Can't seem to get the game to open on Mac ;/ So many games i cant play for some reason, and its always the same reason:
I'm sorry, but an uncaught exception occurred.
Before loading the script.
Exception: Couldn't find file '._extras.rpi'.
(in this instance its the "extras" file, but it seems to be with all rpi files cus they are not named .rpi, they are named .rpa instead. I have tried renaming them with earlier games that had the same problem, but it only shows a new error message afterwards..)
Does anyone know a solution to this? I'm still pretty new to all of these AVN's, sorry if this is completely basic knowledge in the community..
This did wonders, i am now able to play any PC version of any AVN directly through Renpy SDK. Just had to download and move the game folder into the Root renpy folder, and thats it. It detects the folder, and you are able to just play it. A-fricking-MAZING.