Reat at front Page... Let me guess: You played the chapters 1-3 offline? Then you need to restart, since 4 and 5 can only be played "online" / in your browser. Offline and browser version are not compatible...I can't get chapter 4 to open. Chapters 1-3 were fine. It seems to be trying to open a browser address. Any help would be apppreciated.
With the start of chapter 4 you need to lead a backup of your save... Just follow the instructions on the front page of this thread.
I had to do the same... wasn't that much of an act (30 min for all three if you skip).
But beware: Chapter 4 and 5 are the "adopted" versions... not the real. To change that you must go into the game\html5game\scenes folder and open the intro.txt. There you will find the change option (1 is for daughter and 0 for adopted version. Exchance the 0 with 1 and you have the real Daughter version). You need to do that for chap 4 and 5. (Found about that here in that thread. Thanks to that person )