3.00 star(s) 16 Votes


Oct 6, 2018
great game but controls like ass, annoying to have to get a perfect position to get the interact prompt


Jul 14, 2018
What does the Zzz button on the top right do? It consumes points and adds to the counter but i cant figure out how its usefull.

Update: Never mind i figured it out. Its he sleep level so the higher it is the harder it is for her to wake up.
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Mar 10, 2019
bepinex plugins from manly marco are for generic shaders. In my own case it's usually easier to just manually uncensor a game than reloading the game ten times to see which demosaic works, but in this case the game is "Live2D" which 99% of the time means the artwork has the mosaic baked in before the game renders anything.

This means you will need a graphics artist, or the skills of one to uncensor this game. It's possible, but very time consuming and usually not worth the time and effort.

For someone who doesn't even know what tools to use, you don't spring much confidence. But here you go:

You will need Unity Asset Bundle Extractor (import modified textures), and Unity Asset Studio(view asset files with previews)

Use UAS to locate and export the textures, make your edits, then use UABE to import the edited textures with the SAME data type from the studio data(DX# compression, etc) back into the asset. Test to see if it works.

Unfortunately some games do not like to be modified, and you may end up with pink or gray textures after replacing even a single pixel. This is because you did not use the exact same process the developer used to export the textures.

I've been down this road before, it's a pain in the dick. Good luck.

*Edit - did some exploring. There is over 500 individual textures you will need to manually edit and import back in.
Some of these textures are actually texture sheets, with 20-30 images each.
Hope you have some free time lol.
Thanks but I'd be hesitant to do this even if I were getting paid, 500?.. I think I'm good lmao


Mar 10, 2019
Hey I thought I'd just chime in here -

1) BepInEx can hook this game, you need the x86 version of BepInEx specifically. For whatever reason these developers decided to release a x86 game in 2020 ¯\_(ツ)_/¯

2) There is a very robust plugin framework for changing art assets out of Unity games, that works on BepInEx - .
Now, I don't know how to actually demosaic pictures, but I can tell you how to get them out and back in using XUnity.

Download x86 BepInEx, install it the normal way (open the zip, put the BepInEx folder, winhttp.dll and doorstop_config.ini into the game folder). Download the AutoTranslator (make sure to get the Bepin version), extract the zip into your game folder. Run the game once, if you've done this correctly there should now be a config folder inside BepInEx. Inside this folder you should find AutoTranslatorConfig.ini

Inside this ini, scroll down to the [Texture] section and set

Now, run the game again. Inside the BepInEx folder, there should be a translation folder. Inside that there should be an "en" folder, inside that there should be a "texture" folder. You should find every texture that has been loaded, dumped into this folder. That's what EnableTextureDumping does.
What EnableTextureTranslation does, is that if you keep the file name the same, but change the actual image, the AutoTranslator will load your new image from that folder whenever the game would load the original image.

Here's an example: the original dumped menu button for the tutorial: View attachment 875141
I have the brain of a 12 year old, so here's my 30 second edit: View attachment 875142
NOTE THAT I KEPT THE FILE NAME THE SAME. The file name needs to be the same for the plugin to be able to tell that it should load the edited texture instead of the original!

And here it is in game: View attachment 875143

Now, obviously, this still requires someone to actually uncensor the actual image assets, and I don't really know the first thing about doing that myself. But I hope this information can be of some use to those who want to uncensor this game (or any Unity game that uses 2D censored assets like this!)
Took a look but I can't find any images related to the censoring :(


Engaged Member
Feb 2, 2018
download an install cheat engine.
launch cheat engine.
skip tutorial.
click the computer symbol in the upper corner, select the game exe in the list.

get some points in the game (dont ever start scanning with 0)

input the points you have in the search bar and click search (drop down list entry should read 4 bits, other games than deep sleep 2 need other value types)
if you have enough points to buy something, do so then search the new value.
repeat cycle until you have as few entries left as possible.
double click value (or mark and click red arrow), value & address are copied down into the value list.
here you can change the values and freeze them by clicking the box on the left.
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Jan 23, 2019
Ah, good to see this here after playing the demo yesterday. Yeah, the hitboxes are retardedly small and the leg positions (and accompanying actions) convoluted. I recommend watching the 'explanation' video on dlsite first.


Jan 23, 2019
I have a few questions relating to this game. I played the Night High! series and not one of those games gave me as much trouble as this game does.

1. How do I trigger Automatic Mode without a mouse wheel? I'm on a laptop.
2. The girl's shirt. Can you remove it completely or not?
3. How on Earth do I activate the other actions the hand and the mushroom have? I have been playing this for over an hour, and I have no clue what I'm doing wrong.
1. How do I trigger Automatic Mode without a mouse wheel? I'm on a laptop.
Uhh... you're kinda SOL on that one, I don't think you can rebind keybinds here.
2. The girl's shirt. Can you remove it completely or not?
You kind of can (if you click BONUS when it becomes available - after she cums once- and then BACK, she's completely naked).

3. How on Earth do I activate the other actions the hand and the mushroom have? I have been playing this for over an hour, and I have no clue what I'm doing wrong.
You gotta... drumroll... scroll down to switch options. Yes, you are kind of fucked. :D

EDIT: This is probably gonna get buried, but here's a quick FAQ/hints:

Much of what you can and can't do in the game (strip her skirt/panties/socks, finger her ass, lick her foot, stick your dick in her sock) relies on getting her legs to a specific position. Trouble is, these positions are only achievable by moving from one to the other (so for legs straight down you need to get her with both legs straight up, etc) and you have to use one or two very annoying and hard to find interaction points on her legs. Which, of course, move around each position. They aren't all available in every position but they are roughly around her thighs (next to the rubbing icon, usually), her knee, behind her shin and around her calf. Also, even if you find the interaction point AND you drag towards the right direction, sometimes it will take multiple tries to get the position you want; I suspect that's because the invisible "goal" interaction points (where you need your mouse to end up while dragging) are as finicky as the "start" points.

Here's a non-exhaustive list of positions and how to get them:
From her starting position (right leg straight, left leg bent- note that this is the opposite of how you see them on the screen):

-Touch around the right side of her waist (left as you see it) to remove her skirt (one of the most obnoxious garments in history)
-Touch near her pussy to slide her panties aside.
-From starting position)Right leg, just under the hem of her kneesock: pull right to completely straighten it or left to bring it to an M position.
Right leg, from M position: touch her shin and drag down for Right Leg Off Couch position. Touch her thigh to the right of her knee to bring it back up.
Right leg, from M position: touch her knee and drag up to bring it to right leg foot raised position (sadly, you cannot lick it).
From right leg foot raised position, touch around her calf and drag left for Right Leg Extended position. Touch around her thigh and drag right to bring it back to M position.
-Left leg, on her knee: pull right to bring it to the M position.
Left leg, from the M position: touch on her thigh just under her knee crack and drag left to bring her to foot raised position (foot licking and sock dicking happen here).
EDIT: It seems to be possible to use the same touchpoint to drag her leg from left leg M position to left leg lowered, however I only managed to do it once so I can't give reliable instructions as to how. Possible that there are multiple very close or even overlapping interaction points there.

-Left leg, from foot raised position: touch the thigh (just under the knee) to bring it back down to M position, or near the calf to bring it to extended over her head position.
-Left leg, from M position: touch just above her calf near her shin and drag up for Foot on Couch position.
-Left leg, from Foot on Couch position: touch her shin and drag down to bring it back down to M position or touch her thigh just left of the knee and drag left for Both Legs Raised position (you may have to straighten her right leg for this to work). From this position you can slip off her panties, although the touch spot is tricky- it's on the leftmost side of her butt (rightmost to you) practically on the couch. Also, you need to drag towards her (left) instead of away (right) for some dumb reason. You can also slip off or on her kneesocks (though you can do that from other positions as well) and her pantyhose (for which you need to click on her thighs directly above her pussy).
-According to the dev video from this position you should be able to switch to both legs down, but I admit I haven't been able to achieve that yet. The only interaction points I've found are on both her legs just under her knee pits, with the left leg one returning them to their previous position and the right leg one not doing anything I could find.

-Regarding the sex: You CAN penetrate her (both awake and asleep) but you need to 'prepare' her pussy first by using your dick on first mode on her pussy. Her arousal meter, orgasms, fingers, tongue, etc so far don't matter; you just have to use mode 1 with your dick to open it and then mode 3 to penetrate. Note that if you take too long to find the hotspot the opening will close and you'll have to use mode 1 again.
You CAN finger her in the ass, the hotspot is just a bit lower than her actual asshole.
When she's wearing the pantyhose, you can click on its seam to rip a hole around her pussy.
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Well-Known Member
Jul 16, 2019
3. How on Earth do I activate the other actions the hand and the mushroom have? I have been playing this for over an hour, and I have no clue what I'm doing wrong.
You gotta... drumroll... scroll down to switch options. Yes, you are kind of fucked. :D
Most laptop touchpads does allow you to scroll (usually by using 2 fingers, but can vary from laptop to laptop), though the middle click is gonna be hard, and then there is the fact that is can be hard enough ofc to even hit the, what seems like 2 pixels big, interaction spots with a normal mouse, don't even want to think about finding them with a touchpad xD
3.00 star(s) 16 Votes