I've read how a few people are asking about how Rey and Padme are in the game, because it does not make sense to canon or some shit. All I have to ask for that is, "Why the hell are y'all complaining??!" Personally I'm really glad that Padme is in the game! I love her character (more the actress but whatever) and she is a main female character within the Star Wars franchise.
@Darth Smut the renders for the 'slaves', how much are they based on the actresses? Are they loosely based? Heavily based?
Do you plan, in the future, to add character dialogue between Vader and 'slaves'? If so, how alike to the character will they be?
Do you plan to add a rarity system? Where popular character in the show; such as, Padme, Ray, Leia, Jyn, Ahsoka (to name a few) would have a high rarity. Whereas common rarity could be a species female.
For example, a common could be a random render of a Twi'lek or a Human or whatever. No specific canon character connection. Their 'card' name could literally be Twi'lek Woman/Girl/Slave and so and and so forth.
If you do introduce a rank system, will different rarity 'slaves' lead to different levels of income. After all a rebel symbol like Ray(for example) is bound to net more income than a common Twi'lek.
Thanks for your earlier response to my review!!