
Active Member
Feb 22, 2018
New event's decent, pity the update is this small though, any timeframe on future content?


Active Member
Dec 19, 2018
What are the long term consequences of trading Tolstoy's jacket away for the KGB outfit? Is there any possibility of acquiring it without giving the Jacket away?


Active Member
Jul 14, 2017
if there's no people being thrown off windows in this game i'm gonna be very disappointed


Oct 12, 2018
What are the long term consequences of trading Tolstoy's jacket away for the KGB outfit? Is there any possibility of acquiring it without giving the Jacket away?
There is no consequence, you can go to Tolstoy's closet and get a new jacket whenever you want.


Nov 12, 2018
I don’t know when I’ll want to check this forum again, but I probably will at some point.

Meanwhile, I’ll give you boys some food for thots:
Just imagine for a second - everything I’ve said is true.

Now, with that in mind, give me solutions, help me. Tell me how I can do better, don’t just scream “Mulan bad”, offer some solutions for a change.

There would always be people screaming you being bad and then say nothing constructive in the end.

Between, would there be more bdsm and exhibition features would be add into the future?

Feels like there is insufficient scene to satisfy the appetite.... huhu..especially with collar..
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Sep 12, 2017
I am not offended, mate, just disappointed, I guess my fault but I expected better from you, and after my continuous support of your Patreon this update was a final straw that's why I typed those, not cuz I was not chill or offended.
So, "Other “issues” you’ve mentioned are also completely wrong"- Ok, what? what other issues, like the fact that you are trying to sell the same 4 images with different layers on them as "116 new images" if you mean these "issues" , well maybe providing two images with image one being an original and image two being the same image but with like 4-5 layers on it, is not the best justification of your "homework" and proves exactly what I said, lazy work what is definitely not worth "4", sorry, 3 months and over 5000$ dollars you received from Patreon.
In conclusion, mate, work. C for a "homework".
bet you are kind of a guy that asks for a free logo

Heavy Sleeper

Active Member
May 10, 2020
it's funny to me that people see the dev actively talking to people who don't pay them, and call them lazy. Most devs just stay on their patreon, not caring what the pirates think. And the dev that milk? they don't even care what their patreon supporters think, they send 1 message every 3(?) months saying "I'm working on the game" but maybe release an update once a year so people won't think they disappear or in some cases so it wont get an "abandoned" tag here.

If the dev didn't want to improve, they could've just as easily deleted their account and only stay on patreon. But sure, call them lazy and shitty, because that's helping.


Jan 1, 2018
I think people are mad because it's a great game that has stalled out. Myself, I had high hopes this wouldn't be the same old story all patreon games go through, and I'm very disappointed it has been. If the game sucked no one would care. If I was mulan, I'd take people being so angry as a compliment tbqh

Though then I'd get to work on the game pronto lol
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Oct 29, 2018
I think people are mad because it's a great game that has stalled out. Myself, I had high hopes this wouldn't be the same old story all patreon games go through, and I'm very disappointed it has been. If the game sucked no one would care. If I was mulan, I'd take people being so angry as a compliment tbqh

Though then I'd get to work on the game pronto lol
I kinda agree. I think the biggest hindrance is that mulan is trying to add customizable Kira to every scene which is slowing down plot progress immensely. There was also that art overhaul so all the events had to be redrawn. So it feels like the game is pretty much just stalling in place while mulan actually is trying to get all the renders ready for events. Honestly, I think mulan should just gate some of the body change events after certain story plot points so he doesnt have to bother on renders for those and can have them more late game. Dont get me wrong, I absolutely love being able to customize her body; but not at the cost of moving the story along
Oct 12, 2018
You want constructive feedback`? ait, heres 3 gripes i have.

- you never seem to finish anything. The new U storyline, what about that? hadnt had any updates to that in ages, i cannot slut it up / bimbo it up there. Theres two rooms with event triggers left and right to it that really get me curious everytime. And thats just an example . Heres a few more: The hacker storyline,the movie/filmstudio storyline . And now you have this big super mega pregnant update in a town. im not gonna sit here "ouhhhhhh thats not mainstory" like some people did.because it clearly is and you can tell if you read. its just not very well thought out. You can go full bimbo with - 100 int and +21652312093 slutyness and i still cannot go to the pillar/stocks on my own accord, i cant choose to randomly fuck someone, i cannot choose to whore myself out like other npcs clearly are, its always a single point thats missing, and none of the storys conclude. Why isnt the analrapist sending me to porntown or making me his own doll slave hes ALMSOT there, why can i not do the new u treatment on my own accord, why if i break in and getcaught on porpuse and get bondaged up in that suit with the dildos and the helmet, do i have to break out instead of taking it for a stat decrease, why do you make a game that tells me i have choices to make, but then dont give me any choices to make, even tho my version of my kira at that point , would do it instantly.

- youre inconsequent. Instead of adding 10000 different body mod's and portrait to e very content youve already made, you add 1000 new expressions exclusively in new content. its so weird having a bimbo mc go to jail and ltierally just not have any scenes change. Less is more,i love the detail but maaaaan you can totally get away with making default face expressions and streamlined work, not everything must be 1000% unique, trustme, this isnt like video editing where youd notice, most hentai games do that for good reasons, mainly cost and time. Make what is already there work, expand on that, add new sections after that. Finish one thing first, then go to the next.

-You force your entire playerbase to play the game every single time it updates. Claires quest has a npc in the gallary that updates your save so you can carry it over, some games have skip functions that are way faster then yours, a new dawn has cheats and accelerated gameplay if you so choose, meanwhile i literally cannot load my 0.49.0 save, if i put it into the folder it just doesnt show up in the game, so i need to replay the entire thign again? ive been doing th at since 0.42. Whats even worse is that without this trial and error i still wouldnt know when to put saves so i have a semi functioning gallery for the good shit. And even worse: at that point i am almost certainly going to be disappointed by the fact that m y current kira looks different from the scenes. That reminds me, do you know what another problem is? You have very hard statchecks in the game that do NOT have alternative ways around it, so you cant even play this game as a sandbox. you are required to do certain content in a row because theres no way to consistenly upgrade stats or decrease stats. i cannot do the gym first to see if the gym content is sick because i need a perversion level at -8. Dont you think that for yourself too, it would just be easier ot make those stats more feasibly grindable atleast now where the game isnt quite complete, till all the content is in place so people actually can choose what they wanna do instead of having to replay the entire thing in the same order? dont you think streamlining those stat checks or putting in ways (like the dum bitch juice, again you can remove this later, when the content thats clearly missing now, is there) that increase stats *fast* (as well as money, since money is always an issue) or atleast controlled (compared to now which locks them behind progression and specific events rather then random ones or just working or actually just taking the grind like going out in the night is pointless. the guy in the park that changes location is pointless etc because even if i do that content it doesnt change anything so might as well not do it) is a easy way for you to find bugs faster as well as us reporting them faster?

Game still breaks quite frequently, can i even take a bath in the gym? what about the incel meetup in the night? theres no follow up to any of it, why tease it if we literally dont even interact with it?how hard is it really to have a switch ( i know how rpgm works) that allows you to repeat scenes when talking to npcs again, you can go everywhere again and again so its not like this is a logistical impossibility. Work on your core gameplay first, work on your systems first, then polish them, dont polish them now just so you have to start again and extend them by 6000% later down, thats an exponential workload increase that WILL kill this project. TRUST me.

I am honestly just sick and tired of having to replay the entire thing because even in my speedruns it takes me a solid hour,the lack of gallery feature or replay feature literally makes it so that i cant explore other paths without feeling like i waste my time.Workflow and streamlining is soooooooooooo important, yo uwanna know how important streamlining is? germany lost world war 2 because they didnt do it. (okaybad joke, but its actually true, germany handcrafted every tank, every cog, everything by hand, while the russians and americans were shitting out shermans and t26 on an assembly line, it was actually atrocious. IN this scenario, you are the tiger tank, take some shortcuts/general faces/now,the level of detail you strife for is great, but also unnessessary right now,because thats part of polish (e.g. version0.99) and not part of the current dev cicle youre in. Do NOT go for low hanging fruits like yandere dev, get the systems in place first, every single time you patch a new anything in you have to go back and change everything, no, put it all in first, then change it, nobody, and i repeat , nobody, is gonna tell you that youre shit for doing a bit of samefacing because everyone is doing it, because if they were not doing it they would never finish, andm ost people change it later as previously stated.)

i dont wanna insult you by assuming things but i have a sincere question

do you have a design document with a flowchart, is it outlined completely at all, because, with every patch i think its not, and if you have one, have you considered revisiting it or streamlining it? if you want i can help with that, fuck it ido it for free, pro bono and i have no fucking job atm since covid happened.
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New Member
Aug 6, 2017
You want constructive feedback`? ait, heres 3 gripes i have.

- you never seem to finish anything. The new U storyline, what about that? hadnt had any updates to that in ages, i cannot slut it up / bimbo it up there. Theres two rooms with event triggers left and right to it that really get me curious everytime. And thats just an example . Heres a few more: The hacker storyline,the movie/filmstudio storyline . And now you have this big super mega pregnant update in a town. im not gonna sit here "ouhhhhhh thats not mainstory" like some people did.because it clearly is and you can tell if you read. its just not very well thought out. You can go full bimbo with - 100 int and +21652312093 slutyness and i still cannot go to the pillar/stocks on my own accord, i cant choose to randomly fuck someone, i cannot choose to whore myself out like other npcs clearly are, its always a single point thats missing, and none of the storys conclude. Why isnt the analrapist sending me to porntown or making me his own doll slave hes ALMSOT there, why can i not do the new u treatment on my own accord, why if i break in and getcaught on porpuse and get bondaged up in that suit with the dildos and the helmet, do i have to break out instead of taking it for a stat decrease, why do you make a game that tells me i have choices to make, but then dont give me any choices to make, even tho my version of my kira at that point , would do it instantly.

- youre inconsequent. Instead of adding 10000 different body mod's and portrait to e very content youve already made, you add 1000 new expressions exclusively in new content. its so weird having a bimbo mc go to jail and ltierally just not have any scenes change. Less is more,i love the detail but maaaaan you can totally get away with making default face expressions and streamlined work, not everything must be 1000% unique, trustme, this isnt like video editing where youd notice, most hentai games do that for good reasons, mainly cost and time. Make what is already there work, expand on that, add new sections after that. Finish one thing first, then go to the next.

-You force your entire playerbase to play the game every single time it updates. Claires quest has a npc in the gallary that updates your save so you can carry it over, some games have skip functions that are way faster then yours, a new dawn has cheats and accelerated gameplay if you so choose, meanwhile i literally cannot load my 0.49.0 save, if i put it into the folder it just doesnt show up in the game, so i need to replay the entire thign again? ive been doing th at since 0.42. Whats even worse is that without this trial and error i still wouldnt know when to put saves so i have a semi functioning gallery for the good shit. And even worse: at that point i am almost certainly going to be disappointed by the fact that m y current kira looks different from the scenes. That reminds me, do you know what another problem is? You have very hard statchecks in the game that do NOT have alternative ways around it, so you cant even play this game as a sandbox. you are required to do certain content in a row because theres no way to consistenly upgrade stats or decrease stats. i cannot do the gym first to see if the gym content is sick because i need a perversion level at -8. Dont you think that for yourself too, it would just be easier ot make those stats more feasibly grindable atleast now where the game isnt quite complete, till all the content is in place so people actually can choose what they wanna do instead of having to replay the entire thing in the same order? dont you think streamlining those stat checks or putting in ways (like the dum bitch juice, again you can remove this later, when the content thats clearly missing now, is there) that increase stats *fast* (as well as money, since money is always an issue) or atleast controlled (compared to now which locks them behind progression and specific events rather then random ones or just working or actually just taking the grind like going out in the night is pointless. the guy in the park that changes location is pointless etc because even if i do that content it doesnt change anything so might as well not do it) is a easy way for you to find bugs faster as well as us reporting them faster?

Game still breaks quite frequently, can i even take a bath in the gym? what about the incel meetup in the night? theres no follow up to any of it, why tease it if we literally dont even interact with it?how hard is it really to have a switch ( i know how rpgm works) that allows you to repeat scenes when talking to npcs again, you can go everywhere again and again so its not like this is a logistical impossibility. Work on your core gameplay first, work on your systems first, then polish them, dont polish them now just so you have to start again and extend them by 6000% later down, thats an exponential workload increase that WILL kill this project. TRUST me.

I am honestly just sick and tired of having to replay the entire thing because even in my speedruns it takes me a solid hour,the lack of gallery feature or replay feature literally makes it so that i cant explore other paths without feeling like i waste my time.Workflow and streamlining is soooooooooooo important, yo uwanna know how important streamlining is? germany lost world war 2 because they didnt do it. (okaybad joke, but its actually true, germany handcrafted every tank, every cog, everything by hand, while the russians and americans were shitting out shermans and t26 on an assembly line, it was actually atrocious. IN this scenario, you are the tiger tank, take some shortcuts/general faces/now,the level of detail you strife for is great, but also unnessessary right now,because thats part of polish (e.g. version0.99) and not part of the current dev cicle youre in. Do NOT go for low hanging fruits like yandere dev, get the systems in place first, every single time you patch a new anything in you have to go back and change everything, no, put it all in first, then change it, nobody, and i repeat , nobody, is gonna tell you that youre shit for doing a bit of samefacing because everyone is doing it, because if they were not doing it they would never finish, andm ost people change it later as previously stated.)

i dont wanna insult you by assuming things but i have a sincere question

do you have a design document with a flowchart, is it outlined completely at all, because, with every patch i think its not, and if you have one, have you considered revisiting it or streamlining it? if you want i can help with that, fuck it ido it for free, pro bono and i have no fucking job atm since covid happened.
Fuck man, you put more thought into that then I did on my last college exam...


New Member
Mar 15, 2019
bet you are kind of a guy that asks for a free logo
Sorry, mate. "bet you are kind of a guy that asks for a free logo" no idea what this means, But I am the kinda guy who after giving his money wants to get some results, as pretty much any fucking person on earth apart from you I guess.
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