This was the worst update of the game,there is no progress in the main story,doing reshoots for something that D already did,if you are not going to add NTR then stop teasing with it,like the guy that saw D and F, D and Jennifer teasing the same guy,those guys that hinted at D with Cassandra and when I saw touching herself and saw the dog I was like "are they going to do it?" but no,and the mysterious call was Ruby,are you kidding me,and she is coming back,great another girl to fuck,If you just can't keep up with the girls that you already have why add another one?, just like Rachel she is so pointless but she is back just to fuck,stop making F the main focus of the game he is not is D,If Cassandra wants to bang D let her do it,don't make her feel that she wants F dick just because,and you can make that Ruby,Rachel,Jennifer visits D but Martin can't because of the virus that is so lame and I don't know if I'm the only one that looks the walkthrough and watch how many pages add and gets excited but what I hate it's that you literally make a full page just to explain the rock,paper,scissors with so many details ahh but with Martin path just explained that is you do this is closed,F telling D that now she is so mature but the she is like "hey daddy can we fuck Cassandra" dude that is not mature let her make her own decisions