I'd actually pay dots if he was actually interested in doing more sharing stuff. As it is, this game feels like the vanillas butchered this. Is that up for change, or is he set in this bullshit?
Exactly and what I've stated earlier. If the story was always meant to be just D-F with a sprinkle of D-Other m, it should have been over a long time ago.
My issue isn't due to having a specific kink. My issue is just story and after the 500th D-F scene it's just boring and leaves D as an empty character. She never develops into a believable person in any real way and that's boring. Sorry, it's boring.
So you either make it what it is but end it sooner and more naturally OR you develop the characters and let it go as long as it has.
They chose neither...and both. The worst of each. Long story of the same shit happening over and over.
Why? Based on the first chapter I cannot be convinced that it wasn't to please the very outspoken supporters that did not want to se anything but D-F. Talk of new writers and such is just talk. Dots had full say and his early writings more than suggest D not being so....coddled. She's damn near raped in every new release of CH1.
The father bets her virgin pussy on a game of pool in a scummy biker bar, lol.
The father can choose to basically let her be photographed by a stranger on their own.
It was one thing and when it gained financial support from very angry, vocal supporters it became another thing.