Good morning chaps (and chapess's)
Thanks for all the comments. As people have rightly said, Everyone is entitled to their opinion and I respect and appreciate all comments. If someone gets annoyed at something in the game, generally I take away the positive that either they are excited to see more content, or that they disagree with my take on certain issues, either way we are all different creatures.
Just to answer a few questions and so on. The motel pool job is deliberately low paid and once a week. The idea is that once Jake gets a good job, he won't need to do it anymore.
One question that keeps cropping up is whether or not Jake will be able to interact with Laura in a more physical way. There will be some interactions with Laura that open up dependent on other choices you make. Laura has a great deal of empathy for Jake and his family and so her initial relationship with Jake is more of a "big sister". How that changes over time will depend on how you play things out.
The progress along the various story-lines, I know is a bit slow going right now, but I am working hard to flesh out the content for the first few weeks of the game to make it a bit less monotonous, but still keeping with the promise that all the relationships will develop at a more sensible pace.