
Nov 12, 2018
If only the developers had put as much effort into game development as they did into trolling.
The effort is there. The problem with developers is that they push too many new content at once that their effort is basically...... scattered.

I wish they only focus at 1 stuff at a time. I still waiting for them to finish the training content at the hospital, I don't even remember how long it was since the last time they update the hospital content.


New Member
Sep 21, 2023
Anyone else run into the issue when doing some runs, the stats stop increasing? Latest run I was trying to stay as intelligent as possible, and ended up being blocked on 9 slut regardless of how much hypnotism/poor situations I ended up in.

Also - As every other comment seems to give solid feedback: Great game, the world building and commitment to character personalities is great. Even the clever bits (like Kara being in Tolskoy pose when reliving the party night from his perspective) are rewarding, and while I agree ending some quest lines would be a great step, as long as you keep developing this out, it's a fun game to bang your head on, regardless of any bugs you may run into.


Mar 9, 2018
The effort is there. The problem with developers is that they push too many new content at once that their effort is basically...... scattered.

I wish they only focus at 1 stuff at a time. I still waiting for them to finish the training content at the hospital, I don't even remember how long it was since the last time they update the hospital content.
You want new content? So you will wait wait and wait. Mulan talks about 10.2024+ for cow content and other content for 2025.


New Member
May 30, 2021
Was always amazed by the amount of hate the dev gets here, every single page of this thread you find someone felling compelled to tell why he/she has no hope, why he/she pulled support, if it's not straight up dissuading people to support and why supporters should fell vindicated like they are.
At this point it can only be a love / hate relationship, or those people have kink being haters, what a time to be alive for them.
They'd rather shit everywhere so no one has nice things, the dev doesn't come or cannot take any constructive criticism because it's drawn in a cesspool of a thread.
Personally I'd rather have a slow game than no game at all, or a game that gets abandoned because its dev goes into a burnout.
The truth is there is not a lot of games like this one, that's why it has the supporters it has and also haters that keep coming back.

Now constructive criticism, what mainly irks a lot of people is that they fell like the dev overpromise and underdeliver.
There is 2 sides of this: sharing the vision / direction, and trying to package it into content that can be tied to delivery expectations.

I don't really think people have big issues with the 1st, besides briging expectations quite high sometimes (recently I can think of the cumslut perk), but it's ok as the vision purpose is to make people dream and look forward to future developements.
Now the 2nd is where people lose their shit, and objectively multiple times the dev tried to timebox content and had really a rough time develiring it.

It's a chaotic development process but so far, timeframe aside, it get things done.
Disclaimer I'm no shrink, but I've been there next point is subjective.
It could be that as a dev you communicate to put pressure on yourself and "get the crunch done" but quite a riksy one as you use people expectations as fuel, and if not met even after the crunch, and despite the quality often matching (or exceeding) the expectations you end up with people feelling like their trust as been broken.
Add to that, the creative side of things, as game dev doesn't answer a specific given need, when is the next piece of content good enough ?
Now pub level psychology aside, I'd say this point got way way way better, dev communicates well on Patreon, difficulties are shared, some content de-scopped to get a release, people on this forum do not have the patreon side of things or just a part.

Like I said there isn't a lot of game like this one and developping this game is hard, it's not you average corruption game where you just have self contained quest that have no impact on the others, or you averyage VN where some obvious path branching aside, what you do and say doesn't really have an impact on the story. Here the dev struct really a good balance between side quests and their respective progression, but also how it impacts the MC during main quests, in fact I have yet to find a game that does it so well.

IMO, as a fan, once you know that and are fully aware there is no other way to get this kind of content, well you can make decision about supporting by yourself and make your voice heard in a constructive manner if you want to impact developement direction.
Supporting is not buying, people should get that it's ok to support "just this much", yeah some creators / studios / projects develiers way differently, you're almost paying a subscription to have steady content develiery, good for them to reach this point and good for you if you feel you have your "money worth".
But, if every game creation should make economic sense, don't worry that creators and studios will keep pulling the uno reverse card and embrace your future riddled with free games packed to the brim with microtransactions and lock up content release behind DRM.
I am Asian, and I have played countless Japanese games and some European and American games. My personal feeling is that European and American games are always stuck in the mud of development. After several years of development, they earn thousands of dollars on patreon every month, but often stand still for several months. But on dlsite, you rarely encounter Japanese games that have been developed for several years but not officially released, such as Karin's Prison, which also accepts donations every month, and was officially released after only more than a year of development, and it is indeed a complete game.

With all due respect, I feel that many European and American developers deliberately slow down the pace of development in order to squeeze the wallets of potential consumers as much as possible. Otherwise, it is difficult to explain where the thousands of dollars collected every month are spent. I really don't want to name names, but a game about a female agent playing in Thailand, as a 2D web game, there is no need to make CG and BGM expenses. It takes several months to write a chapter. Is it funny? I've probably donated over $200 to this game on and off, so I feel I have the right to say this.

I think this development norm has become a tool for European and American developers to make money, so they don't care about your gaming experience, as long as they are happy to make money.I personally think that Mulan is much better than these crappy authors. Although the development cycle is also very long, at least he is doing something, haha.

English is not my native language, I use Google Translate to convert the language, if you feel you can't understand or something, go and blame Google.
May 30, 2023
I am Asian, and I have played countless Japanese games and some European and American games. My personal feeling is that European and American games are always stuck in the mud of development. After several years of development, they earn thousands of dollars on patreon every month, but often stand still for several months. But on dlsite, you rarely encounter Japanese games that have been developed for several years but not officially released, such as Karin's Prison, which also accepts donations every month, and was officially released after only more than a year of development, and it is indeed a complete game.

With all due respect, I feel that many European and American developers deliberately slow down the pace of development in order to squeeze the wallets of potential consumers as much as possible. Otherwise, it is difficult to explain where the thousands of dollars collected every month are spent. I really don't want to name names, but a game about a female agent playing in Thailand, as a 2D web game, there is no need to make CG and BGM expenses. It takes several months to write a chapter. Is it funny? I've probably donated over $200 to this game on and off, so I feel I have the right to say this.

I think this development norm has become a tool for European and American developers to make money, so they don't care about your gaming experience, as long as they are happy to make money.I personally think that Mulan is much better than these crappy authors. Although the development cycle is also very long, at least he is doing something, haha.

English is not my native language, I use Google Translate to convert the language, if you feel you can't understand or something, go and blame Google.
I can't comment on cultural psychology and I can't know anyone's true motives for sure, but I would say 95% of the Japanese games I see here are made by professional companies while 95% of the western games I see here are made by crowd-funded amateurs. Often these people aren't doing development full time, it's just something they do in their spare time to earn extra money.

Amateur / indie game projects fall victim to long delays and scope creep almost universally. They aren't managed by producers, and the developers underestimate the difficulty of everything. Even before crowd funding was an option, back in the 2000s and early 2010s, I would keep track of the freely released porn games in the mind control community, and easily 90% of them never got finished and were totally abandoned after the developer got bored, development became too difficult, or their life got in the way.

I think when you're accepting crowd funding there is an additional incentive to not give up on a project even after you've long since lost passion for it. Cancelling development means you lose your income instantly. But because of the funding model, there are no milestones you have to meet in order to get paid - you simply are paid every month. If you consistently fail to deliver updates, your income degrades very slowly as people unsubscribe, but it is not an instant thing. Full-time professional game developers by contrast are either self funded (in which case they need to push out finished products or they starve) or they have a publisher, who will withhold money in increments until specific project managed milestones are met.

I think there are definitely developers who act unethically, but I think in almost all cases it wasn't their plan for it to go this way. It's just a trap they fell into, and they are economically disincentivised from admitting defeat and terminating the project. In terms of scams, this is a very bad one to deliberately pursue, because the amount of effort required to build a half-finished game with all this bespoke art is very, very high. Even crappy games take a long time to make - and you need to at least put in enough effort to lure people into the patreon subscription and if the art is crap or the mechanics/writing are garbage you'll get at best a small handful and at worse 0 customers. No, I think in most cases they intended to ship a product, and now are still working on these projects with a sort of self-delusion that they might finish them until the money completely runs out.

To quote a meme -

"We do this not because it is easy, but because we thought it would be easy "


Nov 12, 2018
I am Asian, and I have played countless Japanese games and some European and American games. My personal feeling is that European and American games are always stuck in the mud of development. After several years of development, they earn thousands of dollars on patreon every month, but often stand still for several months. But on dlsite, you rarely encounter Japanese games that have been developed for several years but not officially released, such as Karin's Prison, which also accepts donations every month, and was officially released after only more than a year of development, and it is indeed a complete game.

With all due respect, I feel that many European and American developers deliberately slow down the pace of development in order to squeeze the wallets of potential consumers as much as possible. Otherwise, it is difficult to explain where the thousands of dollars collected every month are spent. I really don't want to name names, but a game about a female agent playing in Thailand, as a 2D web game, there is no need to make CG and BGM expenses. It takes several months to write a chapter. Is it funny? I've probably donated over $200 to this game on and off, so I feel I have the right to say this.
For me, it is more about the ambitions of the developers. One thing I notice between them is that West developer often decided to go big from the start and end up biting more than they could chew on. For example, they start their content with vanilla stuff and before they even complete it, they start branching off to BDSM, lesbian and etc. The final result is a very slow production since every content need to be taken care of at same time.

East developer often focus 1 at a time. Like the game Karryn's Prison you mention, it have consistent release since it only focus at 1 content at a time (I remember each major release always focus on 1 floor at a time).


Game Developer
Mar 23, 2018
Now proceed with your "cow" to gym or to pole in prison, see result.
This may shock you, but I actually told my patrons that the pole event will be “unlayered” beforehand. Same goes for everything else, apart from the new Augs shop event (which I kept secret), everything was announced.
It took a lot of time, I agree, and maybe I should’ve picked something simpler for this update, but I genuinely wanted to finish what I started and focus on existing quests and characters.

I know that I tend to just add things without proper endings, so this was the first attempt I made to advance storylines that I already started.
I genuinely don’t understand why you think I just added more unfinished stuff, when this update completes another main quest and advances multiple existing storylines. Sure, it also adds some new things, but that’s just how updates work - they add more things to the story, until it gets finished.


Active Member
Jan 2, 2018
I'm must say I'm less and less into Katya the further we progress her relationship. The lezdom is what I like with her, not entierely fan of the whole edging stuff, would have prefered the inverse where Kira is sluttified but can't cum unless she is with Katya forcing her to come back to her (since she was afraid of Kira leaving her), but the dumbification to the point of not being able to read is a huge turn off. I like slutty but not dumb and even less braindead dumb.
There are already plenty if not almost exclusively stupid bimbo sex event.
Maybe I should do a playthrough without her but then no lesbian content.


Jul 27, 2021
This may shock you, but I actually told my patrons that the pole event will be “unlayered” beforehand. Same goes for everything else, apart from the new Augs shop event (which I kept secret), everything was announced.
It took a lot of time, I agree, and maybe I should’ve picked something simpler for this update, but I genuinely wanted to finish what I started and focus on existing quests and characters.

I know that I tend to just add things without proper endings, so this was the first attempt I made to advance storylines that I already started.
I genuinely don’t understand why you think I just added more unfinished stuff, when this update completes another main quest and advances multiple existing storylines. Sure, it also adds some new things, but that’s just how updates work - they add more things to the story, until it gets finished.
Me and others speak about other problems. Why can't you fix hair and breast size in scenes, which are not closed for replay?
If transformation is obviously your fetish, why Kira is different everywhere?
Why f.e. can't you fix gym scenes, why if she is bimbo already with 5th size breast, in scenes we have to see her 2nd-3rd size, or even zero size breast? Total mess.

Maybe it is not easy job for 5 minutes, but it could be fixed months (or years) ago, cos if you don't respect players (patrons), it is your own fetish.
Last edited:


Game Developer
Mar 23, 2018
Me and others speak about other problems. Why can't you fix hair and breast size in scenes, which are not closed for replay?
If transformation is obviously your fetish, why Kira is different everywhere?
Why f.e. can't you fix gym scenes, why if she is bimbo already with 5th size breast, in scenes we have to see her 2nd-3rd size, or even zero size breast? Total mess.

Maybe it is not easy job for 5 minutes, but it could be fixed months (or years) ago, cos if you don't respect players (patrons), it is your own fetish.
What respect? What fetish do I have? And what am I supposed to fix? And if there’s a bug - tell me, we’ll fix it.

Things you’re describing are not bugs, they’re just incomplete events, and I can 100% just add more stuff to them (like pink hair, for example). But then you’ll be upset that I’m “Reworking” stuff instead of adding new quests/events.

Worry not tho, I’ll keep doing both - some updates will add more content, other updates will add more layers to older events. So there will always be something that you don’t like.
Jul 12, 2023
Was always amazed by the amount of hate the dev gets here, every single page of this thread you find someone felling compelled to tell why he/she has no hope, why he/she pulled support, if it's not straight up dissuading people to support and why supporters should fell vindicated like they are.
At this point it can only be a love / hate relationship, or those people have kink being haters, what a time to be alive for them.
They'd rather shit everywhere so no one has nice things, the dev doesn't come or cannot take any constructive criticism because it's drawn in a cesspool of a thread.
Personally I'd rather have a slow game than no game at all, or a game that gets abandoned because its dev goes into a burnout.
The truth is there is not a lot of games like this one, that's why it has the supporters it has and also haters that keep coming back.

Now constructive criticism, what mainly irks a lot of people is that they fell like the dev overpromise and underdeliver.
There is 2 sides of this: sharing the vision / direction, and trying to package it into content that can be tied to delivery expectations.

I don't really think people have big issues with the 1st, besides briging expectations quite high sometimes (recently I can think of the cumslut perk), but it's ok as the vision purpose is to make people dream and look forward to future developements.
Now the 2nd is where people lose their shit, and objectively multiple times the dev tried to timebox content and had really a rough time develiring it.

It's a chaotic development process but so far, timeframe aside, it get things done.
Disclaimer I'm no shrink, but I've been there next point is subjective.
It could be that as a dev you communicate to put pressure on yourself and "get the crunch done" but quite a riksy one as you use people expectations as fuel, and if not met even after the crunch, and despite the quality often matching (or exceeding) the expectations you end up with people feelling like their trust as been broken.
Add to that, the creative side of things, as game dev doesn't answer a specific given need, when is the next piece of content good enough ?
Now pub level psychology aside, I'd say this point got way way way better, dev communicates well on Patreon, difficulties are shared, some content de-scopped to get a release, people on this forum do not have the patreon side of things or just a part.

Like I said there isn't a lot of game like this one and developping this game is hard, it's not you average corruption game where you just have self contained quest that have no impact on the others, or you averyage VN where some obvious path branching aside, what you do and say doesn't really have an impact on the story. Here the dev struct really a good balance between side quests and their respective progression, but also how it impacts the MC during main quests, in fact I have yet to find a game that does it so well.

IMO, as a fan, once you know that and are fully aware there is no other way to get this kind of content, well you can make decision about supporting by yourself and make your voice heard in a constructive manner if you want to impact developement direction.
Supporting is not buying, people should get that it's ok to support "just this much", yeah some creators / studios / projects develiers way differently, you're almost paying a subscription to have steady content develiery, good for them to reach this point and good for you if you feel you have your "money worth".
But, if every game creation should make economic sense, don't worry that creators and studios will keep pulling the uno reverse card and embrace your future riddled with free games packed to the brim with microtransactions and lock up content release behind DRM.
Telling people not to invest in a shitty creator is bad thing? I mean I do come here for shit takes


Jul 4, 2021
Anyone else have the layered moving images in the most recent version feel choppy? Instead of prior it glitches through the character like in the gym scene.


Game Developer
Mar 23, 2018
Telling people not to invest in a shitty creator is bad thing? I mean I do come here for shit takes
Hold up! You’re that testicle fella! Care to elaborate on your review?
“If you do the missions in the wrong order it can break dialogue, art, and scenes”
“Many systems are just broken, As of now you can strip down nude in public with no lust or fetishes”
“Old scenes break if you have the wrong breast size”
“I have broken the outfit system in save permanently by trying to adjust outfits at the wrong time”

And let’s not forget this gem “Its not a good product and I wouldn't waste my time on it until its complete”, why are you here, fam?

I genuinely mean all of that, elaborate. If you’re cincere - I’d like to improve my game.
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