I'm tired of all the categories you have to deal with these days in the case of Martin. What's with this "polyamory bbc cuck NTR whatever" shit ? Couldn't you just write exciting scenes with Martin without thinking too much about how it shall be categorized beforehand ? Because that's all we need. I don't care about the "categories/niches" I care about is it hot or not.
Jeff Steel : I'd like to know if that kind of thinking was in play when the "super cautious" and ultimately frustrating and boring swingers club scene in last update was made. It could have been great but every paths the scene hinted at resulted in nothing, and some paths were not even hinted at all. And I'm not even talking of the ridiculous "Dee's not Graham's type" shameful excuse so that almost nothing happens between them.
This scene was the worst disapointment I had with the game recently. It should have been 3 paths :
1\Path for insecure teenagers, the one we had
2\Middle-Ground path : D jerks off the guy who wants to fuck his wife then reunites the couple while participating a bit in preliminaries and then leaves them alone
3\Chad path : Graham suddenly becomes a realistic character and like any 40+ straight male would jump at the opportunity of sex with such a bombastic teenager as Dee, even if "she's not exactly his type". So then a lot of swapping happens between D, G, F and G's daughter, and maybe a final orgy scene including the shy married couple.
Order has been restored, everyone is happy, wars & Covid stop all over the world, and NVIDIA sells 3090's for 200$.