James Eveleth

Well-Known Member
Mar 22, 2018
My problem isn't with save compatibility or needing to replay shit. My problem is the same problem I've had since I started backing the game over a year ago. The lack of a walk-through on how to get new content. They spend months and months on new updates, which is fine because there's always good content, which is why I support--but then release the update with no explanation on how to get the new content. And because the game is non-linear, you could completely miss an entire segment because you weren't in the right place at the right time of day after completing the right activities with the right people and having the right relationship level. It's the most basic of asks, I feel. Give us a fucking walkthrough for the game when you release it. The in-game quest system works great, but it doesn't point out where new quests and storylines start.

It's especially frustrating because this update seems to have removed the ability to take the bus to the Aunt/Cousins' house from the start of the game. Fine--but give us a damn explanation for how to do it. I played for an hour and didn't see any new content.

EDIT: I forgot that my sig is the fanner for this game. That's how much I enjoy it, it's the only game in my sig and has been since I played it, because when I comment elsewhere, I want other people to discover and support this game. It's not much to ask, Oni. Just give us a walkthrough when you drop the update.
I see your point. The only reason why I can find most of the quests and progress to 100% is because I've played each update till completion and know where everything and everyone is.

They used to include a walkthrough pdf with each update, but stopped when they implemented the "arrow pointing to the next person to talk to" when you have selected a quest. I can see why they preferred this method of help over the walkthrough, since it's a lot less work, but the walkthrough included a bunch of secrets and easter eggs that would be pretty hard to find if you didn't know what to look out for.

As it is, you really have no way of knowing who has the next quest available or who the next person you have to talk to is when you have completed a certain quest. Might be the bloke in the next room, might be a guy hanging out in the right school corridor in the afternoon on a Wednesday.

Now, those are quest nitpicks. The game is great, story-, gameplay- and art-wise(barring a few frustrating minigames, but it's forgivable). I just really liked the walkthrough pdfs.


Well-Known Member
Game Developer
May 4, 2018
My problem isn't with save compatibility or needing to replay shit. My problem is the same problem I've had since I started backing the game over a year ago. The lack of a walk-through on how to get new content. They spend months and months on new updates, which is fine because there's always good content, which is why I support--but then release the update with no explanation on how to get the new content. And because the game is non-linear, you could completely miss an entire segment because you weren't in the right place at the right time of day after completing the right activities with the right people and having the right relationship level. It's the most basic of asks, I feel. Give us a fucking walkthrough for the game when you release it. The in-game quest system works great, but it doesn't point out where new quests and storylines start.

It's especially frustrating because this update seems to have removed the ability to take the bus to the Aunt/Cousins' house from the start of the game. Fine--but give us a damn explanation for how to do it. I played for an hour and didn't see any new content.

EDIT: I forgot that my sig is the fanner for this game. That's how much I enjoy it, it's the only game in my sig and has been since I played it, because when I comment elsewhere, I want other people to discover and support this game. It's not much to ask, Oni. Just give us a walkthrough when you drop the update.
Well i understand what u saying but, walkthrough isnt really necessary even i dont use it and im not lost (i only got lost on version 0.1 since it was new to me this type of game), i think when u doing a quest and it needs to be a certain time of the day on quest log says u need to do this quest at Day/afternoon/night, on discord u can find there bunch of guides and even list of quests with the respective character of that quest for u to know which npc u need to talk to unlock which i think right now isnt updated yet but will be soon i hope.

I didnt need a walkthrough to know how to unlock aunt storyline, i read the changelog ok from there u only have to brainstorm a bit and go like she is part of the mc family and her content is locked most likely i need to progress melissa or amy to unlock it (that is how i did it, took me like 5-10 minutes to unlock it cause i did all amy story first like usual).

But if u want really a walkthrough go over to the official discord and ask for one, people wont complain i think its been something that have been discussed before and it always a good thing for new players, but i think a list of the quest and saying which character unlocks those quests and give their location its already good.
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New Member
Apr 21, 2018
guys , in what page i can find the save file? i finished christmas event, if anyone can give me the save file till that point, i'd appreciate it
How did u finish the Christmas event please help cant get the gas


New Member
Nov 1, 2017
Games that don't hold your finger to expect you to find and progress through everything are games I miss. And this game does just that. I literally had to 3xplore everything and got a good 3 days playing it for like an hour a day. The most fun I've had playing a game here. It's really sad that people don't appreciate these kinds of games anymore.
Why is your way of playing games the only way that's acceptable? Don't get me wrong, I love this game so much, but I think that a game being unintuitive is valid criticism. There's a very big difference between something that's difficult, and something that's irritating, or a chore to play. I hate these games which try to drag you through a very easy and certain way to play it too, but when you're given little to no direction then it feels almost like you need to read the developers' minds to figure out what you need to do, and that's not difficulty, that's testing your patience. If the problem with a part of the game is that it's tiring to constantly have to check every corner to progress, then why bother doing it? We get a sense of achievement when we overcome something, but that doesn't happen if what we have to overcome felt unfair or boring.

If you've ever written a D&D scenario as a DM you'll very quickly realise that expecting your players to explore every single thing that's there until they manage to find the very specific place where you've hidden something is just unpleasant for them. You can't expect them to think the same way that you do, so they will probably end up stuck on a completely wrong train of thought and end up wasting time trying to figure something out that they have no way of figuring out. This is the same for video games. Doom is an old game that I really love, I used to love spending hours and hours on those levels looking for secrets. I would spend all my time in that game trying to interact with random objects and walls to see if something would happen, but, being secrets, I never felt like I needed to do that to enjoy the game. Finding secrets in Doom was fun because you could figure them out by thinking about them and exploring the map in an intuitive way. It wasn't frustrating because I could do it at my own pace. If I wanted to carry on playing and then come back later to 100% those secrets then I could do. But when a game attempts that it needs to do it very well to pull it off. It's not going to be fun if you feel restricted or expected to know or find something completely arbitrarily! A lot of work goes into making sure that games where you explore like that are enjoyable!

You might not agree with me, but that's fine. The point I'm trying to make is that just because you've found a way of playing something which you find fun, doesn't mean that someone is wrong to criticise something that stops them from enjoying it. You said you only play one hour a day, and I'm happy that you've found that to be a good way that you can enjoy the game, but that's probably why you can get past the long drawn-out parts that ask you to explore and know things that aren't hinted towards. I think it's so unfair for you to say that "it's really sad that people don't appreciate these kinds of games anymore" because it shows that you have put no consideration into the criticism, it makes it seem like you are blinded by your nostalgia to the point where you can't accept another opinion. Your comment here adds no value to the reply you're replying to, you couldn't even be bothered to correct your typos. Your judgmental view on how games should be enjoyed only makes this sort of thought of criticism more difficult to point out, and it bothers me that I don't think you understand how little your unthought out opinions of how other people think of games matters. I just want to know why you thought that your unexplained comment about how sad it is that people have different taste in games than you, holds any value whatsoever. Please tell me how that passed through your mind as something worth complaining about to someone making a very thought out point about a game they clearly have a lot of faith in.


May 18, 2017
I skipped the 0.4 update because it seemed everywhere you looked there was a big ol' "this section is not finished" which got frustrating so I wanted to wait for a more complete version. Is that still the case?
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New Member
Jul 20, 2017
For the fossile quest, anyone knows what's supposed to be under the ammonite (bottom left next to the stairs)? Can't seem to get that last one, starting to believe it bugged. The quest is pure garbage but at that point I'm so close.

James Eveleth

Well-Known Member
Mar 22, 2018
For the fossile quest, anyone knows what's supposed to be under the ammonite (bottom left next to the stairs)? Can't seem to get that last one, starting to believe it bugged. The quest is pure garbage but at that point I'm so close.
Just save with one fossil in your inventory, give it to her and if it's not new - reload and try again. Takes a ton of time, but it works.


Dec 11, 2017
What quest is it for Shovel reward, and where do i fund it?
Dont know who/what i forgot since i cant find it.


May 19, 2020
For the fossile quest, anyone knows what's supposed to be under the ammonite (bottom left next to the stairs)? Can't seem to get that last one, starting to believe it bugged. The quest is pure garbage but at that point I'm so close.
I'm on the same quest and also missing the same item. Boy, I thought I've seem bad cases of grinding in RPGM games, but this is Yu Gi Oh! Forbidden Memories level of grinding, sheesh


Jul 30, 2017
This is really frustrating.

I couldn't find Dex/Rhonda's house through the map. I also tried to check buildings one by one but I still couldn't find their house.

As one of the MC's best buddy, their house should have been labelled on the map...

Could someone help me? Thanks in advance!


Sep 10, 2018
This is really frustrating.

I couldn't find Dex/Rhonda's house through the map. I also tried to check buildings one by one but I still couldn't find their house.

As one of the MC's best buddy, their house should have been labelled on the map...

Could someone help me? Thanks in advance!
If you don’t know where there house is just activate the quest ‘Dex’s Laboratory’ in your quest list & an arrow should point you in the right direction (just in case that still doesn’t work, if you head to school from your house instead of turning left towards it, turn right, walk towards the paper store & there should be a wooden bridge. Well his place is across that bridge).
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New Member
Jul 20, 2017
Just save with one fossil in your inventory, give it to her and if it's not new - reload and try again. Takes a ton of time, but it works.
This is what I've been doing for a while with more than just 1 to be a bit more efficient, knowing which one I'm grinding for would at least help figuring out if it's bugged or not. For instance I can't I can't seem to find Fossilized fish in the museum but I get told it's already been given.


Jul 30, 2017
If you don’t know where there house is just activate the quest ‘Dex’s Laboratory’ in your quest list & an arrow should point you in the right direction (just in case that still doesn’t work, if you head to school from your house instead of turning left towards it, turn right, walk towards the paper store & there should be a wooden bridge. Well his place is across that bridge).
Thanks. Finally managed to find the house.

Now, must deal with the damn irritating 'say cheese' quest.

The minigames are truly becoming more of irritants instead of making the game more interesting...

The two rats above are really hard to catch... Any tips/tricks?
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