Thanks for the positive feedback so far! I really appreciate it. As far as the critiques go...
"Too short"... I didn't want to commit months to start this project, only to find out nobody enjoys it. I wanted to get something out there that I felt was enough but also that felt right and natural. Now that I'm getting some good responses, this of course motivates me to keep going. I think my VN has a particular artstyle also. Being different in that way made it especially important for me to find out if people would enjoy it or not. And it is only the first installment of what I plan to be a long running series
"Daddy Issues"... I saw some comment(s) about the name and if it is or isn't misleading. Someone mentioned that daddy issues are more of a girls thing... To be honest, I was surprised a little by this one but gays have dad's just like straight girls, and therefore, can have daddy issues too.
"Incest patch"... There is no incest patch for the VN... in fact I don't plan on making any patches for the VN... there is bonus content available on my Patreon (check it out) but everything meant to be in-game will always be in-game.