEmpty
File "game/home/spare/dressing.rpy", line 25, in script call
call screen spareDressing
File "game/home/double/waiting.rpy", line 24, in script call
call screen doubleWaiting
File "game/home/double/empty.rpy", line 23, in script call
call screen doubleEmpty
File "game/home/double/together.rpy", line 10, in script call
call screen doubleTogether
File "game/home/bathroom/empty.rpy", line 22, in script call
call screen bathroomEmpty
File "game/home/kitchen/dishes headphones.rpy", line 14, in script call
call screen kitchenHeadphones
File "game/home/double/homework.rpy", line 18, in script call
call screen doubleHomework
File "game/home/bathroom/Cute bath.rpy", line 12, in script call
call screen bathroomCuteBath
File "game/home/bathroom/Cute bath.rpy", line 36, in script call
call eventCaughtpeeking from _call_eventCaughtpeeking_2
File "game/home/events/caught peeking.rpy", line 21, in script call
call advanceTime from _call_advanceTime_6
File "game/home/double/empty.rpy", line 23, in script call
call screen doubleEmpty
File "game/home/double/evening.rpy", line 29, in script call
call screen doubleEvening
File "game/home/double/evening.rpy", line 44, in script call
call cuteChat from _call_cuteChat_6
File "game/home/double/evening.rpy", line 29, in script call
call screen doubleEvening
File "game/home/double/sleeping.rpy", line 23, in script call
call screen doubleSleeping
File "game/bts/time.rpy", line 227, in script call
call advanceTime(0) from _call_advanceTime_7 # Do day reset stuff without actually changing the time
File "game/home/double/empty.rpy", line 23, in script call
call screen doubleEmpty
File "game/home/hallway.rpy", line 8, in script call
call screen uiHome
File "game/home/double/dressing.rpy", line 15, in script call
call screen doubleDressing
File "game/home/double/dressing.rpy", line 15, in script call
call screen doubleDressing
File "game/home/kitchen/empty.rpy", line 18, in script call
call screen kitchenEmpty
File "game/home/bathroom/empty.rpy", line 22, in script call
call screen bathroomEmpty
File "game/home/double/phone.rpy", line 43, in script call
call screen doublePhone
File "game/home/double/phone.rpy", line 59, in script call
call cuteChat from _call_cuteChat_1
File "game/home/double/phone.rpy", line 43, in script call
call screen doublePhone
File "game/home/double/reading.rpy", line 31, in script call
call screen doubleReading
File "game/home/double/empty.rpy", line 23, in script call
call screen doubleEmpty
File "game/home/lounge/girls.rpy", line 13, in script call
call screen loungeGirls
File "game/home/kitchen/dishes headphones.rpy", line 14, in script call
call screen kitchenHeadphones
File "game/home/double/homework.rpy", line 18, in script call
call screen doubleHomework
File "game/home/master/empty.rpy", line 16, in script call
call screen masterEmpty
File "game/home/double/empty.rpy", line 23, in script call
call screen doubleEmpty
File "game/home/double/evening.rpy", line 29, in script call
call screen doubleEvening
File "game/home/double/evening.rpy", line 44, in script call
call cuteChat from _call_cuteChat_6
File "game/home/double/evening.rpy", line 29, in script call
call screen doubleEvening
File "game/home/double/sleeping.rpy", line 23, in script call
call screen doubleSleeping
File "game/bts/time.rpy", line 227, in script call
call advanceTime(0) from _call_advanceTime_7 # Do day reset stuff without actually changing the time
File "game/home/double/empty.rpy", line 23, in script call
call screen doubleEmpty
File "game/home/double/dressing.rpy", line 15, in script call
call screen doubleDressing
File "game/home/kitchen/empty.rpy", line 18, in script call
call screen kitchenEmpty
File "game/home/kitchen/empty.rpy", line 18, in script call
call screen kitchenEmpty
File "game/home/double/phone.rpy", line 43, in script call
call screen doublePhone
File "game/home/laundry/Cute laundry.rpy", line 10, in script call
call screen laundryCute
File "game/home/laundry/Cute laundry.rpy", line 21, in script call
call cuteChat from _call_cuteChat
File "game/home/laundry/Cute laundry.rpy", line 10, in script call
call screen laundryCute
File "game/home/laundry/Cute laundry.rpy", line 10, in script call
call screen laundryCute
File "game/home/laundry/Cute laundry.rpy", line 21, in script call
call cuteChat from _call_cuteChat
File "game/talk/Cute compliment.rpy", line 48, in script call
call screen cuteCompliments
File "game/talk/Cute compliment.rpy", line 54, in script call
call screen cuteComplimentsHead
File "game/talk/Cute compliment.rpy", line 104, in script call
call cuteComplimentsExit from _call_cuteComplimentsExit_2
File "game/talk/Cute compliment.rpy", line 286, in script call
call cuteChatSkip from _call_cuteChatSkip
File "game/home/bathroom/empty.rpy", line 22, in script call
call screen bathroomEmpty
File "game/home/double/reading.rpy", line 31, in script call
call screen doubleReading
File "game/home/double/reading.rpy", line 46, in script call
call cuteChat from _call_cuteChat_7
File "game/home/double/reading.rpy", line 31, in script call
call screen doubleReading
File "game/home/kitchen/dishes headphones.rpy", line 14, in script call
call screen kitchenHeadphones
File "game/home/double/homework.rpy", line 18, in script call
call screen doubleHomework
File "game/home/bathroom/Cute bath.rpy", line 12, in script call
call screen bathroomCuteBath
File "game/home/lounge/Woman telly.rpy", line 13, in script call
call screen loungeWomanTelly
File "game/home/lounge/Woman Cute.rpy", line 14, in script call
call screen loungeWomanCute
File "game/home/lounge/Woman Cute.rpy", line 44, in script call
call cuteChat from _call_cuteChat_5
File "game/home/lounge/Woman Cute.rpy", line 14, in script call
call screen loungeWomanCute
File "game/home/lounge/Woman Cute.rpy", line 44, in script call
call cuteChat from _call_cuteChat_5
File "game/home/lounge/Woman Cute.rpy", line 14, in script call
call screen loungeWomanCute
File "game/home/spare/together.rpy", line 12, in script call
call screen spareTogether
File "game/home/double/sleeping.rpy", line 23, in script call
call screen doubleSleeping
File "game/bts/time.rpy", line 227, in script call
call advanceTime(0) from _call_advanceTime_7 # Do day reset stuff without actually changing the time
File "game/home/double/empty.rpy", line 23, in script call
call screen doubleEmpty
File "game/home/kitchen/empty.rpy", line 18, in script call
call screen kitchenEmpty
File "game/home/kitchen/empty.rpy", line 18, in script call
call screen kitchenEmpty
File "game/home/double/empty.rpy", line 23, in script call
call screen doubleEmpty
File "game/home/lounge/cleaningDani.rpy", line 18, in script call
call screen loungeCleaningDani
File "game/home/lounge/Dani telly.rpy", line 15, in script call
call screen loungeDaniTelly
File "game/home/lounge/Dani telly.rpy", line 33, in script call
call daniChat from _call_daniChat_3
File "game/home/master/empty.rpy", line 16, in script call
call screen masterEmpty
File "game/home/double/empty.rpy", line 23, in script call
call screen doubleEmpty
File "game/home/spare/pictures.rpy", line 8, in script call
call screen sparePictures
File "game/home/double/empty.rpy", line 23, in script call
call screen doubleEmpty
File "game/home/double/empty.rpy", line 23, in script call
call screen doubleEmpty
File "game/home/double/homework.rpy", line 18, in script call
call screen doubleHomework
File "game/home/double/empty.rpy", line 23, in script call
call screen doubleEmpty
File "game/home/master/telly.rpy", line 21, in script call
call screen masterTelly
File "game/home/master/telly.rpy", line 56, in script call
call womanGift from _call_womanGift
File "game/home/lounge/film.rpy", line 16, in script call
call screen loungeFilm
File "game/home/lounge/film.rpy", line 102, in script call
call advanceTime(2) from _call_advanceTime_5
File "game/home/spare/sleeping.rpy", line 8, in script call
call screen spareSleeping
File "game/home/double/sleeping.rpy", line 23, in script call
call screen doubleSleeping
File "game/bts/time.rpy", line 227, in script call
call advanceTime(0) from _call_advanceTime_7 # Do day reset stuff without actually changing the time
File "game/home/double/dressing.rpy", line 15, in script call
call screen doubleDressing
File "game/home/bathroom/Dani wash fun.rpy", line 12, in script call
call screen bathroomDaniWashFun
File "game/home/bathroom/Dani wash fun.rpy", line 12, in script call
call screen bathroomDaniWashFun
File "game/home/double/dressing.rpy", line 15, in script call
call screen doubleDressing
File "game/home/kitchen/empty.rpy", line 18, in script call
call screen kitchenEmpty
File "game/home/spare/dressing.rpy", line 25, in script call
call screen spareDressing
File "game/home/double/waiting.rpy", line 24, in script call
call screen doubleWaiting
File "game/home/double/waiting.rpy", line 42, in script call
call cuteChat from _call_cuteChat_8
File "game/home/double/waiting.rpy", line 24, in script call
call screen doubleWaiting
File "game/home/double/phone.rpy", line 43, in script call
call screen doublePhone
File "game/home/laundry/Cute laundry.rpy", line 10, in script call
call screen laundryCute
File "game/home/laundry/Cute laundry.rpy", line 21, in script call
call cuteChat from _call_cuteChat
File "game/home/bathroom/empty.rpy", line 22, in script call
call screen bathroomEmpty
File "game/home/spare/tellyFun.rpy", line 12, in script call
call screen spareTellyFun
File "game/home/spare/tellyFun.rpy", line 12, in script call
call screen spareTellyFun
File "game/home/spare/telly.rpy", line 25, in script call
call screen spareTelly
File "game/home/spare/telly.rpy", line 84, in script call
call daniGift from _call_daniGift
File "game/talk/Dani gift.rpy", line 31, in script call
call advanceTime from _call_advanceTime_2
File "game/home/kitchen/dishes headphones.rpy", line 14, in script call
call screen kitchenHeadphones
File "game/home/laundry/Dani laundry.rpy", line 12, in script call
call screen laundryDani
File "game/home/laundry/Dani laundry.rpy", line 23, in script call
call daniChat from _call_daniChat_1
File "game/home/double/homework.rpy", line 18, in script call
call screen doubleHomework
File "game/home/spare/pictures.rpy", line 8, in script call
call screen sparePictures
File "game/home/bathroom/Cute bath.rpy", line 12, in script call
call screen bathroomCuteBath
File "game/home/bathroom/Cute bath.rpy", line 36, in script call
call eventCaughtpeeking from _call_eventCaughtpeeking_2
File "game/home/events/caught peeking.rpy", line 21, in script call
call advanceTime from _call_advanceTime_6
File "game/home/lounge/Woman Cute.rpy", line 14, in script call
call screen loungeWomanCute
File "game/home/lounge/Woman Cute.rpy", line 44, in script call
call cuteChat from _call_cuteChat_5
File "game/home/lounge/Woman Cute.rpy", line 14, in script call
call screen loungeWomanCute
File "game/home/spare/relaxingFun.rpy", line 12, in script call
call screen spareRelaxingFun
File "game/home/spare/relaxingFun.rpy", line 12, in script call
call screen spareRelaxingFun
File "game/home/spare/relaxingFun.rpy", line 26, in script call
call navigation from _call_navigation_7
File "game/home/spare/relaxingFun.rpy", line 12, in script call
call screen spareRelaxingFun
File "game/home/spare/relaxingFun.rpy", line 26, in script call
call navigation from _call_navigation_7
File "game/home/double/evening.rpy", line 29, in script call
call screen doubleEvening
File "game/home/double/evening.rpy", line 44, in script call
call cuteChat from _call_cuteChat_6
File "game/home/double/evening.rpy", line 29, in script call
call screen doubleEvening
File "game/home/bathroom/empty.rpy", line 22, in script call
call screen bathroomEmpty
File "game/home/bathroom/empty.rpy", line 22, in script call
call screen bathroomEmpty
File "game/home/bathroom/empty.rpy", line 22, in script call
call screen bathroomEmpty
File "game/bts/time.rpy", line 227, in script call
call advanceTime(0) from _call_advanceTime_7 # Do day reset stuff without actually changing the time
File "game/home/lounge/cleaningCute.rpy", line 24, in script call
call screen loungeCleaningCute
File "game/home/double/together.rpy", line 10, in script call
call screen doubleTogether
File "game/home/spare/telly.rpy", line 25, in script call
call screen spareTelly
File "game/home/spare/telly.rpy", line 52, in script call
call daniTalk from _call_daniTalk
File "game/home/hallway.rpy", line 8, in script call
call screen uiHome
File "game/home/bathroom/empty.rpy", line 22, in script call
call screen bathroomEmpty
File "game/home/double/empty.rpy", line 23, in script call
call screen doubleEmpty
File "game/home/double/homework.rpy", line 18, in script call
call screen doubleHomework
File "game/home/double/empty.rpy", line 23, in script call
call screen doubleEmpty
File "game/home/spare/pictures.rpy", line 8, in script call
call screen sparePictures
File "game/home/double/empty.rpy", line 23, in script call
call screen doubleEmpty
File "game/home/spare/empty.rpy", line 18, in script call
call screen spareEmpty
File "game/home/spare/relaxing.rpy", line 26, in script call
call screen spareRelaxing
File "game/home/spare/relaxing.rpy", line 55, in script call
call daniTalk from _call_daniTalk_1
File "game/home/hallway.rpy", line 8, in script call
call screen uiHome
File "game/home/double/sleeping.rpy", line 23, in script call
call screen doubleSleeping
File "game/bts/time.rpy", line 227, in script call
call advanceTime(0) from _call_advanceTime_7 # Do day reset stuff without actually changing the time
File "game/home/double/empty.rpy", line 23, in script call
call screen doubleEmpty
File "game/home/double/dressing.rpy", line 15, in script call
call screen doubleDressing
File "game/home/bathroom/empty.rpy", line 22, in script call
call screen bathroomEmpty
File "game/home/double/phone.rpy", line 43, in script call
call screen doublePhone
File "game/home/double/reading.rpy", line 31, in script call
call screen doubleReading
File "game/home/double/empty.rpy", line 23, in script call
call screen doubleEmpty
File "game/home/kitchen/dishes headphones.rpy", line 14, in script call
call screen kitchenHeadphones
File "game/home/double/homework.rpy", line 18, in script call
call screen doubleHomework
File "game/home/double/empty.rpy", line 23, in script call
call screen doubleEmpty
File "game/home/bathroom/Dani bath.rpy", line 14, in script call
call screen bathroomDaniBath
File "game/home/double/empty.rpy", line 23, in script call
call screen doubleEmpty
File "game/home/double/empty.rpy", line 23, in script call
call screen doubleEmpty
File "game/home/double/evening.rpy", line 29, in script call
call screen doubleEvening
File "game/home/double/evening.rpy", line 44, in script call
call cuteChat from _call_cuteChat_6
File "game/home/spare/relaxing.rpy", line 26, in script call
call screen spareRelaxing
File "game/home/spare/relaxing.rpy", line 41, in script call
call daniChat from _call_daniChat_4
File "game/home/double/evening.rpy", line 29, in script call
call screen doubleEvening
File "game/home/double/sleeping.rpy", line 23, in script call
call screen doubleSleeping
File "game/bts/time.rpy", line 227, in script call
call advanceTime(0) from _call_advanceTime_7 # Do day reset stuff without actually changing the time
File "game/home/bathroom/Cute wash.rpy", line 77, in script call
call screen bathroomCuteWash
File "game/home/double/dressing.rpy", line 15, in script call
call screen doubleDressing
File "game/home/master/empty.rpy", line 16, in script call
call screen masterEmpty
File "game/home/double/waiting.rpy", line 24, in script call
call screen doubleWaiting
File "game/home/double/phone.rpy", line 43, in script call
call screen doublePhone
File "game/home/double/phone.rpy", line 59, in script call
call cuteChat from _call_cuteChat_1
File "game/home/double/phone.rpy", line 43, in script call
call screen doublePhone
File "game/home/laundry/Cute laundry.rpy", line 10, in script call
call screen laundryCute
File "game/home/laundry/Cute laundry.rpy", line 21, in script call
call cuteChat from _call_cuteChat
File "game/home/laundry/Cute laundry.rpy", line 10, in script call
call screen laundryCute
File "game/home/bathroom/empty.rpy", line 22, in script call
call screen bathroomEmpty
File "game/home/double/reading.rpy", line 31, in script call
call screen doubleReading
File "game/home/kitchen/dishes headphones.rpy", line 14, in script call
call screen kitchenHeadphones
File "game/home/double/homework.rpy", line 18, in script call
call screen doubleHomework
File "game/home/bathroom/Cute bath.rpy", line 12, in script call
call screen bathroomCuteBath
File "game/home/bathroom/Cute bath.rpy", line 36, in script call
call eventCaughtpeeking from _call_eventCaughtpeeking_2
File "game/home/events/caught peeking.rpy", line 21, in script call
call advanceTime from _call_advanceTime_6
File "game/home/bathroom/Dani bath.rpy", line 14, in script call
call screen bathroomDaniBath
File "game/home/lounge/Woman Cute.rpy", line 14, in script call
call screen loungeWomanCute
File "game/home/lounge/Woman Cute.rpy", line 44, in script call
call cuteChat from _call_cuteChat_5
File "game/home/lounge/Woman Cute.rpy", line 14, in script call
call screen loungeWomanCute
File "game/home/spare/together.rpy", line 12, in script call
call screen spareTogether
File "game/home/double/sleeping.rpy", line 23, in script call
call screen doubleSleeping
File "game/bts/time.rpy", line 227, in script call
call advanceTime(0) from _call_advanceTime_7 # Do day reset stuff without actually changing the time
File "game/home/kitchen/empty.rpy", line 18, in script call
call screen kitchenEmpty
File "game/home/double/waiting.rpy", line 24, in script call
call screen doubleWaiting
File "game/home/double/waiting.rpy", line 42, in script call
call cuteChat from _call_cuteChat_8
File "game/home/double/waiting.rpy", line 24, in script call
call screen doubleWaiting
File "game/home/double/empty.rpy", line 23, in script call
call screen doubleEmpty
File "game/home/double/empty.rpy", line 23, in script call
call screen doubleEmpty
File "game/home/lounge/Dani telly.rpy", line 15, in script call
call screen loungeDaniTelly
File "game/home/lounge/Dani telly.rpy", line 33, in script call
call daniChat from _call_daniChat_3
File "game/home/bathroom/empty.rpy", line 22, in script call
call screen bathroomEmpty
File "game/home/double/empty.rpy", line 23, in script call
call screen doubleEmpty
File "game/home/lounge/empty.rpy", line 17, in script call
call screen loungeEmpty
File "game/home/double/homework.rpy", line 18, in script call
call screen doubleHomework
File "game/home/bathroom/Cute bath.rpy", line 12, in script call
call screen bathroomCuteBath
File "game/home/bathroom/Cute bath.rpy", line 36, in script call
call eventCaughtpeeking from _call_eventCaughtpeeking_2
File "game/home/events/caught peeking.rpy", line 21, in script call
call advanceTime from _call_advanceTime_6
File "game/home/master/telly.rpy", line 21, in script call
call screen masterTelly
File "game/home/master/telly.rpy", line 56, in script call
call womanGift from _call_womanGift
File "game/home/double/empty.rpy", line 23, in script call
call screen doubleEmpty
File "game/bts/time.rpy", line 227, in script call
call advanceTime(0) from _call_advanceTime_7 # Do day reset stuff without actually changing the time
File "game/home/double/dressing.rpy", line 15, in script call
call screen doubleDressing
File "game/home/kitchen/empty.rpy", line 18, in script call
call screen kitchenEmpty
File "game/home/double/waiting.rpy", line 24, in script call
call screen doubleWaiting
File "game/home/double/waiting.rpy", line 42, in script call
call cuteChat from _call_cuteChat_8
File "game/home/double/waiting.rpy", line 24, in script call
call screen doubleWaiting
File "game/home/double/phone.rpy", line 43, in script call
call screen doublePhone
File "game/home/laundry/Cute laundry.rpy", line 10, in script call
call screen laundryCute
File "game/home/laundry/Cute laundry.rpy", line 21, in script call
call cuteChat from _call_cuteChat
File "game/home/bathroom/empty.rpy", line 22, in script call
call screen bathroomEmpty
File "game/home/spare/telly.rpy", line 25, in script call
call screen spareTelly
File "game/home/spare/telly.rpy", line 52, in script call
call daniTalk from _call_daniTalk
File "game/home/double/reading.rpy", line 31, in script call
call screen doubleReading
File "game/home/double/reading.rpy", line 46, in script call
call cuteChat from _call_cuteChat_7
File "game/home/double/reading.rpy", line 31, in script call
call screen doubleReading
File "game/home/kitchen/dishes headphones.rpy", line 14, in script call
call screen kitchenHeadphones
File "game/home/double/homework.rpy", line 18, in script call
call screen doubleHomework
File "game/home/double/empty.rpy", line 23, in script call
call screen doubleEmpty
File "game/home/bathroom/Dani bath.rpy", line 14, in script call
call screen bathroomDaniBath
File "game/home/spare/relaxing.rpy", line 26, in script call
call screen spareRelaxing
File "game/home/spare/sleeping.rpy", line 8, in script call
call screen spareSleeping
File "game/home/spare/sleeping.rpy", line 36, in script call
call screen spareSleepingInside
File "game/home/double/sleeping.rpy", line 23, in script call
call screen doubleSleeping
File "game/bts/time.rpy", line 227, in script call
call advanceTime(0) from _call_advanceTime_7 # Do day reset stuff without actually changing the time
File "game/home/double/waiting.rpy", line 24, in script call
call screen doubleWaiting
File "game/home/double/waiting.rpy", line 42, in script call
call cuteChat from _call_cuteChat_8
File "game/home/double/waiting.rpy", line 24, in script call
call screen doubleWaiting
File "game/home/lounge/cleaningCute.rpy", line 24, in script call
call screen loungeCleaningCute
File "game/home/double/together.rpy", line 10, in script call
call screen doubleTogether
File "game/home/spare/tellyFun.rpy", line 12, in script call
call screen spareTellyFun
File "game/home/spare/tellyFun.rpy", line 12, in script call
call screen spareTellyFun
File "game/home/spare/telly.rpy", line 25, in script call
call screen spareTelly
File "game/home/kitchen/dishes headphones.rpy", line 14, in script call
call screen kitchenHeadphones
File "game/home/bathroom/empty.rpy", line 22, in script call
call screen bathroomEmpty
File "game/home/bathroom/Cute bath.rpy", line 12, in script call
call screen bathroomCuteBath
File "game/home/bathroom/Cute bath.rpy", line 36, in script call
call eventCaughtpeeking from _call_eventCaughtpeeking_2
File "game/home/events/caught peeking.rpy", line 21, in script call
call advanceTime from _call_advanceTime_6
File "game/home/lounge/Woman Cute.rpy", line 14, in script call
call screen loungeWomanCute
File "game/home/lounge/empty.rpy", line 17, in script call
call screen loungeEmpty
File "game/home/lounge/empty.rpy", line 17, in script call
call screen loungeEmpty
File "game/home/double/sleeping.rpy", line 23, in script call
call screen doubleSleeping
File "game/bts/time.rpy", line 227, in script call
call advanceTime(0) from _call_advanceTime_7 # Do day reset stuff without actually changing the time
File "game/home/bathroom/Dani wash fun.rpy", line 12, in script call
call screen bathroomDaniWashFun
File "game/home/bathroom/Dani wash fun.rpy", line 12, in script call
call screen bathroomDaniWashFun
File "game/home/bathroom/Dani wash fun.rpy", line 12, in script call
call screen bathroomDaniWashFun
File "game/home/kitchen/empty.rpy", line 18, in script call
call screen kitchenEmpty
File "game/home/kitchen/empty.rpy", line 18, in script call
call screen kitchenEmpty
File "game/home/double/phone.rpy", line 43, in script call
call screen doublePhone
File "game/home/double/reading.rpy", line 31, in script call
call screen doubleReading
File "game/home/lounge/girls.rpy", line 13, in script call
call screen loungeGirls
File "game/home/kitchen/dishes headphones.rpy", line 14, in script call
call screen kitchenHeadphones
File "game/home/double/homework.rpy", line 18, in script call
call screen doubleHomework
File "game/home/bathroom/Cute bath.rpy", line 12, in script call
call screen bathroomCuteBath
File "game/home/bathroom/Cute bath.rpy", line 36, in script call
call eventCaughtpeeking from _call_eventCaughtpeeking_2
File "game/home/events/caught peeking.rpy", line 21, in script call
call advanceTime from _call_advanceTime_6
File "game/home/double/empty.rpy", line 23, in script call
call screen doubleEmpty
File "game/home/double/evening.rpy", line 29, in script call
call screen doubleEvening
File "game/home/double/evening.rpy", line 44, in script call
call cuteChat from _call_cuteChat_6
File "game/home/double/evening.rpy", line 29, in script call
call screen doubleEvening
File "game/home/double/sleeping.rpy", line 23, in script call
call screen doubleSleeping
File "game/bts/time.rpy", line 227, in script call
call advanceTime(0) from _call_advanceTime_7 # Do day reset stuff without actually changing the time
File "game/home/bathroom/Cute wash.rpy", line 77, in script call
call screen bathroomCuteWash
File "game/home/bathroom/Cute wash.rpy", line 110, in script call
call cuteChat from _call_cuteChat_4
File "game/home/bathroom/Cute wash.rpy", line 77, in script call
call screen bathroomCuteWash
File "game/home/kitchen/empty.rpy", line 18, in script call
call screen kitchenEmpty
File "game/home/spare/dressing.rpy", line 25, in script call
call screen spareDressing
File "game/home/double/phone.rpy", line 43, in script call
call screen doublePhone
File "game/home/laundry/Cute laundry.rpy", line 10, in script call
call screen laundryCute
File "game/home/laundry/Cute laundry.rpy", line 21, in script call
call cuteChat from _call_cuteChat
File "game/talk/Cute compliment.rpy", line 48, in script call
call screen cuteCompliments
File "game/talk/Cute compliment.rpy", line 229, in script call
call cuteComplimentsExit from _call_cuteComplimentsExit_10
File "game/talk/Cute compliment.rpy", line 286, in script call
call cuteChatSkip from _call_cuteChatSkip
File "game/home/laundry/Cute laundry.rpy", line 10, in script call
call screen laundryCute
File "game/home/bathroom/empty.rpy", line 22, in script call
call screen bathroomEmpty
File "game/home/double/reading.rpy", line 31, in script call
call screen doubleReading
File "game/home/double/reading.rpy", line 46, in script call
call cuteChat from _call_cuteChat_7
File "game/home/master/empty.rpy", line 16, in script call
call screen masterEmpty
File "game/home/kitchen/dishes headphones.rpy", line 14, in script call
call screen kitchenHeadphones
File "game/home/laundry/Dani laundry.rpy", line 12, in script call
call screen laundryDani
File "game/home/bathroom/Cute bath.rpy", line 12, in script call
call screen bathroomCuteBath
File "game/home/bathroom/Cute bath.rpy", line 36, in script call
call eventCaughtpeeking from _call_eventCaughtpeeking_2
File "game/home/events/caught peeking.rpy", line 21, in script call
call advanceTime from _call_advanceTime_6
File "game/home/double/empty.rpy", line 23, in script call
call screen doubleEmpty
File "game/home/spare/together.rpy", line 12, in script call
call screen spareTogether
File "game/home/double/sleeping.rpy", line 23, in script call
call screen doubleSleeping
File "game/bts/time.rpy", line 227, in script call
call advanceTime(0) from _call_advanceTime_7 # Do day reset stuff without actually changing the time
File "game/home/bathroom/Cute wash.rpy", line 77, in script call
call screen bathroomCuteWash
File "game/home/double/dressing.rpy", line 15, in script call
call screen doubleDressing
File "game/talk/Dani compliment.rpy", line 362, in script call
call daniComplimentsExit from _call_daniComplimentsExit_11
File "game/talk/Dani compliment.rpy", line 454, in script call
call daniChatSkip from _call_daniChatSkip
File "game/home/kitchen/empty.rpy", line 18, in script call
call screen kitchenEmpty
File "game/home/double/waiting.rpy", line 24, in script call
call screen doubleWaiting
File "game/home/double/waiting.rpy", line 42, in script call
call cuteChat from _call_cuteChat_8
File "game/home/double/waiting.rpy", line 24, in script call
call screen doubleWaiting
File "game/home/bathroom/empty.rpy", line 22, in script call
call screen bathroomEmpty
File "game/home/lounge/cleaningDani.rpy", line 18, in script call
call screen loungeCleaningDani
File "game/home/lounge/Dani telly.rpy", line 15, in script call
call screen loungeDaniTelly
File "game/home/spare/pictures.rpy", line 8, in script call
call screen sparePictures
File "game/home/lounge/empty.rpy", line 17, in script call
call screen loungeEmpty
File "game/home/master/empty.rpy", line 16, in script call
call screen masterEmpty
File "game/home/double/homework.rpy", line 18, in script call
call screen doubleHomework
File "game/home/bathroom/Cute bath.rpy", line 12, in script call
call screen bathroomCuteBath
File "game/home/bathroom/Cute bath.rpy", line 36, in script call
call eventCaughtpeeking from _call_eventCaughtpeeking_2
File "game/home/events/caught peeking.rpy", line 21, in script call
call advanceTime from _call_advanceTime_6
File "game/home/lounge/film.rpy", line 16, in script call
call screen loungeFilm
File "game/home/lounge/film.rpy", line 102, in script call
call advanceTime(2) from _call_advanceTime_5
File "game/home/spare/sleeping.rpy", line 8, in script call
call screen spareSleeping
File "game/home/double/sleeping.rpy", line 23, in script call
call screen doubleSleeping
File "game/bts/time.rpy", line 227, in script call
call advanceTime(0) from _call_advanceTime_7 # Do day reset stuff without actually changing the time
File "game/home/bathroom/Dani wash fun.rpy", line 12, in script call
call screen bathroomDaniWashFun
File "game/home/double/dressingFun.rpy", line 12, in script call
call screen doubleDressingFun
File "game/home/double/dressingFun.rpy", line 12, in script call
call screen doubleDressingFun
File "game/home/double/dressingFun.rpy", line 12, in script call
call screen doubleDressingFun
File "game/home/double/dressingFun.rpy", line 12, in script call
call screen doubleDressingFun
File "game/home/double/waiting.rpy", line 24, in script call
call screen doubleWaiting
File "game/home/double/waiting.rpy", line 57, in script call
call cuteTalk from _call_cuteTalk_3
File "game/home/hallway.rpy", line 8, in script call
call screen uiHome
File "game/home/double/waiting.rpy", line 24, in script call
call screen doubleWaiting
File "game/home/lounge/empty.rpy", line 17, in script call
call screen loungeEmpty
File "game/home/double/empty.rpy", line 23, in script call
call screen doubleEmpty
File "game/home/double/empty.rpy", line 23, in script call
call screen doubleEmpty
File "game/home/double/reading.rpy", line 31, in script call
call screen doubleReading
File "game/home/kitchen/dishes headphones.rpy", line 14, in script call
call screen kitchenHeadphones
File "game/home/double/homework.rpy", line 18, in script call
call screen doubleHomework
File "game/home/double/empty.rpy", line 23, in script call
call screen doubleEmpty
File "game/home/lounge/Woman Cute.rpy", line 14, in script call
call screen loungeWomanCute
File "game/home/spare/relaxing.rpy", line 26, in script call
call screen spareRelaxing
File "game/home/double/sleeping.rpy", line 23, in script call
call screen doubleSleeping
File "game/home/double/sleeping.rpy", line 23, in script call
call screen doubleSleeping
File "game/bts/time.rpy", line 227, in script call
call advanceTime(0) from _call_advanceTime_7 # Do day reset stuff without actually changing the time
File "game/home/double/empty.rpy", line 23, in script call
call screen doubleEmpty
File "game/home/kitchen/empty.rpy", line 18, in script call
call screen kitchenEmpty
File "game/home/spare/dressing.rpy", line 25, in script call
call screen spareDressing
File "game/home/double/waiting.rpy", line 24, in script call
call screen doubleWaiting
File "game/home/lounge/cleaningCute.rpy", line 24, in script call
call screen loungeCleaningCute
File "game/home/double/together.rpy", line 10, in script call
call screen doubleTogether
File "game/home/spare/telly.rpy", line 25, in script call
call screen spareTelly
File "game/home/kitchen/dishes headphones.rpy", line 14, in script call
call screen kitchenHeadphones
File "game/home/double/homework.rpy", line 18, in script call
call screen doubleHomework
File "game/home/kitchen/empty.rpy", line 18, in script call
call screen kitchenEmpty
File "game/home/double/empty.rpy", line 23, in script call
call screen doubleEmpty
File "game/home/double/evening.rpy", line 29, in script call
call screen doubleEvening
File "game/home/double/evening.rpy", line 44, in script call
call cuteChat from _call_cuteChat_6
File "game/home/spare/relaxing.rpy", line 26, in script call
call screen spareRelaxing
File "game/home/double/sleeping.rpy", line 23, in script call
call screen doubleSleeping
File "game/bts/time.rpy", line 227, in script call
call advanceTime(0) from _call_advanceTime_7 # Do day reset stuff without actually changing the time
File "game/home/double/empty.rpy", line 23, in script call
call screen doubleEmpty
File "game/home/double/dressing.rpy", line 15, in script call
call screen doubleDressing
File "game/home/bathroom/empty.rpy", line 22, in script call
call screen bathroomEmpty
File "game/home/double/phone.rpy", line 43, in script call
call screen doublePhone
File "game/home/double/reading.rpy", line 31, in script call
call screen doubleReading
File "game/home/lounge/girls.rpy", line 13, in script call
call screen loungeGirls
File "game/home/kitchen/dishes headphones.rpy", line 14, in script call
call screen kitchenHeadphones
File "game/home/double/homework.rpy", line 18, in script call
call screen doubleHomework
File "game/home/double/empty.rpy", line 23, in script call
call screen doubleEmpty
File "game/home/double/empty.rpy", line 23, in script call
call screen doubleEmpty
File "game/home/double/evening.rpy", line 29, in script call
call screen doubleEvening
File "game/bts/time.rpy", line 227, in script call
call advanceTime(0) from _call_advanceTime_7 # Do day reset stuff without actually changing the time
File "game/home/spare/sleeping.rpy", line 8, in script call
call screen spareSleeping
File "game/home/master/empty.rpy", line 16, in script call
call screen masterEmpty
File "game/home/double/empty.rpy", line 23, in script call
call screen doubleEmpty
File "game/home/bathroom/Dani wash fun.rpy", line 12, in script call
call screen bathroomDaniWashFun
File "game/home/bathroom/Dani wash fun.rpy", line 12, in script call
call screen bathroomDaniWashFun
File "game/home/kitchen/empty.rpy", line 18, in script call
call screen kitchenEmpty
File "game/home/spare/dressing.rpy", line 25, in script call
call screen spareDressing
File "game/home/double/waiting.rpy", line 24, in script call
call screen doubleWaiting
File "game/home/double/phone.rpy", line 43, in script call
call screen doublePhone
File "game/home/laundry/Cute laundry.rpy", line 10, in script call
call screen laundryCute
File "game/home/laundry/Cute laundry.rpy", line 21, in script call
call cuteChat from _call_cuteChat
File "game/home/kitchen/empty.rpy", line 18, in script call
call screen kitchenEmpty
File "game/home/spare/tellyFun.rpy", line 12, in script call
call screen spareTellyFun
File "game/home/spare/tellyFun.rpy", line 12, in script call
call screen spareTellyFun
File "game/home/spare/telly.rpy", line 25, in script call
call screen spareTelly
File "game/home/kitchen/dishes headphones.rpy", line 14, in script call
call screen kitchenHeadphones
File "game/home/kitchen/empty.rpy", line 18, in script call
call screen kitchenEmpty
File "game/home/lounge/Woman telly.rpy", line 13, in script call
call screen loungeWomanTelly
File "game/home/lounge/Woman Cute.rpy", line 14, in script call
call screen loungeWomanCute
File "game/home/spare/together.rpy", line 12, in script call
call screen spareTogether
File "game/home/double/sleeping.rpy", line 23, in script call
call screen doubleSleeping
File "game/bts/time.rpy", line 227, in script call
call advanceTime(0) from _call_advanceTime_7 # Do day reset stuff without actually changing the time
File "game/home/double/empty.rpy", line 23, in script call
call screen doubleEmpty
File "game/home/bathroom/Dani wash fun.rpy", line 12, in script call
call screen bathroomDaniWashFun
File "game/home/bathroom/Dani wash fun.rpy", line 26, in script call
call navigation from _call_navigation_6
File "game/home/bathroom/Dani wash fun.rpy", line 12, in script call
call screen bathroomDaniWashFun
File "game/home/bathroom/Dani wash fun.rpy", line 12, in script call
call screen bathroomDaniWashFun
File "game/home/bathroom/Dani wash fun.rpy", line 26, in script call
call navigation from _call_navigation_6
File "game/home/kitchen/empty.rpy", line 18, in script call
call screen kitchenEmpty
File "game/home/kitchen/empty.rpy", line 18, in script call
call screen kitchenEmpty
File "game/home/lounge/empty.rpy", line 17, in script call
call screen loungeEmpty
File "game/home/lounge/cleaningDani.rpy", line 18, in script call
call screen loungeCleaningDani
File "game/home/lounge/Dani telly.rpy", line 15, in script call
call screen loungeDaniTelly
File "game/home/lounge/Dani telly.rpy", line 33, in script call
call daniChat from _call_daniChat_3
File "game/home/lounge/Dani telly.rpy", line 15, in script call
call screen loungeDaniTelly
File "game/home/lounge/empty.rpy", line 17, in script call
call screen loungeEmpty
File "game/home/lounge/empty.rpy", line 17, in script call
call screen loungeEmpty
File "game/home/lounge/empty.rpy", line 17, in script call
call screen loungeEmpty
File "game/home/bathroom/Cute bath.rpy", line 12, in script call
call screen bathroomCuteBath
File "game/home/bathroom/Cute bath.rpy", line 36, in script call
call eventCaughtpeeking from _call_eventCaughtpeeking_2
File "game/home/events/caught peeking.rpy", line 21, in script call
call advanceTime from _call_advanceTime_6
File "game/home/lounge/film.rpy", line 16, in script call
call screen loungeFilm
File "game/bts/time.rpy", line 227, in script call
call advanceTime(0) from _call_advanceTime_7 # Do day reset stuff without actually changing the time
File "game/home/hallway.rpy", line 8, in script call
call screen uiHome
File "game/home/double/dressing.rpy", line 15, in script call
call screen doubleDressing
File "game/home/kitchen/empty.rpy", line 18, in script call
call screen kitchenEmpty
File "game/home/double/waiting.rpy", line 24, in script call
call screen doubleWaiting
File "game/home/double/waiting.rpy", line 42, in script call
call cuteChat from _call_cuteChat_8
File "game/home/double/waiting.rpy", line 24, in script call
call screen doubleWaiting
File "game/home/double/phone.rpy", line 43, in script call
call screen doublePhone
File "game/home/laundry/Cute laundry.rpy", line 10, in script call
call screen laundryCute
File "game/home/laundry/Cute laundry.rpy", line 21, in script call
call cuteChat from _call_cuteChat
File "game/home/double/empty.rpy", line 23, in script call
call screen doubleEmpty
File "game/home/double/empty.rpy", line 23, in script call
call screen doubleEmpty
File "game/home/double/reading.rpy", line 31, in script call
call screen doubleReading
File "game/home/kitchen/dishes headphones.rpy", line 14, in script call
call screen kitchenHeadphones
File "game/home/double/homework.rpy", line 18, in script call
call screen doubleHomework
File "game/home/lounge/Woman telly.rpy", line 13, in script call
call screen loungeWomanTelly
File "game/home/lounge/Woman Cute.rpy", line 14, in script call
call screen loungeWomanCute
File "game/home/lounge/Woman Cute.rpy", line 44, in script call
call cuteChat from _call_cuteChat_5
File "game/home/lounge/Woman Cute.rpy", line 14, in script call
call screen loungeWomanCute
File "game/home/double/eveningFun.rpy", line 12, in script call
call screen doubleEveningFun
File "game/home/spare/relaxingFun.rpy", line 12, in script call
call screen spareRelaxingFun
File "game/home/spare/relaxingFun.rpy", line 12, in script call
call screen spareRelaxingFun
File "game/home/spare/relaxingFun.rpy", line 12, in script call
call screen spareRelaxingFun
File "game/home/double/eveningFun.rpy", line 12, in script call
call screen doubleEveningFun
File "game/home/double/eveningFun.rpy", line 12, in script call
call screen doubleEveningFun
File "game/home/double/evening.rpy", line 29, in script call
call screen doubleEvening
File "game/home/double/evening.rpy", line 44, in script call
call cuteChat from _call_cuteChat_6
File "game/home/double/evening.rpy", line 29, in script call
call screen doubleEvening
File "game/home/double/sleeping.rpy", line 23, in script call
call screen doubleSleeping
File "game/bts/time.rpy", line 227, in script call
call advanceTime(0) from _call_advanceTime_7 # Do day reset stuff without actually changing the time
File "game/home/bathroom/Cute wash.rpy", line 77, in script call
call screen bathroomCuteWash
File "game/home/double/dressingFun.rpy", line 12, in script call
call screen doubleDressingFun
File "game/home/kitchen/empty.rpy", line 18, in script call
call screen kitchenEmpty
File "game/home/double/waiting.rpy", line 24, in script call
call screen doubleWaiting
File "game/home/double/waiting.rpy", line 42, in script call
call cuteChat from _call_cuteChat_8
File "game/home/double/waiting.rpy", line 24, in script call
call screen doubleWaiting
File "game/home/lounge/cleaningCute.rpy", line 24, in script call
call screen loungeCleaningCute
File "game/home/double/together.rpy", line 10, in script call
call screen doubleTogether
File "game/home/master/empty.rpy", line 16, in script call
call screen masterEmpty
File "game/home/kitchen/dishes headphones.rpy", line 14, in script call
call screen kitchenHeadphones
File "game/home/double/homework.rpy", line 18, in script call
call screen doubleHomework
File "game/home/double/homework.rpy", line 81, in script call
player "Need help?"
File "game/home/double/homework.rpy", line 18, in script call
call screen doubleHomework
File "game/home/bathroom/Cute bath.rpy", line 12, in script call
call screen bathroomCuteBath
File "game/home/bathroom/Cute bath.rpy", line 36, in script call
call eventCaughtpeeking from _call_eventCaughtpeeking_2
File "game/home/events/caught peeking.rpy", line 21, in script call
call advanceTime from _call_advanceTime_6
File "game/home/spare/empty.rpy", line 18, in script call
call screen spareEmpty
File "game/home/double/evening.rpy", line 29, in script call
call screen doubleEvening
File "game/home/double/evening.rpy", line 44, in script call
call cuteChat from _call_cuteChat_6
File "game/home/double/evening.rpy", line 29, in script call
call screen doubleEvening
File "game/home/double/sleeping.rpy", line 23, in script call
call screen doubleSleeping
File "game/bts/time.rpy", line 227, in script call
call advanceTime(0) from _call_advanceTime_7 # Do day reset stuff without actually changing the time
File "game/home/double/empty.rpy", line 23, in script call
call screen doubleEmpty
File "game/home/double/dressingFun.rpy", line 12, in script call
call screen doubleDressingFun
File "game/home/kitchen/empty.rpy", line 18, in script call
call screen kitchenEmpty
File "game/home/double/waiting.rpy", line 24, in script call
call screen doubleWaiting
File "game/home/double/waiting.rpy", line 42, in script call
call cuteChat from _call_cuteChat_8
File "game/home/double/waiting.rpy", line 24, in script call
call screen doubleWaiting
File "game/home/double/phone.rpy", line 43, in script call
call screen doublePhone
File "game/home/double/reading.rpy", line 31, in script call
call screen doubleReading
File "game/home/double/empty.rpy", line 23, in script call
call screen doubleEmpty
File "game/home/kitchen/dishes headphones.rpy", line 14, in script call
call screen kitchenHeadphones
File "game/home/double/homework.rpy", line 18, in script call
call screen doubleHomework
File "game/home/double/empty.rpy", line 23, in script call
call screen doubleEmpty
File "game/home/double/empty.rpy", line 23, in script call
call screen doubleEmpty
File "game/home/bathroom/Dani bath.rpy", line 14, in script call
call screen bathroomDaniBath
File "game/home/lounge/Woman Cute.rpy", line 14, in script call
call screen loungeWomanCute
File "game/home/lounge/Woman Cute.rpy", line 44, in script call
call cuteChat from _call_cuteChat_5
File "game/home/lounge/Woman Cute.rpy", line 14, in script call
call screen loungeWomanCute
File "game/home/double/evening.rpy", line 29, in script call
call screen doubleEvening
File "game/home/double/evening.rpy", line 44, in script call
call cuteChat from _call_cuteChat_6
File "game/home/double/evening.rpy", line 29, in script call
call screen doubleEvening
File "game/home/double/sleeping.rpy", line 23, in script call
call screen doubleSleeping
File "game/bts/time.rpy", line 227, in script call
call advanceTime(0) from _call_advanceTime_7 # Do day reset stuff without actually changing the time
File "game/home/double/empty.rpy", line 23, in script call
call screen doubleEmpty
File "game/home/double/dressing.rpy", line 15, in script call
call screen doubleDressing
File "game/home/double/waiting.rpy", line 24, in script call
call screen doubleWaiting
File "game/home/double/phone.rpy", line 43, in script call
call screen doublePhone
File "game/home/laundry/Cute laundry.rpy", line 10, in script call
call screen laundryCute
File "game/home/laundry/Cute laundry.rpy", line 21, in script call
call cuteChat from _call_cuteChat
File "game/home/double/empty.rpy", line 23, in script call
call screen doubleEmpty
File "game/home/double/empty.rpy", line 23, in script call
call screen doubleEmpty
File "game/home/spare/telly.rpy", line 25, in script call
call screen spareTelly
File "game/home/spare/telly.rpy", line 40, in script call
call daniChat from _call_daniChat
File "game/home/spare/telly.rpy", line 25, in script call
call screen spareTelly
File "game/home/kitchen/dishes headphones.rpy", line 14, in script call
call screen kitchenHeadphones
File "game/home/double/homework.rpy", line 18, in script call
call screen doubleHomework
File "game/home/double/empty.rpy", line 23, in script call
call screen doubleEmpty
File "game/home/double/empty.rpy", line 23, in script call
call screen doubleEmpty
File "game/home/spare/together.rpy", line 12, in script call
call screen spareTogether
File "game/home/double/sleeping.rpy", line 23, in script call
call screen doubleSleeping
File "game/bts/time.rpy", line 227, in script call
call advanceTime(0) from _call_advanceTime_7 # Do day reset stuff without actually changing the time
File "game/home/bathroom/Cute wash.rpy", line 77, in script call
call screen bathroomCuteWash
File "game/home/double/dressingFun.rpy", line 12, in script call
call screen doubleDressingFun
File "game/home/kitchen/empty.rpy", line 18, in script call
call screen kitchenEmpty
File "game/home/double/waiting.rpy", line 24, in script call
call screen doubleWaiting
File "game/home/double/waiting.rpy", line 42, in script call
call cuteChat from _call_cuteChat_8
File "game/home/double/waiting.rpy", line 24, in script call
call screen doubleWaiting
File "game/home/bathroom/empty.rpy", line 22, in script call
call screen bathroomEmpty
File "game/home/master/empty.rpy", line 16, in script call
call screen masterEmpty
File "game/home/lounge/Dani telly.rpy", line 15, in script call
call screen loungeDaniTelly
File "game/home/lounge/Dani telly.rpy", line 33, in script call
call daniChat from _call_daniChat_3
File "game/home/bathroom/empty.rpy", line 22, in script call
call screen bathroomEmpty
File "game/home/double/empty.rpy", line 23, in script call
call screen doubleEmpty
File "game/home/spare/empty.rpy", line 18, in script call
call screen spareEmpty
File "game/home/spare/dolling.rpy", line 18, in script call
call screen spareDolling
File "game/home/bathroom/Cute bath.rpy", line 12, in script call
call screen bathroomCuteBath
File "game/home/bathroom/Cute bath.rpy", line 36, in script call
call eventCaughtpeeking from _call_eventCaughtpeeking_2
File "game/home/events/caught peeking.rpy", line 21, in script call
call advanceTime from _call_advanceTime_6
File "game/home/lounge/film.rpy", line 16, in script call
call screen loungeFilm
File "game/home/lounge/film.rpy", line 102, in script call
call advanceTime(2) from _call_advanceTime_5
File "game/home/double/sleeping.rpy", line 23, in script call
call screen doubleSleeping
File "game/bts/Weekends/_weekends.rpy", line 143, in script call
File "game/home/double/sleeping.rpy", line 23, in script call
call screen doubleSleeping
File "game/bts/time.rpy", line 227, in script call
call advanceTime(0) from _call_advanceTime_7 # Do day reset stuff without actually changing the time
File "game/home/hallway.rpy", line 8, in script call
call screen uiHome
File "game/home/kitchen/empty.rpy", line 18, in script call
call screen kitchenEmpty
File "game/home/double/waiting.rpy", line 24, in script call
call screen doubleWaiting
File "game/home/double/waiting.rpy", line 42, in script call
call cuteChat from _call_cuteChat_8
File "game/home/kitchen/empty.rpy", line 18, in script call
call screen kitchenEmpty
File "game/home/double/empty.rpy", line 23, in script call
call screen doubleEmpty
File "game/home/double/together.rpy", line 10, in script call
call screen doubleTogether
File "game/home/lounge/empty.rpy", line 17, in script call
call screen loungeEmpty
File "game/home/kitchen/dishes headphones.rpy", line 14, in script call
call screen kitchenHeadphones
File "game/home/double/homework.rpy", line 18, in script call
call screen doubleHomework
File "game/home/double/empty.rpy", line 23, in script call
call screen doubleEmpty
File "game/home/lounge/Woman Cute.rpy", line 14, in script call
call screen loungeWomanCute
File "game/home/double/evening.rpy", line 29, in script call
call screen doubleEvening
File "game/home/double/evening.rpy", line 44, in script call
call cuteChat from _call_cuteChat_6
File "game/home/double/evening.rpy", line 29, in script call
call screen doubleEvening
File "game/bts/time.rpy", line 227, in script call
call advanceTime(0) from _call_advanceTime_7 # Do day reset stuff without actually changing the time
File "game/home/lounge/empty.rpy", line 17, in script call
call screen loungeEmpty
File "game/home/double/empty.rpy", line 23, in script call
call screen doubleEmpty
File "game/home/kitchen/empty.rpy", line 18, in script call
call screen kitchenEmpty
File "game/home/double/waiting.rpy", line 24, in script call
call screen doubleWaiting
File "game/home/double/phone.rpy", line 43, in script call
call screen doublePhone
File "game/home/double/reading.rpy", line 104, in script call
call cuteGift from _call_cuteGift
File "game/talk/Cute sat.rpy", line 201, in script call
call advanceTime from _call_advanceTime_1
File "game/home/double/reading.rpy", line 31, in script call
call screen doubleReading
File "game/talk/Cute sat.rpy", line 201, in script call
call advanceTime from _call_advanceTime_1
File "game/home/lounge/girls.rpy", line 13, in script call
call screen loungeGirls
File "game/home/double/empty.rpy", line 23, in script call
call screen doubleEmpty
File "game/home/kitchen/dishes headphones.rpy", line 14, in script call
call screen kitchenHeadphones
File "game/home/double/homework.rpy", line 18, in script call
call screen doubleHomework
File "game/home/double/empty.rpy", line 23, in script call
call screen doubleEmpty
File "game/home/bathroom/Cute bath.rpy", line 12, in script call
call screen bathroomCuteBath
File "game/home/bathroom/Cute bath.rpy", line 12, in script call
call screen bathroomCuteBath
File "game/home/lounge/Woman Cute.rpy", line 14, in script call
call screen loungeWomanCute
File "game/home/double/eveningFun.rpy", line 12, in script call
call screen doubleEveningFun
File "game/home/double/eveningFun.rpy", line 12, in script call
call screen doubleEveningFun
File "game/home/double/evening.rpy", line 29, in script call
call screen doubleEvening
File "game/home/double/evening.rpy", line 56, in script call
call cuteTalk from _call_cuteTalk_1
File "game/home/double/evening.rpy", line 29, in script call
call screen doubleEvening
File "game/home/double/evening.rpy", line 44, in script call
call cuteChat from _call_cuteChat_6
File "game/home/double/sleeping.rpy", line 23, in script call
call screen doubleSleeping
File "game/bts/time.rpy", line 227, in script call
call advanceTime(0) from _call_advanceTime_7 # Do day reset stuff without actually changing the time
File "game/home/bathroom/Cute wash.rpy", line 77, in script call
call screen bathroomCuteWash
File "game/home/bathroom/Cute wash.rpy", line 77, in script call
call screen bathroomCuteWash
File "game/home/bathroom/Cute wash.rpy", line 77, in script call
call screen bathroomCuteWash
File "game/home/hallway.rpy", line 8, in script
call screen uiHome
File "game/home/double/empty.rpy", line 23, in script call
call screen doubleEmpty
File "game/home/spare/empty.rpy", line 18, in script call
call screen spareEmpty
File "game/home/bathroom/Woman bath.rpy", line 8, in script call
call screen bathroomWomanBath
File "game/home/kitchen/dishes.rpy", line 17, in script call
call screen kitchenDishes
File "game/home/laundry/Dani laundry.rpy", line 12, in script call
call screen laundryDani
File "game/home/laundry/Dani laundry.rpy", line 23, in script call
call daniChat from _call_daniChat_1
File "game/talk/Dani compliment.rpy", line 93, in script call
call daniComplimentsExit from _call_daniComplimentsExit
File "game/talk/Dani compliment.rpy", line 454, in script call
call daniChatSkip from _call_daniChatSkip
File "game/home/master/telly.rpy", line 21, in script call
call screen masterTelly
File "game/home/master/telly.rpy", line 39, in script call
call womanTalk from _call_womanTalk_1
File "game/home/double/empty.rpy", line 23, in script call
call screen doubleEmpty
File "game/home/lounge/Woman Cute.rpy", line 14, in script call
call screen loungeWomanCute
File "game/home/lounge/Woman Cute.rpy", line 44, in script call
call cuteChat from _call_cuteChat_5
File "game/talk/Cute compliment.rpy", line 48, in script call
call screen cuteCompliments
File "game/talk/Cute compliment.rpy", line 167, in script call
call cuteComplimentsExit from _call_cuteComplimentsExit_6
File "game/talk/Cute compliment.rpy", line 284, in script call
call advanceTime from _call_advanceTime_8
File "game/home/double/evening.rpy", line 29, in script call
call screen doubleEvening
File "game/home/double/evening.rpy", line 56, in script call
call cuteTalk from _call_cuteTalk_1
File "game/home/double/evening.rpy", line 29, in script call
call screen doubleEvening
File "game/home/double/evening.rpy", line 44, in script call
call cuteChat from _call_cuteChat_6
File "game/home/double/sleeping.rpy", line 23, in script call
call screen doubleSleeping
File "game/bts/time.rpy", line 227, in script call
call advanceTime(0) from _call_advanceTime_7 # Do day reset stuff without actually changing the time
File "game/home/double/empty.rpy", line 23, in script call
call screen doubleEmpty
File "game/bts/mySettings.rpy", line 8, in script call
File "game/home/double/empty.rpy", line 23, in script call
call screen doubleEmpty
File "game/home/double/empty.rpy", line 23, in script call
call screen doubleEmpty
File "game/home/kitchen/empty.rpy", line 18, in script call
call screen kitchenEmpty
File "game/home/kitchen/empty.rpy", line 18, in script call
call screen kitchenEmpty
File "game/home/lounge/cleaningCute.rpy", line 24, in script call
call screen loungeCleaningCute
File "game/home/lounge/cleaningCute.rpy", line 24, in script call
call screen loungeCleaningCute
File "game/home/double/together.rpy", line 10, in script call
call screen doubleTogether
File "game/home/double/phone.rpy", line 43, in script call
call screen doublePhone
File "game/home/double/phone.rpy", line 59, in script call
call cuteChat from _call_cuteChat_1
File "game/talk/Cute compliment.rpy", line 48, in script call
call screen cuteCompliments
File "game/talk/Cute compliment.rpy", line 167, in script call
call cuteComplimentsExit from _call_cuteComplimentsExit_6
File "game/talk/Cute compliment.rpy", line 284, in script call
call advanceTime from _call_advanceTime_8
File "game/home/kitchen/dishes.rpy", line 17, in script call
call screen kitchenDishes
File "game/home/kitchen/dishes.rpy", line 57, in script call
call cuteChat from _call_cuteChat_9
File "game/home/double/empty.rpy", line 23, in script call
call screen doubleEmpty
File "game/home/lounge/Woman Dani.rpy", line 12, in script call
call screen loungeWomanDani
File "game/home/lounge/Woman Dani.rpy", line 45, in script call
call daniChat from _call_daniChat_2
File "game/home/lounge/Woman Dani.rpy", line 12, in script call
call screen loungeWomanDani
File "game/bts/mySettings.rpy", line 8, in script call
File "game/home/bathroom/empty.rpy", line 22, in script call
call screen bathroomEmpty
File "game/home/spare/pictures.rpy", line 8, in script call
call screen sparePictures
File "game/home/spare/pictures.rpy", line 47, in script call
call eventCaughtpeeking from _call_eventCaughtpeeking
File "game/home/events/caught peeking.rpy", line 21, in script call
call advanceTime from _call_advanceTime_6
File "game/home/master/empty.rpy", line 16, in script call
call screen masterEmpty
File "game/home/double/evening.rpy", line 29, in script call
call screen doubleEvening
File "game/home/double/evening.rpy", line 44, in script call
call cuteChat from _call_cuteChat_6
File "game/home/double/evening.rpy", line 29, in script call
call screen doubleEvening
File "game/home/double/sleeping.rpy", line 23, in script call
call screen doubleSleeping
File "game/bts/time.rpy", line 227, in script call
call advanceTime(0) from _call_advanceTime_7 # Do day reset stuff without actually changing the time
File "game/home/double/empty.rpy", line 23, in script call
call screen doubleEmpty
File "game/home/double/dressing.rpy", line 15, in script call
call screen doubleDressing
File "game/home/double/dressing.rpy", line 52, in script call
call eventCaughtpeeking from _call_eventCaughtpeeking_1
File "game/home/events/caught peeking.rpy", line 21, in script call
call advanceTime from _call_advanceTime_6
File "game/home/double/waiting.rpy", line 24, in script call
call screen doubleWaiting
File "game/home/double/phone.rpy", line 43, in script call
call screen doublePhone
File "game/home/double/reading.rpy", line 104, in script call
call cuteGift from _call_cuteGift
File "game/talk/Cute gift.rpy", line 182, in script call
call advanceTime from _call_advanceTime
File "game/home/double/reading.rpy", line 31, in script call
call screen doubleReading
File "game/home/double/reading.rpy", line 31, in script call
call screen doubleReading
File "game/home/double/reading.rpy", line 60, in script call
call cuteTalk from _call_cuteTalk_2
File "game/home/lounge/girls.rpy", line 13, in script call
call screen loungeGirls
File "game/home/kitchen/dishes.rpy", line 17, in script call
call screen kitchenDishes
File "game/home/kitchen/empty.rpy", line 18, in script call
call screen kitchenEmpty
File "game/home/double/homework.rpy", line 18, in script call
call screen doubleHomework
File "game/home/double/empty.rpy", line 23, in script call
call screen doubleEmpty
File "game/home/lounge/Woman telly.rpy", line 13, in script call
call screen loungeWomanTelly
File "game/home/lounge/Woman telly.rpy", line 42, in script call
call womanTalk from _call_womanTalk
File "game/home/double/empty.rpy", line 23, in script call
call screen doubleEmpty
File "game/home/master/empty.rpy", line 16, in script call
call screen masterEmpty
File "game/home/lounge/Woman Cute.rpy", line 14, in script call
call screen loungeWomanCute
File "game/home/lounge/Woman Cute.rpy", line 44, in script call
call cuteChat from _call_cuteChat_5
File "game/home/lounge/Woman Cute.rpy", line 14, in script call
call screen loungeWomanCute
File "game/home/double/evening.rpy", line 29, in script call
call screen doubleEvening
File "game/home/double/evening.rpy", line 44, in script call
call cuteChat from _call_cuteChat_6
File "game/home/double/evening.rpy", line 29, in script call
call screen doubleEvening
File "game/home/double/evening.rpy", line 56, in script call
call cuteTalk from _call_cuteTalk_1
File "game/home/hallway.rpy", line 8, in script call
call screen uiHome
File "game/home/double/evening.rpy", line 29, in script call
call screen doubleEvening
File "game/home/double/sleeping.rpy", line 23, in script call
call screen doubleSleeping
File "game/bts/time.rpy", line 227, in script call
call advanceTime(0) from _call_advanceTime_7 # Do day reset stuff without actually changing the time
File "game/home/bathroom/Cute wash.rpy", line 77, in script call
call screen bathroomCuteWash
File "game/home/bathroom/Cute wash.rpy", line 110, in script call
call cuteChat from _call_cuteChat_4
File "game/home/double/empty.rpy", line 23, in script call
call screen doubleEmpty
File "game/home/kitchen/empty.rpy", line 18, in script call
call screen kitchenEmpty
File "game/home/double/waiting.rpy", line 24, in script call
call screen doubleWaiting
File "game/home/double/phone.rpy", line 43, in script call
call screen doublePhone
File "game/home/laundry/Cute laundry.rpy", line 10, in script call
call screen laundryCute
File "game/home/laundry/Cute laundry.rpy", line 21, in script call
call cuteChat from _call_cuteChat
File "game/talk/Cute compliment.rpy", line 48, in script call
call screen cuteCompliments
File "game/talk/Cute compliment.rpy", line 54, in script call
call screen cuteComplimentsHead
File "game/talk/Cute compliment.rpy", line 76, in script call
call cuteComplimentsExit from _call_cuteComplimentsExit
File "game/talk/Cute compliment.rpy", line 284, in script call
call advanceTime from _call_advanceTime_8
File "game/home/laundry/empty.rpy", line 13, in script call
call screen uiHome
File "game/home/double/reading.rpy", line 31, in script call
call screen doubleReading
File "game/home/double/reading.rpy", line 60, in script call
call cuteTalk from _call_cuteTalk_2
File "game/home/hallway.rpy", line 8, in script call
call screen uiHome
File "game/home/double/reading.rpy", line 31, in script call
call screen doubleReading
File "game/home/double/reading.rpy", line 104, in script call
call cuteGift from _call_cuteGift
File "game/home/double/reading.rpy", line 31, in script call
call screen doubleReading
File "game/home/kitchen/dishes.rpy", line 17, in script call
call screen kitchenDishes
File "game/home/double/homework.rpy", line 18, in script call
call screen doubleHomework
File "game/home/double/empty.rpy", line 23, in script call
call screen doubleEmpty
File "game/home/lounge/Woman Cute.rpy", line 14, in script call
call screen loungeWomanCute
File "game/home/spare/together.rpy", line 12, in script call
call screen spareTogether
File "game/home/double/sleeping.rpy", line 23, in script call
call screen doubleSleeping
File "game/bts/time.rpy", line 227, in script call
call advanceTime(0) from _call_advanceTime_7 # Do day reset stuff without actually changing the time
File "game/home/double/empty.rpy", line 23, in script call
call screen doubleEmpty
File "game/home/double/dressing.rpy", line 15, in script call
call screen doubleDressing
File "game/home/double/waiting.rpy", line 24, in script call
call screen doubleWaiting
File "game/home/double/empty.rpy", line 23, in script call
call screen doubleEmpty
File "game/home/lounge/empty.rpy", line 17, in script call
call screen loungeEmpty
File "game/home/lounge/cleaningDani.rpy", line 18, in script call
call screen loungeCleaningDani
File "game/home/double/phoneFun.rpy", line 12, in script call
call screen doublePhoneFun
File "game/home/lounge/Dani telly.rpy", line 15, in script call
call screen loungeDaniTelly
File "game/home/lounge/Dani telly.rpy", line 33, in script call
call daniChat from _call_daniChat_3
File "game/home/lounge/Dani telly.rpy", line 15, in script call
call screen loungeDaniTelly
File "game/home/spare/pictures.rpy", line 8, in script call
call screen sparePictures
File "game/home/double/empty.rpy", line 23, in script call
call screen doubleEmpty
File "game/home/lounge/empty.rpy", line 17, in script call
call screen loungeEmpty
File "game/home/lounge/empty.rpy", line 17, in script call
call screen loungeEmpty
File "game/home/double/homework.rpy", line 18, in script call
call screen doubleHomework
File "game/home/master/telly.rpy", line 21, in script call
call screen masterTelly
File "game/home/master/telly.rpy", line 39, in script call
call womanTalk from _call_womanTalk_1
File "game/home/master/telly.rpy", line 21, in script call
call screen masterTelly
File "game/home/lounge/film.rpy", line 16, in script call
call screen loungeFilm
File "game/home/lounge/film.rpy", line 102, in script call
call advanceTime(2) from _call_advanceTime_5
File "game/home/double/sleeping.rpy", line 23, in script call
call screen doubleSleeping
File "game/bts/time.rpy", line 227, in script call
call advanceTime(0) from _call_advanceTime_7 # Do day reset stuff without actually changing the time
File "game/home/lounge/Woman relaxing.rpy", line 7, in script call
call screen uiHome
File "game/home/master/empty.rpy", line 16, in script call
call screen masterEmpty
File "game/home/double/waiting.rpy", line 24, in script call
call screen doubleWaiting
File "game/home/double/waiting.rpy", line 57, in script call
call cuteTalk from _call_cuteTalk_3
File "game/home/hallway.rpy", line 8, in script call
call screen uiHome
File "game/home/spare/dressing.rpy", line 25, in script call
call screen spareDressing
File "game/home/double/waiting.rpy", line 24, in script call
call screen doubleWaiting
File "game/home/double/phone.rpy", line 43, in script call
call screen doublePhone
File "game/home/laundry/Cute laundry.rpy", line 10, in script call
call screen laundryCute
File "game/home/laundry/Cute laundry.rpy", line 21, in script call
call cuteChat from _call_cuteChat
File "game/talk/Cute compliment.rpy", line 48, in script call
call screen cuteCompliments
File "game/talk/Cute compliment.rpy", line 167, in script call
call cuteComplimentsExit from _call_cuteComplimentsExit_6
File "game/talk/Cute compliment.rpy", line 284, in script call
call advanceTime from _call_advanceTime_8
File "game/home/spare/telly.rpy", line 25, in script call
call screen spareTelly
File "game/home/spare/telly.rpy", line 52, in script call
call daniTalk from _call_daniTalk
File "game/home/kitchen/dishes.rpy", line 17, in script call
call screen kitchenDishes
File "game/home/lounge/Dani telly.rpy", line 15, in script call
call screen loungeDaniTelly
File "game/home/double/homework.rpy", line 18, in script call
call screen doubleHomework
File "game/home/spare/pictures.rpy", line 8, in script call
call screen sparePictures
File "game/home/lounge/Woman telly.rpy", line 13, in script call
call screen loungeWomanTelly
File "game/home/lounge/Woman Cute.rpy", line 14, in script call
call screen loungeWomanCute
File "game/home/spare/relaxing.rpy", line 26, in script call
call screen spareRelaxing
File "game/home/spare/relaxing.rpy", line 41, in script call
call daniChat from _call_daniChat_4
File "game/home/spare/relaxing.rpy", line 26, in script call
call screen spareRelaxing
File "game/home/double/evening.rpy", line 29, in script call
call screen doubleEvening
File "game/home/double/evening.rpy", line 56, in script call
call cuteTalk from _call_cuteTalk_1
File "game/home/double/sleeping.rpy", line 23, in script call
call screen doubleSleeping
File "game/home/double/sleeping.rpy", line 23, in script call
call screen doubleSleeping
File "game/bts/time.rpy", line 227, in script call
call advanceTime(0) from _call_advanceTime_7 # Do day reset stuff without actually changing the time
File "game/home/double/empty.rpy", line 23, in script call
call screen doubleEmpty
File "game/home/kitchen/empty.rpy", line 18, in script call
call screen kitchenEmpty
File "game/home/kitchen/empty.rpy", line 18, in script call
call screen kitchenEmpty
File "game/home/lounge/cleaningCute.rpy", line 24, in script call
call screen loungeCleaningCute
File "game/home/double/together.rpy", line 10, in script call
call screen doubleTogether
File "game/home/double/phone.rpy", line 43, in script call
call screen doublePhone
File "game/home/double/empty.rpy", line 23, in script call
call screen doubleEmpty
File "game/home/double/homework.rpy", line 18, in script call
call screen doubleHomework
File "game/home/bathroom/Cute bath.rpy", line 12, in script call
call screen bathroomCuteBath
File "game/home/lounge/Woman telly.rpy", line 13, in script call
call screen loungeWomanTelly
File "game/home/lounge/Woman Cute.rpy", line 14, in script call
call screen loungeWomanCute
File "game/home/double/evening.rpy", line 29, in script call
call screen doubleEvening
File "game/home/double/sleeping.rpy", line 23, in script call
call screen doubleSleeping
File "game/bts/time.rpy", line 227, in script call
call advanceTime(0) from _call_advanceTime_7 # Do day reset stuff without actually changing the time
File "game/home/double/empty.rpy", line 23, in script call
call screen doubleEmpty
File "game/home/double/dressing.rpy", line 15, in script call
call screen doubleDressing
File "game/home/kitchen/empty.rpy", line 18, in script call
call screen kitchenEmpty
File "game/home/double/waiting.rpy", line 24, in script call
call screen doubleWaiting
File "game/home/double/phone.rpy", line 43, in script call
call screen doublePhone
File "game/home/double/reading.rpy", line 104, in script call
call cuteGift from _call_cuteGift
File "game/talk/Cute gift.rpy", line 182, in script call
call advanceTime from _call_advanceTime
File "game/home/double/reading.rpy", line 31, in script call
call screen doubleReading
File "game/home/double/empty.rpy", line 23, in script call
call screen doubleEmpty
File "game/home/kitchen/dishes headphones.rpy", line 14, in script call
call screen kitchenHeadphones
File "game/home/double/homework.rpy", line 18, in script call
call screen doubleHomework
File "game/home/lounge/Woman telly.rpy", line 13, in script call
call screen loungeWomanTelly
File "game/home/lounge/Woman Cute.rpy", line 14, in script call
call screen loungeWomanCute
File "game/home/double/evening.rpy", line 29, in script call
call screen doubleEvening
File "game/home/double/evening.rpy", line 44, in script call
call cuteChat from _call_cuteChat_6
File "game/home/double/evening.rpy", line 29, in script call
call screen doubleEvening
File "game/home/double/sleeping.rpy", line 23, in script call
call screen doubleSleeping
File "game/bts/time.rpy", line 227, in script call
call advanceTime(0) from _call_advanceTime_7 # Do day reset stuff without actually changing the time
File "game/home/double/empty.rpy", line 23, in script call
call screen doubleEmpty
File "game/home/hallway.rpy", line 8, in script call
call screen uiHome
File "game/home/double/dressing.rpy", line 15, in script call
call screen doubleDressing
File "game/home/master/empty.rpy", line 16, in script call
call screen masterEmpty
File "game/home/double/waiting.rpy", line 24, in script call
call screen doubleWaiting
File "game/home/double/phone.rpy", line 43, in script call
call screen doublePhone
File "game/home/double/empty.rpy", line 23, in script call
call screen doubleEmpty
File "game/home/double/reading.rpy", line 31, in script call
call screen doubleReading
File "game/home/double/reading.rpy", line 104, in script call
call cuteGift from _call_cuteGift
File "game/talk/Cute gift.rpy", line 182, in script call
call advanceTime from _call_advanceTime
File "game/home/kitchen/dishes headphones.rpy", line 14, in script call
call screen kitchenHeadphones
File "game/home/master/telly.rpy", line 21, in script call
call screen masterTelly
File "game/home/master/telly.rpy", line 56, in script call
call womanGift from _call_womanGift
File "game/home/bathroom/Cute bath.rpy", line 12, in script call
call screen bathroomCuteBath
File "game/home/bathroom/Cute bath.rpy", line 36, in script call
call eventCaughtpeeking from _call_eventCaughtpeeking_2
File "game/home/events/caught peeking.rpy", line 21, in script call
call advanceTime from _call_advanceTime_6
File "game/home/hallway.rpy", line 8, in script call
call screen uiHome
File "game/home/lounge/Woman Cute.rpy", line 14, in script call
call screen loungeWomanCute
File "game/home/spare/together.rpy", line 12, in script call
call screen spareTogether
File "game/home/double/sleeping.rpy", line 23, in script call
call screen doubleSleeping
File "game/bts/time.rpy", line 227, in script call
call advanceTime(0) from _call_advanceTime_7 # Do day reset stuff without actually changing the time
File "game/home/double/empty.rpy", line 23, in script call
call screen doubleEmpty
File "game/home/kitchen/empty.rpy", line 18, in script call
call screen kitchenEmpty
File "game/home/kitchen/empty.rpy", line 18, in script call
call screen kitchenEmpty
File "game/home/master/empty.rpy", line 16, in script call
call screen masterEmpty
File "game/home/lounge/cleaningDani.rpy", line 18, in script call
call screen loungeCleaningDani
File "game/home/double/phone.rpy", line 43, in script call
call screen doublePhone
File "game/home/spare/pictures.rpy", line 8, in script call
call screen sparePictures
File "game/home/lounge/empty.rpy", line 17, in script call
call screen loungeEmpty
File "game/home/bathroom/empty.rpy", line 22, in script call
call screen bathroomEmpty
File "game/home/lounge/empty.rpy", line 17, in script call
call screen loungeEmpty
File "game/home/double/homework.rpy", line 18, in script call
call screen doubleHomework
File "game/home/master/telly.rpy", line 21, in script call
call screen masterTelly
File "game/home/master/telly.rpy", line 56, in script call
call womanGift from _call_womanGift
File "game/home/master/telly.rpy", line 21, in script call
call screen masterTelly
File "game/home/master/telly.rpy", line 21, in script call
call screen masterTelly
File "game/home/master/telly.rpy", line 56, in script call
call womanGift from _call_womanGift
File "game/home/lounge/film.rpy", line 16, in script call
call screen loungeFilm
File "game/home/lounge/film.rpy", line 102, in script call
call advanceTime(2) from _call_advanceTime_5
File "game/home/spare/sleeping.rpy", line 8, in script call
call screen spareSleeping
File "game/home/double/sleeping.rpy", line 23, in script call
call screen doubleSleeping
File "game/bts/time.rpy", line 227, in script call
call advanceTime(0) from _call_advanceTime_7 # Do day reset stuff without actually changing the time
File "game/home/hallway.rpy", line 8, in script call
call screen uiHome
File "game/home/bathroom/Dani wash fun.rpy", line 12, in script call
call screen bathroomDaniWashFun
File "game/home/kitchen/empty.rpy", line 18, in script call
call screen kitchenEmpty
File "game/home/kitchen/empty.rpy", line 18, in script call
call screen kitchenEmpty
File "game/home/double/phone.rpy", line 43, in script call
call screen doublePhone
File "game/home/double/empty.rpy", line 23, in script call
call screen doubleEmpty
File "game/home/double/reading.rpy", line 31, in script call
call screen doubleReading
File "game/home/kitchen/dishes headphones.rpy", line 14, in script call
call screen kitchenHeadphones
File "game/home/double/homework.rpy", line 18, in script call
call screen doubleHomework
File "game/home/double/empty.rpy", line 23, in script call
call screen doubleEmpty
File "game/home/double/empty.rpy", line 23, in script call
call screen doubleEmpty
File "game/home/lounge/Woman Cute.rpy", line 14, in script call
call screen loungeWomanCute
File "game/home/double/evening.rpy", line 29, in script call
call screen doubleEvening
File "game/home/double/sleeping.rpy", line 23, in script call
call screen doubleSleeping
File "game/home/double/sleeping.rpy", line 23, in script call
call screen doubleSleeping
File "game/bts/time.rpy", line 227, in script call
call advanceTime(0) from _call_advanceTime_7 # Do day reset stuff without actually changing the time
File "game/home/bathroom/Cute wash.rpy", line 77, in script call
call screen bathroomCuteWash
File "game/home/double/dressing.rpy", line 15, in script call
call screen doubleDressing
File "game/home/master/empty.rpy", line 16, in script call
call screen masterEmpty
File "game/home/double/waiting.rpy", line 24, in script call
call screen doubleWaiting
File "game/home/lounge/cleaningCute.rpy", line 24, in script call
call screen loungeCleaningCute
File "game/home/double/together.rpy", line 10, in script call
call screen doubleTogether
File "game/home/double/phone.rpy", line 43, in script call
call screen doublePhone
File "game/home/kitchen/dishes headphones.rpy", line 14, in script call
call screen kitchenHeadphones
File "game/home/lounge/Woman Dani.rpy", line 12, in script call
call screen loungeWomanDani
File "game/home/lounge/Woman Dani.rpy", line 45, in script call
call daniChat from _call_daniChat_2
File "game/home/double/homework.rpy", line 18, in script call
call screen doubleHomework
File "game/home/double/empty.rpy", line 23, in script call
call screen doubleEmpty
File "game/home/bathroom/Dani bath.rpy", line 14, in script call
call screen bathroomDaniBath
File "game/home/double/empty.rpy", line 23, in script call
call screen doubleEmpty
File "game/home/double/evening.rpy", line 29, in script call
call screen doubleEvening
File "game/home/double/evening.rpy", line 44, in script call
call cuteChat from _call_cuteChat_6
File "game/home/double/evening.rpy", line 29, in script call
call screen doubleEvening
File "game/home/double/evening.rpy", line 44, in script call
call cuteChat from _call_cuteChat_6
File "game/home/double/evening.rpy", line 29, in script call
call screen doubleEvening
File "game/home/double/sleeping.rpy", line 23, in script call
call screen doubleSleeping
File "game/bts/time.rpy", line 227, in script call
call advanceTime(0) from _call_advanceTime_7 # Do day reset stuff without actually changing the time
File "game/home/double/empty.rpy", line 23, in script call
call screen doubleEmpty
File "game/home/bathroom/Cute wash.rpy", line 77, in script call
call screen bathroomCuteWash
File "game/home/bathroom/Cute wash.rpy", line 110, in script call
call cuteChat from _call_cuteChat_4
File "game/home/bathroom/Cute wash.rpy", line 77, in script call
call screen bathroomCuteWash
File "game/home/bathroom/Cute wash.rpy", line 77, in script call
call screen bathroomCuteWash
File "game/home/double/dressing.rpy", line 15, in script call
call screen doubleDressing
File "game/home/kitchen/empty.rpy", line 18, in script call
call screen kitchenEmpty
File "game/home/double/waiting.rpy", line 24, in script call
call screen doubleWaiting
File "game/home/double/phone.rpy", line 43, in script call
call screen doublePhone
File "game/home/double/phone.rpy", line 59, in script call
call cuteChat from _call_cuteChat_1
File "game/home/double/phone.rpy", line 43, in script call
call screen doublePhone
File "game/home/double/reading.rpy", line 31, in script call
call screen doubleReading
File "game/home/double/empty.rpy", line 23, in script call
call screen doubleEmpty
File "game/home/kitchen/dishes headphones.rpy", line 14, in script call
call screen kitchenHeadphones
File "game/home/double/homework.rpy", line 18, in script call
call screen doubleHomework
File "game/home/double/empty.rpy", line 23, in script call
call screen doubleEmpty
File "game/home/master/empty.rpy", line 16, in script call
call screen masterEmpty
File "game/home/spare/relaxing.rpy", line 26, in script call
call screen spareRelaxing
File "game/home/spare/relaxing.rpy", line 55, in script call
call daniTalk from _call_daniTalk_1
File "game/home/hallway.rpy", line 8, in script call
call screen uiHome
File "game/home/double/sleeping.rpy", line 23, in script call
call screen doubleSleeping
File "game/bts/time.rpy", line 227, in script call
call advanceTime(0) from _call_advanceTime_7 # Do day reset stuff without actually changing the time
File "game/home/double/empty.rpy", line 23, in script call
call screen doubleEmpty
File "game/home/kitchen/empty.rpy", line 18, in script call
call screen kitchenEmpty
File "game/home/double/waiting.rpy", line 24, in script call
call screen doubleWaiting
File "game/home/double/waiting.rpy", line 42, in script call
call cuteChat from _call_cuteChat_8
File "game/home/double/waiting.rpy", line 24, in script call
call screen doubleWaiting
File "game/home/double/phone.rpy", line 43, in script call
call screen doublePhone
File "game/home/lounge/empty.rpy", line 17, in script call
call screen loungeEmpty
File "game/home/double/reading.rpy", line 31, in script call
call screen doubleReading
File "game/home/double/reading.rpy", line 104, in script call
call cuteGift from _call_cuteGift
File "game/talk/Cute gift.rpy", line 182, in script call
call advanceTime from _call_advanceTime
File "game/home/kitchen/dishes headphones.rpy", line 14, in script call
call screen kitchenHeadphones
File "game/home/double/homework.rpy", line 18, in script call
call screen doubleHomework
File "game/home/double/homework.rpy", line 18, in script call
call screen doubleHomework
File "game/home/bathroom/Cute bath.rpy", line 12, in script call
call screen bathroomCuteBath
File "game/home/double/empty.rpy", line 23, in script call
call screen doubleEmpty
File "game/home/double/empty.rpy", line 23, in script call
call screen doubleEmpty
File "game/home/spare/together.rpy", line 12, in script call
call screen spareTogether
File "game/home/double/sleeping.rpy", line 23, in script call
call screen doubleSleeping
File "game/bts/time.rpy", line 227, in script call
call advanceTime(0) from _call_advanceTime_7 # Do day reset stuff without actually changing the time
File "game/home/bathroom/Cute wash.rpy", line 77, in script call
call screen bathroomCuteWash
File "game/home/double/dressing.rpy", line 15, in script call
call screen doubleDressing
File "game/home/kitchen/empty.rpy", line 18, in script call
call screen kitchenEmpty
File "game/home/double/waiting.rpy", line 24, in script call
call screen doubleWaiting
File "game/home/double/empty.rpy", line 23, in script call
call screen doubleEmpty
File "game/home/bathroom/empty.rpy", line 22, in script call
call screen bathroomEmpty
File "game/home/bathroom/empty.rpy", line 22, in script call
call screen bathroomEmpty
File "game/home/bathroom/empty.rpy", line 22, in script call
call screen bathroomEmpty
File "game/home/double/empty.rpy", line 23, in script call
call screen doubleEmpty
File "game/home/lounge/empty.rpy", line 17, in script call
call screen loungeEmpty
File "game/home/double/homework.rpy", line 18, in script call
call screen doubleHomework
File "game/home/master/telly.rpy", line 21, in script call
call screen masterTelly
File "game/home/master/telly.rpy", line 56, in script call
call womanGift from _call_womanGift
File "game/home/lounge/film.rpy", line 16, in script call
call screen loungeFilm
File "game/home/lounge/film.rpy", line 102, in script call
call advanceTime(2) from _call_advanceTime_5
File "game/home/double/sleeping.rpy", line 23, in script call
call screen doubleSleeping
File "game/bts/time.rpy", line 227, in script call
call advanceTime(0) from _call_advanceTime_7 # Do day reset stuff without actually changing the time
File "game/home/hallway.rpy", line 8, in script call
call screen uiHome
File "game/home/double/dressing.rpy", line 15, in script call
call screen doubleDressing
File "game/home/spare/empty.rpy", line 18, in script call
call screen spareEmpty
File "game/home/double/waiting.rpy", line 24, in script call
call screen doubleWaiting
File "game/home/double/waiting.rpy", line 42, in script call
call cuteChat from _call_cuteChat_8
File "game/home/double/waiting.rpy", line 24, in script call
call screen doubleWaiting
File "game/home/double/phone.rpy", line 43, in script call
call screen doublePhone
File "game/home/double/empty.rpy", line 23, in script call
call screen doubleEmpty
File "game/home/double/reading.rpy", line 31, in script call
call screen doubleReading
File "game/home/double/reading.rpy", line 46, in script call
call cuteChat from _call_cuteChat_7
File "game/home/spare/telly.rpy", line 25, in script call
call screen spareTelly
File "game/home/spare/telly.rpy", line 52, in script call
call daniTalk from _call_daniTalk
File "game/home/kitchen/dishes headphones.rpy", line 14, in script call
call screen kitchenHeadphones
File "game/home/kitchen/empty.rpy", line 18, in script call
call screen kitchenEmpty
File "game/home/double/homework.rpy", line 18, in script call
call screen doubleHomework
File "game/home/double/empty.rpy", line 23, in script call
call screen doubleEmpty
File "game/home/bathroom/Cute bath.rpy", line 12, in script call
call screen bathroomCuteBath
File "game/home/double/empty.rpy", line 23, in script call
call screen doubleEmpty
File "game/home/bathroom/Dani bath.rpy", line 14, in script call
call screen bathroomDaniBath
File "game/home/double/empty.rpy", line 23, in script call
call screen doubleEmpty
File "game/home/double/evening.rpy", line 29, in script call
call screen doubleEvening
File "game/home/double/evening.rpy", line 44, in script call
call cuteChat from _call_cuteChat_6
File "game/home/double/evening.rpy", line 29, in script call
call screen doubleEvening
File "game/home/double/sleeping.rpy", line 23, in script call
call screen doubleSleeping
File "game/bts/time.rpy", line 227, in script call
call advanceTime(0) from _call_advanceTime_7 # Do day reset stuff without actually changing the time
File "game/home/bathroom/Cute wash.rpy", line 77, in script call
call screen bathroomCuteWash
File "game/home/master/empty.rpy", line 16, in script call
call screen masterEmpty
File "game/home/spare/dressing.rpy", line 25, in script call
call screen spareDressing
File "game/home/double/waiting.rpy", line 24, in script call
call screen doubleWaiting
File "game/home/double/empty.rpy", line 23, in script call
call screen doubleEmpty
File "game/home/double/together.rpy", line 10, in script call
call screen doubleTogether
File "game/home/bathroom/empty.rpy", line 22, in script call
call screen bathroomEmpty
File "game/home/kitchen/dishes headphones.rpy", line 14, in script call
call screen kitchenHeadphones
File "game/home/double/homework.rpy", line 18, in script call
call screen doubleHomework
File "game/home/bathroom/Cute bath.rpy", line 12, in script call
call screen bathroomCuteBath
File "game/home/bathroom/Cute bath.rpy", line 36, in script call
call eventCaughtpeeking from _call_eventCaughtpeeking_2
File "game/home/events/caught peeking.rpy", line 21, in script call
call advanceTime from _call_advanceTime_6
File "game/home/double/empty.rpy", line 23, in script call
call screen doubleEmpty
File "game/home/double/evening.rpy", line 29, in script call
call screen doubleEvening
File "game/home/double/evening.rpy", line 44, in script call
call cuteChat from _call_cuteChat_6
File "game/home/double/evening.rpy", line 29, in script call
call screen doubleEvening
File "game/home/double/sleeping.rpy", line 23, in script call
call screen doubleSleeping
File "game/bts/time.rpy", line 227, in script call
call advanceTime(0) from _call_advanceTime_7 # Do day reset stuff without actually changing the time
File "game/home/double/empty.rpy", line 23, in script call
call screen doubleEmpty
File "game/home/hallway.rpy", line 8, in script call
call screen uiHome
File "game/home/double/dressing.rpy", line 15, in script call
call screen doubleDressing
File "game/home/double/dressing.rpy", line 15, in script call
call screen doubleDressing
File "game/home/kitchen/empty.rpy", line 18, in script call
call screen kitchenEmpty
File "game/home/bathroom/empty.rpy", line 22, in script call
call screen bathroomEmpty
File "game/home/double/phone.rpy", line 43, in script call
call screen doublePhone
File "game/home/double/phone.rpy", line 59, in script call
call cuteChat from _call_cuteChat_1
File "game/home/double/phone.rpy", line 43, in script call
call screen doublePhone
File "game/home/double/reading.rpy", line 31, in script call
call screen doubleReading
File "game/home/double/empty.rpy", line 23, in script call
call screen doubleEmpty
File "game/home/lounge/girls.rpy", line 13, in script call
call screen loungeGirls
File "game/home/kitchen/dishes headphones.rpy", line 14, in script call
call screen kitchenHeadphones
File "game/home/double/homework.rpy", line 18, in script call
call screen doubleHomework
File "game/home/master/empty.rpy", line 16, in script call
call screen masterEmpty
File "game/home/double/empty.rpy", line 23, in script call
call screen doubleEmpty
File "game/home/double/evening.rpy", line 29, in script call
call screen doubleEvening
File "game/home/double/evening.rpy", line 44, in script call
call cuteChat from _call_cuteChat_6
File "game/home/double/evening.rpy", line 29, in script call
call screen doubleEvening
File "game/home/double/sleeping.rpy", line 23, in script call
call screen doubleSleeping
File "game/bts/time.rpy", line 227, in script call
call advanceTime(0) from _call_advanceTime_7 # Do day reset stuff without actually changing the time
File "game/home/double/empty.rpy", line 23, in script call
call screen doubleEmpty
File "game/home/double/dressing.rpy", line 15, in script call
call screen doubleDressing
File "game/home/kitchen/empty.rpy", line 18, in script call
call screen kitchenEmpty
File "game/home/kitchen/empty.rpy", line 18, in script call
call screen kitchenEmpty
File "game/home/double/phone.rpy", line 43, in script call
call screen doublePhone
File "game/home/laundry/Cute laundry.rpy", line 10, in script call
call screen laundryCute
File "game/home/laundry/Cute laundry.rpy", line 21, in script call
call cuteChat from _call_cuteChat
File "game/home/laundry/Cute laundry.rpy", line 10, in script call
call screen laundryCute
File "game/home/laundry/Cute laundry.rpy", line 10, in script call
call screen laundryCute
File "game/home/laundry/Cute laundry.rpy", line 21, in script call
call cuteChat from _call_cuteChat
File "game/talk/Cute compliment.rpy", line 48, in script call
call screen cuteCompliments
File "game/talk/Cute compliment.rpy", line 54, in script call
call screen cuteComplimentsHead
File "game/talk/Cute compliment.rpy", line 104, in script call
call cuteComplimentsExit from _call_cuteComplimentsExit_2
File "game/talk/Cute compliment.rpy", line 286, in script call
call cuteChatSkip from _call_cuteChatSkip
File "game/home/bathroom/empty.rpy", line 22, in script call
call screen bathroomEmpty
File "game/home/double/reading.rpy", line 31, in script call
call screen doubleReading
File "game/home/double/reading.rpy", line 46, in script call
call cuteChat from _call_cuteChat_7
File "game/home/double/reading.rpy", line 31, in script call
call screen doubleReading
File "game/home/kitchen/dishes headphones.rpy", line 14, in script call
call screen kitchenHeadphones
File "game/home/double/homework.rpy", line 18, in script call
call screen doubleHomework
File "game/home/bathroom/Cute bath.rpy", line 12, in script call
call screen bathroomCuteBath
File "game/home/lounge/Woman telly.rpy", line 13, in script call
call screen loungeWomanTelly
File "game/home/lounge/Woman Cute.rpy", line 14, in script call
call screen loungeWomanCute
File "game/home/lounge/Woman Cute.rpy", line 44, in script call
call cuteChat from _call_cuteChat_5
File "game/home/lounge/Woman Cute.rpy", line 14, in script call
call screen loungeWomanCute
File "game/home/lounge/Woman Cute.rpy", line 44, in script call
call cuteChat from _call_cuteChat_5
File "game/home/lounge/Woman Cute.rpy", line 14, in script call
call screen loungeWomanCute
File "game/home/spare/together.rpy", line 12, in script call
call screen spareTogether
File "game/home/double/sleeping.rpy", line 23, in script call
call screen doubleSleeping
File "game/bts/time.rpy", line 227, in script call
call advanceTime(0) from _call_advanceTime_7 # Do day reset stuff without actually changing the time
File "game/home/double/empty.rpy", line 23, in script call
call screen doubleEmpty
File "game/home/kitchen/empty.rpy", line 18, in script call
call screen kitchenEmpty
File "game/home/kitchen/empty.rpy", line 18, in script call
call screen kitchenEmpty
File "game/home/double/empty.rpy", line 23, in script call
call screen doubleEmpty
File "game/home/lounge/cleaningDani.rpy", line 18, in script call
call screen loungeCleaningDani
File "game/home/lounge/Dani telly.rpy", line 15, in script call
call screen loungeDaniTelly
File "game/home/lounge/Dani telly.rpy", line 33, in script call
call daniChat from _call_daniChat_3
File "game/home/master/empty.rpy", line 16, in script call
call screen masterEmpty
File "game/home/double/empty.rpy", line 23, in script call
call screen doubleEmpty
File "game/home/spare/pictures.rpy", line 8, in script call
call screen sparePictures
File "game/home/double/empty.rpy", line 23, in script call
call screen doubleEmpty
File "game/home/double/empty.rpy", line 23, in script call
call screen doubleEmpty
File "game/home/double/homework.rpy", line 18, in script call
call screen doubleHomework
File "game/home/double/empty.rpy", line 23, in script call
call screen doubleEmpty
File "game/home/master/telly.rpy", line 21, in script call
call screen masterTelly
File "game/home/master/telly.rpy", line 56, in script call
call womanGift from _call_womanGift
File "game/home/lounge/film.rpy", line 16, in script call
call screen loungeFilm
File "game/home/lounge/film.rpy", line 102, in script call
call advanceTime(2) from _call_advanceTime_5
File "game/home/spare/sleeping.rpy", line 8, in script call
call screen spareSleeping
File "game/home/double/sleeping.rpy", line 23, in script call
call screen doubleSleeping
File "game/bts/time.rpy", line 227, in script call
call advanceTime(0) from _call_advanceTime_7 # Do day reset stuff without actually changing the time
File "game/home/double/dressing.rpy", line 15, in script call
call screen doubleDressing
File "game/home/bathroom/Dani wash fun.rpy", line 12, in script call
call screen bathroomDaniWashFun
File "game/home/bathroom/Dani wash fun.rpy", line 12, in script call
call screen bathroomDaniWashFun
File "game/home/double/dressing.rpy", line 15, in script call
call screen doubleDressing
File "game/home/kitchen/empty.rpy", line 18, in script call
call screen kitchenEmpty
File "game/home/spare/dressing.rpy", line 25, in script call
call screen spareDressing
File "game/home/double/waiting.rpy", line 24, in script call
call screen doubleWaiting
File "game/home/double/waiting.rpy", line 42, in script call
call cuteChat from _call_cuteChat_8
File "game/home/double/waiting.rpy", line 24, in script call
call screen doubleWaiting
File "game/home/double/phone.rpy", line 43, in script call
call screen doublePhone
File "game/home/laundry/Cute laundry.rpy", line 10, in script call
call screen laundryCute
File "game/home/laundry/Cute laundry.rpy", line 21, in script call
call cuteChat from _call_cuteChat
File "game/home/bathroom/empty.rpy", line 22, in script call
call screen bathroomEmpty
File "game/home/spare/tellyFun.rpy", line 12, in script call
call screen spareTellyFun
File "game/home/spare/tellyFun.rpy", line 12, in script call
call screen spareTellyFun
File "game/home/spare/telly.rpy", line 25, in script call
call screen spareTelly
File "game/home/spare/telly.rpy", line 84, in script call
call daniGift from _call_daniGift
File "game/talk/Dani gift.rpy", line 31, in script call
call advanceTime from _call_advanceTime_2
File "game/home/kitchen/dishes headphones.rpy", line 14, in script call
call screen kitchenHeadphones
File "game/home/laundry/Dani laundry.rpy", line 12, in script call
call screen laundryDani
File "game/home/laundry/Dani laundry.rpy", line 23, in script call
call daniChat from _call_daniChat_1
File "game/home/double/homework.rpy", line 18, in script call
call screen doubleHomework
File "game/home/spare/pictures.rpy", line 8, in script call
call screen sparePictures
File "game/home/bathroom/Cute bath.rpy", line 12, in script call
call screen bathroomCuteBath
File "game/home/bathroom/Cute bath.rpy", line 36, in script call
call eventCaughtpeeking from _call_eventCaughtpeeking_2
File "game/home/events/caught peeking.rpy", line 21, in script call
call advanceTime from _call_advanceTime_6
File "game/home/lounge/Woman Cute.rpy", line 14, in script call
call screen loungeWomanCute
File "game/home/lounge/Woman Cute.rpy", line 44, in script call
call cuteChat from _call_cuteChat_5
File "game/home/lounge/Woman Cute.rpy", line 14, in script call
call screen loungeWomanCute
File "game/home/spare/relaxingFun.rpy", line 12, in script call
call screen spareRelaxingFun
File "game/home/spare/relaxingFun.rpy", line 12, in script call
call screen spareRelaxingFun
File "game/home/spare/relaxingFun.rpy", line 26, in script call
call navigation from _call_navigation_7
File "game/home/spare/relaxingFun.rpy", line 12, in script call
call screen spareRelaxingFun
File "game/home/spare/relaxingFun.rpy", line 26, in script call
call navigation from _call_navigation_7
File "game/home/double/evening.rpy", line 29, in script call
call screen doubleEvening
File "game/home/double/evening.rpy", line 44, in script call
call cuteChat from _call_cuteChat_6
File "game/home/double/evening.rpy", line 29, in script call
call screen doubleEvening
File "game/home/bathroom/empty.rpy", line 22, in script call
call screen bathroomEmpty
File "game/home/bathroom/empty.rpy", line 22, in script call
call screen bathroomEmpty
File "game/home/bathroom/empty.rpy", line 22, in script call
call screen bathroomEmpty
File "game/bts/time.rpy", line 227, in script call
call advanceTime(0) from _call_advanceTime_7 # Do day reset stuff without actually changing the time
File "game/home/lounge/cleaningCute.rpy", line 24, in script call
call screen loungeCleaningCute
File "game/home/double/together.rpy", line 10, in script call
call screen doubleTogether
File "game/home/spare/telly.rpy", line 25, in script call
call screen spareTelly
File "game/home/spare/telly.rpy", line 52, in script call
call daniTalk from _call_daniTalk
File "game/home/hallway.rpy", line 8, in script call
call screen uiHome
File "game/home/bathroom/empty.rpy", line 22, in script call
call screen bathroomEmpty
File "game/home/double/empty.rpy", line 23, in script call
call screen doubleEmpty
File "game/home/double/homework.rpy", line 18, in script call
call screen doubleHomework
File "game/home/double/empty.rpy", line 23, in script call
call screen doubleEmpty
File "game/home/spare/pictures.rpy", line 8, in script call
call screen sparePictures
File "game/home/double/empty.rpy", line 23, in script call
call screen doubleEmpty
File "game/home/spare/empty.rpy", line 18, in script call
call screen spareEmpty
File "game/home/spare/relaxing.rpy", line 26, in script call
call screen spareRelaxing
File "game/home/spare/relaxing.rpy", line 55, in script call
call daniTalk from _call_daniTalk_1
File "game/home/hallway.rpy", line 8, in script call
call screen uiHome
File "game/home/double/sleeping.rpy", line 23, in script call
call screen doubleSleeping
File "game/bts/time.rpy", line 227, in script call
call advanceTime(0) from _call_advanceTime_7 # Do day reset stuff without actually changing the time
File "game/home/double/empty.rpy", line 23, in script call
call screen doubleEmpty
File "game/home/double/dressing.rpy", line 15, in script call
call screen doubleDressing
File "game/home/bathroom/empty.rpy", line 22, in script call
call screen bathroomEmpty
File "game/home/double/phone.rpy", line 43, in script call
call screen doublePhone
File "game/home/double/reading.rpy", line 31, in script call
call screen doubleReading
File "game/home/double/empty.rpy", line 23, in script call
call screen doubleEmpty
File "game/home/kitchen/dishes headphones.rpy", line 14, in script call
call screen kitchenHeadphones
File "game/home/double/homework.rpy", line 18, in script call
call screen doubleHomework
File "game/home/double/empty.rpy", line 23, in script call
call screen doubleEmpty
File "game/home/bathroom/Dani bath.rpy", line 14, in script call
call screen bathroomDaniBath
File "game/home/double/empty.rpy", line 23, in script call
call screen doubleEmpty
File "game/home/double/empty.rpy", line 23, in script call
call screen doubleEmpty
File "game/home/double/evening.rpy", line 29, in script call
call screen doubleEvening
File "game/home/double/evening.rpy", line 44, in script call
call cuteChat from _call_cuteChat_6
File "game/home/spare/relaxing.rpy", line 26, in script call
call screen spareRelaxing
File "game/home/spare/relaxing.rpy", line 41, in script call
call daniChat from _call_daniChat_4
File "game/home/double/evening.rpy", line 29, in script call
call screen doubleEvening
File "game/home/double/sleeping.rpy", line 23, in script call
call screen doubleSleeping
File "game/bts/time.rpy", line 227, in script call
call advanceTime(0) from _call_advanceTime_7 # Do day reset stuff without actually changing the time
File "game/home/bathroom/Cute wash.rpy", line 77, in script call
call screen bathroomCuteWash
File "game/home/double/dressing.rpy", line 15, in script call
call screen doubleDressing
File "game/home/master/empty.rpy", line 16, in script call
call screen masterEmpty
File "game/home/double/waiting.rpy", line 24, in script call
call screen doubleWaiting
File "game/home/double/phone.rpy", line 43, in script call
call screen doublePhone
File "game/home/double/phone.rpy", line 59, in script call
call cuteChat from _call_cuteChat_1
File "game/home/double/phone.rpy", line 43, in script call
call screen doublePhone
File "game/home/laundry/Cute laundry.rpy", line 10, in script call
call screen laundryCute
File "game/home/laundry/Cute laundry.rpy", line 21, in script call
call cuteChat from _call_cuteChat
File "game/home/laundry/Cute laundry.rpy", line 10, in script call
call screen laundryCute
File "game/home/bathroom/empty.rpy", line 22, in script call
call screen bathroomEmpty
File "game/home/double/reading.rpy", line 31, in script call
call screen doubleReading
File "game/home/kitchen/dishes headphones.rpy", line 14, in script call
call screen kitchenHeadphones
File "game/home/double/homework.rpy", line 18, in script call
call screen doubleHomework
File "game/home/bathroom/Cute bath.rpy", line 12, in script call
call screen bathroomCuteBath
File "game/home/bathroom/Cute bath.rpy", line 36, in script call
call eventCaughtpeeking from _call_eventCaughtpeeking_2
File "game/home/events/caught peeking.rpy", line 21, in script call
call advanceTime from _call_advanceTime_6
File "game/home/bathroom/Dani bath.rpy", line 14, in script call
call screen bathroomDaniBath
File "game/home/lounge/Woman Cute.rpy", line 14, in script call
call screen loungeWomanCute
File "game/home/lounge/Woman Cute.rpy", line 44, in script call
call cuteChat from _call_cuteChat_5
File "game/home/lounge/Woman Cute.rpy", line 14, in script call
call screen loungeWomanCute
File "game/home/spare/together.rpy", line 12, in script call
call screen spareTogether
File "game/home/double/sleeping.rpy", line 23, in script call
call screen doubleSleeping
File "game/bts/time.rpy", line 227, in script call
call advanceTime(0) from _call_advanceTime_7 # Do day reset stuff without actually changing the time
File "game/home/kitchen/empty.rpy", line 18, in script call
call screen kitchenEmpty
File "game/home/double/waiting.rpy", line 24, in script call
call screen doubleWaiting
File "game/home/double/waiting.rpy", line 42, in script call
call cuteChat from _call_cuteChat_8
File "game/home/double/waiting.rpy", line 24, in script call
call screen doubleWaiting
File "game/home/double/empty.rpy", line 23, in script call
call screen doubleEmpty
File "game/home/double/empty.rpy", line 23, in script call
call screen doubleEmpty
File "game/home/lounge/Dani telly.rpy", line 15, in script call
call screen loungeDaniTelly
File "game/home/lounge/Dani telly.rpy", line 33, in script call
call daniChat from _call_daniChat_3
File "game/home/bathroom/empty.rpy", line 22, in script call
call screen bathroomEmpty
File "game/home/double/empty.rpy", line 23, in script call
call screen doubleEmpty
File "game/home/lounge/empty.rpy", line 17, in script call
call screen loungeEmpty
File "game/home/double/homework.rpy", line 18, in script call
call screen doubleHomework
File "game/home/bathroom/Cute bath.rpy", line 12, in script call
call screen bathroomCuteBath
File "game/home/bathroom/Cute bath.rpy", line 36, in script call
call eventCaughtpeeking from _call_eventCaughtpeeking_2
File "game/home/events/caught peeking.rpy", line 21, in script call
call advanceTime from _call_advanceTime_6
File "game/home/master/telly.rpy", line 21, in script call
call screen masterTelly
File "game/home/master/telly.rpy", line 56, in script call
call womanGift from _call_womanGift
File "game/home/double/empty.rpy", line 23, in script call
call screen doubleEmpty
File "game/bts/time.rpy", line 227, in script call
call advanceTime(0) from _call_advanceTime_7 # Do day reset stuff without actually changing the time
File "game/home/double/dressing.rpy", line 15, in script call
call screen doubleDressing
File "game/home/kitchen/empty.rpy", line 18, in script call
call screen kitchenEmpty
File "game/home/double/waiting.rpy", line 24, in script call
call screen doubleWaiting
File "game/home/double/waiting.rpy", line 42, in script call
call cuteChat from _call_cuteChat_8
File "game/home/double/waiting.rpy", line 24, in script call
call screen doubleWaiting
File "game/home/double/phone.rpy", line 43, in script call
call screen doublePhone
File "game/home/laundry/Cute laundry.rpy", line 10, in script call
call screen laundryCute
File "game/home/laundry/Cute laundry.rpy", line 21, in script call
call cuteChat from _call_cuteChat
File "game/home/bathroom/empty.rpy", line 22, in script call
call screen bathroomEmpty
File "game/home/spare/telly.rpy", line 25, in script call
call screen spareTelly
File "game/home/spare/telly.rpy", line 52, in script call
call daniTalk from _call_daniTalk
File "game/home/double/reading.rpy", line 31, in script call
call screen doubleReading
File "game/home/double/reading.rpy", line 46, in script call
call cuteChat from _call_cuteChat_7
File "game/home/double/reading.rpy", line 31, in script call
call screen doubleReading
File "game/home/kitchen/dishes headphones.rpy", line 14, in script call
call screen kitchenHeadphones
File "game/home/double/homework.rpy", line 18, in script call
call screen doubleHomework
File "game/home/double/empty.rpy", line 23, in script call
call screen doubleEmpty
File "game/home/bathroom/Dani bath.rpy", line 14, in script call
call screen bathroomDaniBath
File "game/home/spare/relaxing.rpy", line 26, in script call
call screen spareRelaxing
File "game/home/spare/sleeping.rpy", line 8, in script call
call screen spareSleeping
File "game/home/spare/sleeping.rpy", line 36, in script call
call screen spareSleepingInside
File "game/home/double/sleeping.rpy", line 23, in script call
call screen doubleSleeping
File "game/bts/time.rpy", line 227, in script call
call advanceTime(0) from _call_advanceTime_7 # Do day reset stuff without actually changing the time
File "game/home/double/waiting.rpy", line 24, in script call
call screen doubleWaiting
File "game/home/double/waiting.rpy", line 42, in script call
call cuteChat from _call_cuteChat_8
File "game/home/double/waiting.rpy", line 24, in script call
call screen doubleWaiting
File "game/home/lounge/cleaningCute.rpy", line 24, in script call
call screen loungeCleaningCute
File "game/home/double/together.rpy", line 10, in script call
call screen doubleTogether
File "game/home/spare/tellyFun.rpy", line 12, in script call
call screen spareTellyFun
File "game/home/spare/tellyFun.rpy", line 12, in script call
call screen spareTellyFun
File "game/home/spare/telly.rpy", line 25, in script call
call screen spareTelly
File "game/home/kitchen/dishes headphones.rpy", line 14, in script call
call screen kitchenHeadphones
File "game/home/bathroom/empty.rpy", line 22, in script call
call screen bathroomEmpty
File "game/home/bathroom/Cute bath.rpy", line 12, in script call
call screen bathroomCuteBath
File "game/home/bathroom/Cute bath.rpy", line 36, in script call
call eventCaughtpeeking from _call_eventCaughtpeeking_2
File "game/home/events/caught peeking.rpy", line 21, in script call
call advanceTime from _call_advanceTime_6
File "game/home/lounge/Woman Cute.rpy", line 14, in script call
call screen loungeWomanCute
File "game/home/lounge/empty.rpy", line 17, in script call
call screen loungeEmpty
File "game/home/lounge/empty.rpy", line 17, in script call
call screen loungeEmpty
File "game/home/double/sleeping.rpy", line 23, in script call
call screen doubleSleeping
File "game/bts/time.rpy", line 227, in script call
call advanceTime(0) from _call_advanceTime_7 # Do day reset stuff without actually changing the time
File "game/home/bathroom/Dani wash fun.rpy", line 12, in script call
call screen bathroomDaniWashFun
File "game/home/bathroom/Dani wash fun.rpy", line 12, in script call
call screen bathroomDaniWashFun
File "game/home/bathroom/Dani wash fun.rpy", line 12, in script call
call screen bathroomDaniWashFun
File "game/home/kitchen/empty.rpy", line 18, in script call
call screen kitchenEmpty
File "game/home/kitchen/empty.rpy", line 18, in script call
call screen kitchenEmpty
File "game/home/double/phone.rpy", line 43, in script call
call screen doublePhone
File "game/home/double/reading.rpy", line 31, in script call
call screen doubleReading
File "game/home/lounge/girls.rpy", line 13, in script call
call screen loungeGirls
File "game/home/kitchen/dishes headphones.rpy", line 14, in script call
call screen kitchenHeadphones
File "game/home/double/homework.rpy", line 18, in script call
call screen doubleHomework
File "game/home/bathroom/Cute bath.rpy", line 12, in script call
call screen bathroomCuteBath
File "game/home/bathroom/Cute bath.rpy", line 36, in script call
call eventCaughtpeeking from _call_eventCaughtpeeking_2
File "game/home/events/caught peeking.rpy", line 21, in script call
call advanceTime from _call_advanceTime_6
File "game/home/double/empty.rpy", line 23, in script call
call screen doubleEmpty
File "game/home/double/evening.rpy", line 29, in script call
call screen doubleEvening
File "game/home/double/evening.rpy", line 44, in script call
call cuteChat from _call_cuteChat_6
File "game/home/double/evening.rpy", line 29, in script call
call screen doubleEvening
File "game/home/double/sleeping.rpy", line 23, in script call
call screen doubleSleeping
File "game/bts/time.rpy", line 227, in script call
call advanceTime(0) from _call_advanceTime_7 # Do day reset stuff without actually changing the time
File "game/home/bathroom/Cute wash.rpy", line 77, in script call
call screen bathroomCuteWash
File "game/home/bathroom/Cute wash.rpy", line 110, in script call
call cuteChat from _call_cuteChat_4
File "game/home/bathroom/Cute wash.rpy", line 77, in script call
call screen bathroomCuteWash
File "game/home/kitchen/empty.rpy", line 18, in script call
call screen kitchenEmpty
File "game/home/spare/dressing.rpy", line 25, in script call
call screen spareDressing
File "game/home/double/phone.rpy", line 43, in script call
call screen doublePhone
File "game/home/laundry/Cute laundry.rpy", line 10, in script call
call screen laundryCute
File "game/home/laundry/Cute laundry.rpy", line 21, in script call
call cuteChat from _call_cuteChat
File "game/talk/Cute compliment.rpy", line 48, in script call
call screen cuteCompliments
File "game/talk/Cute compliment.rpy", line 229, in script call
call cuteComplimentsExit from _call_cuteComplimentsExit_10
File "game/talk/Cute compliment.rpy", line 286, in script call
call cuteChatSkip from _call_cuteChatSkip
File "game/home/laundry/Cute laundry.rpy", line 10, in script call
call screen laundryCute
File "game/home/bathroom/empty.rpy", line 22, in script call
call screen bathroomEmpty
File "game/home/double/reading.rpy", line 31, in script call
call screen doubleReading
File "game/home/double/reading.rpy", line 46, in script call
call cuteChat from _call_cuteChat_7
File "game/home/master/empty.rpy", line 16, in script call
call screen masterEmpty
File "game/home/kitchen/dishes headphones.rpy", line 14, in script call
call screen kitchenHeadphones
File "game/home/laundry/Dani laundry.rpy", line 12, in script call
call screen laundryDani
File "game/home/bathroom/Cute bath.rpy", line 12, in script call
call screen bathroomCuteBath
File "game/home/bathroom/Cute bath.rpy", line 36, in script call
call eventCaughtpeeking from _call_eventCaughtpeeking_2
File "game/home/events/caught peeking.rpy", line 21, in script call
call advanceTime from _call_advanceTime_6
File "game/home/double/empty.rpy", line 23, in script call
call screen doubleEmpty
File "game/home/spare/together.rpy", line 12, in script call
call screen spareTogether
File "game/home/double/sleeping.rpy", line 23, in script call
call screen doubleSleeping
File "game/bts/time.rpy", line 227, in script call
call advanceTime(0) from _call_advanceTime_7 # Do day reset stuff without actually changing the time
File "game/home/bathroom/Cute wash.rpy", line 77, in script call
call screen bathroomCuteWash
File "game/home/double/dressing.rpy", line 15, in script call
call screen doubleDressing
File "game/talk/Dani compliment.rpy", line 362, in script call
call daniComplimentsExit from _call_daniComplimentsExit_11
File "game/talk/Dani compliment.rpy", line 454, in script call
call daniChatSkip from _call_daniChatSkip
File "game/home/kitchen/empty.rpy", line 18, in script call
call screen kitchenEmpty
File "game/home/double/waiting.rpy", line 24, in script call
call screen doubleWaiting
File "game/home/double/waiting.rpy", line 42, in script call
call cuteChat from _call_cuteChat_8
File "game/home/double/waiting.rpy", line 24, in script call
call screen doubleWaiting
File "game/home/bathroom/empty.rpy", line 22, in script call
call screen bathroomEmpty
File "game/home/lounge/cleaningDani.rpy", line 18, in script call
call screen loungeCleaningDani
File "game/home/lounge/Dani telly.rpy", line 15, in script call
call screen loungeDaniTelly
File "game/home/spare/pictures.rpy", line 8, in script call
call screen sparePictures
File "game/home/lounge/empty.rpy", line 17, in script call
call screen loungeEmpty
File "game/home/master/empty.rpy", line 16, in script call
call screen masterEmpty
File "game/home/double/homework.rpy", line 18, in script call
call screen doubleHomework
File "game/home/bathroom/Cute bath.rpy", line 12, in script call
call screen bathroomCuteBath
File "game/home/bathroom/Cute bath.rpy", line 36, in script call
call eventCaughtpeeking from _call_eventCaughtpeeking_2
File "game/home/events/caught peeking.rpy", line 21, in script call
call advanceTime from _call_advanceTime_6
File "game/home/lounge/film.rpy", line 16, in script call
call screen loungeFilm
File "game/home/lounge/film.rpy", line 102, in script call
call advanceTime(2) from _call_advanceTime_5
File "game/home/spare/sleeping.rpy", line 8, in script call
call screen spareSleeping
File "game/home/double/sleeping.rpy", line 23, in script call
call screen doubleSleeping
File "game/bts/time.rpy", line 227, in script call
call advanceTime(0) from _call_advanceTime_7 # Do day reset stuff without actually changing the time
File "game/home/bathroom/Dani wash fun.rpy", line 12, in script call
call screen bathroomDaniWashFun
File "game/home/double/dressingFun.rpy", line 12, in script call
call screen doubleDressingFun
File "game/home/double/dressingFun.rpy", line 12, in script call
call screen doubleDressingFun
File "game/home/double/dressingFun.rpy", line 12, in script call
call screen doubleDressingFun
File "game/home/double/dressingFun.rpy", line 12, in script call
call screen doubleDressingFun
File "game/home/double/waiting.rpy", line 24, in script call
call screen doubleWaiting
File "game/home/double/waiting.rpy", line 57, in script call
call cuteTalk from _call_cuteTalk_3
File "game/home/hallway.rpy", line 8, in script call
call screen uiHome
File "game/home/double/waiting.rpy", line 24, in script call
call screen doubleWaiting
File "game/home/lounge/empty.rpy", line 17, in script call
call screen loungeEmpty
File "game/home/double/empty.rpy", line 23, in script call
call screen doubleEmpty
File "game/home/double/empty.rpy", line 23, in script call
call screen doubleEmpty
File "game/home/double/reading.rpy", line 31, in script call
call screen doubleReading
File "game/home/kitchen/dishes headphones.rpy", line 14, in script call
call screen kitchenHeadphones
File "game/home/double/homework.rpy", line 18, in script call
call screen doubleHomework
File "game/home/double/empty.rpy", line 23, in script call
call screen doubleEmpty
File "game/home/lounge/Woman Cute.rpy", line 14, in script call
call screen loungeWomanCute
File "game/home/spare/relaxing.rpy", line 26, in script call
call screen spareRelaxing
File "game/home/double/sleeping.rpy", line 23, in script call
call screen doubleSleeping
File "game/home/double/sleeping.rpy", line 23, in script call
call screen doubleSleeping
File "game/bts/time.rpy", line 227, in script call
call advanceTime(0) from _call_advanceTime_7 # Do day reset stuff without actually changing the time
File "game/home/double/empty.rpy", line 23, in script call
call screen doubleEmpty
File "game/home/kitchen/empty.rpy", line 18, in script call
call screen kitchenEmpty
File "game/home/spare/dressing.rpy", line 25, in script call
call screen spareDressing
File "game/home/double/waiting.rpy", line 24, in script call
call screen doubleWaiting
File "game/home/lounge/cleaningCute.rpy", line 24, in script call
call screen loungeCleaningCute
File "game/home/double/together.rpy", line 10, in script call
call screen doubleTogether
File "game/home/spare/telly.rpy", line 25, in script call
call screen spareTelly
File "game/home/kitchen/dishes headphones.rpy", line 14, in script call
call screen kitchenHeadphones
File "game/home/double/homework.rpy", line 18, in script call
call screen doubleHomework
File "game/home/kitchen/empty.rpy", line 18, in script call
call screen kitchenEmpty
File "game/home/double/empty.rpy", line 23, in script call
call screen doubleEmpty
File "game/home/double/evening.rpy", line 29, in script call
call screen doubleEvening
File "game/home/double/evening.rpy", line 44, in script call
call cuteChat from _call_cuteChat_6
File "game/home/spare/relaxing.rpy", line 26, in script call
call screen spareRelaxing
File "game/home/double/sleeping.rpy", line 23, in script call
call screen doubleSleeping
File "game/bts/time.rpy", line 227, in script call
call advanceTime(0) from _call_advanceTime_7 # Do day reset stuff without actually changing the time
File "game/home/double/empty.rpy", line 23, in script call
call screen doubleEmpty
File "game/home/double/dressing.rpy", line 15, in script call
call screen doubleDressing
File "game/home/bathroom/empty.rpy", line 22, in script call
call screen bathroomEmpty
File "game/home/double/phone.rpy", line 43, in script call
call screen doublePhone
File "game/home/double/reading.rpy", line 31, in script call
call screen doubleReading
File "game/home/lounge/girls.rpy", line 13, in script call
call screen loungeGirls
File "game/home/kitchen/dishes headphones.rpy", line 14, in script call
call screen kitchenHeadphones
File "game/home/double/homework.rpy", line 18, in script call
call screen doubleHomework
File "game/home/double/empty.rpy", line 23, in script call
call screen doubleEmpty
File "game/home/double/empty.rpy", line 23, in script call
call screen doubleEmpty
File "game/home/double/evening.rpy", line 29, in script call
call screen doubleEvening
File "game/bts/time.rpy", line 227, in script call
call advanceTime(0) from _call_advanceTime_7 # Do day reset stuff without actually changing the time
File "game/home/spare/sleeping.rpy", line 8, in script call
call screen spareSleeping
File "game/home/master/empty.rpy", line 16, in script call
call screen masterEmpty
File "game/home/double/empty.rpy", line 23, in script call
call screen doubleEmpty
File "game/home/bathroom/Dani wash fun.rpy", line 12, in script call
call screen bathroomDaniWashFun
File "game/home/bathroom/Dani wash fun.rpy", line 12, in script call
call screen bathroomDaniWashFun
File "game/home/kitchen/empty.rpy", line 18, in script call
call screen kitchenEmpty
File "game/home/spare/dressing.rpy", line 25, in script call
call screen spareDressing
File "game/home/double/waiting.rpy", line 24, in script call
call screen doubleWaiting
File "game/home/double/phone.rpy", line 43, in script call
call screen doublePhone
File "game/home/laundry/Cute laundry.rpy", line 10, in script call
call screen laundryCute
File "game/home/laundry/Cute laundry.rpy", line 21, in script call
call cuteChat from _call_cuteChat
File "game/home/kitchen/empty.rpy", line 18, in script call
call screen kitchenEmpty
File "game/home/spare/tellyFun.rpy", line 12, in script call
call screen spareTellyFun
File "game/home/spare/tellyFun.rpy", line 12, in script call
call screen spareTellyFun
File "game/home/spare/telly.rpy", line 25, in script call
call screen spareTelly
File "game/home/kitchen/dishes headphones.rpy", line 14, in script call
call screen kitchenHeadphones
File "game/home/kitchen/empty.rpy", line 18, in script call
call screen kitchenEmpty
File "game/home/lounge/Woman telly.rpy", line 13, in script call
call screen loungeWomanTelly
File "game/home/lounge/Woman Cute.rpy", line 14, in script call
call screen loungeWomanCute
File "game/home/spare/together.rpy", line 12, in script call
call screen spareTogether
File "game/home/double/sleeping.rpy", line 23, in script call
call screen doubleSleeping
File "game/bts/time.rpy", line 227, in script call
call advanceTime(0) from _call_advanceTime_7 # Do day reset stuff without actually changing the time
File "game/home/double/empty.rpy", line 23, in script call
call screen doubleEmpty
File "game/home/bathroom/Dani wash fun.rpy", line 12, in script call
call screen bathroomDaniWashFun
File "game/home/bathroom/Dani wash fun.rpy", line 26, in script call
call navigation from _call_navigation_6
File "game/home/bathroom/Dani wash fun.rpy", line 12, in script call
call screen bathroomDaniWashFun
File "game/home/bathroom/Dani wash fun.rpy", line 12, in script call
call screen bathroomDaniWashFun
File "game/home/bathroom/Dani wash fun.rpy", line 26, in script call
call navigation from _call_navigation_6
File "game/home/kitchen/empty.rpy", line 18, in script call
call screen kitchenEmpty
File "game/home/kitchen/empty.rpy", line 18, in script call
call screen kitchenEmpty
File "game/home/lounge/empty.rpy", line 17, in script call
call screen loungeEmpty
File "game/home/lounge/cleaningDani.rpy", line 18, in script call
call screen loungeCleaningDani
File "game/home/lounge/Dani telly.rpy", line 15, in script call
call screen loungeDaniTelly
File "game/home/lounge/Dani telly.rpy", line 33, in script call
call daniChat from _call_daniChat_3
File "game/home/lounge/Dani telly.rpy", line 15, in script call
call screen loungeDaniTelly
File "game/home/lounge/empty.rpy", line 17, in script call
call screen loungeEmpty
File "game/home/lounge/empty.rpy", line 17, in script call
call screen loungeEmpty
File "game/home/lounge/empty.rpy", line 17, in script call
call screen loungeEmpty
File "game/home/bathroom/Cute bath.rpy", line 12, in script call
call screen bathroomCuteBath
File "game/home/bathroom/Cute bath.rpy", line 36, in script call
call eventCaughtpeeking from _call_eventCaughtpeeking_2
File "game/home/events/caught peeking.rpy", line 21, in script call
call advanceTime from _call_advanceTime_6
File "game/home/lounge/film.rpy", line 16, in script call
call screen loungeFilm
File "game/bts/time.rpy", line 227, in script call
call advanceTime(0) from _call_advanceTime_7 # Do day reset stuff without actually changing the time
File "game/home/hallway.rpy", line 8, in script call
call screen uiHome
File "game/home/double/dressing.rpy", line 15, in script call
call screen doubleDressing
File "game/home/kitchen/empty.rpy", line 18, in script call
call screen kitchenEmpty
File "game/home/double/waiting.rpy", line 24, in script call
call screen doubleWaiting
File "game/home/double/waiting.rpy", line 42, in script call
call cuteChat from _call_cuteChat_8
File "game/home/double/waiting.rpy", line 24, in script call
call screen doubleWaiting
File "game/home/double/phone.rpy", line 43, in script call
call screen doublePhone
File "game/home/laundry/Cute laundry.rpy", line 10, in script call
call screen laundryCute
File "game/home/laundry/Cute laundry.rpy", line 21, in script call
call cuteChat from _call_cuteChat
File "game/home/double/empty.rpy", line 23, in script call
call screen doubleEmpty
File "game/home/double/empty.rpy", line 23, in script call
call screen doubleEmpty
File "game/home/double/reading.rpy", line 31, in script call
call screen doubleReading
File "game/home/kitchen/dishes headphones.rpy", line 14, in script call
call screen kitchenHeadphones
File "game/home/double/homework.rpy", line 18, in script call
call screen doubleHomework
File "game/home/lounge/Woman telly.rpy", line 13, in script call
call screen loungeWomanTelly
File "game/home/lounge/Woman Cute.rpy", line 14, in script call
call screen loungeWomanCute
File "game/home/lounge/Woman Cute.rpy", line 44, in script call
call cuteChat from _call_cuteChat_5
File "game/home/lounge/Woman Cute.rpy", line 14, in script call
call screen loungeWomanCute
File "game/home/double/eveningFun.rpy", line 12, in script call
call screen doubleEveningFun
File "game/home/spare/relaxingFun.rpy", line 12, in script call
call screen spareRelaxingFun
File "game/home/spare/relaxingFun.rpy", line 12, in script call
call screen spareRelaxingFun
File "game/home/spare/relaxingFun.rpy", line 12, in script call
call screen spareRelaxingFun
File "game/home/double/eveningFun.rpy", line 12, in script call
call screen doubleEveningFun
File "game/home/double/eveningFun.rpy", line 12, in script call
call screen doubleEveningFun
File "game/home/double/evening.rpy", line 29, in script call
call screen doubleEvening
File "game/home/double/evening.rpy", line 44, in script call
call cuteChat from _call_cuteChat_6
File "game/home/double/evening.rpy", line 29, in script call
call screen doubleEvening
File "game/home/double/sleeping.rpy", line 23, in script call
call screen doubleSleeping
File "game/bts/time.rpy", line 227, in script call
call advanceTime(0) from _call_advanceTime_7 # Do day reset stuff without actually changing the time
File "game/home/bathroom/Cute wash.rpy", line 77, in script call
call screen bathroomCuteWash
File "game/home/double/dressingFun.rpy", line 12, in script call
call screen doubleDressingFun
File "game/home/kitchen/empty.rpy", line 18, in script call
call screen kitchenEmpty
File "game/home/double/waiting.rpy", line 24, in script call
call screen doubleWaiting
File "game/home/double/waiting.rpy", line 42, in script call
call cuteChat from _call_cuteChat_8
File "game/home/double/waiting.rpy", line 24, in script call
call screen doubleWaiting
File "game/home/lounge/cleaningCute.rpy", line 24, in script call
call screen loungeCleaningCute
File "game/home/double/together.rpy", line 10, in script call
call screen doubleTogether
File "game/home/master/empty.rpy", line 16, in script call
call screen masterEmpty
File "game/home/kitchen/dishes headphones.rpy", line 14, in script call
call screen kitchenHeadphones
File "game/home/double/homework.rpy", line 18, in script call
call screen doubleHomework
File "game/home/double/homework.rpy", line 81, in script call
player "Need help?"
File "game/home/double/homework.rpy", line 18, in script call
call screen doubleHomework
File "game/home/bathroom/Cute bath.rpy", line 12, in script call
call screen bathroomCuteBath
File "game/home/bathroom/Cute bath.rpy", line 36, in script call
call eventCaughtpeeking from _call_eventCaughtpeeking_2
File "game/home/events/caught peeking.rpy", line 21, in script call
call advanceTime from _call_advanceTime_6
File "game/home/spare/empty.rpy", line 18, in script call
call screen spareEmpty
File "game/home/double/evening.rpy", line 29, in script call
call screen doubleEvening
File "game/home/double/evening.rpy", line 44, in script call
call cuteChat from _call_cuteChat_6
File "game/home/double/evening.rpy", line 29, in script call
call screen doubleEvening
File "game/home/double/sleeping.rpy", line 23, in script call
call screen doubleSleeping
File "game/bts/time.rpy", line 227, in script call
call advanceTime(0) from _call_advanceTime_7 # Do day reset stuff without actually changing the time
File "game/home/double/empty.rpy", line 23, in script call
call screen doubleEmpty
File "game/home/double/dressingFun.rpy", line 12, in script call
call screen doubleDressingFun
File "game/home/kitchen/empty.rpy", line 18, in script call
call screen kitchenEmpty
File "game/home/double/waiting.rpy", line 24, in script call
call screen doubleWaiting
File "game/home/double/waiting.rpy", line 42, in script call
call cuteChat from _call_cuteChat_8
File "game/home/double/waiting.rpy", line 24, in script call
call screen doubleWaiting
File "game/home/double/phone.rpy", line 43, in script call
call screen doublePhone
File "game/home/double/reading.rpy", line 31, in script call
call screen doubleReading
File "game/home/double/empty.rpy", line 23, in script call
call screen doubleEmpty
File "game/home/kitchen/dishes headphones.rpy", line 14, in script call
call screen kitchenHeadphones
File "game/home/double/homework.rpy", line 18, in script call
call screen doubleHomework
File "game/home/double/empty.rpy", line 23, in script call
call screen doubleEmpty
File "game/home/double/empty.rpy", line 23, in script call
call screen doubleEmpty
File "game/home/bathroom/Dani bath.rpy", line 14, in script call
call screen bathroomDaniBath
File "game/home/lounge/Woman Cute.rpy", line 14, in script call
call screen loungeWomanCute
File "game/home/lounge/Woman Cute.rpy", line 44, in script call
call cuteChat from _call_cuteChat_5
File "game/home/lounge/Woman Cute.rpy", line 14, in script call
call screen loungeWomanCute
File "game/home/double/evening.rpy", line 29, in script call
call screen doubleEvening
File "game/home/double/evening.rpy", line 44, in script call
call cuteChat from _call_cuteChat_6
File "game/home/double/evening.rpy", line 29, in script call
call screen doubleEvening
File "game/home/double/sleeping.rpy", line 23, in script call
call screen doubleSleeping
File "game/bts/time.rpy", line 227, in script call
call advanceTime(0) from _call_advanceTime_7 # Do day reset stuff without actually changing the time
File "game/home/double/empty.rpy", line 23, in script call
call screen doubleEmpty
File "game/home/double/dressing.rpy", line 15, in script call
call screen doubleDressing
File "game/home/double/waiting.rpy", line 24, in script call
call screen doubleWaiting
File "game/home/double/phone.rpy", line 43, in script call
call screen doublePhone
File "game/home/laundry/Cute laundry.rpy", line 10, in script call
call screen laundryCute
File "game/home/laundry/Cute laundry.rpy", line 21, in script call
call cuteChat from _call_cuteChat
File "game/home/double/empty.rpy", line 23, in script call
call screen doubleEmpty
File "game/home/double/empty.rpy", line 23, in script call
call screen doubleEmpty
File "game/home/spare/telly.rpy", line 25, in script call
call screen spareTelly
File "game/home/spare/telly.rpy", line 40, in script call
call daniChat from _call_daniChat
File "game/home/spare/telly.rpy", line 25, in script call
call screen spareTelly
File "game/home/kitchen/dishes headphones.rpy", line 14, in script call
call screen kitchenHeadphones
File "game/home/double/homework.rpy", line 18, in script call
call screen doubleHomework
File "game/home/double/empty.rpy", line 23, in script call
call screen doubleEmpty
File "game/home/double/empty.rpy", line 23, in script call
call screen doubleEmpty
File "game/home/spare/together.rpy", line 12, in script call
call screen spareTogether
File "game/home/double/sleeping.rpy", line 23, in script call
call screen doubleSleeping
File "game/bts/time.rpy", line 227, in script call
call advanceTime(0) from _call_advanceTime_7 # Do day reset stuff without actually changing the time
File "game/home/bathroom/Cute wash.rpy", line 77, in script call
call screen bathroomCuteWash
File "game/home/double/dressingFun.rpy", line 12, in script call
call screen doubleDressingFun
File "game/home/kitchen/empty.rpy", line 18, in script call
call screen kitchenEmpty
File "game/home/double/waiting.rpy", line 24, in script call
call screen doubleWaiting
File "game/home/double/waiting.rpy", line 42, in script call
call cuteChat from _call_cuteChat_8
File "game/home/double/waiting.rpy", line 24, in script call
call screen doubleWaiting
File "game/home/bathroom/empty.rpy", line 22, in script call
call screen bathroomEmpty
File "game/home/master/empty.rpy", line 16, in script call
call screen masterEmpty
File "game/home/lounge/Dani telly.rpy", line 15, in script call
call screen loungeDaniTelly
File "game/home/lounge/Dani telly.rpy", line 33, in script call
call daniChat from _call_daniChat_3
File "game/home/bathroom/empty.rpy", line 22, in script call
call screen bathroomEmpty
File "game/home/double/empty.rpy", line 23, in script call
call screen doubleEmpty
File "game/home/spare/empty.rpy", line 18, in script call
call screen spareEmpty
File "game/home/spare/dolling.rpy", line 18, in script call
call screen spareDolling
File "game/home/bathroom/Cute bath.rpy", line 12, in script call
call screen bathroomCuteBath
File "game/home/bathroom/Cute bath.rpy", line 36, in script call
call eventCaughtpeeking from _call_eventCaughtpeeking_2
File "game/home/events/caught peeking.rpy", line 21, in script call
call advanceTime from _call_advanceTime_6
File "game/home/lounge/film.rpy", line 16, in script call
call screen loungeFilm
File "game/home/lounge/film.rpy", line 102, in script call
call advanceTime(2) from _call_advanceTime_5
File "game/home/double/sleeping.rpy", line 23, in script call
call screen doubleSleeping
File "game/bts/Weekends/_weekends.rpy", line 143, in script call
File "game/home/double/sleeping.rpy", line 23, in script call
call screen doubleSleeping
File "game/bts/time.rpy", line 227, in script call
call advanceTime(0) from _call_advanceTime_7 # Do day reset stuff without actually changing the time
File "game/home/hallway.rpy", line 8, in script call
call screen uiHome
File "game/home/kitchen/empty.rpy", line 18, in script call
call screen kitchenEmpty
File "game/home/double/waiting.rpy", line 24, in script call
call screen doubleWaiting
File "game/home/double/waiting.rpy", line 42, in script call
call cuteChat from _call_cuteChat_8
File "game/home/kitchen/empty.rpy", line 18, in script call
call screen kitchenEmpty
File "game/home/double/empty.rpy", line 23, in script call
call screen doubleEmpty
File "game/home/double/together.rpy", line 10, in script call
call screen doubleTogether
File "game/home/lounge/empty.rpy", line 17, in script call
call screen loungeEmpty
File "game/home/kitchen/dishes headphones.rpy", line 14, in script call
call screen kitchenHeadphones
File "game/home/double/homework.rpy", line 18, in script call
call screen doubleHomework
File "game/home/double/empty.rpy", line 23, in script call
call screen doubleEmpty
File "game/home/lounge/Woman Cute.rpy", line 14, in script call
call screen loungeWomanCute
File "game/home/double/evening.rpy", line 29, in script call
call screen doubleEvening
File "game/home/double/evening.rpy", line 44, in script call
call cuteChat from _call_cuteChat_6
File "game/home/double/evening.rpy", line 29, in script call
call screen doubleEvening
File "game/bts/time.rpy", line 227, in script call
call advanceTime(0) from _call_advanceTime_7 # Do day reset stuff without actually changing the time
File "game/home/lounge/empty.rpy", line 17, in script call
call screen loungeEmpty
File "game/home/double/empty.rpy", line 23, in script call
call screen doubleEmpty
File "game/home/kitchen/empty.rpy", line 18, in script call
call screen kitchenEmpty
File "game/home/double/waiting.rpy", line 24, in script call
call screen doubleWaiting
File "game/home/double/phone.rpy", line 43, in script call
call screen doublePhone
File "game/home/double/reading.rpy", line 104, in script call
call cuteGift from _call_cuteGift
File "game/talk/Cute sat.rpy", line 201, in script call
call advanceTime from _call_advanceTime_1
File "game/home/double/reading.rpy", line 31, in script call
call screen doubleReading
File "game/talk/Cute sat.rpy", line 201, in script call
call advanceTime from _call_advanceTime_1
File "game/home/lounge/girls.rpy", line 13, in script call
call screen loungeGirls
File "game/home/double/empty.rpy", line 23, in script call
call screen doubleEmpty
File "game/home/kitchen/dishes headphones.rpy", line 14, in script call
call screen kitchenHeadphones
File "game/home/double/homework.rpy", line 18, in script call
call screen doubleHomework
File "game/home/double/empty.rpy", line 23, in script call
call screen doubleEmpty
File "game/home/bathroom/Cute bath.rpy", line 12, in script call
call screen bathroomCuteBath
File "game/home/bathroom/Cute bath.rpy", line 12, in script call
call screen bathroomCuteBath
File "game/home/lounge/Woman Cute.rpy", line 14, in script call
call screen loungeWomanCute
File "game/home/double/eveningFun.rpy", line 12, in script call
call screen doubleEveningFun
File "game/home/double/eveningFun.rpy", line 12, in script call
call screen doubleEveningFun
File "game/home/double/evening.rpy", line 29, in script call
call screen doubleEvening
File "game/home/double/evening.rpy", line 56, in script call
call cuteTalk from _call_cuteTalk_1
File "game/home/double/evening.rpy", line 29, in script call
call screen doubleEvening
File "game/home/double/evening.rpy", line 44, in script call
call cuteChat from _call_cuteChat_6
File "game/home/double/sleeping.rpy", line 23, in script call
call screen doubleSleeping
File "game/bts/time.rpy", line 227, in script call
call advanceTime(0) from _call_advanceTime_7 # Do day reset stuff without actually changing the time
File "game/home/bathroom/Cute wash.rpy", line 77, in script call
call screen bathroomCuteWash
File "game/home/bathroom/Cute wash.rpy", line 77, in script call
call screen bathroomCuteWash
File "game/home/bathroom/Cute wash.rpy", line 77, in script call
call screen bathroomCuteWash
File "game/home/hallway.rpy", line 8, in script
call screen uiHome
File "renpy/common/000statements.rpy", line 531, in execute_call_screen
store._return = renpy.call_screen(name, *args, **kwargs)
File "game/myUI/myUI.rpy", line 485, in execute
screen uiHome:
File "game/myUI/myUI.rpy", line 485, in execute
screen uiHome:
File "game/myUI/myUI.rpy", line 501, in execute
if keepNavi or showNavi:
File "game/myUI/myUI.rpy", line 502, in execute
hbox xpos(130) ypos(970) ysize(90):
File "game/myUI/myUI.rpy", line 647, in execute
if not playerLocation == "double":
File "game/myUI/myUI.rpy", line 648, in execute
Exception: Imagebutton does not have a idle image.
-- Full Traceback ------------------------------------------------------------
Full traceback:
File "C:\Users\carlo\Downloads\CuteS-0.03.035-pc\CuteS-0.03.035-pc\CuteS-0.03.035-pc\renpy\bootstrap.py", line 316, in bootstrap
File "C:\Users\carlo\Downloads\CuteS-0.03.035-pc\CuteS-0.03.035-pc\CuteS-0.03.035-pc\renpy\main.py", line 578, in main
File "C:\Users\carlo\Downloads\CuteS-0.03.035-pc\CuteS-0.03.035-pc\CuteS-0.03.035-pc\renpy\main.py", line 143, in run
File "C:\Users\carlo\Downloads\CuteS-0.03.035-pc\CuteS-0.03.035-pc\CuteS-0.03.035-pc\renpy\execution.py", line 908, in run_context
File "game/home/double/empty.rpy", line 23, in script call
call screen doubleEmpty
File "game/home/spare/empty.rpy", line 18, in script call
call screen spareEmpty
File "game/home/bathroom/Woman bath.rpy", line 8, in script call
call screen bathroomWomanBath
File "game/home/kitchen/dishes.rpy", line 17, in script call
call screen kitchenDishes
File "game/home/laundry/Dani laundry.rpy", line 12, in script call
call screen laundryDani
File "game/home/laundry/Dani laundry.rpy", line 23, in script call
call daniChat from _call_daniChat_1
File "game/talk/Dani compliment.rpy", line 93, in script call
call daniComplimentsExit from _call_daniComplimentsExit
File "game/talk/Dani compliment.rpy", line 454, in script call
call daniChatSkip from _call_daniChatSkip
File "game/home/master/telly.rpy", line 21, in script call
call screen masterTelly
File "game/home/master/telly.rpy", line 39, in script call
call womanTalk from _call_womanTalk_1
File "game/home/double/empty.rpy", line 23, in script call
call screen doubleEmpty
File "game/home/lounge/Woman Cute.rpy", line 14, in script call
call screen loungeWomanCute
File "game/home/lounge/Woman Cute.rpy", line 44, in script call
call cuteChat from _call_cuteChat_5
File "game/talk/Cute compliment.rpy", line 48, in script call
call screen cuteCompliments
File "game/talk/Cute compliment.rpy", line 167, in script call
call cuteComplimentsExit from _call_cuteComplimentsExit_6
File "game/talk/Cute compliment.rpy", line 284, in script call
call advanceTime from _call_advanceTime_8
File "game/home/double/evening.rpy", line 29, in script call
call screen doubleEvening
File "game/home/double/evening.rpy", line 56, in script call
call cuteTalk from _call_cuteTalk_1
File "game/home/double/evening.rpy", line 29, in script call
call screen doubleEvening
File "game/home/double/evening.rpy", line 44, in script call
call cuteChat from _call_cuteChat_6
File "game/home/double/sleeping.rpy", line 23, in script call
call screen doubleSleeping
File "game/bts/time.rpy", line 227, in script call
call advanceTime(0) from _call_advanceTime_7 # Do day reset stuff without actually changing the time
File "game/home/double/empty.rpy", line 23, in script call
call screen doubleEmpty
File "game/bts/mySettings.rpy", line 8, in script call
File "game/home/double/empty.rpy", line 23, in script call
call screen doubleEmpty
File "game/home/double/empty.rpy", line 23, in script call
call screen doubleEmpty
File "game/home/kitchen/empty.rpy", line 18, in script call
call screen kitchenEmpty
File "game/home/kitchen/empty.rpy", line 18, in script call
call screen kitchenEmpty
File "game/home/lounge/cleaningCute.rpy", line 24, in script call
call screen loungeCleaningCute
File "game/home/lounge/cleaningCute.rpy", line 24, in script call
call screen loungeCleaningCute
File "game/home/double/together.rpy", line 10, in script call
call screen doubleTogether
File "game/home/double/phone.rpy", line 43, in script call
call screen doublePhone
File "game/home/double/phone.rpy", line 59, in script call
call cuteChat from _call_cuteChat_1
File "game/talk/Cute compliment.rpy", line 48, in script call
call screen cuteCompliments
File "game/talk/Cute compliment.rpy", line 167, in script call
call cuteComplimentsExit from _call_cuteComplimentsExit_6
File "game/talk/Cute compliment.rpy", line 284, in script call
call advanceTime from _call_advanceTime_8
File "game/home/kitchen/dishes.rpy", line 17, in script call
call screen kitchenDishes
File "game/home/kitchen/dishes.rpy", line 57, in script call
call cuteChat from _call_cuteChat_9
File "game/home/double/empty.rpy", line 23, in script call
call screen doubleEmpty
File "game/home/lounge/Woman Dani.rpy", line 12, in script call
call screen loungeWomanDani
File "game/home/lounge/Woman Dani.rpy", line 45, in script call
call daniChat from _call_daniChat_2
File "game/home/lounge/Woman Dani.rpy", line 12, in script call
call screen loungeWomanDani
File "game/bts/mySettings.rpy", line 8, in script call
File "game/home/bathroom/empty.rpy", line 22, in script call
call screen bathroomEmpty
File "game/home/spare/pictures.rpy", line 8, in script call
call screen sparePictures
File "game/home/spare/pictures.rpy", line 47, in script call
call eventCaughtpeeking from _call_eventCaughtpeeking
File "game/home/events/caught peeking.rpy", line 21, in script call
call advanceTime from _call_advanceTime_6
File "game/home/master/empty.rpy", line 16, in script call
call screen masterEmpty
File "game/home/double/evening.rpy", line 29, in script call
call screen doubleEvening
File "game/home/double/evening.rpy", line 44, in script call
call cuteChat from _call_cuteChat_6
File "game/home/double/evening.rpy", line 29, in script call
call screen doubleEvening
File "game/home/double/sleeping.rpy", line 23, in script call
call screen doubleSleeping
File "game/bts/time.rpy", line 227, in script call
call advanceTime(0) from _call_advanceTime_7 # Do day reset stuff without actually changing the time
File "game/home/double/empty.rpy", line 23, in script call
call screen doubleEmpty
File "game/home/double/dressing.rpy", line 15, in script call
call screen doubleDressing
File "game/home/double/dressing.rpy", line 52, in script call
call eventCaughtpeeking from _call_eventCaughtpeeking_1
File "game/home/events/caught peeking.rpy", line 21, in script call
call advanceTime from _call_advanceTime_6
File "game/home/double/waiting.rpy", line 24, in script call
call screen doubleWaiting
File "game/home/double/phone.rpy", line 43, in script call
call screen doublePhone
File "game/home/double/reading.rpy", line 104, in script call
call cuteGift from _call_cuteGift
File "game/talk/Cute gift.rpy", line 182, in script call
call advanceTime from _call_advanceTime
File "game/home/double/reading.rpy", line 31, in script call
call screen doubleReading
File "game/home/double/reading.rpy", line 31, in script call
call screen doubleReading
File "game/home/double/reading.rpy", line 60, in script call
call cuteTalk from _call_cuteTalk_2
File "game/home/lounge/girls.rpy", line 13, in script call
call screen loungeGirls
File "game/home/kitchen/dishes.rpy", line 17, in script call
call screen kitchenDishes
File "game/home/kitchen/empty.rpy", line 18, in script call
call screen kitchenEmpty
File "game/home/double/homework.rpy", line 18, in script call
call screen doubleHomework
File "game/home/double/empty.rpy", line 23, in script call
call screen doubleEmpty
File "game/home/lounge/Woman telly.rpy", line 13, in script call
call screen loungeWomanTelly
File "game/home/lounge/Woman telly.rpy", line 42, in script call
call womanTalk from _call_womanTalk
File "game/home/double/empty.rpy", line 23, in script call
call screen doubleEmpty
File "game/home/master/empty.rpy", line 16, in script call
call screen masterEmpty
File "game/home/lounge/Woman Cute.rpy", line 14, in script call
call screen loungeWomanCute
File "game/home/lounge/Woman Cute.rpy", line 44, in script call
call cuteChat from _call_cuteChat_5
File "game/home/lounge/Woman Cute.rpy", line 14, in script call
call screen loungeWomanCute
File "game/home/double/evening.rpy", line 29, in script call
call screen doubleEvening
File "game/home/double/evening.rpy", line 44, in script call
call cuteChat from _call_cuteChat_6
File "game/home/double/evening.rpy", line 29, in script call
call screen doubleEvening
File "game/home/double/evening.rpy", line 56, in script call
call cuteTalk from _call_cuteTalk_1
File "game/home/hallway.rpy", line 8, in script call
call screen uiHome
File "game/home/double/evening.rpy", line 29, in script call
call screen doubleEvening
File "game/home/double/sleeping.rpy", line 23, in script call
call screen doubleSleeping
File "game/bts/time.rpy", line 227, in script call
call advanceTime(0) from _call_advanceTime_7 # Do day reset stuff without actually changing the time
File "game/home/bathroom/Cute wash.rpy", line 77, in script call
call screen bathroomCuteWash
File "game/home/bathroom/Cute wash.rpy", line 110, in script call
call cuteChat from _call_cuteChat_4
File "game/home/double/empty.rpy", line 23, in script call
call screen doubleEmpty
File "game/home/kitchen/empty.rpy", line 18, in script call
call screen kitchenEmpty
File "game/home/double/waiting.rpy", line 24, in script call
call screen doubleWaiting
File "game/home/double/phone.rpy", line 43, in script call
call screen doublePhone
File "game/home/laundry/Cute laundry.rpy", line 10, in script call
call screen laundryCute
File "game/home/laundry/Cute laundry.rpy", line 21, in script call
call cuteChat from _call_cuteChat
File "game/talk/Cute compliment.rpy", line 48, in script call
call screen cuteCompliments
File "game/talk/Cute compliment.rpy", line 54, in script call
call screen cuteComplimentsHead
File "game/talk/Cute compliment.rpy", line 76, in script call
call cuteComplimentsExit from _call_cuteComplimentsExit
File "game/talk/Cute compliment.rpy", line 284, in script call
call advanceTime from _call_advanceTime_8
File "game/home/laundry/empty.rpy", line 13, in script call
call screen uiHome
File "game/home/double/reading.rpy", line 31, in script call
call screen doubleReading
File "game/home/double/reading.rpy", line 60, in script call
call cuteTalk from _call_cuteTalk_2
File "game/home/hallway.rpy", line 8, in script call
call screen uiHome
File "game/home/double/reading.rpy", line 31, in script call
call screen doubleReading
File "game/home/double/reading.rpy", line 104, in script call
call cuteGift from _call_cuteGift
File "game/home/double/reading.rpy", line 31, in script call
call screen doubleReading
File "game/home/kitchen/dishes.rpy", line 17, in script call
call screen kitchenDishes
File "game/home/double/homework.rpy", line 18, in script call
call screen doubleHomework
File "game/home/double/empty.rpy", line 23, in script call
call screen doubleEmpty
File "game/home/lounge/Woman Cute.rpy", line 14, in script call
call screen loungeWomanCute
File "game/home/spare/together.rpy", line 12, in script call
call screen spareTogether
File "game/home/double/sleeping.rpy", line 23, in script call
call screen doubleSleeping
File "game/bts/time.rpy", line 227, in script call
call advanceTime(0) from _call_advanceTime_7 # Do day reset stuff without actually changing the time
File "game/home/double/empty.rpy", line 23, in script call
call screen doubleEmpty
File "game/home/double/dressing.rpy", line 15, in script call
call screen doubleDressing
File "game/home/double/waiting.rpy", line 24, in script call
call screen doubleWaiting
File "game/home/double/empty.rpy", line 23, in script call
call screen doubleEmpty
File "game/home/lounge/empty.rpy", line 17, in script call
call screen loungeEmpty
File "game/home/lounge/cleaningDani.rpy", line 18, in script call
call screen loungeCleaningDani
File "game/home/double/phoneFun.rpy", line 12, in script call
call screen doublePhoneFun
File "game/home/lounge/Dani telly.rpy", line 15, in script call
call screen loungeDaniTelly
File "game/home/lounge/Dani telly.rpy", line 33, in script call
call daniChat from _call_daniChat_3
File "game/home/lounge/Dani telly.rpy", line 15, in script call
call screen loungeDaniTelly
File "game/home/spare/pictures.rpy", line 8, in script call
call screen sparePictures
File "game/home/double/empty.rpy", line 23, in script call
call screen doubleEmpty
File "game/home/lounge/empty.rpy", line 17, in script call
call screen loungeEmpty
File "game/home/lounge/empty.rpy", line 17, in script call
call screen loungeEmpty
File "game/home/double/homework.rpy", line 18, in script call
call screen doubleHomework
File "game/home/master/telly.rpy", line 21, in script call
call screen masterTelly
File "game/home/master/telly.rpy", line 39, in script call
call womanTalk from _call_womanTalk_1
File "game/home/master/telly.rpy", line 21, in script call
call screen masterTelly
File "game/home/lounge/film.rpy", line 16, in script call
call screen loungeFilm
File "game/home/lounge/film.rpy", line 102, in script call
call advanceTime(2) from _call_advanceTime_5
File "game/home/double/sleeping.rpy", line 23, in script call
call screen doubleSleeping
File "game/bts/time.rpy", line 227, in script call
call advanceTime(0) from _call_advanceTime_7 # Do day reset stuff without actually changing the time
File "game/home/lounge/Woman relaxing.rpy", line 7, in script call
call screen uiHome
File "game/home/master/empty.rpy", line 16, in script call
call screen masterEmpty
File "game/home/double/waiting.rpy", line 24, in script call
call screen doubleWaiting
File "game/home/double/waiting.rpy", line 57, in script call
call cuteTalk from _call_cuteTalk_3
File "game/home/hallway.rpy", line 8, in script call
call screen uiHome
File "game/home/spare/dressing.rpy", line 25, in script call
call screen spareDressing
File "game/home/double/waiting.rpy", line 24, in script call
call screen doubleWaiting
File "game/home/double/phone.rpy", line 43, in script call
call screen doublePhone
File "game/home/laundry/Cute laundry.rpy", line 10, in script call
call screen laundryCute
File "game/home/laundry/Cute laundry.rpy", line 21, in script call
call cuteChat from _call_cuteChat
File "game/talk/Cute compliment.rpy", line 48, in script call
call screen cuteCompliments
File "game/talk/Cute compliment.rpy", line 167, in script call
call cuteComplimentsExit from _call_cuteComplimentsExit_6
File "game/talk/Cute compliment.rpy", line 284, in script call
call advanceTime from _call_advanceTime_8
File "game/home/spare/telly.rpy", line 25, in script call
call screen spareTelly
File "game/home/spare/telly.rpy", line 52, in script call
call daniTalk from _call_daniTalk
File "game/home/kitchen/dishes.rpy", line 17, in script call
call screen kitchenDishes
File "game/home/lounge/Dani telly.rpy", line 15, in script call
call screen loungeDaniTelly
File "game/home/double/homework.rpy", line 18, in script call
call screen doubleHomework
File "game/home/spare/pictures.rpy", line 8, in script call
call screen sparePictures
File "game/home/lounge/Woman telly.rpy", line 13, in script call
call screen loungeWomanTelly
File "game/home/lounge/Woman Cute.rpy", line 14, in script call
call screen loungeWomanCute
File "game/home/spare/relaxing.rpy", line 26, in script call
call screen spareRelaxing
File "game/home/spare/relaxing.rpy", line 41, in script call
call daniChat from _call_daniChat_4
File "game/home/spare/relaxing.rpy", line 26, in script call
call screen spareRelaxing
File "game/home/double/evening.rpy", line 29, in script call
call screen doubleEvening
File "game/home/double/evening.rpy", line 56, in script call
call cuteTalk from _call_cuteTalk_1
File "game/home/double/sleeping.rpy", line 23, in script call
call screen doubleSleeping
File "game/home/double/sleeping.rpy", line 23, in script call
call screen doubleSleeping
File "game/bts/time.rpy", line 227, in script call
call advanceTime(0) from _call_advanceTime_7 # Do day reset stuff without actually changing the time
File "game/home/double/empty.rpy", line 23, in script call
call screen doubleEmpty
File "game/home/kitchen/empty.rpy", line 18, in script call
call screen kitchenEmpty
File "game/home/kitchen/empty.rpy", line 18, in script call
call screen kitchenEmpty
File "game/home/lounge/cleaningCute.rpy", line 24, in script call
call screen loungeCleaningCute
File "game/home/double/together.rpy", line 10, in script call
call screen doubleTogether
File "game/home/double/phone.rpy", line 43, in script call
call screen doublePhone
File "game/home/double/empty.rpy", line 23, in script call
call screen doubleEmpty
File "game/home/double/homework.rpy", line 18, in script call
call screen doubleHomework
File "game/home/bathroom/Cute bath.rpy", line 12, in script call
call screen bathroomCuteBath
File "game/home/lounge/Woman telly.rpy", line 13, in script call
call screen loungeWomanTelly
File "game/home/lounge/Woman Cute.rpy", line 14, in script call
call screen loungeWomanCute
File "game/home/double/evening.rpy", line 29, in script call
call screen doubleEvening
File "game/home/double/sleeping.rpy", line 23, in script call
call screen doubleSleeping
File "game/bts/time.rpy", line 227, in script call
call advanceTime(0) from _call_advanceTime_7 # Do day reset stuff without actually changing the time
File "game/home/double/empty.rpy", line 23, in script call
call screen doubleEmpty
File "game/home/double/dressing.rpy", line 15, in script call
call screen doubleDressing
File "game/home/kitchen/empty.rpy", line 18, in script call
call screen kitchenEmpty
File "game/home/double/waiting.rpy", line 24, in script call
call screen doubleWaiting
File "game/home/double/phone.rpy", line 43, in script call
call screen doublePhone
File "game/home/double/reading.rpy", line 104, in script call
call cuteGift from _call_cuteGift
File "game/talk/Cute gift.rpy", line 182, in script call
call advanceTime from _call_advanceTime
File "game/home/double/reading.rpy", line 31, in script call
call screen doubleReading
File "game/home/double/empty.rpy", line 23, in script call
call screen doubleEmpty
File "game/home/kitchen/dishes headphones.rpy", line 14, in script call
call screen kitchenHeadphones
File "game/home/double/homework.rpy", line 18, in script call
call screen doubleHomework
File "game/home/lounge/Woman telly.rpy", line 13, in script call
call screen loungeWomanTelly
File "game/home/lounge/Woman Cute.rpy", line 14, in script call
call screen loungeWomanCute
File "game/home/double/evening.rpy", line 29, in script call
call screen doubleEvening
File "game/home/double/evening.rpy", line 44, in script call
call cuteChat from _call_cuteChat_6
File "game/home/double/evening.rpy", line 29, in script call
call screen doubleEvening
File "game/home/double/sleeping.rpy", line 23, in script call
call screen doubleSleeping
File "game/bts/time.rpy", line 227, in script call
call advanceTime(0) from _call_advanceTime_7 # Do day reset stuff without actually changing the time
File "game/home/double/empty.rpy", line 23, in script call
call screen doubleEmpty
File "game/home/hallway.rpy", line 8, in script call
call screen uiHome
File "game/home/double/dressing.rpy", line 15, in script call
call screen doubleDressing
File "game/home/master/empty.rpy", line 16, in script call
call screen masterEmpty
File "game/home/double/waiting.rpy", line 24, in script call
call screen doubleWaiting
File "game/home/double/phone.rpy", line 43, in script call
call screen doublePhone
File "game/home/double/empty.rpy", line 23, in script call
call screen doubleEmpty
File "game/home/double/reading.rpy", line 31, in script call
call screen doubleReading
File "game/home/double/reading.rpy", line 104, in script call
call cuteGift from _call_cuteGift
File "game/talk/Cute gift.rpy", line 182, in script call
call advanceTime from _call_advanceTime
File "game/home/kitchen/dishes headphones.rpy", line 14, in script call
call screen kitchenHeadphones
File "game/home/master/telly.rpy", line 21, in script call
call screen masterTelly
File "game/home/master/telly.rpy", line 56, in script call
call womanGift from _call_womanGift
File "game/home/bathroom/Cute bath.rpy", line 12, in script call
call screen bathroomCuteBath
File "game/home/bathroom/Cute bath.rpy", line 36, in script call
call eventCaughtpeeking from _call_eventCaughtpeeking_2
File "game/home/events/caught peeking.rpy", line 21, in script call
call advanceTime from _call_advanceTime_6
File "game/home/hallway.rpy", line 8, in script call
call screen uiHome
File "game/home/lounge/Woman Cute.rpy", line 14, in script call
call screen loungeWomanCute
File "game/home/spare/together.rpy", line 12, in script call
call screen spareTogether
File "game/home/double/sleeping.rpy", line 23, in script call
call screen doubleSleeping
File "game/bts/time.rpy", line 227, in script call
call advanceTime(0) from _call_advanceTime_7 # Do day reset stuff without actually changing the time
File "game/home/double/empty.rpy", line 23, in script call
call screen doubleEmpty
File "game/home/kitchen/empty.rpy", line 18, in script call
call screen kitchenEmpty
File "game/home/kitchen/empty.rpy", line 18, in script call
call screen kitchenEmpty
File "game/home/master/empty.rpy", line 16, in script call
call screen masterEmpty
File "game/home/lounge/cleaningDani.rpy", line 18, in script call
call screen loungeCleaningDani
File "game/home/double/phone.rpy", line 43, in script call
call screen doublePhone
File "game/home/spare/pictures.rpy", line 8, in script call
call screen sparePictures
File "game/home/lounge/empty.rpy", line 17, in script call
call screen loungeEmpty
File "game/home/bathroom/empty.rpy", line 22, in script call
call screen bathroomEmpty
File "game/home/lounge/empty.rpy", line 17, in script call
call screen loungeEmpty
File "game/home/double/homework.rpy", line 18, in script call
call screen doubleHomework
File "game/home/master/telly.rpy", line 21, in script call
call screen masterTelly
File "game/home/master/telly.rpy", line 56, in script call
call womanGift from _call_womanGift
File "game/home/master/telly.rpy", line 21, in script call
call screen masterTelly
File "game/home/master/telly.rpy", line 21, in script call
call screen masterTelly
File "game/home/master/telly.rpy", line 56, in script call
call womanGift from _call_womanGift
File "game/home/lounge/film.rpy", line 16, in script call
call screen loungeFilm
File "game/home/lounge/film.rpy", line 102, in script call
call advanceTime(2) from _call_advanceTime_5
File "game/home/spare/sleeping.rpy", line 8, in script call
call screen spareSleeping
File "game/home/double/sleeping.rpy", line 23, in script call
call screen doubleSleeping
File "game/bts/time.rpy", line 227, in script call
call advanceTime(0) from _call_advanceTime_7 # Do day reset stuff without actually changing the time
File "game/home/hallway.rpy", line 8, in script call
call screen uiHome
File "game/home/bathroom/Dani wash fun.rpy", line 12, in script call
call screen bathroomDaniWashFun
File "game/home/kitchen/empty.rpy", line 18, in script call
call screen kitchenEmpty
File "game/home/kitchen/empty.rpy", line 18, in script call
call screen kitchenEmpty
File "game/home/double/phone.rpy", line 43, in script call
call screen doublePhone
File "game/home/double/empty.rpy", line 23, in script call
call screen doubleEmpty
File "game/home/double/reading.rpy", line 31, in script call
call screen doubleReading
File "game/home/kitchen/dishes headphones.rpy", line 14, in script call
call screen kitchenHeadphones
File "game/home/double/homework.rpy", line 18, in script call
call screen doubleHomework
File "game/home/double/empty.rpy", line 23, in script call
call screen doubleEmpty
File "game/home/double/empty.rpy", line 23, in script call
call screen doubleEmpty
File "game/home/lounge/Woman Cute.rpy", line 14, in script call
call screen loungeWomanCute
File "game/home/double/evening.rpy", line 29, in script call
call screen doubleEvening
File "game/home/double/sleeping.rpy", line 23, in script call
call screen doubleSleeping
File "game/home/double/sleeping.rpy", line 23, in script call
call screen doubleSleeping
File "game/bts/time.rpy", line 227, in script call
call advanceTime(0) from _call_advanceTime_7 # Do day reset stuff without actually changing the time
File "game/home/bathroom/Cute wash.rpy", line 77, in script call
call screen bathroomCuteWash
File "game/home/double/dressing.rpy", line 15, in script call
call screen doubleDressing
File "game/home/master/empty.rpy", line 16, in script call
call screen masterEmpty
File "game/home/double/waiting.rpy", line 24, in script call
call screen doubleWaiting
File "game/home/lounge/cleaningCute.rpy", line 24, in script call
call screen loungeCleaningCute
File "game/home/double/together.rpy", line 10, in script call
call screen doubleTogether
File "game/home/double/phone.rpy", line 43, in script call
call screen doublePhone
File "game/home/kitchen/dishes headphones.rpy", line 14, in script call
call screen kitchenHeadphones
File "game/home/lounge/Woman Dani.rpy", line 12, in script call
call screen loungeWomanDani
File "game/home/lounge/Woman Dani.rpy", line 45, in script call
call daniChat from _call_daniChat_2
File "game/home/double/homework.rpy", line 18, in script call
call screen doubleHomework
File "game/home/double/empty.rpy", line 23, in script call
call screen doubleEmpty
File "game/home/bathroom/Dani bath.rpy", line 14, in script call
call screen bathroomDaniBath
File "game/home/double/empty.rpy", line 23, in script call
call screen doubleEmpty
File "game/home/double/evening.rpy", line 29, in script call
call screen doubleEvening
File "game/home/double/evening.rpy", line 44, in script call
call cuteChat from _call_cuteChat_6
File "game/home/double/evening.rpy", line 29, in script call
call screen doubleEvening
File "game/home/double/evening.rpy", line 44, in script call
call cuteChat from _call_cuteChat_6
File "game/home/double/evening.rpy", line 29, in script call
call screen doubleEvening
File "game/home/double/sleeping.rpy", line 23, in script call
call screen doubleSleeping
File "game/bts/time.rpy", line 227, in script call
call advanceTime(0) from _call_advanceTime_7 # Do day reset stuff without actually changing the time
File "game/home/double/empty.rpy", line 23, in script call
call screen doubleEmpty
File "game/home/bathroom/Cute wash.rpy", line 77, in script call
call screen bathroomCuteWash
File "game/home/bathroom/Cute wash.rpy", line 110, in script call
call cuteChat from _call_cuteChat_4
File "game/home/bathroom/Cute wash.rpy", line 77, in script call
call screen bathroomCuteWash
File "game/home/bathroom/Cute wash.rpy", line 77, in script call
call screen bathroomCuteWash
File "game/home/double/dressing.rpy", line 15, in script call
call screen doubleDressing
File "game/home/kitchen/empty.rpy", line 18, in script call
call screen kitchenEmpty
File "game/home/double/waiting.rpy", line 24, in script call
call screen doubleWaiting
File "game/home/double/phone.rpy", line 43, in script call
call screen doublePhone
File "game/home/double/phone.rpy", line 59, in script call
call cuteChat from _call_cuteChat_1
File "game/home/double/phone.rpy", line 43, in script call
call screen doublePhone
File "game/home/double/reading.rpy", line 31, in script call
call screen doubleReading
File "game/home/double/empty.rpy", line 23, in script call
call screen doubleEmpty
File "game/home/kitchen/dishes headphones.rpy", line 14, in script call
call screen kitchenHeadphones
File "game/home/double/homework.rpy", line 18, in script call
call screen doubleHomework
File "game/home/double/empty.rpy", line 23, in script call
call screen doubleEmpty
File "game/home/master/empty.rpy", line 16, in script call
call screen masterEmpty
File "game/home/spare/relaxing.rpy", line 26, in script call
call screen spareRelaxing
File "game/home/spare/relaxing.rpy", line 55, in script call
call daniTalk from _call_daniTalk_1
File "game/home/hallway.rpy", line 8, in script call
call screen uiHome
File "game/home/double/sleeping.rpy", line 23, in script call
call screen doubleSleeping
File "game/bts/time.rpy", line 227, in script call
call advanceTime(0) from _call_advanceTime_7 # Do day reset stuff without actually changing the time
File "game/home/double/empty.rpy", line 23, in script call
call screen doubleEmpty
File "game/home/kitchen/empty.rpy", line 18, in script call
call screen kitchenEmpty
File "game/home/double/waiting.rpy", line 24, in script call
call screen doubleWaiting
File "game/home/double/waiting.rpy", line 42, in script call
call cuteChat from _call_cuteChat_8
File "game/home/double/waiting.rpy", line 24, in script call
call screen doubleWaiting
File "game/home/double/phone.rpy", line 43, in script call
call screen doublePhone
File "game/home/lounge/empty.rpy", line 17, in script call
call screen loungeEmpty
File "game/home/double/reading.rpy", line 31, in script call
call screen doubleReading
File "game/home/double/reading.rpy", line 104, in script call
call cuteGift from _call_cuteGift
File "game/talk/Cute gift.rpy", line 182, in script call
call advanceTime from _call_advanceTime
File "game/home/kitchen/dishes headphones.rpy", line 14, in script call
call screen kitchenHeadphones
File "game/home/double/homework.rpy", line 18, in script call
call screen doubleHomework
File "game/home/double/homework.rpy", line 18, in script call
call screen doubleHomework
File "game/home/bathroom/Cute bath.rpy", line 12, in script call
call screen bathroomCuteBath
File "game/home/double/empty.rpy", line 23, in script call
call screen doubleEmpty
File "game/home/double/empty.rpy", line 23, in script call
call screen doubleEmpty
File "game/home/spare/together.rpy", line 12, in script call
call screen spareTogether
File "game/home/double/sleeping.rpy", line 23, in script call
call screen doubleSleeping
File "game/bts/time.rpy", line 227, in script call
call advanceTime(0) from _call_advanceTime_7 # Do day reset stuff without actually changing the time
File "game/home/bathroom/Cute wash.rpy", line 77, in script call
call screen bathroomCuteWash
File "game/home/double/dressing.rpy", line 15, in script call
call screen doubleDressing
File "game/home/kitchen/empty.rpy", line 18, in script call
call screen kitchenEmpty
File "game/home/double/waiting.rpy", line 24, in script call
call screen doubleWaiting
File "game/home/double/empty.rpy", line 23, in script call
call screen doubleEmpty
File "game/home/bathroom/empty.rpy", line 22, in script call
call screen bathroomEmpty
File "game/home/bathroom/empty.rpy", line 22, in script call
call screen bathroomEmpty
File "game/home/bathroom/empty.rpy", line 22, in script call
call screen bathroomEmpty
File "game/home/double/empty.rpy", line 23, in script call
call screen doubleEmpty
File "game/home/lounge/empty.rpy", line 17, in script call
call screen loungeEmpty
File "game/home/double/homework.rpy", line 18, in script call
call screen doubleHomework
File "game/home/master/telly.rpy", line 21, in script call
call screen masterTelly
File "game/home/master/telly.rpy", line 56, in script call
call womanGift from _call_womanGift
File "game/home/lounge/film.rpy", line 16, in script call
call screen loungeFilm
File "game/home/lounge/film.rpy", line 102, in script call
call advanceTime(2) from _call_advanceTime_5
File "game/home/double/sleeping.rpy", line 23, in script call
call screen doubleSleeping
File "game/bts/time.rpy", line 227, in script call
call advanceTime(0) from _call_advanceTime_7 # Do day reset stuff without actually changing the time
File "game/home/hallway.rpy", line 8, in script call
call screen uiHome
File "game/home/double/dressing.rpy", line 15, in script call
call screen doubleDressing
File "game/home/spare/empty.rpy", line 18, in script call
call screen spareEmpty
File "game/home/double/waiting.rpy", line 24, in script call
call screen doubleWaiting
File "game/home/double/waiting.rpy", line 42, in script call
call cuteChat from _call_cuteChat_8
File "game/home/double/waiting.rpy", line 24, in script call
call screen doubleWaiting
File "game/home/double/phone.rpy", line 43, in script call
call screen doublePhone
File "game/home/double/empty.rpy", line 23, in script call
call screen doubleEmpty
File "game/home/double/reading.rpy", line 31, in script call
call screen doubleReading
File "game/home/double/reading.rpy", line 46, in script call
call cuteChat from _call_cuteChat_7
File "game/home/spare/telly.rpy", line 25, in script call
call screen spareTelly
File "game/home/spare/telly.rpy", line 52, in script call
call daniTalk from _call_daniTalk
File "game/home/kitchen/dishes headphones.rpy", line 14, in script call
call screen kitchenHeadphones
File "game/home/kitchen/empty.rpy", line 18, in script call
call screen kitchenEmpty
File "game/home/double/homework.rpy", line 18, in script call
call screen doubleHomework
File "game/home/double/empty.rpy", line 23, in script call
call screen doubleEmpty
File "game/home/bathroom/Cute bath.rpy", line 12, in script call
call screen bathroomCuteBath
File "game/home/double/empty.rpy", line 23, in script call
call screen doubleEmpty
File "game/home/bathroom/Dani bath.rpy", line 14, in script call
call screen bathroomDaniBath
File "game/home/double/empty.rpy", line 23, in script call
call screen doubleEmpty
File "game/home/double/evening.rpy", line 29, in script call
call screen doubleEvening
File "game/home/double/evening.rpy", line 44, in script call
call cuteChat from _call_cuteChat_6
File "game/home/double/evening.rpy", line 29, in script call
call screen doubleEvening
File "game/home/double/sleeping.rpy", line 23, in script call
call screen doubleSleeping
File "game/bts/time.rpy", line 227, in script call
call advanceTime(0) from _call_advanceTime_7 # Do day reset stuff without actually changing the time
File "game/home/bathroom/Cute wash.rpy", line 77, in script call
call screen bathroomCuteWash
File "game/home/master/empty.rpy", line 16, in script call
call screen masterEmpty
File "game/home/spare/dressing.rpy", line 25, in script call
call screen spareDressing
File "game/home/double/waiting.rpy", line 24, in script call
call screen doubleWaiting
File "game/home/double/empty.rpy", line 23, in script call
call screen doubleEmpty
File "game/home/double/together.rpy", line 10, in script call
call screen doubleTogether
File "game/home/bathroom/empty.rpy", line 22, in script call
call screen bathroomEmpty
File "game/home/kitchen/dishes headphones.rpy", line 14, in script call
call screen kitchenHeadphones
File "game/home/double/homework.rpy", line 18, in script call
call screen doubleHomework
File "game/home/bathroom/Cute bath.rpy", line 12, in script call
call screen bathroomCuteBath
File "game/home/bathroom/Cute bath.rpy", line 36, in script call
call eventCaughtpeeking from _call_eventCaughtpeeking_2
File "game/home/events/caught peeking.rpy", line 21, in script call
call advanceTime from _call_advanceTime_6
File "game/home/double/empty.rpy", line 23, in script call
call screen doubleEmpty
File "game/home/double/evening.rpy", line 29, in script call
call screen doubleEvening
File "game/home/double/evening.rpy", line 44, in script call
call cuteChat from _call_cuteChat_6
File "game/home/double/evening.rpy", line 29, in script call
call screen doubleEvening
File "game/home/double/sleeping.rpy", line 23, in script call
call screen doubleSleeping
File "game/bts/time.rpy", line 227, in script call
call advanceTime(0) from _call_advanceTime_7 # Do day reset stuff without actually changing the time
File "game/home/double/empty.rpy", line 23, in script call
call screen doubleEmpty
File "game/home/hallway.rpy", line 8, in script call
call screen uiHome
File "game/home/double/dressing.rpy", line 15, in script call
call screen doubleDressing
File "game/home/double/dressing.rpy", line 15, in script call
call screen doubleDressing
File "game/home/kitchen/empty.rpy", line 18, in script call
call screen kitchenEmpty
File "game/home/bathroom/empty.rpy", line 22, in script call
call screen bathroomEmpty
File "game/home/double/phone.rpy", line 43, in script call
call screen doublePhone
File "game/home/double/phone.rpy", line 59, in script call
call cuteChat from _call_cuteChat_1
File "game/home/double/phone.rpy", line 43, in script call
call screen doublePhone
File "game/home/double/reading.rpy", line 31, in script call
call screen doubleReading
File "game/home/double/empty.rpy", line 23, in script call
call screen doubleEmpty
File "game/home/lounge/girls.rpy", line 13, in script call
call screen loungeGirls
File "game/home/kitchen/dishes headphones.rpy", line 14, in script call
call screen kitchenHeadphones
File "game/home/double/homework.rpy", line 18, in script call
call screen doubleHomework
File "game/home/master/empty.rpy", line 16, in script call
call screen masterEmpty
File "game/home/double/empty.rpy", line 23, in script call
call screen doubleEmpty
File "game/home/double/evening.rpy", line 29, in script call
call screen doubleEvening
File "game/home/double/evening.rpy", line 44, in script call
call cuteChat from _call_cuteChat_6
File "game/home/double/evening.rpy", line 29, in script call
call screen doubleEvening
File "game/home/double/sleeping.rpy", line 23, in script call
call screen doubleSleeping
File "game/bts/time.rpy", line 227, in script call
call advanceTime(0) from _call_advanceTime_7 # Do day reset stuff without actually changing the time
File "game/home/double/empty.rpy", line 23, in script call
call screen doubleEmpty
File "game/home/double/dressing.rpy", line 15, in script call
call screen doubleDressing
File "game/home/kitchen/empty.rpy", line 18, in script call
call screen kitchenEmpty
File "game/home/kitchen/empty.rpy", line 18, in script call
call screen kitchenEmpty
File "game/home/double/phone.rpy", line 43, in script call
call screen doublePhone
File "game/home/laundry/Cute laundry.rpy", line 10, in script call
call screen laundryCute
File "game/home/laundry/Cute laundry.rpy", line 21, in script call
call cuteChat from _call_cuteChat
File "game/home/laundry/Cute laundry.rpy", line 10, in script call
call screen laundryCute
File "game/home/laundry/Cute laundry.rpy", line 10, in script call
call screen laundryCute
File "game/home/laundry/Cute laundry.rpy", line 21, in script call
call cuteChat from _call_cuteChat
File "game/talk/Cute compliment.rpy", line 48, in script call
call screen cuteCompliments
File "game/talk/Cute compliment.rpy", line 54, in script call
call screen cuteComplimentsHead
File "game/talk/Cute compliment.rpy", line 104, in script call
call cuteComplimentsExit from _call_cuteComplimentsExit_2
File "game/talk/Cute compliment.rpy", line 286, in script call
call cuteChatSkip from _call_cuteChatSkip
File "game/home/bathroom/empty.rpy", line 22, in script call
call screen bathroomEmpty
File "game/home/double/reading.rpy", line 31, in script call
call screen doubleReading
File "game/home/double/reading.rpy", line 46, in script call
call cuteChat from _call_cuteChat_7
File "game/home/double/reading.rpy", line 31, in script call
call screen doubleReading
File "game/home/kitchen/dishes headphones.rpy", line 14, in script call
call screen kitchenHeadphones
File "game/home/double/homework.rpy", line 18, in script call
call screen doubleHomework
File "game/home/bathroom/Cute bath.rpy", line 12, in script call
call screen bathroomCuteBath
File "game/home/lounge/Woman telly.rpy", line 13, in script call
call screen loungeWomanTelly
File "game/home/lounge/Woman Cute.rpy", line 14, in script call
call screen loungeWomanCute
File "game/home/lounge/Woman Cute.rpy", line 44, in script call
call cuteChat from _call_cuteChat_5
File "game/home/lounge/Woman Cute.rpy", line 14, in script call
call screen loungeWomanCute
File "game/home/lounge/Woman Cute.rpy", line 44, in script call
call cuteChat from _call_cuteChat_5
File "game/home/lounge/Woman Cute.rpy", line 14, in script call
call screen loungeWomanCute
File "game/home/spare/together.rpy", line 12, in script call
call screen spareTogether
File "game/home/double/sleeping.rpy", line 23, in script call
call screen doubleSleeping
File "game/bts/time.rpy", line 227, in script call
call advanceTime(0) from _call_advanceTime_7 # Do day reset stuff without actually changing the time
File "game/home/double/empty.rpy", line 23, in script call
call screen doubleEmpty
File "game/home/kitchen/empty.rpy", line 18, in script call
call screen kitchenEmpty
File "game/home/kitchen/empty.rpy", line 18, in script call
call screen kitchenEmpty
File "game/home/double/empty.rpy", line 23, in script call
call screen doubleEmpty
File "game/home/lounge/cleaningDani.rpy", line 18, in script call
call screen loungeCleaningDani
File "game/home/lounge/Dani telly.rpy", line 15, in script call
call screen loungeDaniTelly
File "game/home/lounge/Dani telly.rpy", line 33, in script call
call daniChat from _call_daniChat_3
File "game/home/master/empty.rpy", line 16, in script call
call screen masterEmpty
File "game/home/double/empty.rpy", line 23, in script call
call screen doubleEmpty
File "game/home/spare/pictures.rpy", line 8, in script call
call screen sparePictures
File "game/home/double/empty.rpy", line 23, in script call
call screen doubleEmpty
File "game/home/double/empty.rpy", line 23, in script call
call screen doubleEmpty
File "game/home/double/homework.rpy", line 18, in script call
call screen doubleHomework
File "game/home/double/empty.rpy", line 23, in script call
call screen doubleEmpty
File "game/home/master/telly.rpy", line 21, in script call
call screen masterTelly
File "game/home/master/telly.rpy", line 56, in script call
call womanGift from _call_womanGift
File "game/home/lounge/film.rpy", line 16, in script call
call screen loungeFilm
File "game/home/lounge/film.rpy", line 102, in script call
call advanceTime(2) from _call_advanceTime_5
File "game/home/spare/sleeping.rpy", line 8, in script call
call screen spareSleeping
File "game/home/double/sleeping.rpy", line 23, in script call
call screen doubleSleeping
File "game/bts/time.rpy", line 227, in script call
call advanceTime(0) from _call_advanceTime_7 # Do day reset stuff without actually changing the time
File "game/home/double/dressing.rpy", line 15, in script call
call screen doubleDressing
File "game/home/bathroom/Dani wash fun.rpy", line 12, in script call
call screen bathroomDaniWashFun
File "game/home/bathroom/Dani wash fun.rpy", line 12, in script call
call screen bathroomDaniWashFun
File "game/home/double/dressing.rpy", line 15, in script call
call screen doubleDressing
File "game/home/kitchen/empty.rpy", line 18, in script call
call screen kitchenEmpty
File "game/home/spare/dressing.rpy", line 25, in script call
call screen spareDressing
File "game/home/double/waiting.rpy", line 24, in script call
call screen doubleWaiting
File "game/home/double/waiting.rpy", line 42, in script call
call cuteChat from _call_cuteChat_8
File "game/home/double/waiting.rpy", line 24, in script call
call screen doubleWaiting
File "game/home/double/phone.rpy", line 43, in script call
call screen doublePhone
File "game/home/laundry/Cute laundry.rpy", line 10, in script call
call screen laundryCute
File "game/home/laundry/Cute laundry.rpy", line 21, in script call
call cuteChat from _call_cuteChat
File "game/home/bathroom/empty.rpy", line 22, in script call
call screen bathroomEmpty
File "game/home/spare/tellyFun.rpy", line 12, in script call
call screen spareTellyFun
File "game/home/spare/tellyFun.rpy", line 12, in script call
call screen spareTellyFun
File "game/home/spare/telly.rpy", line 25, in script call
call screen spareTelly
File "game/home/spare/telly.rpy", line 84, in script call
call daniGift from _call_daniGift
File "game/talk/Dani gift.rpy", line 31, in script call
call advanceTime from _call_advanceTime_2
File "game/home/kitchen/dishes headphones.rpy", line 14, in script call
call screen kitchenHeadphones
File "game/home/laundry/Dani laundry.rpy", line 12, in script call
call screen laundryDani
File "game/home/laundry/Dani laundry.rpy", line 23, in script call
call daniChat from _call_daniChat_1
File "game/home/double/homework.rpy", line 18, in script call
call screen doubleHomework
File "game/home/spare/pictures.rpy", line 8, in script call
call screen sparePictures
File "game/home/bathroom/Cute bath.rpy", line 12, in script call
call screen bathroomCuteBath
File "game/home/bathroom/Cute bath.rpy", line 36, in script call
call eventCaughtpeeking from _call_eventCaughtpeeking_2
File "game/home/events/caught peeking.rpy", line 21, in script call
call advanceTime from _call_advanceTime_6
File "game/home/lounge/Woman Cute.rpy", line 14, in script call
call screen loungeWomanCute
File "game/home/lounge/Woman Cute.rpy", line 44, in script call
call cuteChat from _call_cuteChat_5
File "game/home/lounge/Woman Cute.rpy", line 14, in script call
call screen loungeWomanCute
File "game/home/spare/relaxingFun.rpy", line 12, in script call
call screen spareRelaxingFun
File "game/home/spare/relaxingFun.rpy", line 12, in script call
call screen spareRelaxingFun
File "game/home/spare/relaxingFun.rpy", line 26, in script call
call navigation from _call_navigation_7
File "game/home/spare/relaxingFun.rpy", line 12, in script call
call screen spareRelaxingFun
File "game/home/spare/relaxingFun.rpy", line 26, in script call
call navigation from _call_navigation_7
File "game/home/double/evening.rpy", line 29, in script call
call screen doubleEvening
File "game/home/double/evening.rpy", line 44, in script call
call cuteChat from _call_cuteChat_6
File "game/home/double/evening.rpy", line 29, in script call
call screen doubleEvening
File "game/home/bathroom/empty.rpy", line 22, in script call
call screen bathroomEmpty
File "game/home/bathroom/empty.rpy", line 22, in script call
call screen bathroomEmpty
File "game/home/bathroom/empty.rpy", line 22, in script call
call screen bathroomEmpty
File "game/bts/time.rpy", line 227, in script call
call advanceTime(0) from _call_advanceTime_7 # Do day reset stuff without actually changing the time
File "game/home/lounge/cleaningCute.rpy", line 24, in script call
call screen loungeCleaningCute
File "game/home/double/together.rpy", line 10, in script call
call screen doubleTogether
File "game/home/spare/telly.rpy", line 25, in script call
call screen spareTelly
File "game/home/spare/telly.rpy", line 52, in script call
call daniTalk from _call_daniTalk
File "game/home/hallway.rpy", line 8, in script call
call screen uiHome
File "game/home/bathroom/empty.rpy", line 22, in script call
call screen bathroomEmpty
File "game/home/double/empty.rpy", line 23, in script call
call screen doubleEmpty
File "game/home/double/homework.rpy", line 18, in script call
call screen doubleHomework
File "game/home/double/empty.rpy", line 23, in script call
call screen doubleEmpty
File "game/home/spare/pictures.rpy", line 8, in script call
call screen sparePictures
File "game/home/double/empty.rpy", line 23, in script call
call screen doubleEmpty
File "game/home/spare/empty.rpy", line 18, in script call
call screen spareEmpty
File "game/home/spare/relaxing.rpy", line 26, in script call
call screen spareRelaxing
File "game/home/spare/relaxing.rpy", line 55, in script call
call daniTalk from _call_daniTalk_1
File "game/home/hallway.rpy", line 8, in script call
call screen uiHome
File "game/home/double/sleeping.rpy", line 23, in script call
call screen doubleSleeping
File "game/bts/time.rpy", line 227, in script call
call advanceTime(0) from _call_advanceTime_7 # Do day reset stuff without actually changing the time
File "game/home/double/empty.rpy", line 23, in script call
call screen doubleEmpty
File "game/home/double/dressing.rpy", line 15, in script call
call screen doubleDressing
File "game/home/bathroom/empty.rpy", line 22, in script call
call screen bathroomEmpty
File "game/home/double/phone.rpy", line 43, in script call
call screen doublePhone
File "game/home/double/reading.rpy", line 31, in script call
call screen doubleReading
File "game/home/double/empty.rpy", line 23, in script call
call screen doubleEmpty
File "game/home/kitchen/dishes headphones.rpy", line 14, in script call
call screen kitchenHeadphones
File "game/home/double/homework.rpy", line 18, in script call
call screen doubleHomework
File "game/home/double/empty.rpy", line 23, in script call
call screen doubleEmpty
File "game/home/bathroom/Dani bath.rpy", line 14, in script call
call screen bathroomDaniBath
File "game/home/double/empty.rpy", line 23, in script call
call screen doubleEmpty
File "game/home/double/empty.rpy", line 23, in script call
call screen doubleEmpty
File "game/home/double/evening.rpy", line 29, in script call
call screen doubleEvening
File "game/home/double/evening.rpy", line 44, in script call
call cuteChat from _call_cuteChat_6
File "game/home/spare/relaxing.rpy", line 26, in script call
call screen spareRelaxing
File "game/home/spare/relaxing.rpy", line 41, in script call
call daniChat from _call_daniChat_4
File "game/home/double/evening.rpy", line 29, in script call
call screen doubleEvening
File "game/home/double/sleeping.rpy", line 23, in script call
call screen doubleSleeping
File "game/bts/time.rpy", line 227, in script call
call advanceTime(0) from _call_advanceTime_7 # Do day reset stuff without actually changing the time
File "game/home/bathroom/Cute wash.rpy", line 77, in script call
call screen bathroomCuteWash
File "game/home/double/dressing.rpy", line 15, in script call
call screen doubleDressing
File "game/home/master/empty.rpy", line 16, in script call
call screen masterEmpty
File "game/home/double/waiting.rpy", line 24, in script call
call screen doubleWaiting
File "game/home/double/phone.rpy", line 43, in script call
call screen doublePhone
File "game/home/double/phone.rpy", line 59, in script call
call cuteChat from _call_cuteChat_1
File "game/home/double/phone.rpy", line 43, in script call
call screen doublePhone
File "game/home/laundry/Cute laundry.rpy", line 10, in script call
call screen laundryCute
File "game/home/laundry/Cute laundry.rpy", line 21, in script call
call cuteChat from _call_cuteChat
File "game/home/laundry/Cute laundry.rpy", line 10, in script call
call screen laundryCute
File "game/home/bathroom/empty.rpy", line 22, in script call
call screen bathroomEmpty
File "game/home/double/reading.rpy", line 31, in script call
call screen doubleReading
File "game/home/kitchen/dishes headphones.rpy", line 14, in script call
call screen kitchenHeadphones
File "game/home/double/homework.rpy", line 18, in script call
call screen doubleHomework
File "game/home/bathroom/Cute bath.rpy", line 12, in script call
call screen bathroomCuteBath
File "game/home/bathroom/Cute bath.rpy", line 36, in script call
call eventCaughtpeeking from _call_eventCaughtpeeking_2
File "game/home/events/caught peeking.rpy", line 21, in script call
call advanceTime from _call_advanceTime_6
File "game/home/bathroom/Dani bath.rpy", line 14, in script call
call screen bathroomDaniBath
File "game/home/lounge/Woman Cute.rpy", line 14, in script call
call screen loungeWomanCute
File "game/home/lounge/Woman Cute.rpy", line 44, in script call
call cuteChat from _call_cuteChat_5
File "game/home/lounge/Woman Cute.rpy", line 14, in script call
call screen loungeWomanCute
File "game/home/spare/together.rpy", line 12, in script call
call screen spareTogether
File "game/home/double/sleeping.rpy", line 23, in script call
call screen doubleSleeping
File "game/bts/time.rpy", line 227, in script call
call advanceTime(0) from _call_advanceTime_7 # Do day reset stuff without actually changing the time
File "game/home/kitchen/empty.rpy", line 18, in script call
call screen kitchenEmpty
File "game/home/double/waiting.rpy", line 24, in script call
call screen doubleWaiting
File "game/home/double/waiting.rpy", line 42, in script call
call cuteChat from _call_cuteChat_8
File "game/home/double/waiting.rpy", line 24, in script call
call screen doubleWaiting
File "game/home/double/empty.rpy", line 23, in script call
call screen doubleEmpty
File "game/home/double/empty.rpy", line 23, in script call
call screen doubleEmpty
File "game/home/lounge/Dani telly.rpy", line 15, in script call
call screen loungeDaniTelly
File "game/home/lounge/Dani telly.rpy", line 33, in script call
call daniChat from _call_daniChat_3
File "game/home/bathroom/empty.rpy", line 22, in script call
call screen bathroomEmpty
File "game/home/double/empty.rpy", line 23, in script call
call screen doubleEmpty
File "game/home/lounge/empty.rpy", line 17, in script call
call screen loungeEmpty
File "game/home/double/homework.rpy", line 18, in script call
call screen doubleHomework
File "game/home/bathroom/Cute bath.rpy", line 12, in script call
call screen bathroomCuteBath
File "game/home/bathroom/Cute bath.rpy", line 36, in script call
call eventCaughtpeeking from _call_eventCaughtpeeking_2
File "game/home/events/caught peeking.rpy", line 21, in script call
call advanceTime from _call_advanceTime_6
File "game/home/master/telly.rpy", line 21, in script call
call screen masterTelly
File "game/home/master/telly.rpy", line 56, in script call
call womanGift from _call_womanGift
File "game/home/double/empty.rpy", line 23, in script call
call screen doubleEmpty
File "game/bts/time.rpy", line 227, in script call
call advanceTime(0) from _call_advanceTime_7 # Do day reset stuff without actually changing the time
File "game/home/double/dressing.rpy", line 15, in script call
call screen doubleDressing
File "game/home/kitchen/empty.rpy", line 18, in script call
call screen kitchenEmpty
File "game/home/double/waiting.rpy", line 24, in script call
call screen doubleWaiting
File "game/home/double/waiting.rpy", line 42, in script call
call cuteChat from _call_cuteChat_8
File "game/home/double/waiting.rpy", line 24, in script call
call screen doubleWaiting
File "game/home/double/phone.rpy", line 43, in script call
call screen doublePhone
File "game/home/laundry/Cute laundry.rpy", line 10, in script call
call screen laundryCute
File "game/home/laundry/Cute laundry.rpy", line 21, in script call
call cuteChat from _call_cuteChat
File "game/home/bathroom/empty.rpy", line 22, in script call
call screen bathroomEmpty
File "game/home/spare/telly.rpy", line 25, in script call
call screen spareTelly
File "game/home/spare/telly.rpy", line 52, in script call
call daniTalk from _call_daniTalk
File "game/home/double/reading.rpy", line 31, in script call
call screen doubleReading
File "game/home/double/reading.rpy", line 46, in script call
call cuteChat from _call_cuteChat_7
File "game/home/double/reading.rpy", line 31, in script call
call screen doubleReading
File "game/home/kitchen/dishes headphones.rpy", line 14, in script call
call screen kitchenHeadphones
File "game/home/double/homework.rpy", line 18, in script call
call screen doubleHomework
File "game/home/double/empty.rpy", line 23, in script call
call screen doubleEmpty
File "game/home/bathroom/Dani bath.rpy", line 14, in script call
call screen bathroomDaniBath
File "game/home/spare/relaxing.rpy", line 26, in script call
call screen spareRelaxing
File "game/home/spare/sleeping.rpy", line 8, in script call
call screen spareSleeping
File "game/home/spare/sleeping.rpy", line 36, in script call
call screen spareSleepingInside
File "game/home/double/sleeping.rpy", line 23, in script call
call screen doubleSleeping
File "game/bts/time.rpy", line 227, in script call
call advanceTime(0) from _call_advanceTime_7 # Do day reset stuff without actually changing the time
File "game/home/double/waiting.rpy", line 24, in script call
call screen doubleWaiting
File "game/home/double/waiting.rpy", line 42, in script call
call cuteChat from _call_cuteChat_8
File "game/home/double/waiting.rpy", line 24, in script call
call screen doubleWaiting
File "game/home/lounge/cleaningCute.rpy", line 24, in script call
call screen loungeCleaningCute
File "game/home/double/together.rpy", line 10, in script call
call screen doubleTogether
File "game/home/spare/tellyFun.rpy", line 12, in script call
call screen spareTellyFun
File "game/home/spare/tellyFun.rpy", line 12, in script call
call screen spareTellyFun
File "game/home/spare/telly.rpy", line 25, in script call
call screen spareTelly
File "game/home/kitchen/dishes headphones.rpy", line 14, in script call
call screen kitchenHeadphones
File "game/home/bathroom/empty.rpy", line 22, in script call
call screen bathroomEmpty
File "game/home/bathroom/Cute bath.rpy", line 12, in script call
call screen bathroomCuteBath
File "game/home/bathroom/Cute bath.rpy", line 36, in script call
call eventCaughtpeeking from _call_eventCaughtpeeking_2
File "game/home/events/caught peeking.rpy", line 21, in script call
call advanceTime from _call_advanceTime_6
File "game/home/lounge/Woman Cute.rpy", line 14, in script call
call screen loungeWomanCute
File "game/home/lounge/empty.rpy", line 17, in script call
call screen loungeEmpty
File "game/home/lounge/empty.rpy", line 17, in script call
call screen loungeEmpty
File "game/home/double/sleeping.rpy", line 23, in script call
call screen doubleSleeping
File "game/bts/time.rpy", line 227, in script call
call advanceTime(0) from _call_advanceTime_7 # Do day reset stuff without actually changing the time
File "game/home/bathroom/Dani wash fun.rpy", line 12, in script call
call screen bathroomDaniWashFun
File "game/home/bathroom/Dani wash fun.rpy", line 12, in script call
call screen bathroomDaniWashFun
File "game/home/bathroom/Dani wash fun.rpy", line 12, in script call
call screen bathroomDaniWashFun
File "game/home/kitchen/empty.rpy", line 18, in script call
call screen kitchenEmpty
File "game/home/kitchen/empty.rpy", line 18, in script call
call screen kitchenEmpty
File "game/home/double/phone.rpy", line 43, in script call
call screen doublePhone
File "game/home/double/reading.rpy", line 31, in script call
call screen doubleReading
File "game/home/lounge/girls.rpy", line 13, in script call
call screen loungeGirls
File "game/home/kitchen/dishes headphones.rpy", line 14, in script call
call screen kitchenHeadphones
File "game/home/double/homework.rpy", line 18, in script call
call screen doubleHomework
File "game/home/bathroom/Cute bath.rpy", line 12, in script call
call screen bathroomCuteBath
File "game/home/bathroom/Cute bath.rpy", line 36, in script call
call eventCaughtpeeking from _call_eventCaughtpeeking_2
File "game/home/events/caught peeking.rpy", line 21, in script call
call advanceTime from _call_advanceTime_6
File "game/home/double/empty.rpy", line 23, in script call
call screen doubleEmpty
File "game/home/double/evening.rpy", line 29, in script call
call screen doubleEvening
File "game/home/double/evening.rpy", line 44, in script call
call cuteChat from _call_cuteChat_6
File "game/home/double/evening.rpy", line 29, in script call
call screen doubleEvening
File "game/home/double/sleeping.rpy", line 23, in script call
call screen doubleSleeping
File "game/bts/time.rpy", line 227, in script call
call advanceTime(0) from _call_advanceTime_7 # Do day reset stuff without actually changing the time
File "game/home/bathroom/Cute wash.rpy", line 77, in script call
call screen bathroomCuteWash
File "game/home/bathroom/Cute wash.rpy", line 110, in script call
call cuteChat from _call_cuteChat_4
File "game/home/bathroom/Cute wash.rpy", line 77, in script call
call screen bathroomCuteWash
File "game/home/kitchen/empty.rpy", line 18, in script call
call screen kitchenEmpty
File "game/home/spare/dressing.rpy", line 25, in script call
call screen spareDressing
File "game/home/double/phone.rpy", line 43, in script call
call screen doublePhone
File "game/home/laundry/Cute laundry.rpy", line 10, in script call
call screen laundryCute
File "game/home/laundry/Cute laundry.rpy", line 21, in script call
call cuteChat from _call_cuteChat
File "game/talk/Cute compliment.rpy", line 48, in script call
call screen cuteCompliments
File "game/talk/Cute compliment.rpy", line 229, in script call
call cuteComplimentsExit from _call_cuteComplimentsExit_10
File "game/talk/Cute compliment.rpy", line 286, in script call
call cuteChatSkip from _call_cuteChatSkip
File "game/home/laundry/Cute laundry.rpy", line 10, in script call
call screen laundryCute
File "game/home/bathroom/empty.rpy", line 22, in script call
call screen bathroomEmpty
File "game/home/double/reading.rpy", line 31, in script call
call screen doubleReading
File "game/home/double/reading.rpy", line 46, in script call
call cuteChat from _call_cuteChat_7
File "game/home/master/empty.rpy", line 16, in script call
call screen masterEmpty
File "game/home/kitchen/dishes headphones.rpy", line 14, in script call
call screen kitchenHeadphones
File "game/home/laundry/Dani laundry.rpy", line 12, in script call
call screen laundryDani
File "game/home/bathroom/Cute bath.rpy", line 12, in script call
call screen bathroomCuteBath
File "game/home/bathroom/Cute bath.rpy", line 36, in script call
call eventCaughtpeeking from _call_eventCaughtpeeking_2
File "game/home/events/caught peeking.rpy", line 21, in script call
call advanceTime from _call_advanceTime_6
File "game/home/double/empty.rpy", line 23, in script call
call screen doubleEmpty
File "game/home/spare/together.rpy", line 12, in script call
call screen spareTogether
File "game/home/double/sleeping.rpy", line 23, in script call
call screen doubleSleeping
File "game/bts/time.rpy", line 227, in script call
call advanceTime(0) from _call_advanceTime_7 # Do day reset stuff without actually changing the time
File "game/home/bathroom/Cute wash.rpy", line 77, in script call
call screen bathroomCuteWash
File "game/home/double/dressing.rpy", line 15, in script call
call screen doubleDressing
File "game/talk/Dani compliment.rpy", line 362, in script call
call daniComplimentsExit from _call_daniComplimentsExit_11
File "game/talk/Dani compliment.rpy", line 454, in script call
call daniChatSkip from _call_daniChatSkip
File "game/home/kitchen/empty.rpy", line 18, in script call
call screen kitchenEmpty
File "game/home/double/waiting.rpy", line 24, in script call
call screen doubleWaiting
File "game/home/double/waiting.rpy", line 42, in script call
call cuteChat from _call_cuteChat_8
File "game/home/double/waiting.rpy", line 24, in script call
call screen doubleWaiting
File "game/home/bathroom/empty.rpy", line 22, in script call
call screen bathroomEmpty
File "game/home/lounge/cleaningDani.rpy", line 18, in script call
call screen loungeCleaningDani
File "game/home/lounge/Dani telly.rpy", line 15, in script call
call screen loungeDaniTelly
File "game/home/spare/pictures.rpy", line 8, in script call
call screen sparePictures
File "game/home/lounge/empty.rpy", line 17, in script call
call screen loungeEmpty
File "game/home/master/empty.rpy", line 16, in script call
call screen masterEmpty
File "game/home/double/homework.rpy", line 18, in script call
call screen doubleHomework
File "game/home/bathroom/Cute bath.rpy", line 12, in script call
call screen bathroomCuteBath
File "game/home/bathroom/Cute bath.rpy", line 36, in script call
call eventCaughtpeeking from _call_eventCaughtpeeking_2
File "game/home/events/caught peeking.rpy", line 21, in script call
call advanceTime from _call_advanceTime_6
File "game/home/lounge/film.rpy", line 16, in script call
call screen loungeFilm
File "game/home/lounge/film.rpy", line 102, in script call
call advanceTime(2) from _call_advanceTime_5
File "game/home/spare/sleeping.rpy", line 8, in script call
call screen spareSleeping
File "game/home/double/sleeping.rpy", line 23, in script call
call screen doubleSleeping
File "game/bts/time.rpy", line 227, in script call
call advanceTime(0) from _call_advanceTime_7 # Do day reset stuff without actually changing the time
File "game/home/bathroom/Dani wash fun.rpy", line 12, in script call
call screen bathroomDaniWashFun
File "game/home/double/dressingFun.rpy", line 12, in script call
call screen doubleDressingFun
File "game/home/double/dressingFun.rpy", line 12, in script call
call screen doubleDressingFun
File "game/home/double/dressingFun.rpy", line 12, in script call
call screen doubleDressingFun
File "game/home/double/dressingFun.rpy", line 12, in script call
call screen doubleDressingFun
File "game/home/double/waiting.rpy", line 24, in script call
call screen doubleWaiting
File "game/home/double/waiting.rpy", line 57, in script call
call cuteTalk from _call_cuteTalk_3
File "game/home/hallway.rpy", line 8, in script call
call screen uiHome
File "game/home/double/waiting.rpy", line 24, in script call
call screen doubleWaiting
File "game/home/lounge/empty.rpy", line 17, in script call
call screen loungeEmpty
File "game/home/double/empty.rpy", line 23, in script call
call screen doubleEmpty
File "game/home/double/empty.rpy", line 23, in script call
call screen doubleEmpty
File "game/home/double/reading.rpy", line 31, in script call
call screen doubleReading
File "game/home/kitchen/dishes headphones.rpy", line 14, in script call
call screen kitchenHeadphones
File "game/home/double/homework.rpy", line 18, in script call
call screen doubleHomework
File "game/home/double/empty.rpy", line 23, in script call
call screen doubleEmpty
File "game/home/lounge/Woman Cute.rpy", line 14, in script call
call screen loungeWomanCute
File "game/home/spare/relaxing.rpy", line 26, in script call
call screen spareRelaxing
File "game/home/double/sleeping.rpy", line 23, in script call
call screen doubleSleeping
File "game/home/double/sleeping.rpy", line 23, in script call
call screen doubleSleeping
File "game/bts/time.rpy", line 227, in script call
call advanceTime(0) from _call_advanceTime_7 # Do day reset stuff without actually changing the time
File "game/home/double/empty.rpy", line 23, in script call
call screen doubleEmpty
File "game/home/kitchen/empty.rpy", line 18, in script call
call screen kitchenEmpty
File "game/home/spare/dressing.rpy", line 25, in script call
call screen spareDressing
File "game/home/double/waiting.rpy", line 24, in script call
call screen doubleWaiting
File "game/home/lounge/cleaningCute.rpy", line 24, in script call
call screen loungeCleaningCute
File "game/home/double/together.rpy", line 10, in script call
call screen doubleTogether
File "game/home/spare/telly.rpy", line 25, in script call
call screen spareTelly
File "game/home/kitchen/dishes headphones.rpy", line 14, in script call
call screen kitchenHeadphones
File "game/home/double/homework.rpy", line 18, in script call
call screen doubleHomework
File "game/home/kitchen/empty.rpy", line 18, in script call
call screen kitchenEmpty
File "game/home/double/empty.rpy", line 23, in script call
call screen doubleEmpty
File "game/home/double/evening.rpy", line 29, in script call
call screen doubleEvening
File "game/home/double/evening.rpy", line 44, in script call
call cuteChat from _call_cuteChat_6
File "game/home/spare/relaxing.rpy", line 26, in script call
call screen spareRelaxing
File "game/home/double/sleeping.rpy", line 23, in script call
call screen doubleSleeping
File "game/bts/time.rpy", line 227, in script call
call advanceTime(0) from _call_advanceTime_7 # Do day reset stuff without actually changing the time
File "game/home/double/empty.rpy", line 23, in script call
call screen doubleEmpty
File "game/home/double/dressing.rpy", line 15, in script call
call screen doubleDressing
File "game/home/bathroom/empty.rpy", line 22, in script call
call screen bathroomEmpty
File "game/home/double/phone.rpy", line 43, in script call
call screen doublePhone
File "game/home/double/reading.rpy", line 31, in script call
call screen doubleReading
File "game/home/lounge/girls.rpy", line 13, in script call
call screen loungeGirls
File "game/home/kitchen/dishes headphones.rpy", line 14, in script call
call screen kitchenHeadphones
File "game/home/double/homework.rpy", line 18, in script call
call screen doubleHomework
File "game/home/double/empty.rpy", line 23, in script call
call screen doubleEmpty
File "game/home/double/empty.rpy", line 23, in script call
call screen doubleEmpty
File "game/home/double/evening.rpy", line 29, in script call
call screen doubleEvening
File "game/bts/time.rpy", line 227, in script call
call advanceTime(0) from _call_advanceTime_7 # Do day reset stuff without actually changing the time
File "game/home/spare/sleeping.rpy", line 8, in script call
call screen spareSleeping
File "game/home/master/empty.rpy", line 16, in script call
call screen masterEmpty
File "game/home/double/empty.rpy", line 23, in script call
call screen doubleEmpty
File "game/home/bathroom/Dani wash fun.rpy", line 12, in script call
call screen bathroomDaniWashFun
File "game/home/bathroom/Dani wash fun.rpy", line 12, in script call
call screen bathroomDaniWashFun
File "game/home/kitchen/empty.rpy", line 18, in script call
call screen kitchenEmpty
File "game/home/spare/dressing.rpy", line 25, in script call
call screen spareDressing
File "game/home/double/waiting.rpy", line 24, in script call
call screen doubleWaiting
File "game/home/double/phone.rpy", line 43, in script call
call screen doublePhone
File "game/home/laundry/Cute laundry.rpy", line 10, in script call
call screen laundryCute
File "game/home/laundry/Cute laundry.rpy", line 21, in script call
call cuteChat from _call_cuteChat
File "game/home/kitchen/empty.rpy", line 18, in script call
call screen kitchenEmpty
File "game/home/spare/tellyFun.rpy", line 12, in script call
call screen spareTellyFun
File "game/home/spare/tellyFun.rpy", line 12, in script call
call screen spareTellyFun
File "game/home/spare/telly.rpy", line 25, in script call
call screen spareTelly
File "game/home/kitchen/dishes headphones.rpy", line 14, in script call
call screen kitchenHeadphones
File "game/home/kitchen/empty.rpy", line 18, in script call
call screen kitchenEmpty
File "game/home/lounge/Woman telly.rpy", line 13, in script call
call screen loungeWomanTelly
File "game/home/lounge/Woman Cute.rpy", line 14, in script call
call screen loungeWomanCute
File "game/home/spare/together.rpy", line 12, in script call
call screen spareTogether
File "game/home/double/sleeping.rpy", line 23, in script call
call screen doubleSleeping
File "game/bts/time.rpy", line 227, in script call
call advanceTime(0) from _call_advanceTime_7 # Do day reset stuff without actually changing the time
File "game/home/double/empty.rpy", line 23, in script call
call screen doubleEmpty
File "game/home/bathroom/Dani wash fun.rpy", line 12, in script call
call screen bathroomDaniWashFun
File "game/home/bathroom/Dani wash fun.rpy", line 26, in script call
call navigation from _call_navigation_6
File "game/home/bathroom/Dani wash fun.rpy", line 12, in script call
call screen bathroomDaniWashFun
File "game/home/bathroom/Dani wash fun.rpy", line 12, in script call
call screen bathroomDaniWashFun
File "game/home/bathroom/Dani wash fun.rpy", line 26, in script call
call navigation from _call_navigation_6
File "game/home/kitchen/empty.rpy", line 18, in script call
call screen kitchenEmpty
File "game/home/kitchen/empty.rpy", line 18, in script call
call screen kitchenEmpty
File "game/home/lounge/empty.rpy", line 17, in script call
call screen loungeEmpty
File "game/home/lounge/cleaningDani.rpy", line 18, in script call
call screen loungeCleaningDani
File "game/home/lounge/Dani telly.rpy", line 15, in script call
call screen loungeDaniTelly
File "game/home/lounge/Dani telly.rpy", line 33, in script call
call daniChat from _call_daniChat_3
File "game/home/lounge/Dani telly.rpy", line 15, in script call
call screen loungeDaniTelly
File "game/home/lounge/empty.rpy", line 17, in script call
call screen loungeEmpty
File "game/home/lounge/empty.rpy", line 17, in script call
call screen loungeEmpty
File "game/home/lounge/empty.rpy", line 17, in script call
call screen loungeEmpty
File "game/home/bathroom/Cute bath.rpy", line 12, in script call
call screen bathroomCuteBath
File "game/home/bathroom/Cute bath.rpy", line 36, in script call
call eventCaughtpeeking from _call_eventCaughtpeeking_2
File "game/home/events/caught peeking.rpy", line 21, in script call
call advanceTime from _call_advanceTime_6
File "game/home/lounge/film.rpy", line 16, in script call
call screen loungeFilm
File "game/bts/time.rpy", line 227, in script call
call advanceTime(0) from _call_advanceTime_7 # Do day reset stuff without actually changing the time
File "game/home/hallway.rpy", line 8, in script call
call screen uiHome
File "game/home/double/dressing.rpy", line 15, in script call
call screen doubleDressing
File "game/home/kitchen/empty.rpy", line 18, in script call
call screen kitchenEmpty
File "game/home/double/waiting.rpy", line 24, in script call
call screen doubleWaiting
File "game/home/double/waiting.rpy", line 42, in script call
call cuteChat from _call_cuteChat_8
File "game/home/double/waiting.rpy", line 24, in script call
call screen doubleWaiting
File "game/home/double/phone.rpy", line 43, in script call
call screen doublePhone
File "game/home/laundry/Cute laundry.rpy", line 10, in script call
call screen laundryCute
File "game/home/laundry/Cute laundry.rpy", line 21, in script call
call cuteChat from _call_cuteChat
File "game/home/double/empty.rpy", line 23, in script call
call screen doubleEmpty
File "game/home/double/empty.rpy", line 23, in script call
call screen doubleEmpty
File "game/home/double/reading.rpy", line 31, in script call
call screen doubleReading
File "game/home/kitchen/dishes headphones.rpy", line 14, in script call
call screen kitchenHeadphones
File "game/home/double/homework.rpy", line 18, in script call
call screen doubleHomework
File "game/home/lounge/Woman telly.rpy", line 13, in script call
call screen loungeWomanTelly
File "game/home/lounge/Woman Cute.rpy", line 14, in script call
call screen loungeWomanCute
File "game/home/lounge/Woman Cute.rpy", line 44, in script call
call cuteChat from _call_cuteChat_5
File "game/home/lounge/Woman Cute.rpy", line 14, in script call
call screen loungeWomanCute
File "game/home/double/eveningFun.rpy", line 12, in script call
call screen doubleEveningFun
File "game/home/spare/relaxingFun.rpy", line 12, in script call
call screen spareRelaxingFun
File "game/home/spare/relaxingFun.rpy", line 12, in script call
call screen spareRelaxingFun
File "game/home/spare/relaxingFun.rpy", line 12, in script call
call screen spareRelaxingFun
File "game/home/double/eveningFun.rpy", line 12, in script call
call screen doubleEveningFun
File "game/home/double/eveningFun.rpy", line 12, in script call
call screen doubleEveningFun
File "game/home/double/evening.rpy", line 29, in script call
call screen doubleEvening
File "game/home/double/evening.rpy", line 44, in script call
call cuteChat from _call_cuteChat_6
File "game/home/double/evening.rpy", line 29, in script call
call screen doubleEvening
File "game/home/double/sleeping.rpy", line 23, in script call
call screen doubleSleeping
File "game/bts/time.rpy", line 227, in script call
call advanceTime(0) from _call_advanceTime_7 # Do day reset stuff without actually changing the time
File "game/home/bathroom/Cute wash.rpy", line 77, in script call
call screen bathroomCuteWash
File "game/home/double/dressingFun.rpy", line 12, in script call
call screen doubleDressingFun
File "game/home/kitchen/empty.rpy", line 18, in script call
call screen kitchenEmpty
File "game/home/double/waiting.rpy", line 24, in script call
call screen doubleWaiting
File "game/home/double/waiting.rpy", line 42, in script call
call cuteChat from _call_cuteChat_8
File "game/home/double/waiting.rpy", line 24, in script call
call screen doubleWaiting
File "game/home/lounge/cleaningCute.rpy", line 24, in script call
call screen loungeCleaningCute
File "game/home/double/together.rpy", line 10, in script call
call screen doubleTogether
File "game/home/master/empty.rpy", line 16, in script call
call screen masterEmpty
File "game/home/kitchen/dishes headphones.rpy", line 14, in script call
call screen kitchenHeadphones
File "game/home/double/homework.rpy", line 18, in script call
call screen doubleHomework
File "game/home/double/homework.rpy", line 81, in script call
player "Need help?"
File "game/home/double/homework.rpy", line 18, in script call
call screen doubleHomework
File "game/home/bathroom/Cute bath.rpy", line 12, in script call
call screen bathroomCuteBath
File "game/home/bathroom/Cute bath.rpy", line 36, in script call
call eventCaughtpeeking from _call_eventCaughtpeeking_2
File "game/home/events/caught peeking.rpy", line 21, in script call
call advanceTime from _call_advanceTime_6
File "game/home/spare/empty.rpy", line 18, in script call
call screen spareEmpty
File "game/home/double/evening.rpy", line 29, in script call
call screen doubleEvening
File "game/home/double/evening.rpy", line 44, in script call
call cuteChat from _call_cuteChat_6
File "game/home/double/evening.rpy", line 29, in script call
call screen doubleEvening
File "game/home/double/sleeping.rpy", line 23, in script call
call screen doubleSleeping
File "game/bts/time.rpy", line 227, in script call
call advanceTime(0) from _call_advanceTime_7 # Do day reset stuff without actually changing the time
File "game/home/double/empty.rpy", line 23, in script call
call screen doubleEmpty
File "game/home/double/dressingFun.rpy", line 12, in script call
call screen doubleDressingFun
File "game/home/kitchen/empty.rpy", line 18, in script call
call screen kitchenEmpty
File "game/home/double/waiting.rpy", line 24, in script call
call screen doubleWaiting
File "game/home/double/waiting.rpy", line 42, in script call
call cuteChat from _call_cuteChat_8
File "game/home/double/waiting.rpy", line 24, in script call
call screen doubleWaiting
File "game/home/double/phone.rpy", line 43, in script call
call screen doublePhone
File "game/home/double/reading.rpy", line 31, in script call
call screen doubleReading
File "game/home/double/empty.rpy", line 23, in script call
call screen doubleEmpty
File "game/home/kitchen/dishes headphones.rpy", line 14, in script call
call screen kitchenHeadphones
File "game/home/double/homework.rpy", line 18, in script call
call screen doubleHomework
File "game/home/double/empty.rpy", line 23, in script call
call screen doubleEmpty
File "game/home/double/empty.rpy", line 23, in script call
call screen doubleEmpty
File "game/home/bathroom/Dani bath.rpy", line 14, in script call
call screen bathroomDaniBath
File "game/home/lounge/Woman Cute.rpy", line 14, in script call
call screen loungeWomanCute
File "game/home/lounge/Woman Cute.rpy", line 44, in script call
call cuteChat from _call_cuteChat_5
File "game/home/lounge/Woman Cute.rpy", line 14, in script call
call screen loungeWomanCute
File "game/home/double/evening.rpy", line 29, in script call
call screen doubleEvening
File "game/home/double/evening.rpy", line 44, in script call
call cuteChat from _call_cuteChat_6
File "game/home/double/evening.rpy", line 29, in script call
call screen doubleEvening
File "game/home/double/sleeping.rpy", line 23, in script call
call screen doubleSleeping
File "game/bts/time.rpy", line 227, in script call
call advanceTime(0) from _call_advanceTime_7 # Do day reset stuff without actually changing the time
File "game/home/double/empty.rpy", line 23, in script call
call screen doubleEmpty
File "game/home/double/dressing.rpy", line 15, in script call
call screen doubleDressing
File "game/home/double/waiting.rpy", line 24, in script call
call screen doubleWaiting
File "game/home/double/phone.rpy", line 43, in script call
call screen doublePhone
File "game/home/laundry/Cute laundry.rpy", line 10, in script call
call screen laundryCute
File "game/home/laundry/Cute laundry.rpy", line 21, in script call
call cuteChat from _call_cuteChat
File "game/home/double/empty.rpy", line 23, in script call
call screen doubleEmpty
File "game/home/double/empty.rpy", line 23, in script call
call screen doubleEmpty
File "game/home/spare/telly.rpy", line 25, in script call
call screen spareTelly
File "game/home/spare/telly.rpy", line 40, in script call
call daniChat from _call_daniChat
File "game/home/spare/telly.rpy", line 25, in script call
call screen spareTelly
File "game/home/kitchen/dishes headphones.rpy", line 14, in script call
call screen kitchenHeadphones
File "game/home/double/homework.rpy", line 18, in script call
call screen doubleHomework
File "game/home/double/empty.rpy", line 23, in script call
call screen doubleEmpty
File "game/home/double/empty.rpy", line 23, in script call
call screen doubleEmpty
File "game/home/spare/together.rpy", line 12, in script call
call screen spareTogether
File "game/home/double/sleeping.rpy", line 23, in script call
call screen doubleSleeping
File "game/bts/time.rpy", line 227, in script call
call advanceTime(0) from _call_advanceTime_7 # Do day reset stuff without actually changing the time
File "game/home/bathroom/Cute wash.rpy", line 77, in script call
call screen bathroomCuteWash
File "game/home/double/dressingFun.rpy", line 12, in script call
call screen doubleDressingFun
File "game/home/kitchen/empty.rpy", line 18, in script call
call screen kitchenEmpty
File "game/home/double/waiting.rpy", line 24, in script call
call screen doubleWaiting
File "game/home/double/waiting.rpy", line 42, in script call
call cuteChat from _call_cuteChat_8
File "game/home/double/waiting.rpy", line 24, in script call
call screen doubleWaiting
File "game/home/bathroom/empty.rpy", line 22, in script call
call screen bathroomEmpty
File "game/home/master/empty.rpy", line 16, in script call
call screen masterEmpty
File "game/home/lounge/Dani telly.rpy", line 15, in script call
call screen loungeDaniTelly
File "game/home/lounge/Dani telly.rpy", line 33, in script call
call daniChat from _call_daniChat_3
File "game/home/bathroom/empty.rpy", line 22, in script call
call screen bathroomEmpty
File "game/home/double/empty.rpy", line 23, in script call
call screen doubleEmpty
File "game/home/spare/empty.rpy", line 18, in script call
call screen spareEmpty
File "game/home/spare/dolling.rpy", line 18, in script call
call screen spareDolling
File "game/home/bathroom/Cute bath.rpy", line 12, in script call
call screen bathroomCuteBath
File "game/home/bathroom/Cute bath.rpy", line 36, in script call
call eventCaughtpeeking from _call_eventCaughtpeeking_2
File "game/home/events/caught peeking.rpy", line 21, in script call
call advanceTime from _call_advanceTime_6
File "game/home/lounge/film.rpy", line 16, in script call
call screen loungeFilm
File "game/home/lounge/film.rpy", line 102, in script call
call advanceTime(2) from _call_advanceTime_5
File "game/home/double/sleeping.rpy", line 23, in script call
call screen doubleSleeping
File "game/bts/Weekends/_weekends.rpy", line 143, in script call
File "game/home/double/sleeping.rpy", line 23, in script call
call screen doubleSleeping
File "game/bts/time.rpy", line 227, in script call
call advanceTime(0) from _call_advanceTime_7 # Do day reset stuff without actually changing the time
File "game/home/hallway.rpy", line 8, in script call
call screen uiHome
File "game/home/kitchen/empty.rpy", line 18, in script call
call screen kitchenEmpty
File "game/home/double/waiting.rpy", line 24, in script call
call screen doubleWaiting
File "game/home/double/waiting.rpy", line 42, in script call
call cuteChat from _call_cuteChat_8
File "game/home/kitchen/empty.rpy", line 18, in script call
call screen kitchenEmpty
File "game/home/double/empty.rpy", line 23, in script call
call screen doubleEmpty
File "game/home/double/together.rpy", line 10, in script call
call screen doubleTogether
File "game/home/lounge/empty.rpy", line 17, in script call
call screen loungeEmpty
File "game/home/kitchen/dishes headphones.rpy", line 14, in script call
call screen kitchenHeadphones
File "game/home/double/homework.rpy", line 18, in script call
call screen doubleHomework
File "game/home/double/empty.rpy", line 23, in script call
call screen doubleEmpty
File "game/home/lounge/Woman Cute.rpy", line 14, in script call
call screen loungeWomanCute
File "game/home/double/evening.rpy", line 29, in script call
call screen doubleEvening
File "game/home/double/evening.rpy", line 44, in script call
call cuteChat from _call_cuteChat_6
File "game/home/double/evening.rpy", line 29, in script call
call screen doubleEvening
File "game/bts/time.rpy", line 227, in script call
call advanceTime(0) from _call_advanceTime_7 # Do day reset stuff without actually changing the time
File "game/home/lounge/empty.rpy", line 17, in script call
call screen loungeEmpty
File "game/home/double/empty.rpy", line 23, in script call
call screen doubleEmpty
File "game/home/kitchen/empty.rpy", line 18, in script call
call screen kitchenEmpty
File "game/home/double/waiting.rpy", line 24, in script call
call screen doubleWaiting
File "game/home/double/phone.rpy", line 43, in script call
call screen doublePhone
File "game/home/double/reading.rpy", line 104, in script call
call cuteGift from _call_cuteGift
File "game/talk/Cute sat.rpy", line 201, in script call
call advanceTime from _call_advanceTime_1
File "game/home/double/reading.rpy", line 31, in script call
call screen doubleReading
File "game/talk/Cute sat.rpy", line 201, in script call
call advanceTime from _call_advanceTime_1
File "game/home/lounge/girls.rpy", line 13, in script call
call screen loungeGirls
File "game/home/double/empty.rpy", line 23, in script call
call screen doubleEmpty
File "game/home/kitchen/dishes headphones.rpy", line 14, in script call
call screen kitchenHeadphones
File "game/home/double/homework.rpy", line 18, in script call
call screen doubleHomework
File "game/home/double/empty.rpy", line 23, in script call
call screen doubleEmpty
File "game/home/bathroom/Cute bath.rpy", line 12, in script call
call screen bathroomCuteBath
File "game/home/bathroom/Cute bath.rpy", line 12, in script call
call screen bathroomCuteBath
File "game/home/lounge/Woman Cute.rpy", line 14, in script call
call screen loungeWomanCute
File "game/home/double/eveningFun.rpy", line 12, in script call
call screen doubleEveningFun
File "game/home/double/eveningFun.rpy", line 12, in script call
call screen doubleEveningFun
File "game/home/double/evening.rpy", line 29, in script call
call screen doubleEvening
File "game/home/double/evening.rpy", line 56, in script call
call cuteTalk from _call_cuteTalk_1
File "game/home/double/evening.rpy", line 29, in script call
call screen doubleEvening
File "game/home/double/evening.rpy", line 44, in script call
call cuteChat from _call_cuteChat_6
File "game/home/double/sleeping.rpy", line 23, in script call
call screen doubleSleeping
File "game/bts/time.rpy", line 227, in script call
call advanceTime(0) from _call_advanceTime_7 # Do day reset stuff without actually changing the time
File "game/home/bathroom/Cute wash.rpy", line 77, in script call
call screen bathroomCuteWash
File "game/home/bathroom/Cute wash.rpy", line 77, in script call
call screen bathroomCuteWash
File "game/home/bathroom/Cute wash.rpy", line 77, in script call
call screen bathroomCuteWash
File "game/home/hallway.rpy", line 8, in script
call screen uiHome
File "game/home/double/empty.rpy", line 23, in script call
call screen doubleEmpty
File "game/home/spare/empty.rpy", line 18, in script call
call screen spareEmpty
File "game/home/bathroom/Woman bath.rpy", line 8, in script call
call screen bathroomWomanBath
File "game/home/kitchen/dishes.rpy", line 17, in script call
call screen kitchenDishes
File "game/home/laundry/Dani laundry.rpy", line 12, in script call
call screen laundryDani
File "game/home/laundry/Dani laundry.rpy", line 23, in script call
call daniChat from _call_daniChat_1
File "game/talk/Dani compliment.rpy", line 93, in script call
call daniComplimentsExit from _call_daniComplimentsExit
File "game/talk/Dani compliment.rpy", line 454, in script call
call daniChatSkip from _call_daniChatSkip
File "game/home/master/telly.rpy", line 21, in script call
call screen masterTelly
File "game/home/master/telly.rpy", line 39, in script call
call womanTalk from _call_womanTalk_1
File "game/home/double/empty.rpy", line 23, in script call
call screen doubleEmpty
File "game/home/lounge/Woman Cute.rpy", line 14, in script call
call screen loungeWomanCute
File "game/home/lounge/Woman Cute.rpy", line 44, in script call
call cuteChat from _call_cuteChat_5
File "game/talk/Cute compliment.rpy", line 48, in script call
call screen cuteCompliments
File "game/talk/Cute compliment.rpy", line 167, in script call
call cuteComplimentsExit from _call_cuteComplimentsExit_6
File "game/talk/Cute compliment.rpy", line 284, in script call
call advanceTime from _call_advanceTime_8
File "game/home/double/evening.rpy", line 29, in script call
call screen doubleEvening
File "game/home/double/evening.rpy", line 56, in script call
call cuteTalk from _call_cuteTalk_1
File "game/home/double/evening.rpy", line 29, in script call
call screen doubleEvening
File "game/home/double/evening.rpy", line 44, in script call
call cuteChat from _call_cuteChat_6
File "game/home/double/sleeping.rpy", line 23, in script call
call screen doubleSleeping
File "game/bts/time.rpy", line 227, in script call
call advanceTime(0) from _call_advanceTime_7 # Do day reset stuff without actually changing the time
File "game/home/double/empty.rpy", line 23, in script call
call screen doubleEmpty
File "game/bts/mySettings.rpy", line 8, in script call
File "game/home/double/empty.rpy", line 23, in script call
call screen doubleEmpty
File "game/home/double/empty.rpy", line 23, in script call
call screen doubleEmpty
File "game/home/kitchen/empty.rpy", line 18, in script call
call screen kitchenEmpty
File "game/home/kitchen/empty.rpy", line 18, in script call
call screen kitchenEmpty
File "game/home/lounge/cleaningCute.rpy", line 24, in script call
call screen loungeCleaningCute
File "game/home/lounge/cleaningCute.rpy", line 24, in script call
call screen loungeCleaningCute
File "game/home/double/together.rpy", line 10, in script call
call screen doubleTogether
File "game/home/double/phone.rpy", line 43, in script call
call screen doublePhone
File "game/home/double/phone.rpy", line 59, in script call
call cuteChat from _call_cuteChat_1
File "game/talk/Cute compliment.rpy", line 48, in script call
call screen cuteCompliments
File "game/talk/Cute compliment.rpy", line 167, in script call
call cuteComplimentsExit from _call_cuteComplimentsExit_6
File "game/talk/Cute compliment.rpy", line 284, in script call
call advanceTime from _call_advanceTime_8
File "game/home/kitchen/dishes.rpy", line 17, in script call
call screen kitchenDishes
File "game/home/kitchen/dishes.rpy", line 57, in script call
call cuteChat from _call_cuteChat_9
File "game/home/double/empty.rpy", line 23, in script call
call screen doubleEmpty
File "game/home/lounge/Woman Dani.rpy", line 12, in script call
call screen loungeWomanDani
File "game/home/lounge/Woman Dani.rpy", line 45, in script call
call daniChat from _call_daniChat_2
File "game/home/lounge/Woman Dani.rpy", line 12, in script call
call screen loungeWomanDani
File "game/bts/mySettings.rpy", line 8, in script call
File "game/home/bathroom/empty.rpy", line 22, in script call
call screen bathroomEmpty
File "game/home/spare/pictures.rpy", line 8, in script call
call screen sparePictures
File "game/home/spare/pictures.rpy", line 47, in script call
call eventCaughtpeeking from _call_eventCaughtpeeking
File "game/home/events/caught peeking.rpy", line 21, in script call
call advanceTime from _call_advanceTime_6
File "game/home/master/empty.rpy", line 16, in script call
call screen masterEmpty
File "game/home/double/evening.rpy", line 29, in script call
call screen doubleEvening
File "game/home/double/evening.rpy", line 44, in script call
call cuteChat from _call_cuteChat_6
File "game/home/double/evening.rpy", line 29, in script call
call screen doubleEvening
File "game/home/double/sleeping.rpy", line 23, in script call
call screen doubleSleeping
File "game/bts/time.rpy", line 227, in script call
call advanceTime(0) from _call_advanceTime_7 # Do day reset stuff without actually changing the time
File "game/home/double/empty.rpy", line 23, in script call
call screen doubleEmpty
File "game/home/double/dressing.rpy", line 15, in script call
call screen doubleDressing
File "game/home/double/dressing.rpy", line 52, in script call
call eventCaughtpeeking from _call_eventCaughtpeeking_1
File "game/home/events/caught peeking.rpy", line 21, in script call
call advanceTime from _call_advanceTime_6
File "game/home/double/waiting.rpy", line 24, in script call
call screen doubleWaiting
File "game/home/double/phone.rpy", line 43, in script call
call screen doublePhone
File "game/home/double/reading.rpy", line 104, in script call
call cuteGift from _call_cuteGift
File "game/talk/Cute gift.rpy", line 182, in script call
call advanceTime from _call_advanceTime
File "game/home/double/reading.rpy", line 31, in script call
call screen doubleReading
File "game/home/double/reading.rpy", line 31, in script call
call screen doubleReading
File "game/home/double/reading.rpy", line 60, in script call
call cuteTalk from _call_cuteTalk_2
File "game/home/lounge/girls.rpy", line 13, in script call
call screen loungeGirls
File "game/home/kitchen/dishes.rpy", line 17, in script call
call screen kitchenDishes
File "game/home/kitchen/empty.rpy", line 18, in script call
call screen kitchenEmpty
File "game/home/double/homework.rpy", line 18, in script call
call screen doubleHomework
File "game/home/double/empty.rpy", line 23, in script call
call screen doubleEmpty
File "game/home/lounge/Woman telly.rpy", line 13, in script call
call screen loungeWomanTelly
File "game/home/lounge/Woman telly.rpy", line 42, in script call
call womanTalk from _call_womanTalk
File "game/home/double/empty.rpy", line 23, in script call
call screen doubleEmpty
File "game/home/master/empty.rpy", line 16, in script call
call screen masterEmpty
File "game/home/lounge/Woman Cute.rpy", line 14, in script call
call screen loungeWomanCute
File "game/home/lounge/Woman Cute.rpy", line 44, in script call
call cuteChat from _call_cuteChat_5
File "game/home/lounge/Woman Cute.rpy", line 14, in script call
call screen loungeWomanCute
File "game/home/double/evening.rpy", line 29, in script call
call screen doubleEvening
File "game/home/double/evening.rpy", line 44, in script call
call cuteChat from _call_cuteChat_6
File "game/home/double/evening.rpy", line 29, in script call
call screen doubleEvening
File "game/home/double/evening.rpy", line 56, in script call
call cuteTalk from _call_cuteTalk_1
File "game/home/hallway.rpy", line 8, in script call
call screen uiHome
File "game/home/double/evening.rpy", line 29, in script call
call screen doubleEvening
File "game/home/double/sleeping.rpy", line 23, in script call
call screen doubleSleeping
File "game/bts/time.rpy", line 227, in script call
call advanceTime(0) from _call_advanceTime_7 # Do day reset stuff without actually changing the time
File "game/home/bathroom/Cute wash.rpy", line 77, in script call
call screen bathroomCuteWash
File "game/home/bathroom/Cute wash.rpy", line 110, in script call
call cuteChat from _call_cuteChat_4
File "game/home/double/empty.rpy", line 23, in script call
call screen doubleEmpty
File "game/home/kitchen/empty.rpy", line 18, in script call
call screen kitchenEmpty
File "game/home/double/waiting.rpy", line 24, in script call
call screen doubleWaiting
File "game/home/double/phone.rpy", line 43, in script call
call screen doublePhone
File "game/home/laundry/Cute laundry.rpy", line 10, in script call
call screen laundryCute
File "game/home/laundry/Cute laundry.rpy", line 21, in script call
call cuteChat from _call_cuteChat
File "game/talk/Cute compliment.rpy", line 48, in script call
call screen cuteCompliments
File "game/talk/Cute compliment.rpy", line 54, in script call
call screen cuteComplimentsHead
File "game/talk/Cute compliment.rpy", line 76, in script call
call cuteComplimentsExit from _call_cuteComplimentsExit
File "game/talk/Cute compliment.rpy", line 284, in script call
call advanceTime from _call_advanceTime_8
File "game/home/laundry/empty.rpy", line 13, in script call
call screen uiHome
File "game/home/double/reading.rpy", line 31, in script call
call screen doubleReading
File "game/home/double/reading.rpy", line 60, in script call
call cuteTalk from _call_cuteTalk_2
File "game/home/hallway.rpy", line 8, in script call
call screen uiHome
File "game/home/double/reading.rpy", line 31, in script call
call screen doubleReading
File "game/home/double/reading.rpy", line 104, in script call
call cuteGift from _call_cuteGift
File "game/home/double/reading.rpy", line 31, in script call
call screen doubleReading
File "game/home/kitchen/dishes.rpy", line 17, in script call
call screen kitchenDishes
File "game/home/double/homework.rpy", line 18, in script call
call screen doubleHomework
File "game/home/double/empty.rpy", line 23, in script call
call screen doubleEmpty
File "game/home/lounge/Woman Cute.rpy", line 14, in script call
call screen loungeWomanCute
File "game/home/spare/together.rpy", line 12, in script call
call screen spareTogether
File "game/home/double/sleeping.rpy", line 23, in script call
call screen doubleSleeping
File "game/bts/time.rpy", line 227, in script call
call advanceTime(0) from _call_advanceTime_7 # Do day reset stuff without actually changing the time
File "game/home/double/empty.rpy", line 23, in script call
call screen doubleEmpty
File "game/home/double/dressing.rpy", line 15, in script call
call screen doubleDressing
File "game/home/double/waiting.rpy", line 24, in script call
call screen doubleWaiting
File "game/home/double/empty.rpy", line 23, in script call
call screen doubleEmpty
File "game/home/lounge/empty.rpy", line 17, in script call
call screen loungeEmpty
File "game/home/lounge/cleaningDani.rpy", line 18, in script call
call screen loungeCleaningDani
File "game/home/double/phoneFun.rpy", line 12, in script call
call screen doublePhoneFun
File "game/home/lounge/Dani telly.rpy", line 15, in script call
call screen loungeDaniTelly
File "game/home/lounge/Dani telly.rpy", line 33, in script call
call daniChat from _call_daniChat_3
File "game/home/lounge/Dani telly.rpy", line 15, in script call
call screen loungeDaniTelly
File "game/home/spare/pictures.rpy", line 8, in script call
call screen sparePictures
File "game/home/double/empty.rpy", line 23, in script call
call screen doubleEmpty
File "game/home/lounge/empty.rpy", line 17, in script call
call screen loungeEmpty
File "game/home/lounge/empty.rpy", line 17, in script call
call screen loungeEmpty
File "game/home/double/homework.rpy", line 18, in script call
call screen doubleHomework
File "game/home/master/telly.rpy", line 21, in script call
call screen masterTelly
File "game/home/master/telly.rpy", line 39, in script call
call womanTalk from _call_womanTalk_1
File "game/home/master/telly.rpy", line 21, in script call
call screen masterTelly
File "game/home/lounge/film.rpy", line 16, in script call
call screen loungeFilm
File "game/home/lounge/film.rpy", line 102, in script call
call advanceTime(2) from _call_advanceTime_5
File "game/home/double/sleeping.rpy", line 23, in script call
call screen doubleSleeping
File "game/bts/time.rpy", line 227, in script call
call advanceTime(0) from _call_advanceTime_7 # Do day reset stuff without actually changing the time
File "game/home/lounge/Woman relaxing.rpy", line 7, in script call
call screen uiHome
File "game/home/master/empty.rpy", line 16, in script call
call screen masterEmpty
File "game/home/double/waiting.rpy", line 24, in script call
call screen doubleWaiting
File "game/home/double/waiting.rpy", line 57, in script call
call cuteTalk from _call_cuteTalk_3
File "game/home/hallway.rpy", line 8, in script call
call screen uiHome
File "game/home/spare/dressing.rpy", line 25, in script call
call screen spareDressing
File "game/home/double/waiting.rpy", line 24, in script call
call screen doubleWaiting
File "game/home/double/phone.rpy", line 43, in script call
call screen doublePhone
File "game/home/laundry/Cute laundry.rpy", line 10, in script call
call screen laundryCute
File "game/home/laundry/Cute laundry.rpy", line 21, in script call
call cuteChat from _call_cuteChat
File "game/talk/Cute compliment.rpy", line 48, in script call
call screen cuteCompliments
File "game/talk/Cute compliment.rpy", line 167, in script call
call cuteComplimentsExit from _call_cuteComplimentsExit_6
File "game/talk/Cute compliment.rpy", line 284, in script call
call advanceTime from _call_advanceTime_8
File "game/home/spare/telly.rpy", line 25, in script call
call screen spareTelly
File "game/home/spare/telly.rpy", line 52, in script call
call daniTalk from _call_daniTalk
File "game/home/kitchen/dishes.rpy", line 17, in script call
call screen kitchenDishes
File "game/home/lounge/Dani telly.rpy", line 15, in script call
call screen loungeDaniTelly
File "game/home/double/homework.rpy", line 18, in script call
call screen doubleHomework
File "game/home/spare/pictures.rpy", line 8, in script call
call screen sparePictures
File "game/home/lounge/Woman telly.rpy", line 13, in script call
call screen loungeWomanTelly
File "game/home/lounge/Woman Cute.rpy", line 14, in script call
call screen loungeWomanCute
File "game/home/spare/relaxing.rpy", line 26, in script call
call screen spareRelaxing
File "game/home/spare/relaxing.rpy", line 41, in script call
call daniChat from _call_daniChat_4
File "game/home/spare/relaxing.rpy", line 26, in script call
call screen spareRelaxing
File "game/home/double/evening.rpy", line 29, in script call
call screen doubleEvening
File "game/home/double/evening.rpy", line 56, in script call
call cuteTalk from _call_cuteTalk_1
File "game/home/double/sleeping.rpy", line 23, in script call
call screen doubleSleeping
File "game/home/double/sleeping.rpy", line 23, in script call
call screen doubleSleeping
File "game/bts/time.rpy", line 227, in script call
call advanceTime(0) from _call_advanceTime_7 # Do day reset stuff without actually changing the time
File "game/home/double/empty.rpy", line 23, in script call
call screen doubleEmpty
File "game/home/kitchen/empty.rpy", line 18, in script call
call screen kitchenEmpty
File "game/home/kitchen/empty.rpy", line 18, in script call
call screen kitchenEmpty
File "game/home/lounge/cleaningCute.rpy", line 24, in script call
call screen loungeCleaningCute
File "game/home/double/together.rpy", line 10, in script call
call screen doubleTogether
File "game/home/double/phone.rpy", line 43, in script call
call screen doublePhone
File "game/home/double/empty.rpy", line 23, in script call
call screen doubleEmpty
File "game/home/double/homework.rpy", line 18, in script call
call screen doubleHomework
File "game/home/bathroom/Cute bath.rpy", line 12, in script call
call screen bathroomCuteBath
File "game/home/lounge/Woman telly.rpy", line 13, in script call
call screen loungeWomanTelly
File "game/home/lounge/Woman Cute.rpy", line 14, in script call
call screen loungeWomanCute
File "game/home/double/evening.rpy", line 29, in script call
call screen doubleEvening
File "game/home/double/sleeping.rpy", line 23, in script call
call screen doubleSleeping
File "game/bts/time.rpy", line 227, in script call
call advanceTime(0) from _call_advanceTime_7 # Do day reset stuff without actually changing the time
File "game/home/double/empty.rpy", line 23, in script call
call screen doubleEmpty
File "game/home/double/dressing.rpy", line 15, in script call
call screen doubleDressing
File "game/home/kitchen/empty.rpy", line 18, in script call
call screen kitchenEmpty
File "game/home/double/waiting.rpy", line 24, in script call
call screen doubleWaiting
File "game/home/double/phone.rpy", line 43, in script call
call screen doublePhone
File "game/home/double/reading.rpy", line 104, in script call
call cuteGift from _call_cuteGift
File "game/talk/Cute gift.rpy", line 182, in script call
call advanceTime from _call_advanceTime
File "game/home/double/reading.rpy", line 31, in script call
call screen doubleReading
File "game/home/double/empty.rpy", line 23, in script call
call screen doubleEmpty
File "game/home/kitchen/dishes headphones.rpy", line 14, in script call
call screen kitchenHeadphones
File "game/home/double/homework.rpy", line 18, in script call
call screen doubleHomework
File "game/home/lounge/Woman telly.rpy", line 13, in script call
call screen loungeWomanTelly
File "game/home/lounge/Woman Cute.rpy", line 14, in script call
call screen loungeWomanCute
File "game/home/double/evening.rpy", line 29, in script call
call screen doubleEvening
File "game/home/double/evening.rpy", line 44, in script call
call cuteChat from _call_cuteChat_6
File "game/home/double/evening.rpy", line 29, in script call
call screen doubleEvening
File "game/home/double/sleeping.rpy", line 23, in script call
call screen doubleSleeping
File "game/bts/time.rpy", line 227, in script call
call advanceTime(0) from _call_advanceTime_7 # Do day reset stuff without actually changing the time
File "game/home/double/empty.rpy", line 23, in script call
call screen doubleEmpty
File "game/home/hallway.rpy", line 8, in script call
call screen uiHome
File "game/home/double/dressing.rpy", line 15, in script call
call screen doubleDressing
File "game/home/master/empty.rpy", line 16, in script call
call screen masterEmpty
File "game/home/double/waiting.rpy", line 24, in script call
call screen doubleWaiting
File "game/home/double/phone.rpy", line 43, in script call
call screen doublePhone
File "game/home/double/empty.rpy", line 23, in script call
call screen doubleEmpty
File "game/home/double/reading.rpy", line 31, in script call
call screen doubleReading
File "game/home/double/reading.rpy", line 104, in script call
call cuteGift from _call_cuteGift
File "game/talk/Cute gift.rpy", line 182, in script call
call advanceTime from _call_advanceTime
File "game/home/kitchen/dishes headphones.rpy", line 14, in script call
call screen kitchenHeadphones
File "game/home/master/telly.rpy", line 21, in script call
call screen masterTelly
File "game/home/master/telly.rpy", line 56, in script call
call womanGift from _call_womanGift
File "game/home/bathroom/Cute bath.rpy", line 12, in script call
call screen bathroomCuteBath
File "game/home/bathroom/Cute bath.rpy", line 36, in script call
call eventCaughtpeeking from _call_eventCaughtpeeking_2
File "game/home/events/caught peeking.rpy", line 21, in script call
call advanceTime from _call_advanceTime_6
File "game/home/hallway.rpy", line 8, in script call
call screen uiHome
File "game/home/lounge/Woman Cute.rpy", line 14, in script call
call screen loungeWomanCute
File "game/home/spare/together.rpy", line 12, in script call
call screen spareTogether
File "game/home/double/sleeping.rpy", line 23, in script call
call screen doubleSleeping
File "game/bts/time.rpy", line 227, in script call
call advanceTime(0) from _call_advanceTime_7 # Do day reset stuff without actually changing the time
File "game/home/double/empty.rpy", line 23, in script call
call screen doubleEmpty
File "game/home/kitchen/empty.rpy", line 18, in script call
call screen kitchenEmpty
File "game/home/kitchen/empty.rpy", line 18, in script call
call screen kitchenEmpty
File "game/home/master/empty.rpy", line 16, in script call
call screen masterEmpty
File "game/home/lounge/cleaningDani.rpy", line 18, in script call
call screen loungeCleaningDani
File "game/home/double/phone.rpy", line 43, in script call
call screen doublePhone
File "game/home/spare/pictures.rpy", line 8, in script call
call screen sparePictures
File "game/home/lounge/empty.rpy", line 17, in script call
call screen loungeEmpty
File "game/home/bathroom/empty.rpy", line 22, in script call
call screen bathroomEmpty
File "game/home/lounge/empty.rpy", line 17, in script call
call screen loungeEmpty
File "game/home/double/homework.rpy", line 18, in script call
call screen doubleHomework
File "game/home/master/telly.rpy", line 21, in script call
call screen masterTelly
File "game/home/master/telly.rpy", line 56, in script call
call womanGift from _call_womanGift
File "game/home/master/telly.rpy", line 21, in script call
call screen masterTelly
File "game/home/master/telly.rpy", line 21, in script call
call screen masterTelly
File "game/home/master/telly.rpy", line 56, in script call
call womanGift from _call_womanGift
File "game/home/lounge/film.rpy", line 16, in script call
call screen loungeFilm
File "game/home/lounge/film.rpy", line 102, in script call
call advanceTime(2) from _call_advanceTime_5
File "game/home/spare/sleeping.rpy", line 8, in script call
call screen spareSleeping
File "game/home/double/sleeping.rpy", line 23, in script call
call screen doubleSleeping
File "game/bts/time.rpy", line 227, in script call
call advanceTime(0) from _call_advanceTime_7 # Do day reset stuff without actually changing the time
File "game/home/hallway.rpy", line 8, in script call
call screen uiHome
File "game/home/bathroom/Dani wash fun.rpy", line 12, in script call
call screen bathroomDaniWashFun
File "game/home/kitchen/empty.rpy", line 18, in script call
call screen kitchenEmpty
File "game/home/kitchen/empty.rpy", line 18, in script call
call screen kitchenEmpty
File "game/home/double/phone.rpy", line 43, in script call
call screen doublePhone
File "game/home/double/empty.rpy", line 23, in script call
call screen doubleEmpty
File "game/home/double/reading.rpy", line 31, in script call
call screen doubleReading
File "game/home/kitchen/dishes headphones.rpy", line 14, in script call
call screen kitchenHeadphones
File "game/home/double/homework.rpy", line 18, in script call
call screen doubleHomework
File "game/home/double/empty.rpy", line 23, in script call
call screen doubleEmpty
File "game/home/double/empty.rpy", line 23, in script call
call screen doubleEmpty
File "game/home/lounge/Woman Cute.rpy", line 14, in script call
call screen loungeWomanCute
File "game/home/double/evening.rpy", line 29, in script call
call screen doubleEvening
File "game/home/double/sleeping.rpy", line 23, in script call
call screen doubleSleeping
File "game/home/double/sleeping.rpy", line 23, in script call
call screen doubleSleeping
File "game/bts/time.rpy", line 227, in script call
call advanceTime(0) from _call_advanceTime_7 # Do day reset stuff without actually changing the time
File "game/home/bathroom/Cute wash.rpy", line 77, in script call
call screen bathroomCuteWash
File "game/home/double/dressing.rpy", line 15, in script call
call screen doubleDressing
File "game/home/master/empty.rpy", line 16, in script call
call screen masterEmpty
File "game/home/double/waiting.rpy", line 24, in script call
call screen doubleWaiting
File "game/home/lounge/cleaningCute.rpy", line 24, in script call
call screen loungeCleaningCute
File "game/home/double/together.rpy", line 10, in script call
call screen doubleTogether
File "game/home/double/phone.rpy", line 43, in script call
call screen doublePhone
File "game/home/kitchen/dishes headphones.rpy", line 14, in script call
call screen kitchenHeadphones
File "game/home/lounge/Woman Dani.rpy", line 12, in script call
call screen loungeWomanDani
File "game/home/lounge/Woman Dani.rpy", line 45, in script call
call daniChat from _call_daniChat_2
File "game/home/double/homework.rpy", line 18, in script call
call screen doubleHomework
File "game/home/double/empty.rpy", line 23, in script call
call screen doubleEmpty
File "game/home/bathroom/Dani bath.rpy", line 14, in script call
call screen bathroomDaniBath
File "game/home/double/empty.rpy", line 23, in script call
call screen doubleEmpty
File "game/home/double/evening.rpy", line 29, in script call
call screen doubleEvening
File "game/home/double/evening.rpy", line 44, in script call
call cuteChat from _call_cuteChat_6
File "game/home/double/evening.rpy", line 29, in script call
call screen doubleEvening
File "game/home/double/evening.rpy", line 44, in script call
call cuteChat from _call_cuteChat_6
File "game/home/double/evening.rpy", line 29, in script call
call screen doubleEvening
File "game/home/double/sleeping.rpy", line 23, in script call
call screen doubleSleeping
File "game/bts/time.rpy", line 227, in script call
call advanceTime(0) from _call_advanceTime_7 # Do day reset stuff without actually changing the time
File "game/home/double/empty.rpy", line 23, in script call
call screen doubleEmpty
File "game/home/bathroom/Cute wash.rpy", line 77, in script call
call screen bathroomCuteWash
File "game/home/bathroom/Cute wash.rpy", line 110, in script call
call cuteChat from _call_cuteChat_4
File "game/home/bathroom/Cute wash.rpy", line 77, in script call
call screen bathroomCuteWash
File "game/home/bathroom/Cute wash.rpy", line 77, in script call
call screen bathroomCuteWash
File "game/home/double/dressing.rpy", line 15, in script call
call screen doubleDressing
File "game/home/kitchen/empty.rpy", line 18, in script call
call screen kitchenEmpty
File "game/home/double/waiting.rpy", line 24, in script call
call screen doubleWaiting
File "game/home/double/phone.rpy", line 43, in script call
call screen doublePhone
File "game/home/double/phone.rpy", line 59, in script call
call cuteChat from _call_cuteChat_1
File "game/home/double/phone.rpy", line 43, in script call
call screen doublePhone
File "game/home/double/reading.rpy", line 31, in script call
call screen doubleReading
File "game/home/double/empty.rpy", line 23, in script call
call screen doubleEmpty
File "game/home/kitchen/dishes headphones.rpy", line 14, in script call
call screen kitchenHeadphones
File "game/home/double/homework.rpy", line 18, in script call
call screen doubleHomework
File "game/home/double/empty.rpy", line 23, in script call
call screen doubleEmpty
File "game/home/master/empty.rpy", line 16, in script call
call screen masterEmpty
File "game/home/spare/relaxing.rpy", line 26, in script call
call screen spareRelaxing
File "game/home/spare/relaxing.rpy", line 55, in script call
call daniTalk from _call_daniTalk_1
File "game/home/hallway.rpy", line 8, in script call
call screen uiHome
File "game/home/double/sleeping.rpy", line 23, in script call
call screen doubleSleeping
File "game/bts/time.rpy", line 227, in script call
call advanceTime(0) from _call_advanceTime_7 # Do day reset stuff without actually changing the time
File "game/home/double/empty.rpy", line 23, in script call
call screen doubleEmpty
File "game/home/kitchen/empty.rpy", line 18, in script call
call screen kitchenEmpty
File "game/home/double/waiting.rpy", line 24, in script call
call screen doubleWaiting
File "game/home/double/waiting.rpy", line 42, in script call
call cuteChat from _call_cuteChat_8
File "game/home/double/waiting.rpy", line 24, in script call
call screen doubleWaiting
File "game/home/double/phone.rpy", line 43, in script call
call screen doublePhone
File "game/home/lounge/empty.rpy", line 17, in script call
call screen loungeEmpty
File "game/home/double/reading.rpy", line 31, in script call
call screen doubleReading
File "game/home/double/reading.rpy", line 104, in script call
call cuteGift from _call_cuteGift
File "game/talk/Cute gift.rpy", line 182, in script call
call advanceTime from _call_advanceTime
File "game/home/kitchen/dishes headphones.rpy", line 14, in script call
call screen kitchenHeadphones
File "game/home/double/homework.rpy", line 18, in script call
call screen doubleHomework
File "game/home/double/homework.rpy", line 18, in script call
call screen doubleHomework
File "game/home/bathroom/Cute bath.rpy", line 12, in script call
call screen bathroomCuteBath
File "game/home/double/empty.rpy", line 23, in script call
call screen doubleEmpty
File "game/home/double/empty.rpy", line 23, in script call
call screen doubleEmpty
File "game/home/spare/together.rpy", line 12, in script call
call screen spareTogether
File "game/home/double/sleeping.rpy", line 23, in script call
call screen doubleSleeping
File "game/bts/time.rpy", line 227, in script call
call advanceTime(0) from _call_advanceTime_7 # Do day reset stuff without actually changing the time
File "game/home/bathroom/Cute wash.rpy", line 77, in script call
call screen bathroomCuteWash
File "game/home/double/dressing.rpy", line 15, in script call
call screen doubleDressing
File "game/home/kitchen/empty.rpy", line 18, in script call
call screen kitchenEmpty
File "game/home/double/waiting.rpy", line 24, in script call
call screen doubleWaiting
File "game/home/double/empty.rpy", line 23, in script call
call screen doubleEmpty
File "game/home/bathroom/empty.rpy", line 22, in script call
call screen bathroomEmpty
File "game/home/bathroom/empty.rpy", line 22, in script call
call screen bathroomEmpty
File "game/home/bathroom/empty.rpy", line 22, in script call
call screen bathroomEmpty
File "game/home/double/empty.rpy", line 23, in script call
call screen doubleEmpty
File "game/home/lounge/empty.rpy", line 17, in script call
call screen loungeEmpty
File "game/home/double/homework.rpy", line 18, in script call
call screen doubleHomework
File "game/home/master/telly.rpy", line 21, in script call
call screen masterTelly
File "game/home/master/telly.rpy", line 56, in script call
call womanGift from _call_womanGift
File "game/home/lounge/film.rpy", line 16, in script call
call screen loungeFilm
File "game/home/lounge/film.rpy", line 102, in script call
call advanceTime(2) from _call_advanceTime_5
File "game/home/double/sleeping.rpy", line 23, in script call
call screen doubleSleeping
File "game/bts/time.rpy", line 227, in script call
call advanceTime(0) from _call_advanceTime_7 # Do day reset stuff without actually changing the time
File "game/home/hallway.rpy", line 8, in script call
call screen uiHome
File "game/home/double/dressing.rpy", line 15, in script call
call screen doubleDressing
File "game/home/spare/empty.rpy", line 18, in script call
call screen spareEmpty
File "game/home/double/waiting.rpy", line 24, in script call
call screen doubleWaiting
File "game/home/double/waiting.rpy", line 42, in script call
call cuteChat from _call_cuteChat_8
File "game/home/double/waiting.rpy", line 24, in script call
call screen doubleWaiting
File "game/home/double/phone.rpy", line 43, in script call
call screen doublePhone
File "game/home/double/empty.rpy", line 23, in script call
call screen doubleEmpty
File "game/home/double/reading.rpy", line 31, in script call
call screen doubleReading
File "game/home/double/reading.rpy", line 46, in script call
call cuteChat from _call_cuteChat_7
File "game/home/spare/telly.rpy", line 25, in script call
call screen spareTelly
File "game/home/spare/telly.rpy", line 52, in script call
call daniTalk from _call_daniTalk
File "game/home/kitchen/dishes headphones.rpy", line 14, in script call
call screen kitchenHeadphones
File "game/home/kitchen/empty.rpy", line 18, in script call
call screen kitchenEmpty
File "game/home/double/homework.rpy", line 18, in script call
call screen doubleHomework
File "game/home/double/empty.rpy", line 23, in script call
call screen doubleEmpty
File "game/home/bathroom/Cute bath.rpy", line 12, in script call
call screen bathroomCuteBath
File "game/home/double/empty.rpy", line 23, in script call
call screen doubleEmpty
File "game/home/bathroom/Dani bath.rpy", line 14, in script call
call screen bathroomDaniBath
File "game/home/double/empty.rpy", line 23, in script call
call screen doubleEmpty
File "game/home/double/evening.rpy", line 29, in script call
call screen doubleEvening
File "game/home/double/evening.rpy", line 44, in script call
call cuteChat from _call_cuteChat_6
File "game/home/double/evening.rpy", line 29, in script call
call screen doubleEvening
File "game/home/double/sleeping.rpy", line 23, in script call
call screen doubleSleeping
File "game/bts/time.rpy", line 227, in script call
call advanceTime(0) from _call_advanceTime_7 # Do day reset stuff without actually changing the time
File "game/home/bathroom/Cute wash.rpy", line 77, in script call
call screen bathroomCuteWash
File "game/home/master/empty.rpy", line 16, in script call
call screen masterEmpty
File "game/home/spare/dressing.rpy", line 25, in script call
call screen spareDressing
File "game/home/double/waiting.rpy", line 24, in script call
call screen doubleWaiting
File "game/home/double/empty.rpy", line 23, in script call
call screen doubleEmpty
File "game/home/double/together.rpy", line 10, in script call
call screen doubleTogether
File "game/home/bathroom/empty.rpy", line 22, in script call
call screen bathroomEmpty
File "game/home/kitchen/dishes headphones.rpy", line 14, in script call
call screen kitchenHeadphones
File "game/home/double/homework.rpy", line 18, in script call
call screen doubleHomework
File "game/home/bathroom/Cute bath.rpy", line 12, in script call
call screen bathroomCuteBath
File "game/home/bathroom/Cute bath.rpy", line 36, in script call
call eventCaughtpeeking from _call_eventCaughtpeeking_2
File "game/home/events/caught peeking.rpy", line 21, in script call
call advanceTime from _call_advanceTime_6
File "game/home/double/empty.rpy", line 23, in script call
call screen doubleEmpty
File "game/home/double/evening.rpy", line 29, in script call
call screen doubleEvening
File "game/home/double/evening.rpy", line 44, in script call
call cuteChat from _call_cuteChat_6
File "game/home/double/evening.rpy", line 29, in script call
call screen doubleEvening
File "game/home/double/sleeping.rpy", line 23, in script call
call screen doubleSleeping
File "game/bts/time.rpy", line 227, in script call
call advanceTime(0) from _call_advanceTime_7 # Do day reset stuff without actually changing the time
File "game/home/double/empty.rpy", line 23, in script call
call screen doubleEmpty
File "game/home/hallway.rpy", line 8, in script call
call screen uiHome
File "game/home/double/dressing.rpy", line 15, in script call
call screen doubleDressing
File "game/home/double/dressing.rpy", line 15, in script call
call screen doubleDressing
File "game/home/kitchen/empty.rpy", line 18, in script call
call screen kitchenEmpty
File "game/home/bathroom/empty.rpy", line 22, in script call
call screen bathroomEmpty
File "game/home/double/phone.rpy", line 43, in script call
call screen doublePhone
File "game/home/double/phone.rpy", line 59, in script call
call cuteChat from _call_cuteChat_1
File "game/home/double/phone.rpy", line 43, in script call
call screen doublePhone
File "game/home/double/reading.rpy", line 31, in script call
call screen doubleReading
File "game/home/double/empty.rpy", line 23, in script call
call screen doubleEmpty
File "game/home/lounge/girls.rpy", line 13, in script call
call screen loungeGirls
File "game/home/kitchen/dishes headphones.rpy", line 14, in script call
call screen kitchenHeadphones
File "game/home/double/homework.rpy", line 18, in script call
call screen doubleHomework
File "game/home/master/empty.rpy", line 16, in script call
call screen masterEmpty
File "game/home/double/empty.rpy", line 23, in script call
call screen doubleEmpty
File "game/home/double/evening.rpy", line 29, in script call
call screen doubleEvening
File "game/home/double/evening.rpy", line 44, in script call
call cuteChat from _call_cuteChat_6
File "game/home/double/evening.rpy", line 29, in script call
call screen doubleEvening
File "game/home/double/sleeping.rpy", line 23, in script call
call screen doubleSleeping
File "game/bts/time.rpy", line 227, in script call
call advanceTime(0) from _call_advanceTime_7 # Do day reset stuff without actually changing the time
File "game/home/double/empty.rpy", line 23, in script call
call screen doubleEmpty
File "game/home/double/dressing.rpy", line 15, in script call
call screen doubleDressing
File "game/home/kitchen/empty.rpy", line 18, in script call
call screen kitchenEmpty
File "game/home/kitchen/empty.rpy", line 18, in script call
call screen kitchenEmpty
File "game/home/double/phone.rpy", line 43, in script call
call screen doublePhone
File "game/home/laundry/Cute laundry.rpy", line 10, in script call
call screen laundryCute
File "game/home/laundry/Cute laundry.rpy", line 21, in script call
call cuteChat from _call_cuteChat
File "game/home/laundry/Cute laundry.rpy", line 10, in script call
call screen laundryCute
File "game/home/laundry/Cute laundry.rpy", line 10, in script call
call screen laundryCute
File "game/home/laundry/Cute laundry.rpy", line 21, in script call
call cuteChat from _call_cuteChat
File "game/talk/Cute compliment.rpy", line 48, in script call
call screen cuteCompliments
File "game/talk/Cute compliment.rpy", line 54, in script call
call screen cuteComplimentsHead
File "game/talk/Cute compliment.rpy", line 104, in script call
call cuteComplimentsExit from _call_cuteComplimentsExit_2
File "game/talk/Cute compliment.rpy", line 286, in script call
call cuteChatSkip from _call_cuteChatSkip
File "game/home/bathroom/empty.rpy", line 22, in script call
call screen bathroomEmpty
File "game/home/double/reading.rpy", line 31, in script call
call screen doubleReading
File "game/home/double/reading.rpy", line 46, in script call
call cuteChat from _call_cuteChat_7
File "game/home/double/reading.rpy", line 31, in script call
call screen doubleReading
File "game/home/kitchen/dishes headphones.rpy", line 14, in script call
call screen kitchenHeadphones
File "game/home/double/homework.rpy", line 18, in script call
call screen doubleHomework
File "game/home/bathroom/Cute bath.rpy", line 12, in script call
call screen bathroomCuteBath
File "game/home/lounge/Woman telly.rpy", line 13, in script call
call screen loungeWomanTelly
File "game/home/lounge/Woman Cute.rpy", line 14, in script call
call screen loungeWomanCute
File "game/home/lounge/Woman Cute.rpy", line 44, in script call
call cuteChat from _call_cuteChat_5
File "game/home/lounge/Woman Cute.rpy", line 14, in script call
call screen loungeWomanCute
File "game/home/lounge/Woman Cute.rpy", line 44, in script call
call cuteChat from _call_cuteChat_5
File "game/home/lounge/Woman Cute.rpy", line 14, in script call
call screen loungeWomanCute
File "game/home/spare/together.rpy", line 12, in script call
call screen spareTogether
File "game/home/double/sleeping.rpy", line 23, in script call
call screen doubleSleeping
File "game/bts/time.rpy", line 227, in script call
call advanceTime(0) from _call_advanceTime_7 # Do day reset stuff without actually changing the time
File "game/home/double/empty.rpy", line 23, in script call
call screen doubleEmpty
File "game/home/kitchen/empty.rpy", line 18, in script call
call screen kitchenEmpty
File "game/home/kitchen/empty.rpy", line 18, in script call
call screen kitchenEmpty
File "game/home/double/empty.rpy", line 23, in script call
call screen doubleEmpty
File "game/home/lounge/cleaningDani.rpy", line 18, in script call
call screen loungeCleaningDani
File "game/home/lounge/Dani telly.rpy", line 15, in script call
call screen loungeDaniTelly
File "game/home/lounge/Dani telly.rpy", line 33, in script call
call daniChat from _call_daniChat_3
File "game/home/master/empty.rpy", line 16, in script call
call screen masterEmpty
File "game/home/double/empty.rpy", line 23, in script call
call screen doubleEmpty
File "game/home/spare/pictures.rpy", line 8, in script call
call screen sparePictures
File "game/home/double/empty.rpy", line 23, in script call
call screen doubleEmpty
File "game/home/double/empty.rpy", line 23, in script call
call screen doubleEmpty
File "game/home/double/homework.rpy", line 18, in script call
call screen doubleHomework
File "game/home/double/empty.rpy", line 23, in script call
call screen doubleEmpty
File "game/home/master/telly.rpy", line 21, in script call
call screen masterTelly
File "game/home/master/telly.rpy", line 56, in script call
call womanGift from _call_womanGift
File "game/home/lounge/film.rpy", line 16, in script call
call screen loungeFilm
File "game/home/lounge/film.rpy", line 102, in script call
call advanceTime(2) from _call_advanceTime_5
File "game/home/spare/sleeping.rpy", line 8, in script call
call screen spareSleeping
File "game/home/double/sleeping.rpy", line 23, in script call
call screen doubleSleeping
File "game/bts/time.rpy", line 227, in script call
call advanceTime(0) from _call_advanceTime_7 # Do day reset stuff without actually changing the time
File "game/home/double/dressing.rpy", line 15, in script call
call screen doubleDressing
File "game/home/bathroom/Dani wash fun.rpy", line 12, in script call
call screen bathroomDaniWashFun
File "game/home/bathroom/Dani wash fun.rpy", line 12, in script call
call screen bathroomDaniWashFun
File "game/home/double/dressing.rpy", line 15, in script call
call screen doubleDressing
File "game/home/kitchen/empty.rpy", line 18, in script call
call screen kitchenEmpty
File "game/home/spare/dressing.rpy", line 25, in script call
call screen spareDressing
File "game/home/double/waiting.rpy", line 24, in script call
call screen doubleWaiting
File "game/home/double/waiting.rpy", line 42, in script call
call cuteChat from _call_cuteChat_8
File "game/home/double/waiting.rpy", line 24, in script call
call screen doubleWaiting
File "game/home/double/phone.rpy", line 43, in script call
call screen doublePhone
File "game/home/laundry/Cute laundry.rpy", line 10, in script call
call screen laundryCute
File "game/home/laundry/Cute laundry.rpy", line 21, in script call
call cuteChat from _call_cuteChat
File "game/home/bathroom/empty.rpy", line 22, in script call
call screen bathroomEmpty
File "game/home/spare/tellyFun.rpy", line 12, in script call
call screen spareTellyFun
File "game/home/spare/tellyFun.rpy", line 12, in script call
call screen spareTellyFun
File "game/home/spare/telly.rpy", line 25, in script call
call screen spareTelly
File "game/home/spare/telly.rpy", line 84, in script call
call daniGift from _call_daniGift
File "game/talk/Dani gift.rpy", line 31, in script call
call advanceTime from _call_advanceTime_2
File "game/home/kitchen/dishes headphones.rpy", line 14, in script call
call screen kitchenHeadphones
File "game/home/laundry/Dani laundry.rpy", line 12, in script call
call screen laundryDani
File "game/home/laundry/Dani laundry.rpy", line 23, in script call
call daniChat from _call_daniChat_1
File "game/home/double/homework.rpy", line 18, in script call
call screen doubleHomework
File "game/home/spare/pictures.rpy", line 8, in script call
call screen sparePictures
File "game/home/bathroom/Cute bath.rpy", line 12, in script call
call screen bathroomCuteBath
File "game/home/bathroom/Cute bath.rpy", line 36, in script call
call eventCaughtpeeking from _call_eventCaughtpeeking_2
File "game/home/events/caught peeking.rpy", line 21, in script call
call advanceTime from _call_advanceTime_6
File "game/home/lounge/Woman Cute.rpy", line 14, in script call
call screen loungeWomanCute
File "game/home/lounge/Woman Cute.rpy", line 44, in script call
call cuteChat from _call_cuteChat_5
File "game/home/lounge/Woman Cute.rpy", line 14, in script call
call screen loungeWomanCute
File "game/home/spare/relaxingFun.rpy", line 12, in script call
call screen spareRelaxingFun
File "game/home/spare/relaxingFun.rpy", line 12, in script call
call screen spareRelaxingFun
File "game/home/spare/relaxingFun.rpy", line 26, in script call
call navigation from _call_navigation_7
File "game/home/spare/relaxingFun.rpy", line 12, in script call
call screen spareRelaxingFun
File "game/home/spare/relaxingFun.rpy", line 26, in script call
call navigation from _call_navigation_7
File "game/home/double/evening.rpy", line 29, in script call
call screen doubleEvening
File "game/home/double/evening.rpy", line 44, in script call
call cuteChat from _call_cuteChat_6
File "game/home/double/evening.rpy", line 29, in script call
call screen doubleEvening
File "game/home/bathroom/empty.rpy", line 22, in script call
call screen bathroomEmpty
File "game/home/bathroom/empty.rpy", line 22, in script call
call screen bathroomEmpty
File "game/home/bathroom/empty.rpy", line 22, in script call
call screen bathroomEmpty
File "game/bts/time.rpy", line 227, in script call
call advanceTime(0) from _call_advanceTime_7 # Do day reset stuff without actually changing the time
File "game/home/lounge/cleaningCute.rpy", line 24, in script call
call screen loungeCleaningCute
File "game/home/double/together.rpy", line 10, in script call
call screen doubleTogether
File "game/home/spare/telly.rpy", line 25, in script call
call screen spareTelly
File "game/home/spare/telly.rpy", line 52, in script call
call daniTalk from _call_daniTalk
File "game/home/hallway.rpy", line 8, in script call
call screen uiHome
File "game/home/bathroom/empty.rpy", line 22, in script call
call screen bathroomEmpty
File "game/home/double/empty.rpy", line 23, in script call
call screen doubleEmpty
File "game/home/double/homework.rpy", line 18, in script call
call screen doubleHomework
File "game/home/double/empty.rpy", line 23, in script call
call screen doubleEmpty
File "game/home/spare/pictures.rpy", line 8, in script call
call screen sparePictures
File "game/home/double/empty.rpy", line 23, in script call
call screen doubleEmpty
File "game/home/spare/empty.rpy", line 18, in script call
call screen spareEmpty
File "game/home/spare/relaxing.rpy", line 26, in script call
call screen spareRelaxing
File "game/home/spare/relaxing.rpy", line 55, in script call
call daniTalk from _call_daniTalk_1
File "game/home/hallway.rpy", line 8, in script call
call screen uiHome
File "game/home/double/sleeping.rpy", line 23, in script call
call screen doubleSleeping
File "game/bts/time.rpy", line 227, in script call
call advanceTime(0) from _call_advanceTime_7 # Do day reset stuff without actually changing the time
File "game/home/double/empty.rpy", line 23, in script call
call screen doubleEmpty
File "game/home/double/dressing.rpy", line 15, in script call
call screen doubleDressing
File "game/home/bathroom/empty.rpy", line 22, in script call
call screen bathroomEmpty
File "game/home/double/phone.rpy", line 43, in script call
call screen doublePhone
File "game/home/double/reading.rpy", line 31, in script call
call screen doubleReading
File "game/home/double/empty.rpy", line 23, in script call
call screen doubleEmpty
File "game/home/kitchen/dishes headphones.rpy", line 14, in script call
call screen kitchenHeadphones
File "game/home/double/homework.rpy", line 18, in script call
call screen doubleHomework
File "game/home/double/empty.rpy", line 23, in script call
call screen doubleEmpty
File "game/home/bathroom/Dani bath.rpy", line 14, in script call
call screen bathroomDaniBath
File "game/home/double/empty.rpy", line 23, in script call
call screen doubleEmpty
File "game/home/double/empty.rpy", line 23, in script call
call screen doubleEmpty
File "game/home/double/evening.rpy", line 29, in script call
call screen doubleEvening
File "game/home/double/evening.rpy", line 44, in script call
call cuteChat from _call_cuteChat_6
File "game/home/spare/relaxing.rpy", line 26, in script call
call screen spareRelaxing
File "game/home/spare/relaxing.rpy", line 41, in script call
call daniChat from _call_daniChat_4
File "game/home/double/evening.rpy", line 29, in script call
call screen doubleEvening
File "game/home/double/sleeping.rpy", line 23, in script call
call screen doubleSleeping
File "game/bts/time.rpy", line 227, in script call
call advanceTime(0) from _call_advanceTime_7 # Do day reset stuff without actually changing the time
File "game/home/bathroom/Cute wash.rpy", line 77, in script call
call screen bathroomCuteWash
File "game/home/double/dressing.rpy", line 15, in script call
call screen doubleDressing
File "game/home/master/empty.rpy", line 16, in script call
call screen masterEmpty
File "game/home/double/waiting.rpy", line 24, in script call
call screen doubleWaiting
File "game/home/double/phone.rpy", line 43, in script call
call screen doublePhone
File "game/home/double/phone.rpy", line 59, in script call
call cuteChat from _call_cuteChat_1
File "game/home/double/phone.rpy", line 43, in script call
call screen doublePhone
File "game/home/laundry/Cute laundry.rpy", line 10, in script call
call screen laundryCute
File "game/home/laundry/Cute laundry.rpy", line 21, in script call
call cuteChat from _call_cuteChat
File "game/home/laundry/Cute laundry.rpy", line 10, in script call
call screen laundryCute
File "game/home/bathroom/empty.rpy", line 22, in script call
call screen bathroomEmpty
File "game/home/double/reading.rpy", line 31, in script call
call screen doubleReading
File "game/home/kitchen/dishes headphones.rpy", line 14, in script call
call screen kitchenHeadphones
File "game/home/double/homework.rpy", line 18, in script call
call screen doubleHomework
File "game/home/bathroom/Cute bath.rpy", line 12, in script call
call screen bathroomCuteBath
File "game/home/bathroom/Cute bath.rpy", line 36, in script call
call eventCaughtpeeking from _call_eventCaughtpeeking_2
File "game/home/events/caught peeking.rpy", line 21, in script call
call advanceTime from _call_advanceTime_6
File "game/home/bathroom/Dani bath.rpy", line 14, in script call
call screen bathroomDaniBath
File "game/home/lounge/Woman Cute.rpy", line 14, in script call
call screen loungeWomanCute
File "game/home/lounge/Woman Cute.rpy", line 44, in script call
call cuteChat from _call_cuteChat_5
File "game/home/lounge/Woman Cute.rpy", line 14, in script call
call screen loungeWomanCute
File "game/home/spare/together.rpy", line 12, in script call
call screen spareTogether
File "game/home/double/sleeping.rpy", line 23, in script call
call screen doubleSleeping
File "game/bts/time.rpy", line 227, in script call
call advanceTime(0) from _call_advanceTime_7 # Do day reset stuff without actually changing the time
File "game/home/kitchen/empty.rpy", line 18, in script call
call screen kitchenEmpty
File "game/home/double/waiting.rpy", line 24, in script call
call screen doubleWaiting
File "game/home/double/waiting.rpy", line 42, in script call
call cuteChat from _call_cuteChat_8
File "game/home/double/waiting.rpy", line 24, in script call
call screen doubleWaiting
File "game/home/double/empty.rpy", line 23, in script call
call screen doubleEmpty
File "game/home/double/empty.rpy", line 23, in script call
call screen doubleEmpty
File "game/home/lounge/Dani telly.rpy", line 15, in script call
call screen loungeDaniTelly
File "game/home/lounge/Dani telly.rpy", line 33, in script call
call daniChat from _call_daniChat_3
File "game/home/bathroom/empty.rpy", line 22, in script call
call screen bathroomEmpty
File "game/home/double/empty.rpy", line 23, in script call
call screen doubleEmpty
File "game/home/lounge/empty.rpy", line 17, in script call
call screen loungeEmpty
File "game/home/double/homework.rpy", line 18, in script call
call screen doubleHomework
File "game/home/bathroom/Cute bath.rpy", line 12, in script call
call screen bathroomCuteBath
File "game/home/bathroom/Cute bath.rpy", line 36, in script call
call eventCaughtpeeking from _call_eventCaughtpeeking_2
File "game/home/events/caught peeking.rpy", line 21, in script call
call advanceTime from _call_advanceTime_6
File "game/home/master/telly.rpy", line 21, in script call
call screen masterTelly
File "game/home/master/telly.rpy", line 56, in script call
call womanGift from _call_womanGift
File "game/home/double/empty.rpy", line 23, in script call
call screen doubleEmpty
File "game/bts/time.rpy", line 227, in script call
call advanceTime(0) from _call_advanceTime_7 # Do day reset stuff without actually changing the time
File "game/home/double/dressing.rpy", line 15, in script call
call screen doubleDressing
File "game/home/kitchen/empty.rpy", line 18, in script call
call screen kitchenEmpty
File "game/home/double/waiting.rpy", line 24, in script call
call screen doubleWaiting
File "game/home/double/waiting.rpy", line 42, in script call
call cuteChat from _call_cuteChat_8
File "game/home/double/waiting.rpy", line 24, in script call
call screen doubleWaiting
File "game/home/double/phone.rpy", line 43, in script call
call screen doublePhone
File "game/home/laundry/Cute laundry.rpy", line 10, in script call
call screen laundryCute
File "game/home/laundry/Cute laundry.rpy", line 21, in script call
call cuteChat from _call_cuteChat
File "game/home/bathroom/empty.rpy", line 22, in script call
call screen bathroomEmpty
File "game/home/spare/telly.rpy", line 25, in script call
call screen spareTelly
File "game/home/spare/telly.rpy", line 52, in script call
call daniTalk from _call_daniTalk
File "game/home/double/reading.rpy", line 31, in script call
call screen doubleReading
File "game/home/double/reading.rpy", line 46, in script call
call cuteChat from _call_cuteChat_7
File "game/home/double/reading.rpy", line 31, in script call
call screen doubleReading
File "game/home/kitchen/dishes headphones.rpy", line 14, in script call
call screen kitchenHeadphones
File "game/home/double/homework.rpy", line 18, in script call
call screen doubleHomework
File "game/home/double/empty.rpy", line 23, in script call
call screen doubleEmpty
File "game/home/bathroom/Dani bath.rpy", line 14, in script call
call screen bathroomDaniBath
File "game/home/spare/relaxing.rpy", line 26, in script call
call screen spareRelaxing
File "game/home/spare/sleeping.rpy", line 8, in script call
call screen spareSleeping
File "game/home/spare/sleeping.rpy", line 36, in script call
call screen spareSleepingInside
File "game/home/double/sleeping.rpy", line 23, in script call
call screen doubleSleeping
File "game/bts/time.rpy", line 227, in script call
call advanceTime(0) from _call_advanceTime_7 # Do day reset stuff without actually changing the time
File "game/home/double/waiting.rpy", line 24, in script call
call screen doubleWaiting
File "game/home/double/waiting.rpy", line 42, in script call
call cuteChat from _call_cuteChat_8
File "game/home/double/waiting.rpy", line 24, in script call
call screen doubleWaiting
File "game/home/lounge/cleaningCute.rpy", line 24, in script call
call screen loungeCleaningCute
File "game/home/double/together.rpy", line 10, in script call
call screen doubleTogether
File "game/home/spare/tellyFun.rpy", line 12, in script call
call screen spareTellyFun
File "game/home/spare/tellyFun.rpy", line 12, in script call
call screen spareTellyFun
File "game/home/spare/telly.rpy", line 25, in script call
call screen spareTelly
File "game/home/kitchen/dishes headphones.rpy", line 14, in script call
call screen kitchenHeadphones
File "game/home/bathroom/empty.rpy", line 22, in script call
call screen bathroomEmpty
File "game/home/bathroom/Cute bath.rpy", line 12, in script call
call screen bathroomCuteBath
File "game/home/bathroom/Cute bath.rpy", line 36, in script call
call eventCaughtpeeking from _call_eventCaughtpeeking_2
File "game/home/events/caught peeking.rpy", line 21, in script call
call advanceTime from _call_advanceTime_6
File "game/home/lounge/Woman Cute.rpy", line 14, in script call
call screen loungeWomanCute
File "game/home/lounge/empty.rpy", line 17, in script call
call screen loungeEmpty
File "game/home/lounge/empty.rpy", line 17, in script call
call screen loungeEmpty
File "game/home/double/sleeping.rpy", line 23, in script call
call screen doubleSleeping
File "game/bts/time.rpy", line 227, in script call
call advanceTime(0) from _call_advanceTime_7 # Do day reset stuff without actually changing the time
File "game/home/bathroom/Dani wash fun.rpy", line 12, in script call
call screen bathroomDaniWashFun
File "game/home/bathroom/Dani wash fun.rpy", line 12, in script call
call screen bathroomDaniWashFun
File "game/home/bathroom/Dani wash fun.rpy", line 12, in script call
call screen bathroomDaniWashFun
File "game/home/kitchen/empty.rpy", line 18, in script call
call screen kitchenEmpty
File "game/home/kitchen/empty.rpy", line 18, in script call
call screen kitchenEmpty
File "game/home/double/phone.rpy", line 43, in script call
call screen doublePhone
File "game/home/double/reading.rpy", line 31, in script call
call screen doubleReading
File "game/home/lounge/girls.rpy", line 13, in script call
call screen loungeGirls
File "game/home/kitchen/dishes headphones.rpy", line 14, in script call
call screen kitchenHeadphones
File "game/home/double/homework.rpy", line 18, in script call
call screen doubleHomework
File "game/home/bathroom/Cute bath.rpy", line 12, in script call
call screen bathroomCuteBath
File "game/home/bathroom/Cute bath.rpy", line 36, in script call
call eventCaughtpeeking from _call_eventCaughtpeeking_2
File "game/home/events/caught peeking.rpy", line 21, in script call
call advanceTime from _call_advanceTime_6
File "game/home/double/empty.rpy", line 23, in script call
call screen doubleEmpty
File "game/home/double/evening.rpy", line 29, in script call
call screen doubleEvening
File "game/home/double/evening.rpy", line 44, in script call
call cuteChat from _call_cuteChat_6
File "game/home/double/evening.rpy", line 29, in script call
call screen doubleEvening
File "game/home/double/sleeping.rpy", line 23, in script call
call screen doubleSleeping
File "game/bts/time.rpy", line 227, in script call
call advanceTime(0) from _call_advanceTime_7 # Do day reset stuff without actually changing the time
File "game/home/bathroom/Cute wash.rpy", line 77, in script call
call screen bathroomCuteWash
File "game/home/bathroom/Cute wash.rpy", line 110, in script call
call cuteChat from _call_cuteChat_4
File "game/home/bathroom/Cute wash.rpy", line 77, in script call
call screen bathroomCuteWash
File "game/home/kitchen/empty.rpy", line 18, in script call
call screen kitchenEmpty
File "game/home/spare/dressing.rpy", line 25, in script call
call screen spareDressing
File "game/home/double/phone.rpy", line 43, in script call
call screen doublePhone
File "game/home/laundry/Cute laundry.rpy", line 10, in script call
call screen laundryCute
File "game/home/laundry/Cute laundry.rpy", line 21, in script call
call cuteChat from _call_cuteChat
File "game/talk/Cute compliment.rpy", line 48, in script call
call screen cuteCompliments
File "game/talk/Cute compliment.rpy", line 229, in script call
call cuteComplimentsExit from _call_cuteComplimentsExit_10
File "game/talk/Cute compliment.rpy", line 286, in script call
call cuteChatSkip from _call_cuteChatSkip
File "game/home/laundry/Cute laundry.rpy", line 10, in script call
call screen laundryCute
File "game/home/bathroom/empty.rpy", line 22, in script call
call screen bathroomEmpty
File "game/home/double/reading.rpy", line 31, in script call
call screen doubleReading
File "game/home/double/reading.rpy", line 46, in script call
call cuteChat from _call_cuteChat_7
File "game/home/master/empty.rpy", line 16, in script call
call screen masterEmpty
File "game/home/kitchen/dishes headphones.rpy", line 14, in script call
call screen kitchenHeadphones
File "game/home/laundry/Dani laundry.rpy", line 12, in script call
call screen laundryDani
File "game/home/bathroom/Cute bath.rpy", line 12, in script call
call screen bathroomCuteBath
File "game/home/bathroom/Cute bath.rpy", line 36, in script call
call eventCaughtpeeking from _call_eventCaughtpeeking_2
File "game/home/events/caught peeking.rpy", line 21, in script call
call advanceTime from _call_advanceTime_6
File "game/home/double/empty.rpy", line 23, in script call
call screen doubleEmpty
File "game/home/spare/together.rpy", line 12, in script call
call screen spareTogether
File "game/home/double/sleeping.rpy", line 23, in script call
call screen doubleSleeping
File "game/bts/time.rpy", line 227, in script call
call advanceTime(0) from _call_advanceTime_7 # Do day reset stuff without actually changing the time
File "game/home/bathroom/Cute wash.rpy", line 77, in script call
call screen bathroomCuteWash
File "game/home/double/dressing.rpy", line 15, in script call
call screen doubleDressing
File "game/talk/Dani compliment.rpy", line 362, in script call
call daniComplimentsExit from _call_daniComplimentsExit_11
File "game/talk/Dani compliment.rpy", line 454, in script call
call daniChatSkip from _call_daniChatSkip
File "game/home/kitchen/empty.rpy", line 18, in script call
call screen kitchenEmpty
File "game/home/double/waiting.rpy", line 24, in script call
call screen doubleWaiting
File "game/home/double/waiting.rpy", line 42, in script call
call cuteChat from _call_cuteChat_8
File "game/home/double/waiting.rpy", line 24, in script call
call screen doubleWaiting
File "game/home/bathroom/empty.rpy", line 22, in script call
call screen bathroomEmpty
File "game/home/lounge/cleaningDani.rpy", line 18, in script call
call screen loungeCleaningDani
File "game/home/lounge/Dani telly.rpy", line 15, in script call
call screen loungeDaniTelly
File "game/home/spare/pictures.rpy", line 8, in script call
call screen sparePictures
File "game/home/lounge/empty.rpy", line 17, in script call
call screen loungeEmpty
File "game/home/master/empty.rpy", line 16, in script call
call screen masterEmpty
File "game/home/double/homework.rpy", line 18, in script call
call screen doubleHomework
File "game/home/bathroom/Cute bath.rpy", line 12, in script call
call screen bathroomCuteBath
File "game/home/bathroom/Cute bath.rpy", line 36, in script call
call eventCaughtpeeking from _call_eventCaughtpeeking_2
File "game/home/events/caught peeking.rpy", line 21, in script call
call advanceTime from _call_advanceTime_6
File "game/home/lounge/film.rpy", line 16, in script call
call screen loungeFilm
File "game/home/lounge/film.rpy", line 102, in script call
call advanceTime(2) from _call_advanceTime_5
File "game/home/spare/sleeping.rpy", line 8, in script call
call screen spareSleeping
File "game/home/double/sleeping.rpy", line 23, in script call
call screen doubleSleeping
File "game/bts/time.rpy", line 227, in script call
call advanceTime(0) from _call_advanceTime_7 # Do day reset stuff without actually changing the time
File "game/home/bathroom/Dani wash fun.rpy", line 12, in script call
call screen bathroomDaniWashFun
File "game/home/double/dressingFun.rpy", line 12, in script call
call screen doubleDressingFun
File "game/home/double/dressingFun.rpy", line 12, in script call
call screen doubleDressingFun
File "game/home/double/dressingFun.rpy", line 12, in script call
call screen doubleDressingFun
File "game/home/double/dressingFun.rpy", line 12, in script call
call screen doubleDressingFun
File "game/home/double/waiting.rpy", line 24, in script call
call screen doubleWaiting
File "game/home/double/waiting.rpy", line 57, in script call
call cuteTalk from _call_cuteTalk_3
File "game/home/hallway.rpy", line 8, in script call
call screen uiHome
File "game/home/double/waiting.rpy", line 24, in script call
call screen doubleWaiting
File "game/home/lounge/empty.rpy", line 17, in script call
call screen loungeEmpty
File "game/home/double/empty.rpy", line 23, in script call
call screen doubleEmpty
File "game/home/double/empty.rpy", line 23, in script call
call screen doubleEmpty
File "game/home/double/reading.rpy", line 31, in script call
call screen doubleReading
File "game/home/kitchen/dishes headphones.rpy", line 14, in script call
call screen kitchenHeadphones
File "game/home/double/homework.rpy", line 18, in script call
call screen doubleHomework
File "game/home/double/empty.rpy", line 23, in script call
call screen doubleEmpty
File "game/home/lounge/Woman Cute.rpy", line 14, in script call
call screen loungeWomanCute
File "game/home/spare/relaxing.rpy", line 26, in script call
call screen spareRelaxing
File "game/home/double/sleeping.rpy", line 23, in script call
call screen doubleSleeping
File "game/home/double/sleeping.rpy", line 23, in script call
call screen doubleSleeping
File "game/bts/time.rpy", line 227, in script call
call advanceTime(0) from _call_advanceTime_7 # Do day reset stuff without actually changing the time
File "game/home/double/empty.rpy", line 23, in script call
call screen doubleEmpty
File "game/home/kitchen/empty.rpy", line 18, in script call
call screen kitchenEmpty
File "game/home/spare/dressing.rpy", line 25, in script call
call screen spareDressing
File "game/home/double/waiting.rpy", line 24, in script call
call screen doubleWaiting
File "game/home/lounge/cleaningCute.rpy", line 24, in script call
call screen loungeCleaningCute
File "game/home/double/together.rpy", line 10, in script call
call screen doubleTogether
File "game/home/spare/telly.rpy", line 25, in script call
call screen spareTelly
File "game/home/kitchen/dishes headphones.rpy", line 14, in script call
call screen kitchenHeadphones
File "game/home/double/homework.rpy", line 18, in script call
call screen doubleHomework
File "game/home/kitchen/empty.rpy", line 18, in script call
call screen kitchenEmpty
File "game/home/double/empty.rpy", line 23, in script call
call screen doubleEmpty
File "game/home/double/evening.rpy", line 29, in script call
call screen doubleEvening
File "game/home/double/evening.rpy", line 44, in script call
call cuteChat from _call_cuteChat_6
File "game/home/spare/relaxing.rpy", line 26, in script call
call screen spareRelaxing
File "game/home/double/sleeping.rpy", line 23, in script call
call screen doubleSleeping
File "game/bts/time.rpy", line 227, in script call
call advanceTime(0) from _call_advanceTime_7 # Do day reset stuff without actually changing the time
File "game/home/double/empty.rpy", line 23, in script call
call screen doubleEmpty
File "game/home/double/dressing.rpy", line 15, in script call
call screen doubleDressing
File "game/home/bathroom/empty.rpy", line 22, in script call
call screen bathroomEmpty
File "game/home/double/phone.rpy", line 43, in script call
call screen doublePhone
File "game/home/double/reading.rpy", line 31, in script call
call screen doubleReading
File "game/home/lounge/girls.rpy", line 13, in script call
call screen loungeGirls
File "game/home/kitchen/dishes headphones.rpy", line 14, in script call
call screen kitchenHeadphones
File "game/home/double/homework.rpy", line 18, in script call
call screen doubleHomework
File "game/home/double/empty.rpy", line 23, in script call
call screen doubleEmpty
File "game/home/double/empty.rpy", line 23, in script call
call screen doubleEmpty
File "game/home/double/evening.rpy", line 29, in script call
call screen doubleEvening
File "game/bts/time.rpy", line 227, in script call
call advanceTime(0) from _call_advanceTime_7 # Do day reset stuff without actually changing the time
File "game/home/spare/sleeping.rpy", line 8, in script call
call screen spareSleeping
File "game/home/master/empty.rpy", line 16, in script call
call screen masterEmpty
File "game/home/double/empty.rpy", line 23, in script call
call screen doubleEmpty
File "game/home/bathroom/Dani wash fun.rpy", line 12, in script call
call screen bathroomDaniWashFun
File "game/home/bathroom/Dani wash fun.rpy", line 12, in script call
call screen bathroomDaniWashFun
File "game/home/kitchen/empty.rpy", line 18, in script call
call screen kitchenEmpty
File "game/home/spare/dressing.rpy", line 25, in script call
call screen spareDressing
File "game/home/double/waiting.rpy", line 24, in script call
call screen doubleWaiting
File "game/home/double/phone.rpy", line 43, in script call
call screen doublePhone
File "game/home/laundry/Cute laundry.rpy", line 10, in script call
call screen laundryCute
File "game/home/laundry/Cute laundry.rpy", line 21, in script call
call cuteChat from _call_cuteChat
File "game/home/kitchen/empty.rpy", line 18, in script call
call screen kitchenEmpty
File "game/home/spare/tellyFun.rpy", line 12, in script call
call screen spareTellyFun
File "game/home/spare/tellyFun.rpy", line 12, in script call
call screen spareTellyFun
File "game/home/spare/telly.rpy", line 25, in script call
call screen spareTelly
File "game/home/kitchen/dishes headphones.rpy", line 14, in script call
call screen kitchenHeadphones
File "game/home/kitchen/empty.rpy", line 18, in script call
call screen kitchenEmpty
File "game/home/lounge/Woman telly.rpy", line 13, in script call
call screen loungeWomanTelly
File "game/home/lounge/Woman Cute.rpy", line 14, in script call
call screen loungeWomanCute
File "game/home/spare/together.rpy", line 12, in script call
call screen spareTogether
File "game/home/double/sleeping.rpy", line 23, in script call
call screen doubleSleeping
File "game/bts/time.rpy", line 227, in script call
call advanceTime(0) from _call_advanceTime_7 # Do day reset stuff without actually changing the time
File "game/home/double/empty.rpy", line 23, in script call
call screen doubleEmpty
File "game/home/bathroom/Dani wash fun.rpy", line 12, in script call
call screen bathroomDaniWashFun
File "game/home/bathroom/Dani wash fun.rpy", line 26, in script call
call navigation from _call_navigation_6
File "game/home/bathroom/Dani wash fun.rpy", line 12, in script call
call screen bathroomDaniWashFun
File "game/home/bathroom/Dani wash fun.rpy", line 12, in script call
call screen bathroomDaniWashFun
File "game/home/bathroom/Dani wash fun.rpy", line 26, in script call
call navigation from _call_navigation_6
File "game/home/kitchen/empty.rpy", line 18, in script call
call screen kitchenEmpty
File "game/home/kitchen/empty.rpy", line 18, in script call
call screen kitchenEmpty
File "game/home/lounge/empty.rpy", line 17, in script call
call screen loungeEmpty
File "game/home/lounge/cleaningDani.rpy", line 18, in script call
call screen loungeCleaningDani
File "game/home/lounge/Dani telly.rpy", line 15, in script call
call screen loungeDaniTelly
File "game/home/lounge/Dani telly.rpy", line 33, in script call
call daniChat from _call_daniChat_3
File "game/home/lounge/Dani telly.rpy", line 15, in script call
call screen loungeDaniTelly
File "game/home/lounge/empty.rpy", line 17, in script call
call screen loungeEmpty
File "game/home/lounge/empty.rpy", line 17, in script call
call screen loungeEmpty
File "game/home/lounge/empty.rpy", line 17, in script call
call screen loungeEmpty
File "game/home/bathroom/Cute bath.rpy", line 12, in script call
call screen bathroomCuteBath
File "game/home/bathroom/Cute bath.rpy", line 36, in script call
call eventCaughtpeeking from _call_eventCaughtpeeking_2
File "game/home/events/caught peeking.rpy", line 21, in script call
call advanceTime from _call_advanceTime_6
File "game/home/lounge/film.rpy", line 16, in script call
call screen loungeFilm
File "game/bts/time.rpy", line 227, in script call
call advanceTime(0) from _call_advanceTime_7 # Do day reset stuff without actually changing the time
File "game/home/hallway.rpy", line 8, in script call
call screen uiHome
File "game/home/double/dressing.rpy", line 15, in script call
call screen doubleDressing
File "game/home/kitchen/empty.rpy", line 18, in script call
call screen kitchenEmpty
File "game/home/double/waiting.rpy", line 24, in script call
call screen doubleWaiting
File "game/home/double/waiting.rpy", line 42, in script call
call cuteChat from _call_cuteChat_8
File "game/home/double/waiting.rpy", line 24, in script call
call screen doubleWaiting
File "game/home/double/phone.rpy", line 43, in script call
call screen doublePhone
File "game/home/laundry/Cute laundry.rpy", line 10, in script call
call screen laundryCute
File "game/home/laundry/Cute laundry.rpy", line 21, in script call
call cuteChat from _call_cuteChat
File "game/home/double/empty.rpy", line 23, in script call
call screen doubleEmpty
File "game/home/double/empty.rpy", line 23, in script call
call screen doubleEmpty
File "game/home/double/reading.rpy", line 31, in script call
call screen doubleReading
File "game/home/kitchen/dishes headphones.rpy", line 14, in script call
call screen kitchenHeadphones
File "game/home/double/homework.rpy", line 18, in script call
call screen doubleHomework
File "game/home/lounge/Woman telly.rpy", line 13, in script call
call screen loungeWomanTelly
File "game/home/lounge/Woman Cute.rpy", line 14, in script call
call screen loungeWomanCute
File "game/home/lounge/Woman Cute.rpy", line 44, in script call
call cuteChat from _call_cuteChat_5
File "game/home/lounge/Woman Cute.rpy", line 14, in script call
call screen loungeWomanCute
File "game/home/double/eveningFun.rpy", line 12, in script call
call screen doubleEveningFun
File "game/home/spare/relaxingFun.rpy", line 12, in script call
call screen spareRelaxingFun
File "game/home/spare/relaxingFun.rpy", line 12, in script call
call screen spareRelaxingFun
File "game/home/spare/relaxingFun.rpy", line 12, in script call
call screen spareRelaxingFun
File "game/home/double/eveningFun.rpy", line 12, in script call
call screen doubleEveningFun
File "game/home/double/eveningFun.rpy", line 12, in script call
call screen doubleEveningFun
File "game/home/double/evening.rpy", line 29, in script call
call screen doubleEvening
File "game/home/double/evening.rpy", line 44, in script call
call cuteChat from _call_cuteChat_6
File "game/home/double/evening.rpy", line 29, in script call
call screen doubleEvening
File "game/home/double/sleeping.rpy", line 23, in script call
call screen doubleSleeping
File "game/bts/time.rpy", line 227, in script call
call advanceTime(0) from _call_advanceTime_7 # Do day reset stuff without actually changing the time
File "game/home/bathroom/Cute wash.rpy", line 77, in script call
call screen bathroomCuteWash
File "game/home/double/dressingFun.rpy", line 12, in script call
call screen doubleDressingFun
File "game/home/kitchen/empty.rpy", line 18, in script call
call screen kitchenEmpty
File "game/home/double/waiting.rpy", line 24, in script call
call screen doubleWaiting
File "game/home/double/waiting.rpy", line 42, in script call
call cuteChat from _call_cuteChat_8
File "game/home/double/waiting.rpy", line 24, in script call
call screen doubleWaiting
File "game/home/lounge/cleaningCute.rpy", line 24, in script call
call screen loungeCleaningCute
File "game/home/double/together.rpy", line 10, in script call
call screen doubleTogether
File "game/home/master/empty.rpy", line 16, in script call
call screen masterEmpty
File "game/home/kitchen/dishes headphones.rpy", line 14, in script call
call screen kitchenHeadphones
File "game/home/double/homework.rpy", line 18, in script call
call screen doubleHomework
File "game/home/double/homework.rpy", line 81, in script call
player "Need help?"
File "game/home/double/homework.rpy", line 18, in script call
call screen doubleHomework
File "game/home/bathroom/Cute bath.rpy", line 12, in script call
call screen bathroomCuteBath
File "game/home/bathroom/Cute bath.rpy", line 36, in script call
call eventCaughtpeeking from _call_eventCaughtpeeking_2
File "game/home/events/caught peeking.rpy", line 21, in script call
call advanceTime from _call_advanceTime_6
File "game/home/spare/empty.rpy", line 18, in script call
call screen spareEmpty
File "game/home/double/evening.rpy", line 29, in script call
call screen doubleEvening
File "game/home/double/evening.rpy", line 44, in script call
call cuteChat from _call_cuteChat_6
File "game/home/double/evening.rpy", line 29, in script call
call screen doubleEvening
File "game/home/double/sleeping.rpy", line 23, in script call
call screen doubleSleeping
File "game/bts/time.rpy", line 227, in script call
call advanceTime(0) from _call_advanceTime_7 # Do day reset stuff without actually changing the time
File "game/home/double/empty.rpy", line 23, in script call
call screen doubleEmpty
File "game/home/double/dressingFun.rpy", line 12, in script call
call screen doubleDressingFun
File "game/home/kitchen/empty.rpy", line 18, in script call
call screen kitchenEmpty
File "game/home/double/waiting.rpy", line 24, in script call
call screen doubleWaiting
File "game/home/double/waiting.rpy", line 42, in script call
call cuteChat from _call_cuteChat_8
File "game/home/double/waiting.rpy", line 24, in script call
call screen doubleWaiting
File "game/home/double/phone.rpy", line 43, in script call
call screen doublePhone
File "game/home/double/reading.rpy", line 31, in script call
call screen doubleReading
File "game/home/double/empty.rpy", line 23, in script call
call screen doubleEmpty
File "game/home/kitchen/dishes headphones.rpy", line 14, in script call
call screen kitchenHeadphones
File "game/home/double/homework.rpy", line 18, in script call
call screen doubleHomework
File "game/home/double/empty.rpy", line 23, in script call
call screen doubleEmpty
File "game/home/double/empty.rpy", line 23, in script call
call screen doubleEmpty
File "game/home/bathroom/Dani bath.rpy", line 14, in script call
call screen bathroomDaniBath
File "game/home/lounge/Woman Cute.rpy", line 14, in script call
call screen loungeWomanCute
File "game/home/lounge/Woman Cute.rpy", line 44, in script call
call cuteChat from _call_cuteChat_5
File "game/home/lounge/Woman Cute.rpy", line 14, in script call
call screen loungeWomanCute
File "game/home/double/evening.rpy", line 29, in script call
call screen doubleEvening
File "game/home/double/evening.rpy", line 44, in script call
call cuteChat from _call_cuteChat_6
File "game/home/double/evening.rpy", line 29, in script call
call screen doubleEvening
File "game/home/double/sleeping.rpy", line 23, in script call
call screen doubleSleeping
File "game/bts/time.rpy", line 227, in script call
call advanceTime(0) from _call_advanceTime_7 # Do day reset stuff without actually changing the time
File "game/home/double/empty.rpy", line 23, in script call
call screen doubleEmpty
File "game/home/double/dressing.rpy", line 15, in script call
call screen doubleDressing
File "game/home/double/waiting.rpy", line 24, in script call
call screen doubleWaiting
File "game/home/double/phone.rpy", line 43, in script call
call screen doublePhone
File "game/home/laundry/Cute laundry.rpy", line 10, in script call
call screen laundryCute
File "game/home/laundry/Cute laundry.rpy", line 21, in script call
call cuteChat from _call_cuteChat
File "game/home/double/empty.rpy", line 23, in script call
call screen doubleEmpty
File "game/home/double/empty.rpy", line 23, in script call
call screen doubleEmpty
File "game/home/spare/telly.rpy", line 25, in script call
call screen spareTelly
File "game/home/spare/telly.rpy", line 40, in script call
call daniChat from _call_daniChat
File "game/home/spare/telly.rpy", line 25, in script call
call screen spareTelly
File "game/home/kitchen/dishes headphones.rpy", line 14, in script call
call screen kitchenHeadphones
File "game/home/double/homework.rpy", line 18, in script call
call screen doubleHomework
File "game/home/double/empty.rpy", line 23, in script call
call screen doubleEmpty
File "game/home/double/empty.rpy", line 23, in script call
call screen doubleEmpty
File "game/home/spare/together.rpy", line 12, in script call
call screen spareTogether
File "game/home/double/sleeping.rpy", line 23, in script call
call screen doubleSleeping
File "game/bts/time.rpy", line 227, in script call
call advanceTime(0) from _call_advanceTime_7 # Do day reset stuff without actually changing the time
File "game/home/bathroom/Cute wash.rpy", line 77, in script call
call screen bathroomCuteWash
File "game/home/double/dressingFun.rpy", line 12, in script call
call screen doubleDressingFun
File "game/home/kitchen/empty.rpy", line 18, in script call
call screen kitchenEmpty
File "game/home/double/waiting.rpy", line 24, in script call
call screen doubleWaiting
File "game/home/double/waiting.rpy", line 42, in script call
call cuteChat from _call_cuteChat_8
File "game/home/double/waiting.rpy", line 24, in script call
call screen doubleWaiting
File "game/home/bathroom/empty.rpy", line 22, in script call
call screen bathroomEmpty
File "game/home/master/empty.rpy", line 16, in script call
call screen masterEmpty
File "game/home/lounge/Dani telly.rpy", line 15, in script call
call screen loungeDaniTelly
File "game/home/lounge/Dani telly.rpy", line 33, in script call
call daniChat from _call_daniChat_3
File "game/home/bathroom/empty.rpy", line 22, in script call
call screen bathroomEmpty
File "game/home/double/empty.rpy", line 23, in script call
call screen doubleEmpty
File "game/home/spare/empty.rpy", line 18, in script call
call screen spareEmpty
File "game/home/spare/dolling.rpy", line 18, in script call
call screen spareDolling
File "game/home/bathroom/Cute bath.rpy", line 12, in script call
call screen bathroomCuteBath
File "game/home/bathroom/Cute bath.rpy", line 36, in script call
call eventCaughtpeeking from _call_eventCaughtpeeking_2
File "game/home/events/caught peeking.rpy", line 21, in script call
call advanceTime from _call_advanceTime_6
File "game/home/lounge/film.rpy", line 16, in script call
call screen loungeFilm
File "game/home/lounge/film.rpy", line 102, in script call
call advanceTime(2) from _call_advanceTime_5
File "game/home/double/sleeping.rpy", line 23, in script call
call screen doubleSleeping
File "game/bts/Weekends/_weekends.rpy", line 143, in script call
File "game/home/double/sleeping.rpy", line 23, in script call
call screen doubleSleeping
File "game/bts/time.rpy", line 227, in script call
call advanceTime(0) from _call_advanceTime_7 # Do day reset stuff without actually changing the time
File "game/home/hallway.rpy", line 8, in script call
call screen uiHome
File "game/home/kitchen/empty.rpy", line 18, in script call
call screen kitchenEmpty
File "game/home/double/waiting.rpy", line 24, in script call
call screen doubleWaiting
File "game/home/double/waiting.rpy", line 42, in script call
call cuteChat from _call_cuteChat_8
File "game/home/kitchen/empty.rpy", line 18, in script call
call screen kitchenEmpty
File "game/home/double/empty.rpy", line 23, in script call
call screen doubleEmpty
File "game/home/double/together.rpy", line 10, in script call
call screen doubleTogether
File "game/home/lounge/empty.rpy", line 17, in script call
call screen loungeEmpty
File "game/home/kitchen/dishes headphones.rpy", line 14, in script call
call screen kitchenHeadphones
File "game/home/double/homework.rpy", line 18, in script call
call screen doubleHomework
File "game/home/double/empty.rpy", line 23, in script call
call screen doubleEmpty
File "game/home/lounge/Woman Cute.rpy", line 14, in script call
call screen loungeWomanCute
File "game/home/double/evening.rpy", line 29, in script call
call screen doubleEvening
File "game/home/double/evening.rpy", line 44, in script call
call cuteChat from _call_cuteChat_6
File "game/home/double/evening.rpy", line 29, in script call
call screen doubleEvening
File "game/bts/time.rpy", line 227, in script call
call advanceTime(0) from _call_advanceTime_7 # Do day reset stuff without actually changing the time
File "game/home/lounge/empty.rpy", line 17, in script call
call screen loungeEmpty
File "game/home/double/empty.rpy", line 23, in script call
call screen doubleEmpty
File "game/home/kitchen/empty.rpy", line 18, in script call
call screen kitchenEmpty
File "game/home/double/waiting.rpy", line 24, in script call
call screen doubleWaiting
File "game/home/double/phone.rpy", line 43, in script call
call screen doublePhone
File "game/home/double/reading.rpy", line 104, in script call
call cuteGift from _call_cuteGift
File "game/talk/Cute sat.rpy", line 201, in script call
call advanceTime from _call_advanceTime_1
File "game/home/double/reading.rpy", line 31, in script call
call screen doubleReading
File "game/talk/Cute sat.rpy", line 201, in script call
call advanceTime from _call_advanceTime_1
File "game/home/lounge/girls.rpy", line 13, in script call
call screen loungeGirls
File "game/home/double/empty.rpy", line 23, in script call
call screen doubleEmpty
File "game/home/kitchen/dishes headphones.rpy", line 14, in script call
call screen kitchenHeadphones
File "game/home/double/homework.rpy", line 18, in script call
call screen doubleHomework
File "game/home/double/empty.rpy", line 23, in script call
call screen doubleEmpty
File "game/home/bathroom/Cute bath.rpy", line 12, in script call
call screen bathroomCuteBath
File "game/home/bathroom/Cute bath.rpy", line 12, in script call
call screen bathroomCuteBath
File "game/home/lounge/Woman Cute.rpy", line 14, in script call
call screen loungeWomanCute
File "game/home/double/eveningFun.rpy", line 12, in script call
call screen doubleEveningFun
File "game/home/double/eveningFun.rpy", line 12, in script call
call screen doubleEveningFun
File "game/home/double/evening.rpy", line 29, in script call
call screen doubleEvening
File "game/home/double/evening.rpy", line 56, in script call
call cuteTalk from _call_cuteTalk_1
File "game/home/double/evening.rpy", line 29, in script call
call screen doubleEvening
File "game/home/double/evening.rpy", line 44, in script call
call cuteChat from _call_cuteChat_6
File "game/home/double/sleeping.rpy", line 23, in script call
call screen doubleSleeping
File "game/bts/time.rpy", line 227, in script call
call advanceTime(0) from _call_advanceTime_7 # Do day reset stuff without actually changing the time
File "game/home/bathroom/Cute wash.rpy", line 77, in script call
call screen bathroomCuteWash
File "game/home/bathroom/Cute wash.rpy", line 77, in script call
call screen bathroomCuteWash
File "game/home/bathroom/Cute wash.rpy", line 77, in script call
call screen bathroomCuteWash
File "game/home/hallway.rpy", line 8, in script
call screen uiHome