
May 1, 2017
Great update. I swear anyone who says the update is boring or too short has to be under 18... This is a great romance VN. If you want fucking after 5 seconds go to pornhub.... The story and the pacing are great. The secondary storylines introduced this update make it feel almost movie like. Great work all around by the writers and the picture makers. My favorite part so far was the "choice" near the end! :p
I'd agree if the game wasn't a year in the making and named Dating my Daughter, not Dating my Daughters Friend or Dating the Office Slut.

Too much attention is being put on not dating the daughter and the daughter herself has turned into a supposed 18 year old with the mental capacity of a 5 year old.

EDIT: Don't get me wrong, I'm suspecting this is exactly what the dev is trying to do to please not only the incest fantasy, to state she's 18, but stealth in the "I'm dating and want to fuck my preteen or teen daughter fantasy types too.
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Jun 17, 2017
Amazing update. I actually like the inclusion of Lucas into the plot, every story needs an intrigue and once he's "defeated" the D and F will grow closer as a result. As long as the story doesn't take a darker turn (e.g. rape or Lucas succeding in blackmailing D into sexual favours) I don't mind. The pacing is great, if it's too slow for you go watch porn.

One thing that felt weird and out of place was the quick fingering in the evening scene. That required a greater build up and clearer consent in my opinion.


Engaged Member
May 4, 2017
next update better have D roundhouse kick Lucas into next century.

when I first started playing DMD MrDots had less than 2400 patreons (v0.08). now he has over 3600- I think most of his patrons are perfectly okay with the slow burn. I didn't like Day 11 but Day 12 was a nice update.


Well-Known Member
Jul 27, 2017
I have a small observation about kissing in this game: I suggest that they make it less frequent but more impactful because when you usually kiss a girl on the lips (using your tongue to boot) it's always like a preparation for what has yet to come (going downtown) and that never happens here, I mean french kissing is a very intimate act that even prostitutes who are used to dick riding & cock sucking refuse to do it. So my suggestion here is that you make the kissing scenes a bit more detailed (describe how you feel her tongue how you taste her saliva ffs we never saw that in the game not even once)...

P.S: I believe this to be a positive criticism, so I apologize in advance for my brutal honesty.
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Well-Known Member
Jul 27, 2017
Even hugging is preparation of what is yet to come!
hugging is not a sexual act except if big bewbs are involved, in that case the friction between both chests would result in the feeling of a tingling sensation around the nipple area (just joking) no seriously wtf man, HUGGING? I hug my friends all the time yet you don't see me making out with them or popping a boner after we hug.
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Aug 5, 2016
Anyone knows if the online hentai comic book reported by Elena in the final scene is actually a nod to something really realized (or just a joke)? Maybe someone has done an unofficial DMD 3D story?

Also, please: a torrent of the full version to skip the 2 MB limit on Mega would be a real gift!
Aug 5, 2016
I haven't read any of the comments since the update came out but my thoughts on this are summarized in three parts:
1) Fuck Lucas I want to kill that little fucker with a hammer 2) Rachel!!! 3) Seriously I'll pay money to kill that piece of shit in game with a hammer

One thing I'm a little concerned about is how careless we're apparently being. Elena, Richard, and Lucas all have at least some idea, Lucas being more sure in it than the other two. I'm worried this is going to blow up somehow.
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Active Member
May 28, 2017
hugging is not a sexual act except if big bewbs are involved, in that case the friction between both chests would result in the feeling of a tingling sensation around the nipple area (just joking) no seriously wtf man, HUGGING? I hug my friends all the time yet you don't see me making out with them or popping a boner after we hug.
Did I say hugging? I meant eye contact
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New Member
May 31, 2017
Apparently a bug, 'cause it makes no sense at all.
Could be, but I remember earlier in the game, he did the same thing. When you denied working with the photographer. The photographer would still apparently get the photos, the photographer would still submit the photos, he'd still win. And some how, you're still connected to the photographer, even if you told him to "f-k off"
Guess it's just one of those, "if the plot demands it" type of things.
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Super User
Respected User
Aug 5, 2016
Instead, @Aitan_3 has destroyed all logical discussions about DMD details. The characters are humanoid, but not human. That would be acceptable if the dev-team took players into their thinking and explained possible differences--they have not at all done this.
Don't know if I follow what you're trying to say.
- D has been never the sharpest tool in the shed
- Elena is the classic girl with daddy issues
- Georgina has been trying to start something with F since te beginning
- Jen is not developed yet
Update 0.11 wasn't very good, you can see how they dumbed down things between D and F after the end of 0.10 to keep things as slow as possible, but 0.12 doesn't looks that bad to me.
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Well-Known Member
Game Developer
May 16, 2017
Nope, the only thing in the DMD/Game/Saves folder was the 'persistent' file.

Kinda moot point, as I just saved the downloaded save on like page 4 or something. It worked from there. Just goofy how all these phantom game saves were showing up, when version 11 wasn't even on the same hard drive, let alone directory, anymore.
they are held in your roaming folder: <OS DRIVE>:/users/<your user name>/appdata/roaming/renpy/<game name>


Aug 19, 2017
...Also, does Elena have like echolocation powers or something? How could she tell MC was kissing D on the lips through the door?

This thing, Elena "X-ray eyes", and Lucas being able to spy Dad and daughter through their apartment window are a huge pill to swallow. In order to spy our lovely couple, Lucas would have to be in another building using binoculars.
and don't forget D win the photo contest even if you did not let the photo was taken
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Jan 23, 2017
On this forum, many of us have discussed DMD using logic/intuition to discern the unfolding plots. These discussions are moot because the dev-team refuses to respect the players enough to offer a clear game-design (this ploy effectively prolongs the game rather than leading to completion).

Only a week before update 0.12, I coaxed the DMD writer to finally reveal the locale of the story was "out there". As in non-earthly. Why was this not revealed earlier? Because then pesky details (geography, climate, education system, human body hair, etc.) could be considered inconsequential. Note the "official" reason was to give an all-inclusive setting for players (the setting, the dialog is actually USA all the way, probably because Patreon pledges are paid in American funds).

It's all an elaborate but obvious stall. The dev-team can't be trusted. The money being made from gullible patrons has negated all ideas of true story progress for DMD. They have hinted that the updates so far are only parts of "Chapter1" with plans for at least a Chapter 3. Yeah, good luck with that!

Go back and read the first handful of pages in this thread. There was widespread agreement that this game-type NEVER results in a complete game. More than likely, scams from the get-go...
I don't know.... I just can't buy this line of reasoning. Pardon me for getting all libertarian/Randian here, but at this point I just don't see how someone possibly can be scammed by supporting these folks on Patreon. Yes, it is possible for people to get scammed on Patreon, but at this point we have a pretty good idea what the product is, and the creators have been quite consistent given the nature of the creation process. Sure, this is a particularly apt (and I think very purposefully so) project for that particular revenue platform, but if someone feels satisfied enough to contribute to the creators then that's a fair and equitable transaction. The game designer(s) put out their work in progress, the contributors decide whether their personal satisfaction has a monetary value and they put up that amount. Wiz-Bang! Free market working it's free markety goodness. In the long run or the short run (though this has every appearance of going for the long run) the project may fumble or the creators go their merry way, but everyone knows that (or should know that) going into the deal. They say half of restaurants fail in the first couple of years, any number of startups are now dust in the wind, the world has more failures than successes, and it's really just a matter of personal character which of those you want to focus on and use as a basis of your own decision making. However, I don't think your characterization of patrons as "gullible" says much--if anything--about those contributors so much as your own cynical and, in my opinion, rather mistaken impressions of the nature of this particular economic model.
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