I'm not sure there really is that much of a power imbalance though, it's there? She's grateful and excited to finally be meeting her father but I don't recall her ever really deferring to him as an authority figure. In fact I'd say there's less of a power dynamic here than there is between Melody and the NC in her game.Yes, I actually referenced GSA some time back in this thread. It's not been studied well, so there's no solid idea on it's likelihood to occur, contributing factors (physiological, cultural), etc. in cases where children and their parents meet as adults after a long separation. But, it's fine for an adults-only VN, I figure.
And, it doesn't answer the point I raised, I feel: GSA applicability or not, there has still been a power imbalance since the first day of DMD. I realize this isn't meant to be a psychological study, but as D gains more experience and variety in her life she's naturally comprehending more of the world previously fed to her on a platter - both by her mother (very narrow) and her father (wider, but still mostly from his perspective). In a general sense, it's reasonable for her to not only surpass his anticipated scope in terms of her future outlook, but she may find herself revisiting the underpinnings of their relationship as part of her natural desire to learn more about herself and her options going forward. That could be very interesting.
I think at most, the relationship with D and MC is similar to a landlord and tenant. She's reliant upon him for a place to live and that in and of itself creates a certain dynamic, but in not sure it goes much further than that