4.80 star(s) 5 Votes


Well-Known Member
Oct 3, 2021
There's no problem in and of itself. I'm stating, don't be surprised that the fan base whose responsible for ID's popularity want it to just be Lana and Daniel. I mean months ago, we were all aware of Daval's "press release" backtracking on his intentions to involve Sofia, weren't we? We all knew the reason was the subscribers pushing against the idea. And let's not forget that Sofia's involvement while not completely new is a rather late stage event, occurring near the end of Chapter Six, that is the beginning of her "detective work."

I agree with Trile3 and Dustellar that Daval may have had other intentions, but is in a rut, and may not know how to proceed forward (once again, we have Daniel calling Lana a bitch, why?) And now this psychiatrist cousin of Martha's, which I presume is the reason Martha is now suspicious, is supposed to get involved. How? Why? Why not take a short break from Immoral Desires, and take the time to think about a coherent plot? In all honesty the plot, and the dialogue especially, can use some work.

No. I'm just stating it's clear that's where the trend is.

I think if this were the case, then Daval could have done something about it by now. But he hasn't. Why do you think that is?

I disagree. I think Sofia's role may be important as a confidant as Dustellar suggested, in which case, she doesn't need to be shown having sex. But what's Martha's importance? And if Martha's cousin is going to appear, what would be her importance? I think Daval is throwing a bunch of stuff at the wall to see what sticks.

Which means what? Every character seen must have sex? I've seen pornographic scenes where all the people who appear on camera don't have sex.

So new for the sake of new isn't always good? That's my point. Sometimes "new" can be "laziness disguised as creativity."
I think he's not doing anything separately with Sofia Martha etc because he has his hands full with ID SN Together and you forgot that hes going to do a spinoff about Uncle Pete the most hated character of Together whats that tell you , so maybe after he finish that he will do something with another secondary character

What I meant about is a porn comic is why gatekeep your own characters , it doesnt makes sense and at the same time he can easily maintain consistency while giving them different plots separately

The dialogues absolutely needs to be polished

Daval at this point clearly is just throwing shit all over the place because he doesn't know what to do with the rest of the characters and now Martha's cousin... what.

I also think Daval had other intentions at the beginning is obvious but well money talks for him above integrity, we all know how he operates and is sad to see it.
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Jul 4, 2024
He can definitely attract new fans by "switching it up," but by that very same token, he can alienate his existing fans by "switching it up." At best, it can create a zero-sum game. Again, I assume the majority of the fans don't care much about Martha and Sofia. And if they do, I'm sure they can compel Daval to create a spin-off V.I.P. comic for them, as he's now doing with Uncle Peter.

I don't deny that there are those who agree with you. I just don't think it's as much as you let on.

This is redundant.

And if their designs are wasted, so what? What's does that have to do with the comic itself, its content, its themes, and its popularity?

I'm not going back-and-forth with this. If you want to believe that MT is just as or more popular than ID, then I leave you to your own error.

Of course, it's redundant. But apparently it needs repeating since there were two members in particular who kept going on and on about not how they find the plot boring now, but how the comic itself has become boring.

Only if you're arguing that your opinion of the comic is the same as the quality of the comic.

Your opinion is certainly not worthless. And I never insinuated as much. But as eager as we are to see our own fantasies played out in this content, we tend to forget that we are discussing our opinions.

How much of what you see is actually new? And I'm not just referring to sexually explicit content, I'm referring to all kinds of content whether it's books, sports, television programs, films, etc. Certain tropes are repeated because they consistently allow us to connect with the content. Why is Immoral Desires so popular? Lana has a gorgeous design; Daniel has a decent design with an aggressive and commanding approach; and the mother-son genre invokes subconscious Oedipal fantasies within the predominantly male audience. Do you believe Immoral Desires was the first to broach this subject? Furthermore, do we take it as protocol that what's new is always good? Disney turns Ariel "black" and the fan base is in an uproar. Live action adaptations that don't portray the source material to a tee is met with protest. We want new, and at the same time, we don't.

It's a shame that for some "consistent" has become synonymous with "boring." As far as paid subscriptions, unless it's an individual commission, Daval will respond to the lion's share of those who are responsible for his income. If one's preferences aren't being met, then one should consider and evaluate the continuation one's subscription.
Facts, Brother.
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May 8, 2024
Not to be that one guy but by making this statement you're making your own logic redundant. If his subscribers doesn't think it's boring it's not boring, OK. But if some of us who are not his subscriber think it's boring then we are projecting? That doesn't make a lot of sense. Just cause we don't pay doesn't mean our opinions are worthless projection
And the thing you said about novelty is completely correct that seeking novelty leads to boringness of the content. But my point is shouldn't daval3d subscriber want novelty and entertainment of highest order considering they pay him more in one month than Netflix.
Your opinion borders on being irrelevant. People often forget that writers don’t work on empty stomachs. First and foremost, they must prioritize the audience that supports them financially. While external opinions may hold some value and no writer wants to alienate potential followers, it is unlikely they will jeopardize their paying audience just to appease someone who has never contributed to their livelihood.

On the topic of redundancy, there is actually a logical framework here. The idea that "if his subscribers don’t think it’s boring, it’s not boring" is rooted in the fact that subscribers are paying for the content. If they found it boring, they simply wouldn’t pay. What you may not consider to be "entertainment of the highest order" can very well be just that for those who choose to pay for his creations. The comparison to Netflix is entirely flawed. Netflix is able to provide such value for its subscription due to the multitude of revenue streams and massive scale it operates on. Meanwhile, a game developer might spend years creating a game that a player can finish in two hours yet charge a similar price. Does that make one inherently worse than the other? Not at all. It simply reflects the different industries, creative processes, and value propositions involved.

Moreover, the idea that all entertainment should deliver the same value for money as Netflix is inherently flawed. Entertainment is subjective—what entertains one person might not entertain another. Therefore, whose opinion holds more "worth"? Clearly, it's the one from the person who financially supports the content. Their subscription is a direct vote of confidence in the entertainment value they receive.

Therefore, the act of subscribing inherently validates that they find the content engaging or worthwhile. In this sense, opinions from non-subscribers who claim it is boring hold less weight, as they are not the ones supporting the creator. It isn’t that non-subscribers’ opinions are dismissed as projection arbitrarily; rather, those opinions don’t reflect the actual value exchange taking place between creator and paying audience, so while not being worthless, they're worthless-adjacent.

As for novelty, while seeking it excessively might lead to a loss of authenticity or consistency, it doesn’t mean subscribers always demand innovation. People subscribe to creators like Daval3D for a mix of familiarity, consistency, quality, and even connection to the creator, not necessarily for constant reinvention. In sum, as one user said before:

He can definitely attract new fans by "switching it up," but by that very same token, he can alienate his existing fans by "switching it up."

In short, the argument that subscribers determine whether content is boring holds merit because their continued support proves they find value in it. Meanwhile, non-subscribers’ opinions lack the same significance in this context because they do not reflect the audience keeping the creator afloat. People have been relying on the same methods for years, whether it’s in writing hentai, making movies (many of which feel like they’ve been rehashed countless times), creating TV shows, or producing pop music that follows the same four chords repeatedly. It’s a formula that persists across industries. If something works, there’s no reason to change it; doing so might only alienate an audience that values the consistency and predictability of the content they came for in the first place.
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Penumbral Evanescence

|☽◯☾| Somnium of the Night ✧ Bête Noire
GFX Designer
Jul 16, 2021
Hey everyone, hope you are all having a great holiday season. I've just been noticing some off-topic conversations happening again with some users consistently derailing the thread with excessive discussions about development timelines, making personal attacks, and users posting in other languages (i.e., apart from English) on this thread. For users engaging in excessive discussions about development and making personal attacks, please take this to DMs, offline on Discord, or some other communication platform. You risk derailing the thread by engaging in these prolonged/disruptive conversations that take the enjoyment of the thread away from other users. Further transgressions will result in warnings and thread bans being given out. You have been cautioned. I appreciate everyone's cooperation and have a safe/rejuvenating rest of your holiday season and New Year (2025) ahead.
Nov 21, 2023
The most useless and boring daval project

* Where is the other fat dude (it's been hours to this bullshit and the most likely excuse daval will give that he is sleeping

* It's nothing but sex after sex with each other for hours nonstop and quite boring ( how tf they are able to do this much , it's completely unrealistic)

* Ngl SN has lost all my respect for it (I just hope it ends)


Sep 9, 2024
Your opinion borders on being irrelevant. People often forget that writers don’t work on empty stomachs. First and foremost, they must prioritize the audience that supports them financially. While external opinions may hold some value and no writer wants to alienate potential followers, it is unlikely they will jeopardize their paying audience just to appease someone who has never contributed to their livelihood.

On the topic of redundancy, there is actually a logical framework here. The idea that "if his subscribers don’t think it’s boring, it’s not boring" is rooted in the fact that subscribers are paying for the content. If they found it boring, they simply wouldn’t pay. What you may not consider to be "entertainment of the highest order" can very well be just that for those who choose to pay for his creations. The comparison to Netflix is entirely flawed. Netflix is able to provide such value for its subscription due to the multitude of revenue streams and massive scale it operates on. Meanwhile, a game developer might spend years creating a game that a player can finish in two hours yet charge a similar price. Does that make one inherently worse than the other? Not at all. It simply reflects the different industries, creative processes, and value propositions involved.

Moreover, the idea that all entertainment should deliver the same value for money as Netflix is inherently flawed. Entertainment is subjective—what entertains one person might not entertain another. Therefore, whose opinion holds more "worth"? Clearly, it's the one from the person who financially supports the content. Their subscription is a direct vote of confidence in the entertainment value they receive.

Therefore, the act of subscribing inherently validates that they find the content engaging or worthwhile. In this sense, opinions from non-subscribers who claim it is boring hold less weight, as they are not the ones supporting the creator. It isn’t that non-subscribers’ opinions are dismissed as projection arbitrarily; rather, those opinions don’t reflect the actual value exchange taking place between creator and paying audience, so while not being worthless, they're worthless-adjacent.

As for novelty, while seeking it excessively might lead to a loss of authenticity or consistency, it doesn’t mean subscribers always demand innovation. People subscribe to creators like Daval3D for a mix of familiarity, consistency, quality, and even connection to the creator, not necessarily for constant reinvention. In sum, as one user said before:

In short, the argument that subscribers determine whether content is boring holds merit because their continued support proves they find value in it. Meanwhile, non-subscribers’ opinions lack the same significance in this context because they do not reflect the audience keeping the creator afloat. People have been relying on the same methods for years, whether it’s in writing hentai, making movies (many of which feel like they’ve been rehashed countless times), creating TV shows, or producing pop music that follows the same four chords repeatedly. It’s a formula that persists across industries. If something works, there’s no reason to change it; doing so might only alienate an audience that values the consistency and predictability of the content they came for in the first place.
So many many words but the additional value is null. See, this is why reading comprehension is so necessary in real world. You're complete lack of awarnes of the intention behind my reply makes your word filled reply totally pointless and invalid. When I said, we the people who are not his subscribers are not happy with the way the plot of ID or SN is going. It doesn't mean I want daval to change it for me I want daval to better it for his subscribers who pay top dollar even if I don't get to see it. There's a lot of creator like jab, hentai creators and Y3DF who would use their side characters in 3-4 pages to do some erotic stuff or use the same characters in almost getting caught situation very cleverly. Daval could've done that. It's just that, my opinion, it's not a wishful thinking nor does it translate to oh daval must do that rather to he should've or could've done more on those pages to provide more value, since his subscribers pay so much. And the Netflix comparison was not to compare but to reiterate the commitment his subscribers has shown him for which he should be grateful and use every pixel of every page he renders to provide more eroticism to his subscribers. You, instead of comprehending properly went on a tangent. Is everything alright?
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May 8, 2024
So many many words but the additional value is null. See, this is why reading comprehension is so necessary in real world. You're complete lack of awarnes of the intention behind my reply makes your word filled reply totally pointless and invalid. When I said, we the people who are not his subscribers are not happy with the way the plot of ID or SN is going. It doesn't mean I want daval to change it for me I want daval to better it for his subscribers who pay top dollar even if I don't get to see it. There's a lot of creator like jab, hentai creators and Y3DF who would use their side characters in 3-4 pages to do some erotic stuff or use the same characters in almost getting caught situation very cleverly. Daval could've done that. It's just that, my opinion, it's not a wishful thinking nor does it translate to oh daval must do that rather to he should've or could've done more on those pages to provide more value, since his subscribers pay so much. And the Netflix comparison was not to compare but to reiterate the commitment his subscribers has shown him for which he should be grateful and use every pixel of every page he renders to provide more eroticism to his subscribers. You, instead of comprehending properly went on a tangent. Is everything alright?
Everything I’ve written has value; you just refuse to acknowledge it; a pattern I’ve noticed with you.


this is why reading comprehension is so necessary


It doesn't mean I want daval to change it for me
Of everything I’ve written to address this, I’ll leave you with this:

If something works, there’s no reason to change it; doing so might only alienate an audience that values the consistency and predictability of the content they came for in the first place.
Plus, what the other user I quoted had said previously.


I want daval to better it for his subscribers who pay top dollar even if I don't get to see it.
Once more, reading comprehension is so necessary:

What you may not consider to be "entertainment of the highest order" can very well be just that for those who choose to pay for his creations.

should've or could've done more on those pages to provide more value, since his subscribers pay so much

Therefore, the act of subscribing inherently validates that they find the content engaging or worthwhile.

Take a moment to reflect on your own advice. You're just angry, and it seems like frustration is clouding your perspective and affecting your reading comprehension. Every point you've raised has already been addressed. Stop making it seem like this is about others—it’s blatantly obvious about you. Please stop trying to frame it as something else; that’s not how constructive dialogue or democracy works. You’re essentially telling people they’re having fun wrong, which isn’t helpful. Take a deep breath, step back, and let it go.

Wishing you a happy and peaceful holiday season.


Well-Known Member
Oct 3, 2021
The most useless and boring daval project

* Where is the other fat dude (it's been hours to this bullshit and the most likely excuse daval will give that he is sleeping

* It's nothing but sex after sex with each other for hours nonstop and quite boring ( how tf they are able to do this much , it's completely unrealistic)

* Ngl SN has lost all my respect for it (I just hope it ends)
Well this is what Daval subs likes and defend to the teeth :KEK:, not just SN dude ID is the same case.
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Apr 27, 2023
Well this is what Daval subs likes and defend to the teeth :KEK:, not just SN dude ID is the same case.
I stopped reading sn since the aunt's introduction, I didn't like this introduction to the story, but for id it's something else, we didn't see Lana open even if that's it passed in a way that is not to my taste in id10 which is a flashback. the story has a lot of potential the problem is in the writing and the lack of inspiration and the search for the facility (the introduction of Sofia) for threesomes or foursomes, but daval stopped because of the subscribers. a simple question to you is what you want another sn or mt? and also another remark we must say nothing until the next update to see what will happen to martha


Well-Known Member
Aug 22, 2016
To me, the Mom/Son/Aunt threesome in SN is still one of the hottest Daval scenes, but only the first one, since then I feel we are in this eternal threesome that added pretty much nothing other than anal and Emma, I don't even remember when it started, it's just them fucking nonstop, to the point that Emma joined and then retired but Liam and the rest is still going, I agree with anyone who says that SN has to end, because if it were not for the blackmail plot and Emma development with her father, this should have ended after the first threesome.

Together still have potential because of the amount of characters without development, ID also has potential despite the fact that Daniel will probably never fuck someone else, SN just need to end and be replaced by another comic.


Well-Known Member
Oct 3, 2021
I stopped reading sn since the aunt's introduction, I didn't like this introduction to the story, but for id it's something else, we didn't see Lana open even if that's it passed in a way that is not to my taste in id10 which is a flashback. the story has a lot of potential the problem is in the writing and the lack of inspiration and the search for the facility (the introduction of Sofia) for threesomes or foursomes, but daval stopped because of the subscribers. a simple question to you is what you want another sn or mt? and also another remark we must say nothing until the next update to see what will happen to martha
I really like the characters designs of ID SN and Together the problem I have is the plot of ID , in SN at least we saw father daughter action recently that's what I'm asking for ID using Rosa and her son or Sofia with his dad or brother or whatever , same thing with Martha and her nephew in law but Daval is dropping the ball with them.

About your question I rather another Together because imo is the most interesting one because is not just Sarah and David over and over and over again while the rest watch.

I don't have high hopes for Martha knowing Daniel and Lana adventures because Daniel is going to reject her just like he did with poor Sofia.


Well-Known Member
Oct 3, 2021
To me, the Mom/Son/Aunt threesome in SN is still one of the hottest Daval scenes, but only the first one, since then I feel we are in this eternal threesome that added pretty much nothing other than anal and Emma, I don't even remember when it started, it's just them fucking nonstop, to the point that Emma joined and then retired but Liam and the rest is still going, I agree with anyone who says that SN has to end, because if it were not for the blackmail plot and Emma development with her father, this should have ended after the first threesome.

Together still have potential because of the amount of characters without development, ID also has potential despite the fact that Daniel will probably never fuck someone else, SN just need to end and be replaced by another comic.
Pretty much my opinion, see that monotony is boring after repeating the same shit over and over , you agree with me too that Together basically is the most interesting one because of the different scenarios happening at the same time.

SN still can have a sex scene between Emma and her father but after that I don't know.

I only see potential on ID if Daval expands the plot using Sofia Martha Rosa etc with their relatives since Daniel only wants Lana to infinity and beyond.
4.80 star(s) 5 Votes