Well, when do you all accept that this is NOT a 3 month update, but a 1 month update ????
MrDots is able to release 1 update per month, which is regarded to the ammount of content within his updates a lot.
But MrDots has to deal with 2 games at once (Melody, his main game - and DMD)
So MrDots decided to do 2 updates for Melody, and 1 update for DMD - and so on
Please keep in mind, that DMD was kind of abandonned as he startet with Melody, but the community backuped him so much, that he managed to keep DMD alive.
So you should be happy, that you get your updates at all, because other devs would just have abandonned finally and just support their newest game....
sorry, ..... just saying
EDIT: (this is adressed to all over here)
What i forgot to say - DMD is only on subscribestar and based on the number of subscribers, the number of monthly subscribing players is very low.
In opposite of that, Melody on Patreon has a huge amount of pledgers.
To say it clear, Melody makes MrDots living, while the biggest amount of DMD players are obvious just pirating.
So if you would be a dev, which game would you priorize? The game which makes your storage full? Or another game, where the most part of its players just whine about these or that, even they didn't even pay anything.
There are a lot of small communities of Dots fans, (there are other platforms like this one too), but nowhere are the complaints, demands, and dishonors so much as over here..... sorry, again just saying .....