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Active Member
Dec 28, 2018
*edit* Okay I've gotten everything. There doesn't seem to be any vaginal (or anal) penetration scenes.

*ANOTHER EDIT* on the bonus scene. There are some really opaque arrows of the left and right. The scene continues with anal when you click the right one.

There is both vaginal and anal penetration. Anal like you described, vaginal in the free play. You use the last dick option but she has to be "prepared" for it. Easiest to prepare her and then use middle mouse to auto-insert, in my experience.


Engaged Member
Jul 17, 2017
Is there any unity guru who could shine a light on why BepInEx doesn't hook or someone who can confirm if it's even possible to remove the censorship on this one? I mean sadly most 2D games don't use filters or mosaic textures on the og ones (layered).
bepinex plugins from manly marco are for generic shaders. In my own case it's usually easier to just manually uncensor a game than reloading the game ten times to see which demosaic works, but in this case the game is "Live2D" which 99% of the time means the artwork has the mosaic baked in before the game renders anything.

This means you will need a graphics artist, or the skills of one to uncensor this game. It's possible, but very time consuming and usually not worth the time and effort.

Do you know a way to change the art? I want to fix it and post the fix for peeps here but idk what I need to use to do so.. I fix censoring on pictures a lot but that's literally just editing a photo, this requires me to go into the files and find the art he uses, I looked quick but it's behind coding or something? idk lol, I don't really get it if I can't access the photos directly.
For someone who doesn't even know what tools to use, you don't spring much confidence. But here you go:

You will need Unity Asset Bundle Extractor (import modified textures), and Unity Asset Studio(view asset files with previews)

Use UAS to locate and export the textures, make your edits, then use UABE to import the edited textures with the SAME data type from the studio data(DX# compression, etc) back into the asset. Test to see if it works.

Unfortunately some games do not like to be modified, and you may end up with pink or gray textures after replacing even a single pixel. This is because you did not use the exact same process the developer used to export the textures.

I've been down this road before, it's a pain in the dick. Good luck.

*Edit - did some exploring. There is over 500 individual textures you will need to manually edit and import back in.
Some of these textures are actually texture sheets, with 20-30 images each.
Hope you have some free time lol.
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Apr 26, 2017
bepinex plugins from manly marco are for generic shaders. In my own case it's usually easier to just manually uncensor a game than reloading the game ten times to see which demosaic works, but in this case the game is "Live2D" which 99% of the time means the artwork has the mosaic baked in before the game renders anything.

This means you will need a graphics artist, or the skills of one to uncensor this game. It's possible, but very time consuming and usually not worth the time and effort.

For someone who doesn't even know what tools to use, you don't spring much confidence. But here you go:

You will need Unity Asset Bundle Extractor (import modified textures), and Unity Asset Studio(view asset files with previews)

Use UAS to locate and export the textures, make your edits, then use UABE to import the edited textures with the SAME data type from the studio data(DX# compression, etc) back into the asset. Test to see if it works.

Unfortunately some games do not like to be modified, and you may end up with pink or gray textures after replacing even a single pixel. This is because you did not use the exact same process the developer used to export the textures.

I've been down this road before, it's a pain in the dick. Good luck.
Oh damn... well thank you for the reply. I already had my suspicion that it's one of those "baked in censorship" games.
Those devs could atleast throw us a bone with the unity games. :rolleyes:
I mean, i know of their law and all that but damn they all play it safe to the max with the censorship.
Now all hopes are on this "otaku politician" that actually tackles that law. Hopefully he will atleast get a compromise out of it!


Conversation Conqueror
Feb 28, 2017
A bit of tag confusion here. The tags say rape, but her face in the previews and the fact that she doesn't try to stop you when she's awake tells me not rape. That tag is what drew me in, so it would be annoying if this is yet another scenario where something else is automatically equated to rape even with the evidence in game otherwise.

there is an uncensored version?
Puedes pasar la versión plis
can you pass the uncensored version plis
No, this is a Japanese game and the game has the mosaic censor in the actual art. It would take redrawing the art itself to fix this.


Jun 29, 2017
Better question guys... it's a unity game, any way we gonna manage to get an uncensor on this one? tried BepInEx with the ManlyMarco uncensor plugins but BepInEx seems not to hook to the game for some unknown reason. -.-"

I actually managed to get the uncensors to work with most purplepink games since they just use a layer on the og texture (although it was tedious and lo and behold the og texture is kinda mosaic style... lazy devs :D)

Is there any unity guru who could shine a light on why BepInEx doesn't hook or someone who can confirm if it's even possible to remove the censorship on this one? I mean sadly most 2D games don't use filters or mosaic textures on the og ones (layered).

Thanks in advance if anyone is up for the task :D
This won't work because the game doesn't use mosaic/censor materials. It is straight up baked into the art.
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Oddly as well the texture names are all in Cyrillic
Do you know a way to change the art? I want to fix it and post the fix for peeps here but idk what I need to use to do so.. I fix censoring on pictures a lot but that's literally just editing a photo, this requires me to go into the files and find the art he uses, I looked quick but it's behind coding or something? idk lol, I don't really get it if I can't access the photos directly.
Hey I thought I'd just chime in here -

1) BepInEx can hook this game, you need the x86 version of BepInEx specifically. For whatever reason these developers decided to release a x86 game in 2020 ¯\_(ツ)_/¯

2) There is a very robust plugin framework for changing art assets out of Unity games, that works on BepInEx - .
Now, I don't know how to actually demosaic pictures, but I can tell you how to get them out and back in using XUnity.

Download x86 BepInEx, install it the normal way (open the zip, put the BepInEx folder, winhttp.dll and doorstop_config.ini into the game folder). Download the AutoTranslator (make sure to get the Bepin version), extract the zip into your game folder. Run the game once, if you've done this correctly there should now be a config folder inside BepInEx. Inside this folder you should find AutoTranslatorConfig.ini

Inside this ini, scroll down to the [Texture] section and set

Now, run the game again. Inside the BepInEx folder, there should be a translation folder. Inside that there should be an "en" folder, inside that there should be a "texture" folder. You should find every texture that has been loaded, dumped into this folder. That's what EnableTextureDumping does.
What EnableTextureTranslation does, is that if you keep the file name the same, but change the actual image, the AutoTranslator will load your new image from that folder whenever the game would load the original image.

Here's an example: the original dumped menu button for the tutorial: OriginalTutorialTexture.PNG
I have the brain of a 12 year old, so here's my 30 second edit: EditTutorialTexture.PNG
NOTE THAT I KEPT THE FILE NAME THE SAME. The file name needs to be the same for the plugin to be able to tell that it should load the edited texture instead of the original!

And here it is in game: EditResult.PNG

Now, obviously, this still requires someone to actually uncensor the actual image assets, and I don't really know the first thing about doing that myself. But I hope this information can be of some use to those who want to uncensor this game (or any Unity game that uses 2D censored assets like this!)
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Active Member
Dec 28, 2018
A bit of tag confusion here. The tags say rape, but her face in the previews and the fact that she doesn't try to stop you when she's awake tells me not rape. That tag is what drew me in, so it would be annoying if this is yet another scenario where something else is automatically equated to rape even with the evidence in game otherwise.

No, this is a Japanese game and the game has the mosaic censor in the actual art. It would take redrawing the art itself to fix this.
You can play the game in such a way that she gets pissed off and you get a game over, which would be rape. Also, for what it's worth, the English version (included in at least the mega link) is a lot less censored than what is shown in the jap version (see the penis):



Conversation Conqueror
Feb 28, 2017
You can play the game in such a way that she gets pissed off and you get a game over, which would be rape. Also, for what it's worth, the English version (included in at least the mega link) is a lot less censored than what is shown in the jap version (see the penis):

View attachment 875148
I see, the previews just don't show that. I was waiting on the download, so I didn't know. I can see there is definitely less censorship, almost Kasumi: Rebirth level. It would probably look like lower quality graphics to anyone unaware of the whole Japan censorship laws thing.
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Conversation Conqueror
Feb 28, 2017
For those asking about automatic, click both mouse buttons while doing the action you want. I just ran into it without meaning to.
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Jul 28, 2017
How do you get her panties off? I've been trying to get her legs strait up but they will not move that way.
3.00 star(s) 16 Votes