
Apr 27, 2019
The OP has been updated with the hotfixed version now, so everyone should be on the same version now.
It is but i was answering the question when a new update comes out it is patreon first then comes here. So it is a Patreon thing dont get me wrong i understand make money for your work and such.


Jun 13, 2018
It is but i was answering the question when a new update comes out it is patreon first then comes here. So it is a Patreon thing dont get me wrong i understand make money for your work and such.
I misunderstood, sorry. I don't know how F95 releases will be handled from now on, but I hope it will be taken care of proper.


Active Member
Nov 21, 2020
Since this is pirate site, anyone can bring update. I seriously doubt that mod will allow freshmulan to delete update that he was not ready to make public. (I dont remember does mulan have any public updates to begin with)


Oct 27, 2017
I want to say that I absolutely loved the art and the attention to detail on the layers within this game. It must have taken considerable amount of work to make so many variants for so many poses when it comes to breast size, hip size, clothing. It truly shows dedication behind this game.

And then there's the text. There is a LOT of text. And the dialog is supposed to have two versions? An intelligent one and a dumb one? Considerable effort there as well, especially when Dumb Kira's shenanigans lead to additional, exasperated dialog from the NPCs who just can't believe how dumb she is. Its great.

But I feel like its lacking... Well, sex. Either that or I took a wrong turn somewhere and only hit hypnosis and some brief molestation with a sprinkle of lesbian on top of it. Despite high lust and apparent effect of Slut Hypnosis, the character is reluctant to engage in sex with folk who ask her for it, she doesn't even flash them even though all hypnosis sessions involve some feature of exhibitionism--The park being the only thing that I unlocked, that and the character's reluctance to wear underwear.

So, yeah, did I mess up somewhere? Or there really is a focus on hypnotism, mind control and brainwashing with very little regular sexual content?


Apr 13, 2020
There's a lot of bugs in 4.8a
I'm not sure I can remember everything I encountered, but here's what I do:
1. Visit park at night was triggered one session too early (Chief tells you to visit park after his final session, but the park scene was triggered on the previous session). I should note that I have seen these scenes before, so I was largely skipping through them. It's possible I missed him mentioning the park in the previous session, but I got the impression from the way he said it in the final session that he had not said it before.
2. Upon visiting the park at night, it was visually day time, and I could find no way to leave normally (subway said it was closed, and I could not interact with the taxi). I finally gave up and got arrested.
3. I saved my game during the waitress job. I then loaded that save. Kira's movement was broken as hell during the job. I don't even know how to properly describe it, other than "choppy." I managed to finish the job and movement went back to normal after that, but it was not pleasant.
Non-bug issues:
I can't figure out what to interact with in the Residential Subway. The trash can doesn't do anything, and the thing I can find to interact with gives Kira a tail, which is a purely visual change... I think. The changelog implies you can change your lust and intelligence in that subway.
Also, I suppose this could actually be a bug issue. The tail menu has four other options, all of which are blank and I don't think they do anything when selected.
You encounter the first possibility to use Charisma without encountering any way to increase it, so far as I'm aware. The situation in question is the outfit sidequest triggered by taking a shower. Charisma in general feels to me like it's really hard to increase. The movie area has/had a place to take a class to increase it, but besides that...
I do not understand the existence of the park weirdo who is in the playground. You find him twice, he runs off twice and... that's it.
Last edited:


Jun 13, 2018


It’s traditional for our game to always be delayed, and we take our traditions seriously.
Seriously tho, I was certain that we’d break our “tradition” this time, unfortunately it seems that we won’t. I promised a more stable release schedule and that is where we’re headed, but it can’t happen overnight. We’re doing our best, and we’re just not there yet.
Moana says she needs another day, and usually the situation is reversed - she has to wait for me. I know how it feels to be under pressure and feel like everything is on fire, and she never pushed or rushed me, despite us having equal say in this project, so I’m going to give her the same courtesy and multiply the time she asked for by four.
The update is pushed to Friday, if it will be finished sooner - we will upload it sooner.
I don’t want to upload it in its current state, since Moana believes she needs just another day to make it better. That is why, and I’m afraid I have to insist - I declare that this month has 34 days. I’ve spoken to the chief human and he said I have the authority.
I also have other interesting news, but I think I should stop announcing what we’ll do next while we still didn’t upload what we’re supposed to. So I’ll be brief and will only list what’s relevant for the upcoming update:
Moana fixed “stockings”, they won’t be viewed as underwear and so “No undies” fetish won’t affect them.
- Moana found what was causing the memory leak, it was one plugin working incorrectly (the game should crash less or, if we’re lucky, it won’t crash at all)
- Farm training might ultimately lead to a “bad end” (in the future), if you want to avoid it don’t pick to “give in”.

This situation could’ve been easily avoided if this month had 34 days to begin with, so I blame Romans.
I’m also a little bit guilty, since I wrote too much text and in a really complex way, I also pushed for this update to have 4 events and a story, even the npcs look differently based on choices in this one, not to mention customization it adds to the game.
I should have foreseen that, while I’ve been writing and drawing Vivarium for over a year, Moana couldn't do anything to prepare for it.
That said, we’re good overall, this is just yet another minor setback and an obstacle that we will overcome.
New and final release date is the 34th of November 2020. If we won’t manage - I’ll poison myself with liquid cheese again.
Thank you for your patience and support, the end is delayed, but just for a tiny bit!


Jun 19, 2018
Ok, the multiple delays are pretty much guaranteed but whats the planned content for the next update?
Isnt it only a small portion of Farm and thats about it? If they keep up this pace we might not see finished Farm by the end of 2021.
Also "Bad End" is a terrible idea in porn games. Kira is already brainwashed beyond repair, let her enjoy new life as pet/cow :cool:


Feb 1, 2018
Alright, hear me out here: Delays are not necessarily a bad thing. I mean, look at it this way: By pushing back a deadline to keep it so tantalizingly close, it keeps us in a constant state of anticipation and gives us something to keep on looking forward to. And honestly, isn't that the greatest gift anyone can give?

*is breaking down and crying inside*
Feb 21, 2019
Also "Bad End" is a terrible idea in porn games. Kira is already brainwashed beyond repair, let her enjoy new life as pet/cow :cool:
Isn't that what the bad end is about? ;P

But yeah, it depends on how bad ends are handled IMO. I think Caliross does it best, interactive and repeatable and able to save so you can go to it whenever you want, with a final option to go to the game over screen when it's all over.


Oct 27, 2017
Ok, the multiple delays are pretty much guaranteed but whats the planned content for the next update?
Isnt it only a small portion of Farm and thats about it? If they keep up this pace we might not see finished Farm by the end of 2021.
Also "Bad End" is a terrible idea in porn games. Kira is already brainwashed beyond repair, let her enjoy new life as pet/cow :cool:
Sometimes, a Bad End is implemented in a manner that allows the player to continue to play through a small amount of repeatable events as a way to further enjoy that conclusion. But they're locked in that situation.


Nov 25, 2017
So uh... is this game still 98% hypno with Kira running around as a completely brainwashed bimbo slut while uncharacteristically refusing nearly every sexual encounter? Or have we finally moved on to actual porn?

Bimbofication is fun but honestly... Kira has been dressing and talking like one for what feels like years now. Probably about time she started acting like one.
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Nov 15, 2017
So uh... is this game still 98% hypno with Kira running around as a completely brainwashed bimbo slut while uncharacteristically refusing nearly every sexual encounter? Or have we finally moved on to actual porn?

Bimbofication is fun but honestly... Kira has been dressing and talking like one for what feels like years now. Probably about time she started acting like one.
It is still pretty much the same old thing. The next update is supposed to have pregnancy content, and public use training is also in the works. One would hope between those two things at least a few sex scenes might be released in the next few versions. The most recently posted update suggested the 34th of November as the rescheduled release date, so uh... whatever that ends up meaning.


Jan 4, 2018
After long time ignoring this thread, I returned. Let's see how much has been changed for past year.


Ow sh1t, nothing! People are waiting for next miracle release. They suppose to contain few new sex scenes, pregnancy, unicorns and more more more Mulan's promising.


War. War never changed.
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