Lol, of course not my dear buddy Jeff, but what the MC does or does not is supposed to be the player's choice. Some may even prefer to cheat on D's back with every other female in the game... choices, choices. That's what makes playing a game interesting, the decision to do one thing or another is in the player's hands. (or should be)
I hear what you are saying. But, to a certain point, MDots has dictated certain things are going to be Game Enders.
By the way, I also hear what you are saying about cream pies and it not having to be a big deal for most women.
However, let’s look at a DMD worst case scenario in terms of game releases. Let’s say 4 releases in 2019 at two days game time each release. For D to have a safe creampie follows by a knowing pregnancy - she’d need one of the following:
- Iud;
- diaphragm;
- after sex pill;
- or rhythm method
The game so far has used the pill (Elena) and condoms.
I just don’t see the story taking the time to do iud/diaphragm/etc. instead, imo D will use withdrawal or condom until we get to mutual pregnancy risk. (Btw, I’ve advocated for D to have a latex allergy - just to complicate matters, but that ida has not been bought off).
I personally am hoping for and am advocating a “withdrawal method” until the time comes that D and MC want to have a baby.