Dead wrong. I don't go to 4chan or 8chan for information b/c they are cancerious. No I speak of individuals from other discord servers and many others. Big mistake to think I go to such bad communities for info.
The People I spoke to were patreons of his game not from 4chan or 8chan sources. Who had seen the game and some are even devs themselves who dislike the way DMD is done. Please do not assume my sources.
One of them actually wants to create his own game and is going about it differently. But not going into details. I am very deep in the modding / gaming support community. I refuse to use sites like 4chan or 8chan for sources unless its strictly info or tutorials on how to do something. OTherwise I don't even waste my breath there.
Also if you read my previous statements even those that said negative things about DMD for quite a few months I waited to try it out myself at update 0.12 version. From what I played was very little and not really entertaining. I actually got a kick out of 0.12 but if I was a patreon and got 0.13 I would have immediately stopped pledging. Sooo many ppl do not like the pace of the game.
First of many things about the daughter is just dead wrong. How is it that a girl who is 18 years old be that sheltered and not know really anything especially if she hung out with a friend who knows everything of it.
I don't care if you go to an all girls school you would at least tried to experiment in some fashion. To be entirely naive and oblivious is not possible at all. I did my research and waited it out to see how good it was or how bad. I seen what happens to patreons who pull these kind of stunts. It won't last.
You are very deep into the modding community, ok, no idea what does it mean but is sounds important. Good for you I guess. That aside: I have no problems believing that a lot of people do not like DMD. I have no problems believing that some devs do not like DMD either. I do have some problems believing that people would pledge for a game that they don't like tough. 4000 patrons, 4000 people that like DMD enough to pay for it. More or less. Not bad I would say. Then again, if the game is really as shitty as you say, it will eventually collapse. No problem with that either. Let's sit and wait. DMD might end up in a failure, mrdots might be ridiculed, I would not like that but hey, one can just do what one can do. Failures happen. How was that beckett quote? Alway tried, always failed, doesn't mean, try again, fail again, fail better. Or something like that. Losing my point. My point is i can't understand why you seem to take it so personally.
As for daughter being too naive: old, old, old topic, not speaking about it again. Refer to the meta-discussion thread if you are interested in it.
EDIT: as for the "I have already seen it", patreon is a young site, many success stories are still to be written, you simply have not enough data to convincingly compare anything to anything else. Just sit and wait - especially since you are not even paying for the game. Believe me, it's the best course of action.