question idiote pour faire des rendue comme certain pro ici que faut t'il faire
je n'ose plus poster mes création qui sont ridicule par rapport à leur travail
que faire pour m'ameliorer
silly question to make renders like some pro here what should you do
I do not dare to post my creations that are ridiculous in relation to their work
what to do to improve
You will be surprised about the answer:
1.) Make renders with your current skill set and be proud to finish some renders.
2.) Post your renders and ask for advise.
3.) Try to focus on one thing at a time. If you want to improve your lighting skills, experiment only with lighting set ups. If you wanner improve yourunderstanding about materials and shader settings, focus your experiments only around them. etc. Do not try to become good in every single field at once.
4.) Make renders with your current skill set and be proud to finish some renders.
5.) Post your renders and ask for advice.
6.) Never ever try to improve your old work, after you have learned new stuff. When you want to return to an old idea, always start from scratch.
7.) Watch/read tutorials and then do them, implement their input into your work.
8.) Make renders with your current skill set and be proud to finish some renders.
9.) Post your renders and ask for advice.