For my taste the swinging path would be my favorite and the one i would follow first. I will also play the other paths coz DMD is the best game out there and I don't want to miss any aspect of it, but a swinging path would be my primary choice. A "F/D/G/O permanent foursome relationship" with the mentioned advantage of "swapping daughters for the outside world" (or even marrying them once swapped, also for the outside world

), is the best way to start a swinger path. But it should not be restricted to this 1 couple. Apart from other known and available couples in the near, there's also a swinger club in town, and i would just love to see Dee (and also Olivia) feeling like home in it (if you know what i mean lol). Some of the secondary characters could be also invited.. The F/D/G/O relationship could be only sex based or even develop in the direction of polyamory after a while. With "cross-marriage" (for the outside world) and kids in all possible combinations.. I sure hope such a path will be available. OPTIONAL , of course! The F/D path should be always there as a choice at all times, even for the case that you followed another path and you get the feeling that you went too far.. so you can always return to "normal"
And speaking of options and of different kinks by different players, I can see a few possible OPTIONAL! developments (other than those you mentioned) that could make many players happy. Some of them being of the "harem" or "mini harem" kind.
- One path could be Rachel and Dee in a harem with MC. Including incest-sex between the 2 women and" family 3somes". Rachel would find them , would also find out in what relationship F and D are and could chose, out of love for both of them, to accept that. Then they can live together happily till the end of times.. Secondary characters could also join them temporarily or permanently.
- The same development as above could be also with Georgina instead of Rachel. That I would personally prefer, coz i just love Georgina and it has to be a way to bring her where she belongs. This would be such a way! Georgina marries MC and they live together with daughter Dee in yet another "family harem". Including some of the secondary characters from time to time and also.. till the end of times. Both Dee and Georgina being models and clearly liking each other very much would make things even smoother than in the case of Rachel.
- And then.. by the stand of the game at this time, there is another possible path.. but before i mention it i repeat: IT SHOULD BE CLEARLY OPTIONAL! Don't kill me for mentioning it, OK?
-And I mean... a CHEATING path! After all, MC cheated on Dee from the very beginning and keeps doing it. So it would be only fair that she does the same.. As opposed to the swinger/sharing path where all would happen in mutual agreement (and which i personally will always prefer), this time Dee would do things behind MC's back. Reason for that being that.. remember where we are in the game right now.. when Martin comes visit and certain things that we expect to happen, would start happening, MC could get scared and step back from his decision to share Dee. He would not be able to stand seeing her with another man and could be hurt and react accordingly. Dee seeing him hurt by her actions, and since she loves him above all and for all times, has the choice of either giving up all other possible relations with other men in future (which would return the player to the pure F/D path or to one of the possible mini harems where there are more women but F is the only man) or... because she got already very curious about such things and also because previously F kinda convinced her that such things would be normal in a relationship, she could decide OK i still want to experiment all those things but it is obvious that my dear father and lover can't deal with that in spite of his previous statements. And I don't want to hurt him. Coz i love him and he's THE ONE for me. Solution? I'll do those things but won't tell him! And there you have it: the CHEATING path. And remember she's a model, no need to go in detail about the possibilities for cheating that would rise in her future.. While MC will do what he does best in her absence: fuck all women who don't hide behind a tree till you count to three. Can they live happily together till the end of times also on this path? Possible... coz love always wins, right?
- And.. last but not least.. there are also cucks among us..

The OOPPPPTTTTIIIOOONNNAALLL! path for them would go like this: MC's reaction to the developments with Maritn when he comes visit would not be negative but on the contrary, he would feel that he somehow enjoys watching Dee with another man even more than he enjoys fucking her! He will then ask if he can .. watch. And.. "please you 2 go on as if i was not here".. Not participate in a 3some but just watch! And he would enjoy it very much. And from that moment on he would start "corrupting" Dee and moving her into a "hotwife" direction. NB: "hotwife" is NOT CHEATING! For the cucks, this would be the "light" version of cuckolding where the woman does what she does with her man's permission and encouragement. For his pleasure but, in time, also for her own.. So they are both happy with this arrangement in the end. And their love for each other remains untouched (or even grows!). For exactly this reason (love) I would NOT go deeper on this path and would therefore exclude such things like verbal humiliation (which BTW would be hardly possible by the size of cock that MC has) or .. licking the cum of other men from Dee's face or body, etc. That would be heavy cuckolding and i personally don't believe that a woman could still respect her man if he was that kind of a cuck. And in the absence of respect, love is not possible! And since love is the main topic of this game, such a path is not acceptable. This "cuckold light" path should be in fact similar to the swinger/sharing path with the small difference that MC would enjoy to see Dee fucked (hard) by other men (single or in grops) more than himself fucking her or fucking other women. Which other women he should of course continue to fuck, as usual, and also continue to fuck Dee of course, but the occasions for that would be limited on this path and his real "passion" now would be seeing Dee fucked by others and/or hearing her (detailed) stories about how it happened when he was not there. Some pix or short videos of such activities could also be sent to him by Dee whenever possible. Including "live" during the act.. she could even carry a small hidden camera in her purse all the time and place it always in a good position to film and broadcast the act live to her beloved MC (.. hot hot hot

And as you can imagine all these paths could be easily combined in the same story, with OPTIONS of course but still the same story could go on for all options. For istance in the option "mini harem with Georgina and Dee" that would go on as described but on a "swinger-sharing" and/or a "light cuck" path Dee (and i would say also Georgina) would fuck around like crazy, with MC's permission for both of them. And to his (and their) enjoyment.
And the same could work on the "swinger-polyamory" path where F/D/G/O would live together and would fuck each other as they wish (or even love each other on a polyamory path) but they wold also still visit the swinger club regularly where all kinds of temptations can appear and move the game in one direction or another (cheating, light-cuckold, etc). And I mean for both Dee and Olivia (for the cuck path, Graham could also like to watch).. while still working on developing and keeping the 4 some relationship alive and well.
The possibilities are endless and developing all these paths could make this great game go on for several more years, to everybody's enjoyment
I sure hope that Mr. Dots has already at least some of these options in his plan for the future development but i would really love to play this game on ALL these paths

. If I knew how to contact him I would send him a copy . Because the time to implement these options (if wanted) is NOW, before Martin comes visit in the next update!