Oh how sheltered. After our second date my 3rd wife and I got reprimanded by her landlord for "excessive vocalizations with disturbed several neighbors"...complete with full text recount. Hollywood is a fun place, but less real than RPG or Hentai.D has gone from having a (little worries) pretend boyfriend to having a real one, I believe this in turn explains any new/extra thoughts/worries she is now having about being in an incestuous relationship with F because she didn't need to think about such things while in a 'pretend' relationship with F.
Maybe I'm just old but most mature relationships I know of didn't go from no-sex to cock-slapping (reference to another's post) over night.
Yes, once one decides to bite the apple, they generally go all in. Sheltered girls have wild releases. I have a family full of Catholic School girls going back generations.
I think the peaking of curiosity on Jennifers' dildo and Elena's constant groping are being timed perfectly for a big awakening.
Remember, this may be an update to you, but still took lots of hours and planning. In the long run the value per update will balance out. We know there will be a wild photo shoot on day 12, then I see a Jen, Elena, Daughter exploration day. I could be wrong, but with the dynamic created it makes sense. Unfortunately, I see way to many of these games and non-game works peter out like a seniors johnson.