sorry for that late reply - i missed your post somehow

I don't discuss with the others, because they interprete things like they want to. If they see a horse, they think about fucking a horse. If they see a puppet, they think about fucking a puppet. I just wish, they get a simple gold fish, just to see what fantasy they get about that pet
Joke beside, and back to topic. You really can take my word that the story of DMD will once come to an end without any kind of bestiality. Some over here still don't believe - i have given up to arque with them - it's not worth it.
MrDots has a huge fanbase, some of them are over here - but just a small amount cry for bestiality, probably even those who aren't even patreon or subscriber.
Bestiality would not match at all in storyline while the story is most important for MrDots team. Also is bestiality crossing a line, where most of us don't agree to go.
Of course things could change, like nothing is really 100% sure - to be honest.
But you can take my word, that right now there are no plans at all to get any bestiality into the game, and there is no reason to change this.
What happens, once the game is finished, may be some other kind of question - but the planned story arcs are sodomy free, regardless what other discussions say, or whatever anybody else means to read between lines or somewhere else.
I hope i could clarify some things and and get your concerns away.
EDIT: (my personal thoughts)
just to show how much they (the "demanders" over here) care about MrDots - there are so much complaints about this update and what should be in there, and what they want to see... They, they, they, they......
Did anybody of them think about MrDots? Did anybody say "congratulations for your 3rd anniversary, and thanks for all your work"? Of corse not
There are still people behind who work the whole days to get your updates out on time - more accurate on time as nearly each other developer...
Do they honorize? No - they keep complaining... just to get their wild fantasies satisfied - nothing more
There is just one group crying so much about bestiality - and it's over here - and believe me - MrDots more likely should do what he likes and what he got planned, than listening to what some few over here demand (sorry, for the harsh words)
... but thats another point at all