How much content should we expect lads and how far will we be able to go?
Well, each release covers a full day of game play, so I expect there will be the usual amount of content (which actually is a lot of pics).
As to what we should expect, it all depends on how far Mr. Dot's is willing to let D go on Day 11. I suspect you'll have an opportunity for some Georgina fun, but to be honest Georgina doesn't interest me. Olivia does. Day 11 at Olivia and Graham's house would have been much more interesting, although D may need a bit more nudging/alone time with the MC before she's truly ready for that.
It'd be nice to see the MC and Jennifer cross paths again, but based on what we've seen, I'm not sure we'll see that in Day 11.
Maybe D does some penis play at the end of Day 11? Or she lets you massage her down there... not sure where else Day 11 with D will go, because you KNOW that Mr. Dots will drag this out further...