I'm enjoying all the teases this time around. But I'm still a little disappointed from the last update, so I'm still attempting to keep expectations low. I can appreciate and understand the reason he's not putting a time frame on the update, but I do wish he would estimate that it will be q2-q3 of next year or something. Then if it comes out before it's an unexpected surprise. But that gives him tons of time to work on it too.
Analogbit is a puzzle solver browser bot, you don't put it in dandy.
this is how you use it
Before we get into anything, keep in mind that every dandy boy patch does not allow you to use the previous version's save file. so your dandy 0.6.0 save will not work on 0.6.5 & you will have to solve the puzzle again if you want 100% completion. it is up to you to decide if doing the puzzles now rather than wait for the full release are worth your effort, time, and patience. but i'll try to keep it simple:
1.you will have to play dandy's puzzle (big surprise), and at least have a 3x3 block completed to make it easier for analog to help you such as this (DO NOT SKIP THIS STEP):
DO NOT and I repeat DO NOT SKIP the 3x3 block step, as analog will take a longer work if you don't have a 3x3 completed, or it might run out of ram and crash.
2.use Analogbit and fill it in exactly the same as in dandy, you can right click the square in analog to change colors so that you don't get confused.
3.this is the hardest part, after clicking next you will have to organize the random squares by drag and drop(I lined it up to make it sorta easier for you to understand):
I'm glad I am able to help as I didn't have anyone to teach me how to use analog (not that it was hard to use just hard to understanf)
if you don't understand what the image looks like or are confused, I suggest you look it yourself on f95 or online idk, if you can find your way to porn games sites such as F95, then I am confident you are not new to the internet.
I have tried my best to make it simple to understand (hopefully), the rest is your own effort.