VN - Ren'Py - Completed - Dating My Daughter [Ch. 1-4 v1.01] [MrDots Games]

  1. 3.00 star(s)


    A pretty good game.
    The story is not the most developed but it is still correct, however I find it lacks some variety.
    Of course this is my opinion and I respect the work put into this game (as I am unable to do so).
  2. 3.00 star(s)


    The premise for this is very good, with the father and daughter meeting again after many years. They build up a relationship and start to fall for one another.

    However, I don't like how they are supposedly in love, but the father has multiple options to betray her. If going down the betrayal path, the loving dialogue shouldn't even be there. Doesn't make any sense.

    I like that you get to make decisions in this game, and the dialogue is very good.

    The appearance of the father is good, but the daughter could be improved, as she appears too young for my liking. Just making her taller would have made a big difference.

    I don't like the corruption wheel, it would have been nice for the daughter to retain some of her innocence.

    The main thing I don't like are the 2 underage girls in this. And there are scenes with them that are forced on you. No need for children in these games.
  3. 5.00 star(s)


    who wrote that shit! fuck! it is amazing ! i mean, seriously , in story telling compare to reality, it is excellent, how could a man continue so long with the story line. mesmerizing.
    but the main problem with story line, is that it is too fucking slow. too much nonsense. who cares about 90% of it? it is just waist of time. that makes me really angry! why such an excellent story line goes bad so fast because of being too irrelevant knowledge stuff. some are good to get your mined of of the hard stuff , but too much , will distract you completely and get your thoughts off the main story.
    i am wondering how long it took the developers to make it, but in total , amazing job. thank you.
    best regards,
  4. 4.00 star(s)


    Updated review after playing the whole game.

    For those who know the other game by the same developer "Melody" it is more or less the same gameplay but instead of weeks you do day by day content and I strongly advise you to play this one before as you'll get some easter eggs and see or hear about some characters that were in "Melody" those two worlds are connected, it is quite nice to see some characters again even if there are no content with them (for now).

    The renders are good, everything is optional so this is really big yes for me.
    What you need to know about the game first though is the sharing path. I really like some of the girls we can romance besides daughter.

    You can see the daughter is rather immature (of course she is only 18) and fall in love rather quickly. For example, the Martin sharing path was poorly done in my opinion as they don't really have a relationship before but they will have sex quickly and say I love you, while for Cassandra a character that has been in the daughter's life since chapter 2, you have to wait chapter 4 for anything to happen and they never say I love you while their bond should be much stronger than what daughter and Martin have. The sharing path also have 2 characters that seem more important than the rest, Georgina who could become the wife of dad and maybe adopt daughter and Martin who could become the "official" boyfriend or husband of daughter. You also need to absolutely play with a walkthrough mod and maybe read the walkthrough of chapter 4, otherwise, you might have unexpected surprises near the end of the game.

    Aside from this I think the game has plenty of content, too bad some content are not in the game anymore at some point like pee or BDSM (No BDSM in chapter 4 for now), very well done and if you don't really care about the Father/Daughter relationship it is fun to corrupt the daughter.

    It's still a solid and good game I would definitely recommend you to give it a try. Now gonna try Sunshine Love and see if it is as good as Melody and DMD
  5. 2.00 star(s)


    For some reason, this VN is one of the beloved classics on this site's community. Probably either because it was one of the first of its kind or rather because many users were and are still blinded by its graphics and oftentimes have no further standards.

    I can't recommend this VN besides its optical values to anyone.
    There is absolutely no sexual tension between the abusive father and his seemingly retarded daughter, who is on the mental level of a toddler! The perverted father instantly makes up ludicrous reasons to first french kiss her and then grab her boobs ASOASF. For me as a player/reader this is not sensual at all and gives me all the wrong vibes, therefore is a complete turn off. Also there is no real building in their relationship. Everything happens someday after enduring an excessively long period of unnecessary expositions of a boring narrative. It only gets worse in chapter 3 ...

    Sex scenes are not satisfying. Side characters are distracting and are forced constantly upon you.

    Seriously, save your precious time. It will take you a whole week of insufferable boredom with steady yawning and little outcome. I wish I'd did.

  6. 5.00 star(s)


    Instead of being *only* a simple story of corruption and sex, it is also a story of the developing love, a true love at that, between Father and Daughter.

    Though it may seem overlong, at first, I promise you will find it all the more rewarding when you hit the stride of the latter CH. 2 and then through the third. You will *love* it, I swear.
    Likes: Rolo
  7. 4.00 star(s)

    Deleted member 156769

    A classic. Very badly written, so get your skip button ready, but the visuals are very good. After a slow start the game picks up and keeps picking up until it's sizzling hot. Again, don't expect to immerse yourself in a believable scenario. This relation between father and daughter stretches the imagination beyond the breaking point. This is like corrupting a wolf child* that never experienced human civilisation before. With a lot of unnecessary words. God there is so much text.

    Somehow the developer succeeds in stretching out a straight forward incest story with only one girl as the main focus (there are some others on the side) over this many gigabytes. The creativity at work to imagine this many scenes is impressive. A defining porn game that is a must to experience, if only to understand the inspiration for many others like Melody or Lewd Island. Four out of five.

    *a nymphomaniac wolf child, to be sure
  8. 1.00 star(s)


    This game used to be one of the most popular romance game back in the day.Now it just an empty shell of its former self.I dunno what happen but the writing become worse after chapter 2.All love interest just dissapear and MC LITERALLY offer his daughter to other mans,Its optional,but dissapointing.The writing also going downhill after that.Fake pregnancy,robotic dialogue,personality changing with the characters and ex problem that should be resolved YEARS ago.It feels dragging and the renders also become worse in each update.

    Im not recommend,Dev clearly lost ideas after years making this game and you might be dissapointed if you used to be Dev supporter since the very beginning.
  9. 1.00 star(s)


    The first game(I think) by Mr.Controversial who's only loved by some.

    The game feels really slow due to day by day content being shown with very few timeskips.
    It feels alright at first if you're a incest fan, but as the game moves ahead further it becomes unbearable at
    later stages even if you're an wincest who's ready to sit through some boring/unbelievable stuff to see some banging(Which you get in plenty later, but it's not any good tbh).
    At a later stage you see the innocent D becoming sluttier and sluttier to point where she starts fucking other guys(If you got that route)
    I expected way more from this game, but it left me really disappointed.

    Wincest(at the start)
    Decent renders(Most poses feels overused in the game)
    Great amount of content

    Slow grind
    Boring story and sex scenes
    Presence of avoided content/festishes is felt throughout.

    Wouldn't really recommend. If you really wanna play it, just play the first 2 chapters and leave it at that.
  10. 3.00 star(s)


    Remember playing this a while ago and ragequitting after the game kicked me out when the landman (PC) tells his landgirl he loves his coworker. Current review is based on just finished skipthroughs of the ch 2-4.

    Basically the game laser focusses on a very specific fetish i.e. landlord/landgirl sex and romance. And takes it very seriously to the point where it has 10 gbs worth of an erotic story about them. Other females are available but landgirl is compulsory even if you choose to get with them. Writing is native-speaker level, characters are fine for a porn game but overwrought in places. The landgirl is frankly annoying. There's ebullient, life-giving cuteness and then there's clingy, over-saturated cuteness. She's definitely the latter, tho that might be your thing.

    I enjoyed a few of the h-scenes but they're very vanilla and indistinguishable from each other. There are different sex positions, the kind you might read about in a circa 70s couples sex manual, but they don't contribute much to kinkiness or novelty. Without the incest fetish it's just 3d porn about a reclusive, kinda weird, optionally swinger couple trying out new sex things in bed in private. Even when they're doing exhibitionism it's not risky or shocking.

    Gfx are mostly decent but won't win any prizes. Anims are smooth and detailed.

    If like me you're not into the game's eponymous primary fetish, or at least not into exploring that to the extent it does, you'll probably still enjoy some of the h-scenes.
  11. 1.00 star(s)


    So. I have not made my way in that deep.
    So far, I'm still in chapter 1.
    But this is tiring as heck!
    I've seen some other reviews about this dev having filler way too much. I somehow could work with the filler for sunshine love. But the filler here is plain terrible.
    Game feels grindy as heck.
    I know virtually all devs make a disclaimer that all the characters are above 18 yada yada. Though for some reason they choose to do that especially when they designed their character to look specifically 15 and younger.
    I need to play something else until I find the boredom and motivation to continue this
  12. 2.00 star(s)


    I could not get through Ch 1. I don't count incest as one of my fetishes, but I have enjoyed quite a few games in the genre and think it can be super hot when done correctly. In those games there was a mutual desire, the fire of which needed little if any stoking.

    I felt like I was manipulating an emotionally damaged person with a level of intellectual disability. Not abelist, as there are ID folks who are DTF, but in this case it seemed the daughter was being coerced rather than a natural chemistry. Daughter's internal dialogue was ringe, clearly showing she was confused but not in a "I've always wanted this" way.

    Elena and Jennifer tho :love: . I'll probably have a farewell fap using the mod to unlock their scenes before I delete the game.
  13. 5.00 star(s)

    Ass Fan

    ( Mr Dots Games ) Thank you and your team for the work you spend on the three games you created and the others together with you I just ask you to continue with the sharing routes because it is a very interesting part of the game and swap couples if possible that would be very cool....
  14. 5.00 star(s)


    Good story, good characters for the most part, awesome scenes, specially after chapter 2 where I got really invested with the story.

    I didn't really like the game at first, didn't like the daughter and a few characters would really piss me off sometimes, the super slow start of the chapter 1 also didn't help, but it grew on me quite a lot.

    There's a lot of character development throughout the chapters and through each chapter there's noticeable improvements and now I think this is the best I've played so far, it became my favorite and I'm patiently waiting for chapter 4.
  15. 4.00 star(s)


    The game is really well written and it take its time to progress with the scenes which I like unlike other games where they jump directly into sex from day 1. which is more realistic I think. In my opinion , I didn't like the daughter but other characters like elaine and Jennifer made it more fun for me to play till the end.
  16. 3.00 star(s)


    Review for 0.31

    This game struck me has average, honestly. It's really not a bad game, but rather suffer from a few, but major underlying issues that can't really be solved simply due to it's rigid design. Also, the Father/Daughter thing isn't really my style. I do love incest games, but i prefer by a huge margin to be the brother/son in this kind of story. But i won't deprecate the game for a personal taste.

    First, the good.

    It has a good graphical presentation. The quality of the pictures, sets and characters are all pretty good, but the position of the shots and the use of POV can limit the kind of shot position you can use. So on the long run the graphical presentation kind of feel repetitive and bland.

    Great characters and writing, dialogue is nice and you get a long, but good build-up and pacing that ultimately leads to the sexy scenes with Dee, with a few side characters as well that you can choose. However, the quality of the dialogue and story kind of goes down by chapter 3.

    Excellent overall presentation for the UI and menus, looks cool, is functional and simple to read.

    There is quite a few lewd scenes, even tho there is sometimes quite a bit of space between them, but i think it's more due to the long pacing more than anything else.

    Now, the bad.

    The main major flaw of the game is the choice/relationship points system. It uses what i call the "Typical Lewd VN choice mechanic system".

    It goes something like this: You are presented with many choices throughout the game, but you really kind of have to pick the right one to progress the story or access the lewd scenes, otherwise, you get a game over or you get into a point of no-return where you can keep progressing the story, but won't be able to engage in some activities due to you lacking the proper number of points.

    This kind of system is a pet peeve of mine because it falsely presents a choice system that cannot effectively control the kind of scenes or approach to the characters AND it removes any incentive to make the choices yourself, since you have to pick the right choices anyway.

    This creates a second problem where the use of a walkthrough is ***necessary*** in order to progress the game as intended. So the game might as well be a kinetic novel and spare us the chore of having to read back and forth and/or click the options you have to choose anyway.

    The third major problem is the way the content is delivered. The game uses what i would call "Direct Rendering Composition" type of render. Simply put, all of the renders are made directly by hand, one by one and then rendered. So you have to compose the scene (Props, lights, background, etc...) then place the characters, pose them, set up your camera and then make the render. Then make the changes and correction (The first render very rarely give the result you want, especially when you use Daz since it's not realtime.)

    All of this involves many repetitive steps to be made and is a "high-quality", but inefficient method of delivering your graphical content.

    It can take a few hours just to make a single render. Not a big deal when you have a few to do, but when you have thousands to make like in this game, this result in elongated time between updates and less content per update.

    The end result: This game is almost 5 years old at the time of this review, but only managed to produce about 8-10 hours of content (depend a lot on reading speed, since the main filler is dialogue)

    But all of those major flaws cannot be changed without remaking pretty much the entire game. In fact, i'm quite certain MrDots Games already know about this, but he is stuck with these methods because otherwise it would mean to start back from scratch.

    So in short: It's a would-be great game that is permanently crippled by the game mechanics and design choices made very early in it's development. Hence, the average review.
  17. 5.00 star(s)


    these are a lot of fun, excellent work. i love the characters and the slow build with the daughter, and the fact that its not all 'teasing and almosts' like in other games. i wouldnt mind seeing a bit of reall life porn clips for some of the important sex scenes with the daughter, im currently only on the second chapter and cant wait to see whats coming
  18. 1.00 star(s)


    I tried to play this, but just had to give up around 2/3rds into Chapter 1. The daughter is just so utterly vapid, passive and prudish that she's right at the bottom of my "porn game LIs ranked list". Sure, she looks hot, but character matters. The massive hypocrasy of the dad fondling his daughters tits, french kissing her and shortly after preaching about how the other guys are just sleazy folks just wanting sex isn't particularly endearing to me, either.

    Overall, the mood/theme seems to be all over the place. At times, it seems to be a corruption story, and then a pure romance story. Dad and daughter both having a complete meltdown over the idea to go nude on a nude beach (in order to meet daughter's favourite star ever) seems prudish to me according to RL criteria. In a porn game after they've french kissed and he's been all over her tits, it just don't make any sense to me at all.
  19. 4.00 star(s)


    Ch. 1-4 v0.31
    A polarizing game for sure but to me the highs outweigh the lows and is an absolute most play if you are into father daughter incest. Spoilers below.

    Chapters 1-2
    The first two chapters are slow burn corruption between the father and daughter, with a couple side interests the dad can pursue. Game design wise it is below average, you either pick the right choice and build up love points or pick the wrong choice and get a game over. For the side characters it is either pursue the relationship and see the content, or don't and forgo. In Chapter 2 you start building up certain sex stats in the daughter that could have lead somewhere interesting, but they are abandoned in Chapter 3. Overall there is a lack of meaningful choice throughout this game, but especially early on.

    All that being said, the story is so god damn good. The slow burn corruption from reserved virgin to daddy's sex toy is crazy hot, but I also cared about the build up of their romantic relationship. The renders are plentiful, detailed, and gorgeous. If father daughter is your thing, there are few better games then the first two chapters.

    Chapters 3-4
    This is where the sharing begins and people start to get upset, however all sharing content is optional, and the majority of it is MFF threesomes with the dad, the daughter, and a female love interest. Again choosing not to do the MFF paths is basically just forgoing content, which is an unfortunate game design, especially for those that want an exclusive father daughter romance. However if you are into the MFF routes there is tons of super sexy and well made content, especially with Georgina.

    The MMF options are where people really get pissed, but I don't think it is totally justified. First this type of sharing felt like a natural outgrowth of the story, and has been teased since the first chapter. More importantly, it is 100% OPTIONAL. The daughter doesn't have to fuck other dudes if you don't want to, while it may be too early to tell, forgoing the MMF routes doesn't seem like you will be missing out on a big chunk of content like forging the MFF routes.

    Nonetheless, the MMF routes are poorly done. As someone that was excited for the sharing options and specifically Victor, I was incredibly let down by the stupid "I love both equally dynamic" they went with. Having built up a deep and powerful connection through hours of gameplay between the father and the daughter, having her form an equal connection with another guy in a fraction of that time was just stupid. The Ryan route is a little more tolerable, but overall the MMF sharing could have been done much better as a natural outgrowth of her corruption rather than the out of the blue secondary romance that it currently is. Hopefully chapter 4 can make up for the missed opportunities in this department.

    Despite all the negative this is still a great game and is one of the most popular games on the site for good reason. There are tons and tons of high quality renders and hot scenes. While inconsistent at times, the story is still very solid overall, and the mistakes of chapter 3 can still be corrected.
  20. 1.00 star(s)


    Ok, so I've been meaning to review this game for a while, and am just now getting around to it. As many other reviewers have said, this was the first VN I had played and loved it from the start. Yeah, a little slow burn, but it was also the VN where I discovered interest in the incest genre. But thats pretty much the only positives I can say about it.

    Like I said, the first chapter hooked me, and the second was pretty good as well. I enjoyed the slow burn, to a point, and it at least had more of a story than some other VNs on the site. The slow corruption was also interesting, but it did seem that it took way too long to get to a simple BJ, but I kept playing.

    The story was going great until the ex got involved again, and at that point it took a screaming nose dive. Not only was D up for grabs to any guy who showed even minor interest, but all of the side characters just up and disappeared. I was really looking forward to another threesome with Elena and possibly including the other (can't remember her name atm), or even a recurring relationship with either/both. It was at this point that I had lost almost all interest, being stuck with the main LI and nothing else.

    I continued playing for a little while longer, but quit before the end of ch. 3. The cringe factor of the story had reached higher than I was willing to admit at the time, and choices were becoming limited to say the least. It's really sad because DMD had such promise up till the third chapter, and whatever happened (possibly Mr. Dots' latest title got in the way) doomed DMD to an early grave. I was really looking forward to the conclusion, but imho, I don't see a reason to waste time finishing ch. 3 when there are better stories out there.

    I'm sorry to only give it one star, since the first and second chapters were at minimum 4.5 to 5, but with the disappointing turn chapter 3 took it doesn't justify anything over 1.5 stars.

    Edit: Now I'm just being a dick cause I can and I'm human. Welcome to 2024, bitches!!

    TLDR If you enjoy sharing D with every male character in the 2nd, 3rd, and probably 4th chapter (gave up somewhere between 2nd and 3rd), this is for you. If you enjoy a slow burn AVN that turns from a 'making a new life with my busty daughter' into 'how much fictional, non-existant, money can I make off of my now hooker daughter while I watch like a simp?' this is definitely for you. 'Oh, I can't fuck your friends anymore because you want to make sure im as soft as mashed potatoes while you fuck everything but me?' Jesus fuck, thanks for ruining the game Mr. Dots... I will never get the time I wasted while I waited for you to revive this dumpster-fire of a game. great til the end of the first chapter, then *whoooommmmm-thpttt'...