I'm conflicted on Rachel. I want her to be an older still attractive version of daughter. Then, on day 10, we find out about the weird arranged marriage. Before that I hoped that evil Father existed (the Father that seduces his daughter the same time he seduces Elena and Olivia, sometimes on the same couch). That Father is the guy who did cheat on his wife. Now I can only hope for both Daughters parents being douche bags.for me what adds to her not knowing (as you put it "Shit") is the way Rachel is with her and what she has told D.
Rachel is in my book the ugly side of life, she is trying to get her husband more money so she has more and using her daughter to gain that.
Yeah I think he confused you with me. Sorry for the confusion with you both. @MantisK sorry if you assumed he was me.I think you're confusing me with another poster as I didn't request you end this train of thought nor do I have a problem with your opinion/experience being different to the one I stated, thus my smile and tongue poking.
That possibility would open up interesting things. Both a horrible mother and father who could mess with darling daughter MUWAHAHAHANow I can only hope for both Daughters parents being douche bags.
It has been a long day of BAD releases and very hot out here in the desert.Yeah I think he confused you with me. Sorry for the confusion with you both. @MantisK sorry if you assumed he was me.
No issues my friend, put your feet up and have a cold one if can. As Scarlett said "tomorrow is another day"It has been a long day of BAD releases and very hot out here in the desert.
You are most welcome!thanks for finding it for me
then with every update does extra content got update too? or it's just one time thingy?
I think not, just for the second day, we are waitingCan someone post the Good Morning Massage .12 preview?
Actually, a problem I see in this game is that, during long regular conversations, the images are pretty much the same: D, Elena or whoever is your interlocutor looking at you and just -sometimes- slightly changing facial expresions. Your intelocutor can mantain the same stance during all the conversation, sometimes a ridiculous one (as when they have their hands over the head) and of course there are not changes in the position of the camera. That, sometimes, makes conversations boring, specially if they are talking about some unnimportant thing. The game could improve a lot if MrDots could change more often the stance of the interlocutor at the same time he changes the facial expression every time she listen or says something to you. So, gamer could not have the feeling of seeing always the same imagen for all the conversation.Mr. Dots adds a fair number of pics and animations to each update,
yes it does get updated with each updatethen with every update does extra content got update too? or it's just one time thingy?
Oh My God! An older version of D!?!?I'm conflicted on Rachel. I want her to be an older still attractive version of daughter.
How often do you change stance during a real life conversation? As the person with whom you share the conversation, it would make me nervous and make you seem awkward. I don't think that's really an issue considering that it's not how humans typically interact with one another. Unless of course they're fighting..or dancing. That's just my opinion. Also you can check the cg I uploaded. I think the guy does a pretty good job at supplying a sufficient amount of content with each upate. The Renders take time, I'm actually amazed twith what he gets done in 1 month.Actually, problem I see in this game is that, during long regular conversations, the images are pretty much the same: D, Elena or whoever is your interlocutor looking at you and just -sometimes- slightly changing facial expresions. Your intelocutor can mantain the same stance during all the conversation, sometimes a ridiculous one (as when they have their hands over the head) and of course there are not changes in the position of the camera. That, sometimes, makes conversations boring, specially if they are talking about some unnimportant thing. The game could improve a lot if MrDots could change more often the stance of the interlocutor at the same time he changes the facial expression every time she listen or says something to you. So, gamer could not have the feeling of seeing always the same imagen for all the conversation.