No, they actually can't because the game is no longer being developed on Patreon, even with Mr. Dots still being on Patreon. If Patreon tried to do that, they would have no leg to stand on because they cannot prove that the money being obtained for Melody is being used for DMD. This is even more true with DMD being developed on SubscribeStar now. Patreon is not as all encompassing on the internet as many people think, it just feels that way because they are still the biggest crowdfunded site out there, but with all these bullshit rules, they have been slowly, but surely, driving people away. This is why SubscribStar has started to get a foothold in this market. Finally, as far as Melody is concerned, it all comes down to content and nothing in that game violates Patreon's rules. So, Mr. Dots is free to make DMD however he wants as long as it does not involve Patreon, while also making games like Melody and being compliant to Patreon.