King Bayou

Jul 1, 2017
You haven't successfully extracted the images then. You'll only see the cache folder, sfx folder, and a bunch of .rpa files if it hasn't extracted successfully.

So, doublecheck time:
1) Did you place a copy (not just a shortcut) of the (extracted) unren.bat inside the (already extracted from .zip/.7z) Dating My Daughter_0.12 folder? (Or whatever you've namded the folder), and not in any subfolders of that folder?
2) When you clicked on unren.bat, you saw the menu with 9 options, picked option 9, and then it runs/extracts, you should then see a 'you were successful. Hit any key to exit'. Without a bunch of red text (that doesn't happen often, but if it does/you see red text, there's an issue that unren.bat has had).

Note that I don't have 0.12 full, just 0.10 full, with the .11 and .12 patch applied, along with the 0.10, 0.11, and 0.12 extras.

I probably should ask now to be sure, has anyone here successfully used unren.bat on 0.12 full? I haven't heard that it wasn't working on the full download...
Yeah I have extracted unren.bat directly into the main directory of DMD. When I run it I do get red text however, it keeps mentioning missing a and some other stuff I can't make out. Is there a link to the .10 version of the game that I can use and then just patch to .12 like everyone else? I feel like the full .12 download is what might be causing some problems.


Conversation Conqueror
Game Developer
Jun 17, 2017
Double checking something else:
Do you have the latest version of unren.bat (0.5). I saw that error with 0.3 recently with another game, as did a few others, so unren.bat was then updated to 0.5. If you downloaded it today, you should have the latest version.

Also, try renaming the Dating My Daughter folder to something with just letters, no spaces or other characters (numbers are fine, as is _). I don't *think* that's the problem, but that's how I solved my issue with the other game (before 0.5 was released).

In the meantime, my quick forum search didn't come up with .10, but I did find a full .11 here:

Maybe you could try that one, and then patch to 12?

Finally, you are on a Windows install, right? (not Android or Mac)
Last edited:

King Bayou

Jul 1, 2017
Double checking something else:
Do you have the latest version of unren.bat (0.5). I saw that error with 0.3 recently with another game, as did a few others, so unren.bat was then updated to 0.5. If you downloaded it today, you should have the latest version.

Also, try renaming the Dating My Daughter folder to something with just letters, no spaces or other characters (numbers are fine, as is _). I don't *think* that's the problem, but that's how I solved my issue with the other game (before 0.5 was released).

In the meantime, my quick forum search didn't come up with .10, but I did find a full .11 here:

Maybe you could try that one, and then patch to 12?

Finally, you are on a Windows install, right? (not Android or Mac)
Yeah I have unren.bat .05 as I just downloaded it. I tried renaming my folder and I still get those errors. So I am not sure what is up with that.

I am going to try and download the .11 and then patch it to .12 and add the new scenes manually. Hopefully this will fix whatever is going on with the animations. If it does I will come back here and let you guys know so someone could take a look at that .12 full download. If it doesn't work then I am sad to say I will probably just avoid this game altogether.

It's great and I really love the story but without the animations it is just kinda missing something. Hopefully I can fix the issue however. But yes I am running the game on Windows 7 64-bit.


Conversation Conqueror
Game Developer
Jun 17, 2017
Sorry I couldn't be of more help. It's kind of hard to troubleshoot remotely, and my knowledge of these things isn't that vast. Where did you download 0.12 full? (was it from the OP of this thread?).

King Bayou

Jul 1, 2017
Oh it's fine I completely understand. I just don't have much experience with renpy games. The only other problems I've encountered is where the main menu of a game is like...frozen? To where I can't click anything but the game itself it still responding. That wasn't this game though, it was others such as House Party.

But yeah I downloaded the full Windows .12 from the OP.


New Member
Sep 13, 2016
Um guys you miss that part?

(2)(b) Three days ago MrDots he said: "We will continue with the story in the next update. After that, we will go back to finish the other two routes." Thus 0.13 would be followed with the career path routes.

(2)(c) Months before this, MrDots stated he would be keeping the "doctor" career path and would be changing the "programmer" career path to a "police office" career path.

Seems from 0.14 or maybe this will be 0.01 chapter 2,we will go back around day 4 when we choose the career.
This is complete bullcrap! Why doesn't he continue with the story? I don't care about the other jobs and I don't want to start all over again...


New Member
Aug 7, 2017
I honestly just assumed he was going to add on the other career paths as expansion packs for the higher patreon supporters like the extras. It's bee bothering me for awhile now just thinking how and when he was gonna add them. I remember the second play through I was all "fuck yeah ima pick doctor for when i get knocked the fuck out and see what changes" and was all whaaaat?


Feb 2, 2017
@ Not even sure where to being. You need to give better information if you want better help from the rest of us. But let me try:

- Problem related to animations only, which is part of extras. Double check you extracted all files properly. Extras.rpa should have the path '..\Dating My Daughter v0.12\game\extras.rpa'. I think you did this step wrong.
- Download the Full v0.12 version -AND- the extras. Try again. If bandwith is a problem, try only with extras first. Patching the game got minor issues. You mention you got extras installed, but that it came preinstalled. I dont think that is the case.
- Do you have some anti-virus or anti-malware running that blocks renpy from runing external files? Pretty common for such programs if it can't recognize it.
- Do you see other pictures or scenes that are exclusive with the Extras installed? (figure out which is with the walkthough)
- Try other Renpy games to see if they mess up. That House Party game you mention is made in unity if I recall correctly.

That's off the top of my head. If you're looking for more help, be specific please. Screenshots ect. Not like on last page where you 'did extract' using unren.bat but not mentioning it gave you an error while doing so..
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Bruni Multimedia

Well-Known Member
Game Developer
May 24, 2017
I'm pretty new here but really like this game and a few others. So I had a question because I was thinking about this scenario for some reason the other night, probably because I'm hooked on these VNs. So my question was....have any of the Devs ever done like a "Crossover" scene or scenario with these VNs? It would be cool if DMD and General Practitioner got together and for example one day F had to bring in D for her first physical to the doctor and what do you know it's the GP clinic, so from the GP point of view you would be playing and one day D shows up as a patient, that could lead to her having a pelvic exam, or maybe F wants to get her on birth control? Don't know if anything like that is even possible, but I have a pretty active imagination, haha.
That would be very cool! I'd be more than happy to do something like this. The problem, as always, is just time. I'm on a very strict schedule each month to guarantee a release for everyone and right now I can't be distracted by many other things (I also have a job and a family lol :D )

But this is a very clever idea indeed!


New Member
Jul 1, 2017
I am having trouble with the h or middle mouse button hide text feature.
It seems, that i suddenly cant use them anymore.
Any known issues about this?


Active Member
Aug 20, 2017
I'm right there with you. An MFF with Elena and Jennifer would be sublime.
I'm prety shure this will happen at some point. I believe even teh walkthrough speaks of a "share route" eventualy.
It will take some time though. Some loose ends need to be wrapped up. And we can be sure dat ep 13 will feature largely around dealing with the mother. Hopefully D will finaly get an orgasm.

I only hope that if the change the jobs you have a chance to re-choose the job.


Well-Known Member
Game Developer
May 16, 2017
Alright everyone stop getting your panties in a bunch! you may only like D, but the DEVS have a plan and are following it. If you want to just have the D, extract the pics, rename the pics with D in it to the name of the other pics and delete the ones you don't want.

The game would not work with the story if you just ignore the other characters. this is not a simple meet daughter, corrupt her, then do her... it's a story that involves more than two characters. I'm so sorry you don't want the extra content, but me personally *I*, and I know there are others, do! @Mescalino above even just said it and others have too. If you want to make a story that you want then do it please?? let the devs do their thing, say hey i didn't get what I wanted this month but I'll get it soon. it gets boring to keep seeing people try to say the game is nothing with the other characters, it is nothing without them! they give the story context! and If you are upset about starting over... well use the ctrl key... it'll speed you through to the sex you so wanted.

Personally I am not as much of a fan of elana, but more of georgina added into the mix... F, D and Georgina.... that's what i'd love see happen... not sure but it seems like Georgina is showing interest in D.... might could happen. Don't get me wrong, I wouldn't mind seen a MFFF with F, D, Elana, and Jennifer..... :)


Engaged Member
Oct 13, 2016
my own opinion is that i don't care about the other characters, not that i don't want other characters, that i want, its a part of the story, and we need characters, what i dont care is the sex. this game is about "Dating my Daughter" not "Fucking my Daughter and her friends and making my own little harem". i want a game that is focused on DmD and just that. this game will take years to be completed if they need to have so many different routes and females to fuck. all the rendering and writing that could be put into the DmD story.

also, i dont get the need to always fuck every girl available. why can't they just be a friend or a colleague. and im sure D mom will get fucked as well. right?


Well-Known Member
Game Developer
May 16, 2017
my own opinion is that i don't care about the other characters, not that i don't want other characters, that i want, its a part of the story, and we need characters, what i dont care is the sex. this game is about "Dating my Daughter" not "Fucking my Daughter and her friends and making my own little harem". i want a game that is focused on DmD and just that. this game will take years to be completed if they need to have so many different routes and females to fuck. all the rendering and writing that could be put into the DmD story.

also, i dont get the need to always fuck every girl available. why can't they just be a friend or a colleague. and im sure D mom will get fucked as well. right?
and I can respect your opinion on it, but to whine every time the dev does something you didn't like? I've said it before, if you were to make your own game it'd be just like you wanted it and yes others would say you didn't do enough with it. and it'd be over a long time before this one probably but also be a bit less unrewarding as knowing you fended off all the unwanted advances etc.... think of it that way... but it is what it is, the devs put these characters there for reasons they know, even I do not but why continue to whine about something you have no control over?


Engaged Member
Oct 13, 2016
whine? its criticism.
this is a discussion thread about the game, to say what we think. but if we follow your argument we should just shut up and say nothing, let him do whatever, like he is the messiah and we are just idiots that need to follow his way?
of course we can express what we think.
if i where to create a game for PC, and i make a kickstarter, but then after 6 months i decided to add P4/XBOX1 increasing time and money needed, you ok with that? the DmD is that, a game with a premise for a VN about D&D, but now its a lot more, and bit by bit we are going away from what where the interesting part, the D&D relationship. now its a horny father that want to fuck all women available for him. its not DmD anymore, its another story, another VN.


Well-Known Member
Game Developer
May 16, 2017
You can do that all you want, but the amount of criticism about a game that people for the most part do not support (here, some do) really shouldn't be there when it's this part is crap and i only want this too bad....

you want a fun thing? you bring up kick starter... atleast with this model if you donate it's a small amount every month and you can stop anytime you want. I put 245 down for a kick starter and I've recieved nothing more than 1/3rd of the product in 4, almost 5 years since it was funded! the company keeps stringing people along with looking for quotes for this and that but nothing useful, nothing tangible but words on a screen. Silence for 6-8 months at a time with nothing but advertisements for a game that isn't finished (mini game) yet won't even show videos of game play from gencon!!! now that's a robbery if ever there was one! atleast here there is an update once a month with new content. some people paid for things that have yet been produced (me included) but some only paid for the things that are in the wave 2 of the game....

I disagree that this is not DmD, for it is... they have gone on dates.... and they were alone for several updates in a row. the wold does not revolve around them and this is still DmD as it is still happening a slow progression... do you take a girl out on the first date and try to have sex with them???? I know it happens but how do many of those relationships last? it's been told it's a slow burn many a time and people don't want that they want sex and only sex with D.... I say fine, go make your own and you'll get what you want.


Engaged Member
Oct 13, 2016
are you really answering me or are you just trolling?
we are not talking about how and the pace of F&D relationship at all. i like it slow. what we are talking about is the added characters side-story, that could have been reduced, removed some sex scenes, some animation etc. they should still be there, for maybe they will be important to D in the future, maybe a 3some?. do we really need to see Elena masturbate? is that important? i say, wipe that out completely and use that time to progress the story more or add more variety to D, more clothes or work with F's jobs. right now i feel they spend time for "other" characters then F&D, but the main plot is Dating my Daughter. remember what they plan? quite a lot of different fetish. im a bit concern that they will never get to it or along the way they decide to remove some or just have some crappy ending involving in a fetish they didnt have time making because the spend time creating scenes with "others".


Well-Known Member
Game Developer
May 16, 2017
I am not trolling you what so ever.... you brought in kickstarter and your own game idea and that is why i brought in an example of kickstarter theft you are talking about. you obviously have ideas why not run with it? make a game and get people to support you. I think it's GREAT that the devs actually CARE enough about the plot to add in the extra people that could help the story along. As it has been said they have a story board they are going by and following it pretty well. So please tell me how would D in your story grow to like the F if not pushed by someone outside of things? Elena is needed to give that initial push (happened off camera before coming here and continues as she tries to get D to open up more). if they get to the point or not that is on them, I won't say they wont but you know what? let me see.. the days on the island have very little but F and D, this outing on day 12 is F and D. several days in between there are very little interaction with anyone other than elena in the hotel room, and jennifer comes into play very little. Georgina had three major instances of action with F and 2 other times at "work". this story is VERY much about F and D starting a relationship, but to keep it from being boring there are choices you can make, and that makes the game/VN better than a comic. By restricting it to F and D it becomes a story on rails, going to one specific outcome and that is not something i look for in this type of media. I prefer it to just pure stills and no choices to take.

you can say you don't like it but when you start to take it apart and say the rest isn't needed and then try to justify it you (plural you, not you specifically) make it sound like it is such an inconvenience to have the rest of the story. I want that story, I don't want just one set and then a choice that allows a threesome with someone I have no vested interest in. sure elena and ricardo I have no vested interest in but the sex there was quick and over with quickly. That is the mark of better story tellers when you can get people vested in the side support characters and still keep people wanting the main character stories. Please tell me exactly how many times in the 12 installments that any character other than F and D do anything sexual when there is NOTHING else in that installment with F and D. I challenge you to find an episode/installment that F and D do not interact and advance their relationship at all and it is only about the side characters (I know the answer is 0 but that's what you are afraid of, that there is nothing being advanced of the main two characters).


Engaged Member
Oct 13, 2016
again, its not about removing a character, but to remove parts that are not needed.
why do you need to see Elena masturbate to "like her", isn't enough to just talk to her? or why do we need G at all?
wouldn't it be more exciting if G is harder to get where you need to get to know her "a lot" before even getting to have any chance at all? if its about character building they are doing it all wrong, Elena is not nice at all, just a nymph without anything interesting, just remember who she dated! hilarious. if you really want to get deep into a character, you don't need any sexual scene at all, just conversations and situations that creates emotions.

what we want is a dynamic world, yes, but do we require sexual scenes to like a character? not at all.
to render a sex scene with animation takes time. time that they could spent into building the character, giving back story, create interesting conversations, not just "sexual play".

yes, i want interesting characters, they "help" F & D in many ways, but do i need someone uninteresting that masturbate and have lesbian sex and makes a porno in the studio? well..... thats not really character building, just sex scenes to make your cock hard. i just don't care about that. i want something interesting and so far only D is interesting, not because she have a great personality and a great mind, but because she's naive and can be made into whatever, easily manipulated, thats character building, and the player should be the one to choose what path D should take.


New Member
Aug 7, 2017
The random masturbation scenes and the girls fooling around with each other are mainly there because it's still a sex game, and when you have gone x amount of time without anything hot it's there to be all "heeeey buddeh heres a lil somethinsomethin." to keep people interested.

I like that you can pretty much shut down a good deal of the side quest crap when you're wanting to tunnel your daughter's relationship and nothing else. But honestly it sounds like all it would take to make those who don't want the extra nonstory related smut in the way of what they are doing happy is to just have a skip scene button on content that's completely unrelated. In some cases it could be interesting too (even though the example is story related). Imagine getting the text of el from jen out of nowhere without knowing it's coming just completely out of context. That would add some great immersion, and would motivate people to replay with intent to focus on side content.
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