
Mar 15, 2018
I can't for my life find the other, I can see their data in the code and assets, so they probably are in the game. I did find a few freezes in certain points, so they might be bugged or you need more patreon units (Dooku demands it).

Anyway, here's the significant CGs sans backgrounds: .
Somehow, that is both more images than I expected Smut to have put in, and yet far less than I expected. I'm not even sure if some of those are implemented, since I can't remember seeing some of the variations.


Jun 27, 2018
You can't even call this a pirate site. A pirate site I had previously named. This is a showcase site. Where artists and developers showcase their work. While we, collectively, may not pay the developers, etc., we do appreciate the work, etc. And we do help in other ways. Such as reviewing your work, giving feedback, things like that.
It's not really a pirate site and more like a pirate hub, where we all chill and talk things out with pretty cool devs of the games we pirate. We're just alot nicer than most other sites and acually go out and donate to the games we enjoy. However just remember most of games here are in fact taken and not given and while some games we don't post patreon only versions it's only because the dude's cool and will release it to the public soon.

And even then we do it is a favor for them being awesome people and doing awesome work.

When it comes to people like Darth Smut, we don't do favors.

You could've picked better examples than Fallout 76 and Anthem.
Sure I could but those are the ones most forefront in people's minds right now.


Sep 25, 2017
Just played trough it all, and what saddens me the most, is that beneath all the bullshit, this couldve legit been an amazing game. Aside from the ridiculous costs and the time it takes to release even the smallest of meaningful updates, the content that IS here is actually pretty damn good. The models are great and the story is interesting. Makes me sad to see this much wasted potential.


Mar 15, 2018
So what actually was the deal with him stealing content and abusing other devs? I never quite saw the full story on that one.
Jul 30, 2018
ok well i waited for awhile to retry this game i liked the looks of it but its nearly impossible to see all the content due to making money and devices constantly and with the cheat menu being locked i think i should add this game to my recycle bin permanently have fun those of you that like this game im saying Sayōnara


Engaged Member
Sep 25, 2016
Because we may as well leech off his ass as much as possible. You just know that the dude hates having his game posted for free on a site he is banned from no less.
Ya that would be true.... If this was a fucking game and not a paywall simulator there is games at 0.01 on this server that has more content then this shit factory of a game from a shit factory dev who does nothing but churn out you guessed it...SHIT!!

Unreal Bober

Nov 16, 2018
Just played trough it all, and what saddens me the most, is that beneath all the bullshit, this couldve legit been an amazing game. Aside from the ridiculous costs and the time it takes to release even the smallest of meaningful updates, the content that IS here is actually pretty damn good. The models are great and the story is interesting. Makes me sad to see this much wasted potential.
Where do you se the PLOT here??? is not a star wars! its a copy of SU by SR7. But whit settings in Starwars universe. The SU parody plot seems legit in DC Comics universe.
But this game is just a bad copy of a parody about complete diffrent universe.


Jun 27, 2018
Just played trough it all, and what saddens me the most, is that beneath all the bullshit, this couldve legit been an amazing game. Aside from the ridiculous costs and the time it takes to release even the smallest of meaningful updates, the content that IS here is actually pretty damn good. The models are great and the story is interesting. Makes me sad to see this much wasted potential.
The thing is though, no one is entirely sure thats his art work he has been know to bully other devs into giving him assets.

Unreal Bober

Nov 16, 2018
In this case, we have a saying. 'If you spit in a Society, the Society will wipe your saliva from face. but if the whole Society spits at you, then you fucking drown'.


I exist.
Respected User
Aug 5, 2016
Currently the dev has released this bugged version and you cannot get any other girls other than the starting three due to the Krenic dude having a dialogue loop. There is a fixed version but it too has a dialogue loop that occurs with the emperor, Also there is not a time limit. Gonna wait till next update though (which should be soon) to update current version.
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Jan 24, 2019
After only a couple minutes, I've had to restart the game twice, and when I tried to Save it didn't work, so I've had to redo the intro text stuff multiple times already. (Text window will disappear, and nothing will bring it back to progress past whatever was happening, resulting in me having to restart.)
Like there is so much hype about this game it s unreal. Like the game is realy early stage and uless you pay on patreon or somehow get the code you wont see a pussy even you really wanna to. Without the password you cant even progress to new day. This is so fuckin batshit trap for money that this thread should be deleted.


Aug 8, 2017
... This is so fuckin batshit trap for money that this thread should be deleted.
I have no idea why they didn't do that already. This game is a cancer on this site. Now mods are even posting change logs for versions that aren't available? Whats up with that? Are we supposed to get hyped and go support that asshole developer? Or am I getting things wrong?
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