Main Course (Heidi) is good
The whole "Amanda sucks" scenario may seems deliberate to avoid Patreon banhammer, I can't think any other reason why the author made her so fucking hateable
Everyone has a view, and that's fair enough, as well as natural enough.
Mine is (as stated before) Amanda is not 'hateworthy' - and not only because maybe we shouldn't take a game of heavy sexual content - and not just sexual content, also psychological (troubled), & almost ... sociological content too (the difficulties of making a living when things, & the opinion of others, seem heavily stacked agin ya) - quite so seriously as real life out here.
I expressed a view somewhere above - I won't bore readers with the details of it a second time - that it's not altogether implausible Amanda could have her mind seriously poisoned by manipulators like the aunt - GIVEN the existence of what looks like damning, incontrovertible proof of the MC's theft from his dying partner.
But then, the other dimension to it all is, however your passions are aroused, please try to have some sympathy for the predicament of games developers. They try to weave alluring, convincing and visually appealing lines - sometimes against the odds - under pressure of time, under a storm of patrons' (and fans') likes, dislikes, demands & antipathies, not to mention shifting guidelines and threats of sanctions from online hosts.
It would be great if Devs were flush with money & had the luxury of several lifetimes available, so they could plot out every single detail of character & twist of plot of a projected story in advance... and merely had to unroll that completed work, bit by bit, to an adoring, abundantly cash-flinging audience.
But that's .... not the real world. (It's hardly even fantasy world.)
Yes, of course, patrons - & fans - take plots and esp CHARACTERS very much to heart..... Laughing at some (cackling nastily at the bastard characters - or warmly, in appreciation of well-worked humor), left cold by some, loving others, taking against yet others, nodding at one character's behavior, but loathing another character's guts to the back teeth, it seems.
TO me, that usually bears witness to how enganging the game's creators have crafted their game. I mean, why would you bother detesting a cardboard figure in a crashing shambles of a game?
So my plea FWIW is:
don't be too hard on 'Manda The Panda; or even if your heart is colder even than the aunt's ....
say thanks to Palmer Z/LJ & team for even moving you to fury!