People mad cause a porn game has become too much porn...
My thoughts exactly. Theres another game on this site with no penetration and the minute you make a comment even asking about no sex in a sex game they pull out the pitchforks. There have been games on this site with memorable characters, plot, etc but that was not my initial intention with these games nor was it many other users. These games add an element of choice which creates an immersive experience. But its full blown porn at the end of the day.
People are also ultra sensitive if you point out the flaws in a game...or flaws in said person's logic. You make any suggestion people get butthurt but how else would the devs of the game get any better?
That being said, it would be kind of cool to revisit the Casino or other locations one last time from the early chapters. One thing some of the new hotter female prot (I know this is not a female prot game) games deliver on is allowing the female prot to tease NPCs while the male prot is present having the option to go further. That would be a nice scene.
Furthermore, at this point. In order to catch up with the times Dots has to create a totally new game with darker themes and elements. Doesnt have to be incest, Life with Mary proved that. It could be MCs bestfriends daughter or wife or Mom or maybe all three. You should also have the choice to not be the only penis in the universe. An abandoned subway setting would be an awesome change as well. Many possibilities there. Doesnt have to be Zombie, just multiple LIs and people stranded for a random reason in Donutsen.