I know that is just excuses, if some devs can make a lot of branching storyline, why is it so hard just to put an option to atleast have the player to reject the lesbian scenes scenes its just a question of if player is interested in this or no, a lot of other devs can do it in their game
Rev 9 was published as incomplete - and Clearly denoted as such.
This means that Hot Tomato did not finish everything for this rev.
Have you considered that the optional triggers for lesbian content, like the missing MC/Elizabeth sexy time, are among the things that were not done before the dev went missing?
Ruykiru tried to give us some kind of coherent ending, based on the renders he had access to - also Clearly stated.
He did not have to post what was available for rev 9.
He did not have to try to give Deadmoon Survival a coherent ending using the content he Did have access to.
He is not making Any $ from the time he spent doing all this - he has his own AVN to work on.
I continue to hear Loud complaints from some who think he did not do enough for their free stuff... like take additional time to add in an optional switch for the lesbian content AND write a second coherent ending for Deadmoon Survival.
If you and others feel This strongly about the missing optional switch for lesbian content, mod it in yourselves.
You can also have the modder add in a second coherent ending since you are effectively ending the story before the ultimate Elizabeth/Juliet encounter.
Either find a modder with the skills to do it, and the willingness to do it for free, or pay for it.
Problem solved...
I'll wait for this mod to show up on page 1...