Neither.Is V12 due today or tomorrow does anyone know?
"Tina" because she's tiny.curious, what did you guys name Daughter? (It was a very popular thread on DMD patreon community). I named her Elsa (to name my own daughter one day but not to date her lol)
Save should go inI downloaded a save, put it in my C:\Users\*my account*\AppData\Roaming\RenPy\DMD-1469236204
Am i doing something wrong cause i cant see any new save in the game? I tried to open the save directly in that folder too and it gave me
"I'm sorry, but an uncaught exception occurred.
Before loading the script.
WindowsError: [Error 267] The directory name is invalid: u'C:\\Users\\Pizzamauste\\AppData\\Roaming\\RenPy\\DMD-1469236204\\\\*.*'
-- Full Traceback ------------------------------------------------------------
Full traceback:
File "D:\New folder\Dating_My_Daughter-0.0.8-win\Dating_My_Daughter-0.0.8-win\renpy\", line 295, in bootstrap
File "D:\New folder\Dating_My_Daughter-0.0.8-win\Dating_My_Daughter-0.0.8-win\renpy\", line 284, in main
for fn in os.listdir(dir):
WindowsError: [Error 267] The directory name is invalid: u'C:\\Users\\Pizzamauste\\AppData\\Roaming\\RenPy\\DMD-1469236204\\\\*.*'
Sorry for spam, ive tried my best but can't figure out how to get a downloaded save to work..
Unfortunately I am still having the same issue despite putting it in the "game" folder. Cant seem to figure out what I did wrong. I think its just the animations that I am unable to see
I've checked the script files, and there is neither of those options: my guessing is that the diner section of the walkthrough is just a wrong copy-paste of the lines aboveI noticed some options in the 0.11 walkthrough that I didn't see in game, such as taking daughters top off in the diner. I couldn't find a clue in the walkthrough as to why this option didn't show. Also the walkthrough says to take the daughters top off in the changeroom, but she does it herself. Is the walkthrough from the release version or an earlier test version or am I missing something?
She explained that she has gone to a "religious" all girls school and I am sure that that kind of gratification would have been vilified. Humorously enough I was watching a horror movie with my own daughter earlier tonight who turns 18 in a month and she skipped forward over the obligatory sex scene in the movie saying "yuck" (thank god)...I agree with people that says that this is a filler update. The main problem is this: if F is a fucking gigolo that plays with the feelings of his employee and good friend, his own daughter and his daughter´s best friend, you get all the contents and scenes, but if F is a nice guy that remains faithfull to D, this update is really short and a bit boring. I think MrDots is punishing players that follow the path of dating D and only D, and this is a mistake MrDots should avoid from now on.
Also, the recurrent problem with the characters is even worst in this update: again and more than ever, Elena has the body of a 13 years old girl with the mentality of a 25 (or 35) years old woman, and D has the body of a 25 years old woman (except the height) with the mentality of a 13 years old girl. I can´t believe that a girl of 18 has never masturbate or even touch her pussy and don´t know how it feels, and don´t know the terrible way she´s teasing F and don´t understand why he has to masturbate.
Despite this, I think is a better game than 90% of games and I hope next update will be better.
Yup i get the checkered too and the files are where they should be. I can be dumb but i can read instructions. gonna reopen the compressed file and try to do it again.Unfortunately I am still having the same issue despite putting it in the "game" folder. Cant seem to figure out what I did wrong. I think its just the animations that I am unable to see
Ah right. I thought V11 was Junes update. Cheers man. I'll get the latest version now. He usually releases late on the 15th which is why I asked if it was today or tomorrow.Neither.
V11 only just came out so V12 is going to be a while away. A month, maybe more, who knows?
Don't feel bad, I can usually see & read but I can't think...nevermind, opened the compressed file and there is not extras file in it, so yeah.... i guess I need to read OP more carefully as there is a link for the extras as well..... duh.... I can read what to do, apparently just can't see.
OMG thank u very much dude. My saves deleted from the patch and i downloaded some saves from here. but i needed this optional choose for different scenesv_day5_cafe01_rejectelena = "True" or "False" to get the other Day 10 ending. Activate while inside the casino. Case sensitive!
Thanks to @if95