
Jun 6, 2017
She explained that she has gone to a "religious" all girls school and I am sure that that kind of gratification would have been vilified. Humorously enough I was watching a horror movie with my own daughter earlier tonight who turns 18 in a month and she skipped forward over the obligatory sex scene in the movie saying "yuck" (thank god)...

For me personally mid Aug can't come fast enough! Thoughts of Georgina & D dancing in my head.
Well, if the game would happen in 1977 or 1987, I would say you have a point, but in 2017 and internet... She likes a singer like that Koko, she hangs out with girls like Elena, she even has (or had) a boyfriend called Frank... She´s not kind of a nun at all. Teenagers are very curious and, in 2017, they have the way to satisfy that curiosity; and even in an all girls school, they talk about boys and sex, I´m sure.

About the sex scene in the movie, D says "Dad, what is that dude doing?"... She don´t even knows what they are doing? Well, in such a situation, most girls would play dumb in front of their parents, I think. I´m not a girl or a teen and I don´t like to see explicit sexual scenes in TV in front of my parents either. But F is also her boyfriend now, they are frenchkissing, licking and touching all the time... No way a 18 years old girl genuinely asks "What are they doing?" if she sees a sex scene in a movie with her boyfriend or even her mates.

D is naive, and I like that, but... She´s so overly naive that it ruins the plausability of the character, IMO.
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May 28, 2017
I like having comments fields too, and I also like the delete saves buttons. I understand why Mr. Dots removed these originally (artistic decision), but his re-implementation...

I do NOT like the look of the new interface though.

I like having all of my old saves available, plus autosaves and any quicksaves I might want to make (my mod re-enables this functionality.

I'll look into a 'middle ground over the next few days that will add comment fields and delete save buttons to the old interface, in such a way that you don't have to enter anything into the comment fields if you don't want to (someone didn't like that, as it required an extra step).

Of course, for those that don't 'do mods', this may be of little use to them, but for those that like these sort of mods, well thank goodness for modders!
Hey, My save from the end of day 10 worked fine, it was about halfway through the final conversation on the bed so I'm not entirely sure where the cut off point is. Then again, my saves are also in a different folder :/
With regards to the labeling, would be much better to have a button to press if you WANT to add a description. But that it's an autoprompt just breaks the flow. If saving ain't quick, what's the fucking point?

And general tip for V10 and back. Keep slot 2 and 5 empty, use 1 and 4 for first branch and 3+6 for second branch. No need for descriptions. Just keep saving into slot 1 or 3, and if you're not sure on the choice to make, save it in 4 or 6 until you're sure you made the right choice, then save it over 1 or 3 again. It sounds complex now, but in practice this works really easy.


Jun 6, 2017
In my opinion this is one of the most overrated erotic games on patreon. The production value is decent, but the writing isn't good at all.
The daughter and dad must be some of the dullest people ever. As have been mentioned the daughter has the mentality of a 12-year old if that, and the dad has no personality outside of being insecure about his feelings for his daughter and all the other women who inexplicably fall for him. And they talk and talk and think and think with their dull little minds (and the player have to read it).
The story also fumbles along with lots of ilogical odd stuff along the way. Sadly there are plenty of games that are worse than this one, however they're not overrated. That so many thinks this game is awesome really makes me sad.
(Sorry about that, but I had to vent a little.)
It´s not perfect, but it´s sexier and better than 90% of this kind of games, including "Good girl gone bad", that is terrible IMO.
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Aug 12, 2016
In my opinion this is one of the most overrated erotic games on patreon. The production value is decent, but the writing isn't good at all.
The daughter and dad must be some of the dullest people ever. As have been mentioned the daughter has the mentality of a 12-year old if that, and the dad has no personality outside of being insecure about his feelings for his daughter and all the other women who inexplicably fall for him. And they talk and talk and think and think with their dull little minds (and the player have to read it).
The story also fumbles along with lots of ilogical odd stuff along the way. Sadly there are plenty of games that are worse than this one, however they're not overrated. That so many thinks this game is awesome really makes me sad.
(Sorry about that, but I had to vent a little.)
Agreed. The writing is really fucking awful.


Jun 1, 2017
Sadly there are plenty of games that are worse than this one
(Sorry about that, but I had to vent a little.)
People don't really need more than that, y'know. This chaffes their kinks just enough, just a tad longer than all the others, so it's natural for them to cling on to it. Truth is, regardless of whether we want to admit it or not, this whole pesudo industry of so called "games" is a very, very slow moving one. Cutting ties to it, and coming back in, say, two-three years, would be a helluva lot more fullfilling and beneficial, experience wise.

But, people are people. They want everything now, so they lick the little droplets of content off the floor with ardous passion. What was that thing, from a movie or whatever? There's this spoiled brat of a girl, and she's mouthing off at her father. "I want that car, daddy, I want it NOW!"
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Jul 1, 2017
I have to agree with the previous critics here. Here's my two cents after finishing 0.11.
The daughter personality ranges between naive, stupid. She is oblivious to sexual situations and most of all to her own body. She talks like a person who has just reached puberty and is discovering her body for the first time ever. How did she even deal with her first menstruation?
Some of the scenes would make sense If she acted like she was scared and was just playing dumb when those situations happen to her but she really invites confrontation to her by walking topless in the house, and letting her father touch her tits.
Overall, her persona is very ditsy.

The father is just a horny walking plot device but I found it just amazing how helpless all the girl in the game are in front of him. He doesn't display any charm or sophistication and he's certainly not a bad boy so it just baffles me. He's proactive so there's that but just moving the "plot" forward isn't saying much about his personality. He is very fit but I don't believe we ever saw him going to the gym to work his ass off. I really think he's just mr. fanservice.

The best character in this game is Richard (is that his name?) the photographer. We haven't seen him in quite some time now that I think about it but he's the only one who displayed some personality. Passionate, convincing, independent, a little manipulative. Somewhat of a magnificent bastard - only if he showed up more and could take the role of an antagonist / villain he could really dramatize this story with some help from the mother.

Must agree with the rest of critics about the graphics and the animation quality. In these fields its really one of the best games here.


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Aug 5, 2016
The daughter and dad must be some of the dullest people ever. As have been mentioned the daughter has the mentality of a 12-year old
I think that's the point of the game, yeah they are advertised as >18 years old girls, but come on. Look at the models, Elena and Jennifer look like pure jailbait, D too even with those huge tits. Compare them with the other women in the game, the girls are small and barely developep, plus D acts like a normal 13-14 years old, while Jennifer is just learning the ropes from Elena, the only one with some sex experience from the pack.
You can't have that on Patreon, so here comes the 1000 years old loli Dragon.

Deleted member 42

anyone has a save with georgina route? because console commands dont work for me


Well-Known Member
Sep 3, 2016
First of all I really enjoy long ass teasing in games (loved every Akabur games besides Magic Shop) and contrarily to most people, I don't look at porn to see a realistic portrayal of the world in 2017 or really anything realistic. Therefore I view this game as happening in some alternate dimension, slightly divergent from our own, and thus I can accept the fact that every teen didn't necessarily look at porn at least once.

The writing is not the greatest ever, but for a porn game, it still is a good level of writing. I can't think of any other 3D game looking as good, not only because it's technically ok, but also for all the care that went into facial expression and body posing. I also enjoy the subtle mix of realism and cartoony/disney-ish faces the girls have.

To sum up, I really like this game and can't understand this 15yo mentality of wanting to have games where the main girl goes from kiss to 12 men gangbang with piss drinking in three months. Personnaly, when a pornstar does something similar (hello Sasha Grey), I rapidly lose interest in her. Why would I enjoy seeing her fucked by one guy in a scene, if 3 months into her career she did some massive hardcore anal gangbang or some shit ? For me it works the same way with games. As long as I don't feel the game director is just producing filler updates to squizz money for as long as he can, I'm ok with all the teasing if I see some progress, enough content and no drop in quality (The Wind's Disciple sucks in these regards : I feel like I need to skip three updates just to have 20mn of new content, and you can't be sure of the art quality)

Oh and btw, the Extras didn't work this time for me. Must have done something wrong. Will read more.
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Jun 6, 2017
I think that's the point of the game, yeah they are advertised as >18 years old girls, but come on. Look at the models, Elena and Jennifer look like pure jailbait, D too even with those huge tits. Compare them with the other women in the game, the girls are small and barely developep, plus D acts like a normal 13-14 years old, while Jennifer is just learning the ropes from Elena, the only one with some sex experience from the pack.
You can't have that on Patreon, so here comes the 1000 years old loli Dragon.
Yes, that´s the point. I think MrDots conceived the game as loli, but it´s prohibited in patreon, so... D, Elena and Jennefer are ;) 18 y.o. ;););););) and not 14 as they look (except D´s tits) and behave. When D. talks, if you change "I´m 18" for "I´m 15" and "last year of school" for "first year of school", everything makes a lot more sense. :closedeyesmile::closedeyesmile: As experiment, maybe a modder could change that.


New Member
Jun 10, 2017
Yes, that´s the point. I think MrDots conceived the game as loli, but it´s prohibited in patreon, so... D, Elena and Jennefer are ;) 18 y.o. ;););););) and not 14 as they look (except D´s tits) and behave. When D. talks, if you change "I´m 18" for "I´m 15" and "last year of school" for "first year of school", everything makes a lot more sense. :closedeyesmile::closedeyesmile: As experiment, maybe a modder could change that.
Thx for expressing my POV
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Sep 16, 2016
Since daughter has been in a "Girls Only" school, I can understand that she never experienced anything, like dating, spend time with guys and never seen a dick before. But come one she is 18 (I think) and she never felt horny? Never had sexual desire? never touch her nipples and felt some strange sensation? I mean I understand that she is shy and innocent, but it looks like she spended her whole life in a cave or something.

By the end of this update I got the impression that will be a new route. The route "daughter finding the right guy". I think that will be the path that you end up with one of the other Girls and daughter will find a boyfriend (This is just the idea that I got from playing the last update).

Ps: The girl from the Self-Defence class was hot as hell. xD
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May 5, 2017
anyone has a save with georgina route? because console commands dont work for me
Have you enable the console to begin with? You must edit the 00console.rpy file in the 'root game dir'/renpy/common, search for the line 'config.console = False' and change False to True.
If that isn't the problem, are you sure you've edited the right flag? The command is 'v_day10_georginaphotos = True', and this must be done before the event occurs, just a bit after you meet Georgina at the cafe.
If even that isn't the problem, then i'm sorry but i have no other ideas without knowing your exact situation

Deleted member 42

Have you enable the console to begin with? You must edit the 00console.rpy file in the 'root game dir'/renpy/common, search for the line 'config.console = False' and change False to True.
If that isn't the problem, are you sure you've edited the right flag? The command is 'v_day10_georginaphotos = True', and this must be done before the event occurs, just a bit after you meet Georgina at the cafe.
If even that isn't the problem, then i'm sorry but i have no other ideas without knowing your exact situation
I used this save but when i use both of those commands i still get elena at the apartament

This SHOULD be a save at the casino with Elena route on and Georgina route off. If you want to change them, you can use the ren'py console and the commands v_day5_cafe01_rejectelena = True and v_day10_georginaphotos = True


May 5, 2017
I used this save but when i use both of those commands i still get elena at the apartament
I have no idea on what the problem might be, because for me the console commands always worked like a charm. On this save i've enabled Georgina and disabled Elena; i've tried it and, for me, it shows no problems. If even this doesn't work for you, it might be something related either with the autosaves or that 'persistent' file i have no idea what's for
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