No, explain the support system to me. Go fuck others D, daddy will be home to make sure you don't feel bad for cucking him. Maybe ask your bull if he needs me to prep him a bit too
Support system as I painted it = discuss and help safely enable what she wants to explore in life beyond what we know of her needs now, including sexual/intimate options beyond just the MC. I gave one example of the new home being enabled entirely from her personal desire (and muiltiple conversations with the MC), but it also extends to their relationship.
Such things don't involve cheating, falling into a well of drug-laden debauchery in the gutter, etc. directly, but it
could mean helping to pull her back up if she managed to fall into such things, I feel. It's about caring for+about her and being generous enough in spirit to see her perspective and allow it to inform your own at least a bit. It means that the essential D-MC relationship and even her close friendships help form a basis of confidence in her ability try new things - some far beyond the innocent, naive young women's imagings from the start of this game (as I explained).
If you have a problem with that notion of enabling her potential fantasies or relationship flexibility going forward, perhaps examine your own values as they apply to you in this game: however the characters in this game act and respond is often up to a combination of the player and how hard-coded their paths may be. But, if you don't personally like or want to support some of those paths/options, then either play different options (if provided) or don't play, I feel. It's difficult to have a compelling game where EVERYTHING is optional, but MrDots' team does seem to be taking some of the more sensitive fetishes or relationship options into account knowingly, at least.
I would recommend not posting contradicting, practically angry posts about the choices of fictional game characters and aggressively challenging others here as if their own game choices are socially twisted by deciding to try options you don't like. That's not much of a way to create useful conversation, let alone influence others on what you might like to see, I feel.
Claiming lack of integrity in the Devs on these points clearly ignores the historical intentions offered for this game's future since early days, as well: even if you don't want to see some of those options and place your own value statements upon them as if they are universally accepted social ills, that doesn't mean you get to revise history and say that the team creating this game is pulling a fast one on players due to your personal values being crossed.
In the end, MrDots' supporters matter here: they want a successful game and stirring the pot in curious ways is always going to create interesting tensions both in-game and inside the community which supports it, but all of this is consistent with prior thematic settings even as they expand upon those in far more detail than previously offered. There has been conjecture about bestiality, sharing/swapping, etc. paths since quite a ways back in this very topic.
please.... can you repost those words when the updates will start gettigng delayed and the updates will have close to no content for those that don;t partake in those fetishes? you know people will bitch about it
I don't know how you feel confident in this assertion: MrDots' team has consistently met their monthly delivery goals - for two ongoing games - for a long time now. They've apparently figured out their internal pipeline capacity quite well, only delivering what will fit within their published schedule per installment. Plus, they've already been offering multiple relationship (and other logical) paths to choose - and, which affect downstream options - all this time.
It doesn't strike me that some new fetishes or situations are different than how they've already been operating. In Melody, one way they have handled multiple paths potentially splitting out in parallel is to let some of those paths naturally conclude things or reintegrate into the primary path, one way or another. Seems that should be an expectation for DMD, as well.