3.30 star(s) 3 Votes


Mar 13, 2019
Hey, Dev, colonist permadeath is a bad system that doesn't work. I have had 8 colonists die in the only battle that exists in the game outside the tutorial. Each one of them had a 80+ percent chance to survive, and literally NONE of them did. I'll reiterate from my review that this is a sex game, not XCOM. The challenge should be feasible, and not punishing. These are the kinds of game that are meant to be accessible to anyone, and adding unreasonable difficulty doesn't make anyone want to support it, unless they're masochists.
You are able to craft medicine and dependent on your research level also herbs or refined herbs at your replicator to prevent your colonist from dying. But thank you for your valueable and honest feedback. I'll get to the other points you mentioned by the time I'm home again!
Most people do not actually want a actual game, here. I had no issues keeping everyone alive, by using herbs and occasionally a medicine - even after 15-20 battles. I like the perma-death, especially given how easy it is to pump out more minions. It is not as if there is any time-limit (at least currently). Even if death were a real danger (which it is not), I like the mechanic of having to decide if the best minions should be kept for breeding, or used for exploring. If anything, I would say augment the aspects of actual tactical game-play. I personally like a real game that is fun to play, that has sex-stuff as a bonus. There are plenty of games here that only have any measure of actual play as a grinding mechanism for the next sex-scene.
Sure, you are likely to lose some small percentage of people who just want animated porn, but people that appreciate actual games will find it far more appealing.
Also, I had no crashes or serious frustrations during play. I am still largely unsure as to what factors act in the breeding mechanics (though I suppose biological reproduction is never really an exact science anyway) but otherwise everything was pretty easy to figure out. Good luck. I found it a very promising start.

My one complaint, which may just be my own fault, was that I found no way to improve the main character, so she becomes very mediocre after a couple generations of good breeding. Did I miss something, or is it not currently possible to evolve her stats/abilities?
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Game Developer
May 26, 2019
Most people do not actually want a actual game, here. I had no issues keeping everyone alive, by using herbs and occasionally a medicine - even after 15-20 battles. I like the perma-death, especially given how easy it is to pump out more minions. It is not as if there is any time-limit (at least currently). Even if death were a real danger (which it is not), I like the mechanic of having to decide if the best minions should be kept for breeding, or used for exploring. If anything, I would say augment the aspects of actual tactical game-play. I personally like a real game that is fun to play, that has sex-stuff as a bonus. There are plenty of games here that only have any measure of actual play as a grinding mechanism for the next sex-scene.
Sure, you are likely to lose some small percentage of people who just want animated porn, but people that appreciate actual games will find it far more appealing.
Also, I had no crashes or serious frustrations during play. I am still largely unsure as to what factors act in the breeding mechanics (though I suppose biological reproduction is never really an exact science anyway) but otherwise everything was pretty easy to figure out. Good luck. I found it a very promising start.

My one complaint, which may just be my own fault, was that I found no way to improve the main character, so she becomes very mediocre after a couple generations of good breeding. Did I miss something, or is it not currently possible to evolve her stats/abilities?
Hey! Thanks for the feedback!
Dawnbringers (e.g. your main character) will be able to gain up to 5 traits for a limited time by having sex with colonists which posses one of the traits. The background to this is already stated in the dialoges, but for now it's not implemented. Besides, you will be able to craft a training room to improve the different stats of your colonists. However, this version already added many new systems. The R&D, which lets you research tech. The replicator systems which enables you to craft different items based on your researched tech. The battle aftermath system that takes care of the results after a battle ( gaining rewards and the need to heal defeated colonists) the restroom systems which allows you to review your colonists as well as the quest system that drives the story.
The trainig and the dawnbringer systems will be developed in the near future! For now it was crucial for me to get some feedback on all the new animations, systems and content in general.
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Mar 13, 2019
Hey! Thanks for the feedback!
Dawnbringers (e.g. your main character) will be able to gain up to 5 traits for a limited time by having sex with colonists which posses one of the traits. The background to this is already stated in the dialoges, but for now it's not implemented. Besides, you will be able to craft a training room to improve the different stats of your colonists. However, this version already added many new systems. The R&D, which lets you research tech. The replicator systems which enables you to craft different items based on your researched tech. The battle aftermath system that takes care of the results after a battle ( gaining rewards and the need to heal defeated colonists) the restroom systems which allows you to review your colonists as well as the quest system that drives the story.
The trainig and the dawnbringer systems will be developed in the near future! For now it was crucial for me to get some feedback on all the new animations, systems and content in general.
Ok, I suspected as much. Unless it will be added soon, it would be a good idea to tell people that, I think. I was still breeding her, trying to make a "super-baby" long after I had far superior specimens to use. So I felt a bit cynical about having her pump out several, mostly useless babies. I think it will be a lot more fun when she does gain abilities...though I hope she can gain stats too somehow. Otherwise she ends up 10 pts weaker than the 3rd or 4th generation of people.
Aside from that, I had a good time playing, and it looked far better graphically than I was expecting.


Dec 26, 2018
im liking the game so far!it needs plenty of work though for certain. i dont really know what to do after being set loose since all the enemies are tougher than me and i have no way of upgrading my units atm but its fun and i cant wait to see how it goes. good job, it can only get better from here!


Mar 13, 2019
im liking the game so far!it needs plenty of work though for certain. i dont really know what to do after being set loose since all the enemies are tougher than me and i have no way of upgrading my units atm but its fun and i cant wait to see how it goes. good job, it can only get better from here!
You have a way to upgrade your units, bud - go make babies. The babies come out better, after about 10 days. Upgrade. ;) (Just get a couple of good ranged toons with high INT and a "fast" skill, and use the melee drones. You will smash everything in 2-3 turns. Do not attack with the drones, as they will kill themselves. Just let them dodge, or take the attacks.)


Mar 13, 2019
im liking the game so far!it needs plenty of work though for certain. i dont really know what to do after being set loose since all the enemies are tougher than me and i have no way of upgrading my units atm but its fun and i cant wait to see how it goes. good job, it can only get better from here!
I think it took me 3 generations to have several 6 HP, 9 INT, ranged toons with speed and evade. You just need one, and a couple of drones in front. You will blow through 30 fights...which you do not even need now. :)


Mar 30, 2018
I have no idea whats going on with the shaders in this game but it doesn't run on Linux. At. All. First, you get a filled gray screen with a pixelated "skip" button. Followed by some brightness changes and... that's it.

Shame, really... was interested to see what this game is about. Linux build please?


Nov 2, 2018
The intro scene doesn't explain what to do in the console, after you do a su & enter the password, so I am a bit stuck there. Otherwise looks like it is going to be a lot of fun.


Well-Known Member
Jan 4, 2018
Lost me at the engine thrust mini game after trying to recall the input commands.
The vibrating screen didn't help as the game is laggy as it is.


Aug 8, 2016
Wow, literally a core gameplay element (defending attacks)
You can't do, because the fucking selection box blocks the info you need to see, also I don't fucking get it.
It says its the difference in numbers, I have 5 shield, they have 3 attack, yet 2 is the wrong answer.
FUCK dude, the game does not need to be this bloated with complications.

Ya I quit the game because you can't even finish the fucking tutorial of combat.
Also, fuck the capsule text inputs, are you shitting me?
Sure the admin password is right there, but then you have to what? Write down that long line of text to type into the game? Fuck that. FUCK. THAT.
That mixed with the unplayable combat is a no from me.


New Member
Dec 2, 2017
I have 5 shield, they have 3 attack, yet 2 is the wrong answer.
Melee units attacking ranged units do double damage, so it would actually be 5[shield] - 6[damage], for damage 1 over your shield (as far as I can tell the negative and zero answers are always wrong, as those results can't trigger the minigame).
It might also take double damage, but it really hard to tell, and isn't as important as it doesn't trigger a sneeze-and-you'll-lose minigame.

Other issues I've come across:
- The opening disclaimer says NOT to play if the game IS legal in your country.
- Every single screen change, the quality reverts to "Take This!". As other people have mentioned, the game runs very slowly on high settings, and new scenes frequently involve multiple dialog boxes before you can change anything, so you can't even change it back in a timely manner.
- The master sound volume seems to have its "zero" at about the 50% point on the slider.


Game Developer
May 26, 2019
Hey there!
Thanks for all your feedback guys!

I believe every bit of feedback, positive and negative, helps to improve the game.

However, most of the negative feedback mentioned a horrible shield system, instabilities and the missing save system.

I've already drawn some conclusions. Upcoming versions are going to have a reworked simplified shield system that focuses more on right timing than math. In case you want to cheat for now: It's always the highest number -1.

Also, I'm going to publish a fix for the current version which hopefully increases performance on Eve and gets rid of instabilities.

Besides, even if there isn't much to do after the first mission I acknowledge that you as the player would like to save your accomplishments. I thought it would be enough to include the option to skip to the scene you want to see, since the upcoming versions are going to require me to further rewrite the save system. But no problem - I'll add it.

The permadeath for colonists was a also mentioned as a negative point. While I want to create a rather harsh world with real consequences, I acknowledge that there are player that want a rather easy play&fap-experience. Don't worry, I think I got you covered. What about a checkbox called permadeath? If it is on, everything stays as it is now. Toggle it off and in case a colonist gets wounded and "gets unconccious" he is removed from your current line up until you get back to your base.
I think this would make a good compromise.

Apart from that I'm going to conduct a weighted poll open for the public in the near future. (Weighted in this case, of course, means that patrons get more votes since this project couldn't be realized without them!)

I'd like to know from you which parts of the game development I should prioritize for now.

For now possible options for the poll could be:

Focus on more races

Focus on more lewd animations

Focus on more combat possibilities (like item cards more traits etc.)

Focus on better stability and performance

Let me know which other options you'd like to see! (Comment,Discord,PM etc.)

Apart from that, I've never said that this game will be a porn only game. Since the beginning of the development I rather go with the slogan "Come for the titties stay for the gameplay". While I of course know that the current version can't make it up to this ideal I'm working hard (after my normal daily work) on achieving it.



Aug 28, 2016
I'll be honest.
The gameplay is annoying me no end, the camera as well as the animations suck. And going on about a bunch of worldbuilding and lore babble are NOT what you want to put in your proof of concept demo imo.
BUT at least it's very ambitious and lets you create your character so that's merit to that at least.


Oct 5, 2017
I'll be honest.
The gameplay is annoying me no end, the camera as well as the animations suck. And going on about a bunch of worldbuilding and lore babble are NOT what you want to put in your proof of concept demo imo.
BUT at least it's very ambitious and lets you create your character so that's merit to that at least.
+1 for character creation. Always happy to see more of it!
3.30 star(s) 3 Votes