
Jul 19, 2017
There is just one group crying so much about bestiality - and it's over here - and believe me - MrDots more likely should do what he likes and what he got planned, than listening to what some few over here demand (sorry, for the harsh words)
... but thats another point at all
I fully agree people shouldn't demand and should certainly not be dicks to the creator, but I hate to break it to you but animal stuff seems to have always been part of the Dots plan for this game. going all the way back to the Patreon kerfluffle one of the asides he added in the update was a picture of D with a puppy and the rather snide caption "P doesn’t like puppies either;) " and he has also mentioned the "pet arc" more then once in the updates section of the game.

that being said nothing is set in stone and from some of the other talk in this very thread it seems that it may still be on the chopping block, but for the opposite reason in your post, not because people badgered him into adding it, but because people seem to be talking him out of it.
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often the biggest step forward is to "step back"
Jun 30, 2018
I fully agree people shouldn't demand and should certainly not be dicks to the creator, but I hate to break it to you but animal stuff seems to have always been part of the Dots plan for this game. going all the way back to the Patreon kerfluffle one of the asides he added in the update was a picture of D with a puppy and the rather snide caption "P doesn’t like puppies either;) " and he has also mentioned the "pet arc" more then once in the updates section of the game.

that being said nothing is set in stone and from some of the other talk in this very thread it seems that it may still be on the chopping block, but for the opposite reason in your post, not because people badgered him into adding it, but because people seem to be talking him out of it.
right - maybe it was a plan at initial, but right now there is no plan to do.
Also please don't mix up "pet-arc" with "bestiality":
bestiality = having sexual interactions with animal
pet = playing as a pet - best example the japanese "nekos" (cat-women)

pet-arc does NOT say that you have sexual interactions with an animal pet - thats just what i meant with "misinterpretation between the lines" ;)
pet-arc can also mean a story arc where D is having a pet - but does not also implicite to have any interactions in a sexual way

EDIT there are so much possible ways of playing a pet arc WITHOUT bestiality, to be honest
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Jul 19, 2017
EDIT there are so much possible ways of playing a pet arc WITHOUT bestiality, to be honest
there are potential other ways, but if we're being honest what seems more likely here. between the whole "P doesn't like puppies" comment, him following the "Pet Arc" mention with "you know what that means" and the fact that D REALLY wants a dog of her own, that there will be some Beastly fun to be had OR that her and Dad are going to become Furries and start dry humping each other through blue panda suits?


Active Member
Jan 1, 2018
I don't know why people refuse to accept that they won't have bestiality.
Now if the person has a pet is it to have sex with that pet?
There are other games with this theme here.
These people interpret the text as they please, and they want it to become real.
If you don't like this reality, wouldn't it be better to stop playing?
I personally would not wish it had bestiality,
In my opinion, it doesn't match the personality of "D".
I like the way MrDots and his team are running the game without listening to people with these bizarre fetishes.
It's a romantic game in my view, I don't think sex with an animal would fit in here.


often the biggest step forward is to "step back"
Jun 30, 2018
there are potential other ways, but if we're being honest what seems more likely here. between the whole "P doesn't like puppies" comment, him following the "Pet Arc" mention with "you know what that means" and the fact that D REALLY wants a dog of her own, that there will be some Beastly fun to be had OR that her and Dad are going to become Furries and start dry humping each other through blue panda suits?
well, you are not completely wrong there - as i said: there are several possible ways to make a pet-arc.
Let me just give an example:
Once we had a shepard dog. A 100% natural reaction of a dog, while you and your wife having sex and forgot to close the door, would be, to come in and sniff, maybe try to lick, because thats also a social behavior of a dog. This would match perfect to the story, and may be possible (even i am personally strict against bestality, i would not count that as such thing).
Even if you would go a step farther (what i never experienced my own - just saying XD), and the women would let the dog lick her, i would more see as a social behavior than as bestality.
BUT ....
And here is the line - a sexual action like penetration, which is the real meaning of "bestiality" is something complete different.
So finally AGAIN: STOP reading between the lines, and stop reading and understanding what you WANT to understand. Get the info as it is, not more and not less, and finally stop assuming things to happen or not to happen just based on 2-3 words.
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Jun 23, 2018
Whose walkthrough? Maybe it should be yours.
The official walkthrough thats listed under Extras for Chapter 3. An example:

Day 31 when you are out drinking and get to choose what everyone drinks. You see this line in the walkthrough.

*If you choose “Old fashioned”, there will be an extra sex scene option
later that night, but only if D and E are NOT in a sexual relationship.

I chose Old Fashioned and still get the extra scene. Everywhere in the walkthrough where it states this will only happen if they are NOT in a relationship is happening anyway.


Jul 19, 2017
So finally AGAIN: STOP reading between the lines, and stop reading and understanding what you WANT to understand. Get the info as it is, not more and not less, and finally stop assuming things to happen or not to happen just based on 2-3 words.
oh well, guess there's no use arguing one way or the other. we'll just have to wait and see how the game shapes up. but I always enjoy seeing others perspectives on things, so thanks for that bud (y)
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often the biggest step forward is to "step back"
Jun 30, 2018
oh well, guess there's no use arguing one way or the other. we'll just have to wait and see how the game shapes up. but I always enjoy seeing others perspectives on things, so thanks for that bud (y)
100% agree
thinking the same
btw: that post was not just adressed towards you, the part about stopping was adressed to all over here in general

for you in special: appreciate to see that there are still few people which are open for arguments and which are capable of doing a normal conversation. No need to change minds, just be open for other opinions, maybe overthink things, and finally leaving relaxed and not stressed at all (y) ;)
Sep 21, 2017
PRAISE THE MOON! ...I know its supposed to be the sun but that bitch is too much right now and its hot as fuck here right now.....not to mention this fucking GREAT UPDATE came me heatstroke...seriously do not fap in 28-30degree heat....or else your gonnaksd;lsv,v,'vxcv,asdfijsfjpf vgbnkml,;.
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Mar 2, 2018
Just a dichotomy gripe: HOW? HOW is a bathing suit D borrowed from ELENA supposed to be to big for her? Elena is half her size, never mind a 1/4 her bust size. (if that) I mean, if I was Candystriping (acid and shrooms) I STILL couldn't buy that a bikini that Elena bought for herself is somehow, in the most bizarro of universes, To Big for D.
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