What smoothers are you using? Any tips?
For the clothes, I added the Fit Control Addon to the clothes to adjust the shape of the clothes to roughly how I wanted. I then added a deForce modifer, making the surface using the default settings but increasing the stretch stiffness to max to so they kept there size. I then monitored as the simulation happened to see how the clothing was moving, making minor tweaks to the different parts like the bra string to adjust how it bending. It was my first time experimenting with these settings so limited myself to stretch stiffness and bend stiffness.
For the Mesh Smoothing, this was mainly for the final pic, trying to get the breast to feel naturally squashed against the bed. Here, I used the Breast Control add on and applied the standard Mesh Smoother to the model, colliding against the bed. It seemed to work quite well, so then I could focus on 'squashing' the breast using the Breast Control, without having to worry about it breaking through the bed.
A few of the renders look a bit over exposed.
Yes, fully agree. Just compare the first picture with any of the others. The swimsuit has gone from pink to white and lost all of it's texture. My concentration was on learning the clothing and smoothing aspects.
Thanks a lot for the advice though. I've just done a quick re-render following your advice and it really helps. It's also helped with the 'sweaty' look I was going for. Still working on it, but it's really helped
Edit: Forgot to mention, the game is The Minerva Project, dev thread here
here. It's a village builder type game with a plot. It's still quite a few months out however