I understand the need to do this and the things being implemented, it just sucks that its done in this way and the story doesn't get to keep moving for a month or 2 more.
I will say though, that the game is becoming massive in terms of size, thus I tend to agree that the need for chapters is inevitable.
With that said though, a lot of the stuff that has been done become pointless. All those love points, friendship points, boobs/ass/etc.., all the choices, become pointless once chapter 2 starts if it's a completely different game.
Further, it makes chapters 1 almost completely irrelevant in the context of how the story is moving in terms of porn. Chapter 1 is basically the precursor where what people will really want to see will be in further chapters. I mean pretty much guaranteed we'll get to have sex with Elena, Georgina, etc.. in the next chapter, also get hjs, bjs, etc.. from them too. So there won't be anything in chapt 1 worth anything, no carry over on decisions made, nothing.
I would further add too that in the way the progress is going, it seems like 3 chapters will likely end up being around 7 chapters. Too much content and possibilities and premutations to fit into 3.