
Nov 25, 2019
I think you should go back in time even further and prevent your father from… No, forgive me comrade, I almost lost my temper. If you do not like my writing - you should not play my game at all, it’s just not your cup of tea. The only reason I’m doing this is because it’s fun to me, writing is the most important aspect of my game, so if it is “boring” to you, I suggest you stop torturing yourself and just find a way to acquire at least some resemblance of good taste.
so the dev is here? man you idea is good but you should push forward caz is a lot empty spots to fulfill.


New Member
Oct 7, 2019
Dev's behavior is another thing wrong with this awesome game a part from dev's lack of any progress that is progress in a good direction. When you start something you should work on it to the end. At first hospital had 5 floors and now it has 2 and a vault, where is all content from hospital he already made and why is he trying to remake scenes that are already good if not perfect. I mean if you want to change something do it, but not until you had finished everything in one section of the game or you could do remaking one plot per release while you are producing content for new release, just do not let your updates be comprised only with remade scenes and some minor bug fixes, you will have plenty of time for a remake once you finish everything. And coming back to your attitude towards any kind of criticism it is just awful. One man sad to you he is not satisfied with your work speed and development decisions you are making, all of the sudden you are up in arms against him, insulting him for no reason, just for expressing an opinion WOW and on top of everything you never listen to your critics and never realize that they might be right about some points they are making. For example your updates are so rare that it is more likely to find an oasis wandering around the desert without any navigation then to see at your Patreon page an update post, I understand it takes time but having to wait about eight months for 0.4.5 update and to see mediocre progress it is just... And as a last point you regularly break any deadline and every promise you make...


Jul 24, 2017
Small spoiler. Mulan stated that he is not interrested in any input from freeloaders.

He has or maybe he whiped a russian tread on discord where percent of paying users dropped from insignificant, yeah we are kinda greedy, to nonexistent due to his constant lies and zero work transparency. When he was asked why he created this tread when he isnt interrested in nonpayers input he called it a "camp" for freeloaders so they would not wander around other parts of his discord. Of corse after this at least several previously donating active users just whent from server.

Its now painfully obvious that his friendly attitude at the begining of his dev. career was a mask, and he is only interrested in donations, not in finishing his work and doing it good.
Fun part that his "game" whould have close to zero donations without efforts from f95 community creating a hype and giving his game praise it deserved.


Feb 19, 2018
Good news please all calm down (me included) till 0.4.7 hope very soon. The dev read our comment so keep a positive atitude. We become addict to this Kira "porn" adventure :) and react as we dont have our shoot. We love the story and want more. If you are not happy there is toon of good stuff in the "Latest section", please discuss about the game and the story not to much personal judgement. If you want a change, buy a high tiers patreon and discuss with the dev.


Aug 6, 2016
Dev's behavior is another thing wrong with this awesome game a part from dev's lack of any progress that is progress in a good direction. When you start something you should work on it to the end. At first hospital had 5 floors and now it has 2 and a vault, where is all content from hospital he already made and why is he trying to remake scenes that are already good if not perfect. I mean if you want to change something do it, but not until you had finished everything in one section of the game or you could do remaking one plot per release while you are producing content for new release, just do not let your updates be comprised only with remade scenes and some minor bug fixes, you will have plenty of time for a remake once you finish everything. And coming back to your attitude towards any kind of criticism it is just awful. One man sad to you he is not satisfied with your work speed and development decisions you are making, all of the sudden you are up in arms against him, insulting him for no reason, just for expressing an opinion WOW and on top of everything you never listen to your critics and never realize that they might be right about some points they are making. For example your updates are so rare that it is more likely to find an oasis wandering around the desert without any navigation then to see at your Patreon page an update post, I understand it takes time but having to wait about eight months for 0.4.5 update and to see mediocre progress it is just... And as a last point you regularly break any deadline and every promise you make...
I had a reply I was thinking of posting for the dev but you essentially summed up what's happened to the project. I do see there's an update planned soon (thanks to KonD:R for sharing!) and I hope it's good. If the devs can get their stuff organized then I'd happily resubscribe again but I need to see proof first.


Sep 4, 2019
Good news please all calm down (me included) till 0.4.7 hope very soon. The dev read our comment so keep a positive atitude. We become addict to this Kira "porn" adventure :) and react as we dont have our shoot. We love the story and want more. If you are not happy there is toon of good stuff in the "Latest section", please discuss about the game and the story not to much personal judgement. If you want a change, buy a high tiers patreon and discuss with the dev.
We all knew the 0.4.7 was gonna release very soon, in a couple of days, since the 31st of December 2019. The guy can release a statement about his delays in the morning, or any Friday night, but chooses to do, at the latest hour possible ?! He knows its going to delay, I mean by now, I think, even the next Half Life game might be out before 0.4.7 sees the light of day.

I dont doubt the reasons behind his delays, and he probably has his work cut out for him, especially with all the customizations. And believe me I do appreciate this game and his efforts. They are stellar. But as for the rest, there is a proper way to handle things, an allright way, a bad way, .... and his way of handling things. By all accounts I think a deadline is a good thing. I always prefer them in my own projects. But when you know you cannot meet a dealine (and believe me, you know) all he has to do is to release a statement at the earliest. Believe me, I have worked in projects that have dragged on for years past the deadline. Dont you go about having any ideas now!

If my apps' had this verbal a community, I would consider it a goldmine. Its free advertising, feedback, QA'ing and perhaps even talent, for something that will eventually and always happen. But instead the guy find the site parasitic. Honestly the guy's thinking baffles me.
Last edited:


Jul 24, 2017
I dont think that new patreon post forces mulan to actualy realese something in march. He already made several posts with similar text in december, january and february.
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Nov 15, 2017
I know this will probably upset some people, but this game would have benefited greatly being released as a much more linear visual novel than the slightly open world game that it is. In theory the open world aspect of the game might eventually be worth the added complexity, but at the moment the only places where remember it mattering are work(yay grinding money), dodging some guards while streaking, and a few puzzles that felt tedious more than anything. If this game were instead a linear VN where events occurred at set points in the story what would really be lost?

Look at games like Good Girl Gone Bad or the abandoned Katie's Corruption. Both have pretty similar "girl battles corrupting outside influences" type plots, and both felt like there was a decent variety of scenes depending on how much they had been impacted by those forces. Meanwhile, in this game you can have a character that will happily suck a stranger off one minute, then the next have her be anxious about getting seen in revealing clothing. That doesn't really feel better to me.

A recent example I can think of is Lily of the valley. I couldn't get past the first week or so because of all the boring wandering. I recently tried out the unofficial ren'py remake and finished it. All that port did was remove the few RPG elements and walking around, and to me it was a much better game for doing so. When I was playing defenestration I was asking myself if I had actually found everything all the time. Nighttime streaking in the park, the dude with by the slide in the park, the prison, scenes in the shopping mall, most of the quests. I had no idea whether I was missing things in any of those, and that is just off the top of my head.
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Aug 6, 2016
Small spoiler. Mulan stated that he is not interrested in any input from freeloaders.
If my apps' had this verbal a community, I would consider it a goldmine. Its free advertising, feedback, QA'ing and perhaps even talent, for something that will eventually and always happen. But instead the guy find the site parasitic. Honestly the guy's thinking baffles me.
These points are ones that bug me the most. I myself was not a freeloader, I was a paying supporter. Obviously this is a piracy forum however we do generate a lot of traffic and support for the devs here. Both financially and from an advertising perspective. Many devs pay big money for a proper Q&A team and this forum is literally free feedback. Regardless if it's encouragement or criticism, it's still feedback and it's FREE.
A recent example I can think of is Lily of the valley. I couldn't get past the first week or so because of all the boring wandering. I recently tried out the unofficial ren'py remake and finished it. All that port did was remove the few RPG elements and walking around, and to me it was a much better game for doing so. When I was playing defenestration I was asking myself if I had actually found everything all the time. Nighttime streaking in the park, the dude with by the slide in the park, the prison, scenes in the shopping mall, most of the quests. I had no idea whether I was missing things in any of those, and that is just off the top of my head.
That bit right there is why the game had potential! There were little elements here and there that made it somewhat worth while go to back and check out.
I've been saying for a long time that RPG Maker's only use is to turn 5 minutes of gameplay into 20, and this is coming from somebody who actually loves classic turn-based combat. To me if you're not going to use RPG Maker for the actual elements it has to offer then you're better off developing in another platform.


Jul 24, 2017
Right now F95 is the only significant advertisement platform for non-jap porn games in the world i presume. Im sure that 90% of thouse who are currently donating to nsfw patreon game developers came from here. It is the ultimate instrument and creating bad reputation here in most cases will cut off influx of new donators, leading to incom drop.
Antagonizing even a small fraction of comunity over here can lead to constant negative information background.
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Oct 19, 2018
Right now F95 is the only significant advertisement platform for non-jap porn games in the world i presume. Im sure that 90% of thouse who are currently donating to nsfw patreon game developers came from here. It is the ultimate instrument and creating bad reputation here in most cases will cut off influx of new donators, leading to incom drop.
Antagonizing even a small fraction of comunity over here can lead to constant negative information background.
Tfgames exists as well but majority of their content is focused on mf or fm. Which limits their broad appeal. Apart from that most other sites have very hollow and/or dodgy interactions, and then you have a few sites that are dedicated developer sites. So it is a pretty bleak landscape. But it is populated.
Jan 21, 2018
If this game were instead a linear VN where events occurred at set points in the story what would really be lost?
Immersion. That is what would be lost.

I know some people hate RPGM and love VN, but I honestly think VNs suck. If you want linear, why not just read a comic or doujin? Why use renpy? Do not ruin this for people who like RPGM.

With RPGM you have a sense of space and a sense of time that is completely lost in renpy. Sure you can fuck that up, but you can also make an unholy abomination that plays like ass in renpy. In RPGM, at the best you get great gameplay like in "Magician of the olecta desert", "rhodes fortress", "virgin island" or "Ariadne". There are also good english RPGM games like "roundscape" or "paccsu".

I really like the atmosphere in "defenestration". The maps, the soviet vibes, the cyberpunk, the art and also the humor. All this makes the game pretty unique and waaaaaay better than most of the other corruption crap.

I give it:
4.5 out of 5 cykas for the art
3 out of 5 blyats for the gameplay
and 5 out of 5 kon w paltos for the atmosphere.


Jul 29, 2018
I have read a lot of bad reviews from people who play the game for free. If you pay for the game, you have the right to be upset and you can easily decide to cancel your Patreon registration.

If like me you play the game for free, you just have the right to wait and shut up. These comments are unnecessary. There are so many other games to play while waiting for the update.


Nov 25, 2019
I have read a lot of bad reviews from people who play the game for free. If you pay for the game, you have the right to be upset and you can easily decide to cancel your Patreon registration.

If like me you play the game for free, you just have the right to wait and shut up. These comments are unnecessary. There are so many other games to play while waiting for the update.
so you the fucking guy have the right to judge ? funny , you are nothing but a fucking Holy Mother like a boring man who want to show off by saying these shit. if you truly do what you say , you should shut up and just watch people say their opinions, none of your fucking business, asshole.


Jul 24, 2017
I have read a lot of bad reviews from people who play the game for free. If you pay for the game, you have the right to be upset and you can easily decide to cancel your Patreon registration.

If like me you play the game for free, you just have the right to wait and shut up. These comments are unnecessary. There are so many other games to play while waiting for the update.
Complete and utter degeneracy.

First of all, there is no living being in this world who paid for the "game". Its unfinished and most likely never will be. Thouse who donate on patreon gets no guarantee its not a deal its donation.

Secondly, are you fucking retard or what? Its free for all site, where anyone can post his thoughts about a game, its updating speed and its dev. team. If you are tired of reading criticue you can go to patreon, there are no unfriendly posts over there.
Dec 23, 2017
so you the fucking guy have the right to judge ? funny , you are nothing but a fucking Holy Mother like a boring man who want to show off by saying these shit. if you truly do what you say , you should shut up and just watch people say their opinions, none of your fucking business, asshole.
English is an amazing language, but only when used properly
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