First of all I know a hell of a lot about computers and their capabilities. you are assuming something you don't know. and if you know so much you know it would NOT be the GRAPHICS card that "RENDERS" the image, but the CENTRAL PROCESSOR, MEMORY and the Frequency at which the board's crystal resonates that deal with how long RENDERS take. Before you go on and tell me I am wrong look it up! the Graphics cards only process what they are told for SCREEN RESOLUTION and DISPLAY purposes only! If you have a DUAL or TRI graphics card installation then the other two are assistance for the main GPU but can be tasked to HELP with CPU tasks IF the system is set up properly for that. From what you just said here, you are a "blowhard" or someone who thinks they know more than they do. (I make that determination from your assumption that the video card is what does the rendering of the actual image, the video card only RENDERS an image on a screen it does not make it into the FILE that is put into these Visual Novels). Your point that he could buy a computer that NASA uses, that is an out right lie because they don't use powerful pcs, for the stations they use generally and moderately powerful systems but for true calculations they use MAINFRAME computers.
Nicely done, but did you take into account the positioning of the objects? did you make the resolution as high as what Mr. Dots does? did you change anything from the initial image that you were being told to work with? did you change the speculative lighting, did you increase the bust size of the image, the color of the skin? that picture is lower resolution than what Mr. Dots does. and it still took 7 minutes to render. I'm not arguing that he couldn't have a better computer but if one picture takes say 10 minutes to render and there are 90 such pictures to be done, that's 900 minutes for the first run. then you have the ones that didn't render like you thought say that was 10 of those, there is another 100 minutes. so far we are up to 1000 minutes put into this and that is a total of 16 hours just for those pictures, then you have to put in the time to change how the outfit looks on the character, make sure it isn't hanging off unless that's what it's supposed to be doing. and then take into account writing the code in the game software, plus writing the script It is much more involved than you expect.
PTOLEMY of Dreaming of Dana even said that he could not do more than 200 renders in one weekend and write a story and get an update out, and instead of the 100 renders he was thinking to release 1/2 at a time it took him an extra 7 days to get everything out!