Hoping harem option is added for 3 girl at the very least as daughter,ellen and jennifer are too hot to give up on any of them, now for v,17, valatines release. Its not bad still too text heavy for my likeing on text tho and size of game is scary, but artwork and shagging elena without condom and daughter bj was alsome.
Also love how can turn on and of relationships when want thats brilliant please creature dont remove this also option.
Bad things below noticed.
1, Couldnt open command consal with Shift+O, no matter how many time's I tries, am I missing somethink? Please bring it back.
2, Because of above had Lp and FP, above 300 figured what the hell and all, but then noticed that when got or lost points in ifer it dropped everntually to 200 both, then stuck there wouldnt rise when got points, is this a bug? or is that the cap for points at this time?
3, Could not use previous saves with this update again, so had start from begining again.
But all in all nice add on to series and love how she daughter again even without any extras added to make it so.