Tastes vary. I like SL quite a lot. Of course for the most part I like DMD as well, and I really liked Melody. I get that you're disappointed in the turns the story took in chapters 3 and 4, but consider that Mr. Dots and crew will have have actually delivered completed games.
Rather than deciding in advance, your best interests might be served by at least trying whatever VN they come up with.
For the record your assessment that the direction of the game was driven by loud cries on discord is provably false. Go back and read through the comments on this thread starting from its beginning and going forward about 12-18 months.
You are right.
Also worth to mention that DMD is their first game and started 5 years ago. They learned a lot during the very first time and of course some initial first thoughts were subject to change.
They never listened to those who "cried loudest" - as we know that only complainers gonna cry out loud, and a few handfull complainers who still think MrDots depends only on them are nothing against approx 5k supporters overall.
Of course those who overdid raging on discord and were banned (like slackster) still try to incite over here.
Just look at all those who "loudly announce" that they are done with that game for ever - but returning back to complain right in time whenever a new update is out.
We just learned to ignore those. There has been a time where i tried to tell over and over again what is decided and what will happen, and all we got is ".. but there has been a tag 5 years ago...." - we: "yes, but things have changed" - they "... again, there has been a tag 5 years ago ....".
I just wonder what would happen if they would only get games with standard from 5 years ago though.