I use an AMD Ryzen 5800 8 Core 3.4 GHZ, 32 GB Ram, and an Invidia RTX 3070 (8GB) as savepoint i have a 5tb-external hdd drive. Renderstettings Ratio 5:4 with 3840x3072 Photoreal rendermode
Post a screenshot of your Filtering and Progressive Rendering settings under you Render Settings tab
more likely there is something in the scene taking up too much memory (or some weird glossy-mirror effects) and/or it is falling back to cpu rendering, from a quick glance it looks like 4-5min render to me at best (with some denoise filtering of course), certainly not hours
p.s. and should turn off headlamp for the camera used to render, and could use some DOF to make it look not as flat, also the brain could focus on what the author wanted to show, instead of searching the all-sharp image